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Messages - kentuckyfried

Video Programming / Re: Asian Film Room
April 04, 2017, 02:49:05 AM
Video Programming / Re: Asian Film Room
May 22, 2012, 02:54:38 AM
Quote from: virilevocalist on April 01, 2012, 08:39:39 PM
Survive Style 5+!!!


Just don't put the screening at 5 a.m. in the morning when most people will miss it.
Video Programming / Re: Asian Film Room
May 22, 2012, 02:53:38 AM
Quote from: ollieM on May 18, 2011, 11:55:54 PM
Love to see some Asian American films on the list myself. I suggest movies like "Fruit Fly" and "All About Dad" unless there'd be some copyright issues in which case you can completely disregard my post.

I've not actually seen any Asian-American films at Fanime, ever.     Has there ever been any in past years?
Video Programming / Re: Asian Film Room
May 22, 2012, 02:52:11 AM
Quote from: kentuckyfried on April 17, 2010, 04:53:30 AM
I missed the screening of "Fine, Totally Fine" I think last year...please play it again if you have it.   

I 2nd that.   
Video Programming / Re: Asian Film?
May 27, 2010, 07:32:57 PM
Yeah, those 530 a.m. re-screenings were absolutely brutal.   Needless to say, I didn't make it to any of them last year or the year before that.   

Quote from: damanjeff6 on May 25, 2009, 02:18:35 PM
It's always better to have more choices. Previous years, I just jumped to the other asian film room when one asian film wasn't something I was interested in watching. If there were 2 movies running that I wanted to watch, I could catch the other one at an encore presentation. This year, the encore presentations were almost impossible to attend since they were in the very early morning (likely forced to odd hours due to limited slots in the schedule). For example, if you wanted to see The Good the Bad and the Weird but missed the first showing, the encore was at 5:30AM. Others were even tougher, Paco's encore was at 2:30AM, Cyborg She was at 4:30AM (those 2 I missed the openning to attend a graduation ceremony) With an extra asian film room, movies could be shown with multiple encore presentations and not forced to only show at odd hours. Of course, with another room, there would be room for the popular older asian movies in the schedule. My Sassy Girl and the Steven Chow movies (A Chinese Odyssey and God of Cookery) from last year come to mind. I discovered the great comedy film Bio-Zombie from last year's showing... a movie that would not have had a place in this year's con...

I'm praying that next year, a second room will come back... even if you guys only can get your hands on some small closet to plug a tiny tv in. Even that's better than not being able to see some of these asian movies at all.

Quote from: kentuckyfried on May 22, 2009, 01:05:00 AM

I think in a way, having only one room helps;   past  years have suffered from double booking where I'd always have to make a gamble on one film or the other because of the awkward overlaps.

Video Programming / Re: Asian Film Room
April 17, 2010, 04:53:30 AM
I missed the screening of "Fine, Totally Fine" I think last year...please play it again if you have it.   

Video Programming / Re: Asian Film?
May 22, 2009, 01:05:00 AM

I think in a way, having only one room helps;   past  years have suffered from double booking where I'd always have to make a gamble on one film or the other because of the awkward overlaps.

Quote from: asianfilm on May 20, 2009, 03:33:19 PM
Quote from: raltga on May 19, 2009, 02:15:58 AM
yeah less room is no bueno ; ;  but def. glad the room is still around at all as it's one of my favorite things at fanime.

i was hoping to catch the mushishi film as well, but i'm sure there are good reason why it isn't going to be shown this year (right?).

i'll see the L movie for sure since i missed it when it was in theatres.

would anyone know if any of the films being shown are in the vein of an "art-house" release (like a wong kar wai or tsai ming liang film)?  not really a fan of "genre" films (martial arts / slapstick or screwball comedy / romantic comedy / horror etc); looking for something a little more experimental on a formal and/or narrative level.

Re: One Room Only. Asian Film will move on just fine with one room. The 2nd and 3rd rooms were really just designated for Asian Dramas and for retreads of films shown at the first room in previous years, so the programming will definitely be bringing a lot of great new films to the convention, just as it has in previous years.

Re: Mushishi. The film is from 2006, and normally would have been shown in previous years. As the series is quite known at this point, the decision was to move on with newer films and bring more fresh content to the Asian Film room.

Re: Non-genre Films. I'm always looking to have a diverse schedule of Asian films for Fanime, and this year is no different. I still believe that a great story can be told regardless of a film's genre, and while I understand how typical genre films can get repetitive, I am always looking to find great movies to show regardless of what type of films they are. If you are looking for more unconventional films to watch, films such as The Chaser, Paco and the Magical Picture Book, and The Equation of Love and Death are all fine choices amongst the other great films being shown this year.
Video Programming / Re: Asian Film?
May 18, 2009, 10:55:38 PM
Asian films took a huge hit.    3 rooms down to 1?   :-[   

I'm happy it's still around though, and not killed off completely.