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Messages - Jessa_chan

General Anime Chat / octobercon 2003
October 09, 2003, 03:35:18 PM
*sigh* I'm out for both, considering I'm both hurt and underage -___-
and suddenly felt very
General Anime Chat / Who was your first?
September 15, 2003, 08:30:50 PM
I wasnt even born then! I have an excuse!
General Anime Chat / Do you watch anime to suit your mood?
September 11, 2003, 05:26:15 PM
I do it all the time, and it's especially useful if you're a performer. If I need to cry onstage, I just think of a really sad anime death scene. If I need to be happy, I think about something good that happened. It works really well.
General Anime Chat / Japan Town Anime Faire 2003
September 10, 2003, 07:29:09 PM
I might be there, depending on....circumstances. If I am there, I'll be Asuka from Evangelion
General Anime Chat / Watcha' watching?
August 21, 2003, 09:04:47 PM
Right now, I'm watching:

Ranma 1/2: Classic series, and I have yet to finish it @__@

Record of Lodoss War (TV Series): GAH! My eyes! They buuuurn! I long for the OVA art and plot. -_-; Spark and his wannabes can burn in hell, I'll take the OVAs.

Sorcerer Hunters: ^_____^ I adore this. Carrot is hillarious

^_^;; I'm totally open to suggestions for new series to watch!
General Anime Chat / Who was your first?
August 14, 2003, 01:01:21 PM
I agree, Fushigi Yuugi has so many bishies, it's hard to choose *likes Nuriko best though*
watermelons coming out of
General Anime Chat / Spirited Away
August 11, 2003, 10:43:48 PM
*shrugs* The second Haku came on the screen, it screwed any hope of me looking deep into the plot. I spent the rest of the movie like this:
"Dhuuur...pretty Haku..... :shock: "
You want a sweet little bishie, watch the movie. The plot is nice too XP
General Anime Chat / hey!
August 10, 2003, 12:03:40 AM
*grins evilly* Welcome to the boards! *flying tackle glomps* I'm one of the scary people you were warned about! *innocent smile*
It gets a bit crazy around here, so be warned ^________^
named Philbert Jimmy Bob
dance the macarena with
Zardoo the Mustard Man
General Anime Chat / Who was your first?
August 01, 2003, 09:56:19 AM
QuoteNO NO NO NO NO *slaps himself* NAUGHTY WATANABE!!!!
@_@ No more Excel Saga for you!!
General Anime Chat / Who was your first?
July 31, 2003, 11:13:40 AM
Quotethis may sound odd....veyr odd.

but if i were gay. vash would be my honey buny.

Really? I prefer Knives over Vash...
*grins*  Gotta love psychos!
General Anime Chat / Top 5 Anime Songs!
July 31, 2003, 11:12:06 AM
1.) The Theme Song to Chance Pop Session (I don't know it's name ^_^;;). I like it because it's very...happy and I can sing it pretty well.

2.) Toki Ni Ai Wa (Shoujo Kakumei Utena). It's so pretty, and it makes me think of the dancing scene in Utena the Movie.

3.) The Real Folk Blues (Cowboy Bebop). This song holds a lot of special meaning for me, it was the first song I ever learned in Japanese, and the first song I ever sang in a show.

4.) Otome Ranman (Fushigi Yuugi). NURIKO! Need I say more? ^.~

5.) Spiritualized (Weiss Kreuz). This song is so horribly bad, that its funny. Every time I hear Schu yell "I SHOT YOUR PIGS!" I start cracking up. I can't really explain why I like this song, but I do ^_^;;
General Anime Chat / Who was your first?
July 15, 2003, 02:34:49 PM
I'm not going to go into how I had a crush on Ash from Pokemon (>_O I was 9!)....
So my first REAL bishie crush was....
Gren from Cowboy Bebop. ^_^;; Then it matured on to people like Harry McDougal from Outlaw Star, Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi, Kaworu from Evangelion, ect.
:shock:  And I just looked up at that list and realised that 3 out of those 5 guys are gay. ^___^;; I think i have a thing for yaoi-ness
I didn't look at the link yet, but I noticed in most manga pictures, Omi tends to look older. At least it's (slightly) better than his Card Captor Sakura look in the series! I mean he stole her hairdo and her hat, and not to mention the whole Genki blond-ish kid thing...
Not that I have TOO much against Omi, he's alright.
And I just thought about something! List the Weiss/Schwartz boys in the order you like them! Mine are:
1. Schuldig (*drool* I say no more)
2. Yohji (I love his attitude, but I'm too young for him ;_;)
3. Farfarello (YIYIYIYIYIYIYI)
4. Nagi (I like his telekenetic power-y stuff!)
5. Crawford (I named my cat after him XD)
6. Aya (Eh..he's alright)
7. Omi (Too high maitenence and has too many mental breakdowns for me)
8. Ken (I don't know why he's my least favorite, he just is. He's not really that special to me)
General Anime Chat / Gravitation~
July 14, 2003, 11:28:46 AM
QuoteLet's see... I love Shuuichi because he's just so funny. Ryuuichi because... Well, what's there not to love? XD (KUMAGOROU BEEEEEEAM!) Eiri is yummy. I love his eyes and voice. =d
I totally agree! I absolutely ADORE Ryuuichi, and Shuuichi is so CYYYYUTE! There are so many glompable bishies in Gravitation, but they're my favorites  :wink:
General Anime Chat / Gravitation~
July 13, 2003, 11:44:40 PM
QuoteThey could make a better dub that WK using castrated zombies. I think it's actually impossible for there to be a WORSE dub.
Aya sounded like he had an angry ferret in his pants XDD
And where was Farfarello's "YIYIYIYIYIYIYI" scream thing? In that episode where he jumps on Aya, he doesn't do it! At least I don't think he does....