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Messages - Ginryuu

Oi, booger-girl!  You better get my name on that list too!

And what's all this about looking after Taichou better than me stuff?  Are you trying to make a joke or something?

I would, however, like to sincerely apologize to Taichou and Fuku-Taichou for my delayed report to this thread.  I have been overwhelmed with SQUAD DUTIES as of late.
Allllllrighty!  Second post for the month, as requested by BSaphire.  Also serves as thread chi revival!
Sooooooooooooooooooo posting as a co-organizer to give the thread a little chi-resurrection here.  (also because BSapphire requested it, but that's another matter ^__^ )

So letsee, what's the status and stuffs, were looking at having it at having the gathering off to the left of the convention center this next time to cut back on sun issues.  I'll try and figure out what the name of that site is later...after midterms stop eating me.  Day and time are still up in the air, so if anybody has any gathering conflict requests feel free to post so we can keep track of them and make this work for the maximum number of people.

So far the conflict list is:
Trinity Blood
Twelve Kingdoms
Final Fantasy

Also, went and created a thread on cos.com
Feel free to post here, or there, or wherever.  Just try and let us know if you post in both so we don't list you twice on accident kay.

I thiiiiiiiiiiink that's about it for now.  I'll try and poke D and get her to do some posting stuffs, but in the mean time HAVE AT IT PEOPLE.
I think that spot will work well.  And since there are two of us we can always send somebody out every now and then to flag down people.  ^_^

I'll start up a thread on after AX...since I'm a little preoccupied with that atm.
It'll be great to have ya Pistolero!

But you seriously need to loosen up a bit...start to do undo a screw or two.
Most of us here got a screw loose anyways.   ;)
I was juuuuuust about to ask if you would!  XD

Looks like we'll be co-hosting again next year huh.  ^_^
Glad to hear my presence was...appreciated?

Think everybody already covered all the highlights.  ^_^  I should have a cassock next time...given that I have a year.  But...given how much of a hit they were...the handcuffs my just be coming along anyways.
I was thinking of going for a different spot next year too.  Possibly that black box thing right inside the door...since we'd still be easy to find...but it's indoors so the light won't be as strong and it's in the corner to prevent all the people in the bg.  If not possibly one of the side spots where we can hide in trees or shade.
Ahh, sorry bout that.  Maybe next time then.
Thanks for posting the photos!  XD

Dunno bout the rest of you but I know that I had a blast!
Well...the gathering is at 5:30 in front of the Fountains on Friday...with poker at it looks like you should be able to make it.  I'll put you down.  ^_^

As far as the armor goes...I would craft it out of model magic (since it's super lightweight and has a good texture for bone) and use a wire support inside each one so that they're a little more sturdy.  Don't make it one solid won't be able to move a separate piece for each shoulder.  Since it's lightweight you should be able to make it stay on with a few well placed snaps.  Just...don't go banging it into stuff no matter what you make it out of.  ^_^   At least...that's my opinion on the matter.
Ok you're gonna be Koumyou now...and you're sister is gonna be a it.  I'll switch it over on the forums too.  And I'll gladly join you in the space-time pocket...I'll bring Leon.

And D...we totally failed at spamming the threads.  XD  But that's ok since we've been busy and still total over 20...which is pretty awesome since it's Fanime's first Saiyuki gathering I think...  *shrug*
Can't wait to see you're masq costume in a few days!  And you too I guess...
Quote from: Sister Kate on May 24, 2010, 05:47:38 PM
Hmm . . .  must come up with good Leon and Kate ideas . . . . XD

Oh, oh...I got one!  Kate is looking for Leon who is *gasp* not there!

Awesome!  I'll change you over on the list!

*wonder's where D must have gone...probably sewing like I should be...  >.> *
*spastic flailing*  That sounds like so much fun!  I'll add you three to the list right away and look forward to seeing all of you (and that ALL of you all of you) soon!

(D needs to be the one to add you here...but I'm sure she'll stumble across this shortly.  ^_^ )
Ok people!  There are less than 2 weeks to Fanime!  If there is anything you'd like to see or to be done better speak up so we have time to see if we can pull it off!  I like exclamation marks!
Right, D...I talked with kuroikouma and she can't make it out to she needs to be removed as a maybe.  =(

Sorry don't get a toy-er...student anymore.
Yay another Gojyo!  And Nii too!  It'll make photos more fun with more villains.  XD

I got you two marked off on the forum.  D will get you down when she get's back here.  (I'll poke her)
Alrighty then BSaphire.  Sent you a PM on
blancoisma:  Sorry, don't think that we can squeeze in an extra person for a night.  But...but, I had a thought.  Would finding a place to just store your stuff on Sunday and then do the drive after the gathering work or would that be rather insane because of the drive?  It's just a thought...because people are more likely to have room for things during the day when nobody is in the room anyways rather than things and a person at night when everybody else is there too.  I can't say one way or the other if it'd be possible to use my room for stuff storage...since I'd have to get the 'ok' from the roomies, but it's definitely something to consider.

Ester-chan: As a new person joining in (and as Leon who just can't pass up this opportunity) I say HELLO THERE back.  XD  Looks like lots of people got that 'weekend after finals' thing going...hope you're rides on the Iron Maiden go well.