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Messages - Levistus

Banzai arcade most definitely.
I might as well play a pawn, why not? I'll be there for the event anyway.
I'll be an extra king piece in case koreanking wants to take a break or w/e;

Otherwise I'm down for just watching.
Forgot about this gathering;
I'll be cosplaying as Lelouch and my brother will be comming as Suzaku.
Quote from: Gekido 87 on May 05, 2009, 02:38:25 PM
You know what be more epic? When we do a Code Geass chess battle I could play the Code Geass OST that way it'll feel like a true battle!  :D

This would indeed be very epic, I'm down.

Chess match to the death!

Quote from: konataFTW on April 29, 2009, 10:28:37 PM

how about a reinnactment of episode 6 ("The Stolen Mask" episode)? XD although we will be needing an Arthur u_u

I was actually thinking of finding a cat that looked like arthur and bringing him,
the zero mask might be a little bit uncomfortable for him but i could maybe find a light, soft one.

Another note: Hopefully there's a pizza hut near by so we can all go there; that would be too perfect.  ;)
Edit: nvm

Thank you shireikan
Quote from: HeeroYuy135 on April 06, 2009, 10:21:43 PM
I figured out what I'm doing, but I keep forgetting to post it here...
In keeping in line with random characters, I'm going as a random Gekkoukan student from P3

Awesome idea!
I hope to see a lot of shin megami cosplay this year
Update: My brother will also be coming with me as Suzaku in the school outfit.

Maximum the hormone would be amazing...

however Flow and the Pillows would be just as good.
Lelouch Cosplay Question!

I really want to find some custom Geass Eye Contacts

I really only need one for one eye; if anyone knows where i can get some help a brother out!

I'll love you eternally.

I can't wait to see all of these costumes...

I'll be dressing as the protagonist from Persona 3.
Hello hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all.

As for me, add another Lelouch..

I'm gonna wear the school uniform and get some purple eye contacts.
My hair already looks like his so it shouldn't be too hard..
If any of you have any recommendations for where to buy a really good outfit i need oneee.
I want to make sure it doesn't end up looking tacky..I might end up just making it.

Code Geass - Lelouch (School uniform, probably.)

Persona 3 - Protagonist