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Messages - Rei-Rei

I'll be going to it, I'm actually going to wear some white and black lolita stuff...
Hope to see everyone there. ^^
Forum Games / Re: I SPY =]
March 27, 2008, 07:04:12 PM

I spy walking furniture.
Forum Games / Re: WISH CORRUPTER!!!!! 2.0
March 27, 2008, 07:03:13 PM
Wish granted, but then you have too many plans (like me.)
I wish I knew what I wanted to eat right now...
Saturday: Hopefully arrive really early in the morning and check in. Settle in, have breakfast/lunch. Get badges.

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday:
Make sure to try to go to every booth, every event, and take lots of pictures.
Masquerade and Ball.

Monday Afternoon: Go home and study. ^^
My first year. ^^
Forum Games / Re: WISH CORRUPTER!!!!! 2.0
March 27, 2008, 12:33:03 PM
Wish granted, but then it never comes until the day of the Fanime Con.
I wish I wasn't so broke..
Forum Games / Re: I SPY =]
March 27, 2008, 12:30:43 PM
Kyosuke Irie.
I spy...... Higurashi cosplay con-goers?
Forum Games / Re: WISH CORRUPTER!!!!! 2.0
March 27, 2008, 02:41:17 AM
Granted, but the muffin man decides to haunt your dreams.

I wish I could focus.
Forum Games / Re: WISH CORRUPTER!!!!! 2.0
March 27, 2008, 02:23:18 AM
Granted, but you won't be getting any sleep for the next three days.

I wish I wouldn't be this hungry.
I prefer subs, personally I think that sometimes, stuff gets lost while dubbing, it's somewhat odd when translating because what the Japanese public finds funny and what we consider funny in the west may be different.
Also, generally speaking, Japanese words have more syllables than the English words, so I really don't like having the characters voices and the character's mouth movement go differently.
I also find that the speeches made in the dubbed version are a bit too slow for my liking.

But there are some dubbed versions that I don't mind watching.
I'd go for the subbed version before I do the dubs though.
Forum Games / Re: I SPY =]
March 27, 2008, 01:51:50 AM
I spy... USODA!
I'm actually wearing pink lipstick.
Going to Japan a couple of years back and getting to see all those pretty costumes at Harajuku...
I'm going as Rena from Higurashi. ^^
Awesome skit. ^^
Very well done....
By the way, what day is the Masquerade on? Saturday or Sunday this year?