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Hey Persephonaae!

My wife and I are planning on attending this meetup! I'll be rocking Hades and she'll be Persephone! We're both excited that this is happening! Thank you for putting this together!
Stickers for gacha have been delivered!

Also wanted to share - with Fanime changing their mask policy recently from required to recommended, as the host, I will be masked while running this gathering, even if outdoors! I picked an outdoor gathering location for access, and also for safety and keeping in mind anyone immunocompromised attending.
Ahh yay!! Thank you so much!! Can't wait for next weekend! :3
Quote from: BugShramp on May 17, 2024, 08:34:35 AMHi!! I'm gonna be dressing up as an inkling from Splatoon but not specifically the one that's in Smash. Would it still be okay to join in on this gathering? :o No worries if not, I just didn't see a general Splatoon/Nintendo gathering on the list!

Absolutely! :D come represent the squid kids!! XD
Hello and apologies! The Discord link has been updated again, this time it should be working till the next Friday, aka the day of the gathering! :D
Hi!! I'm gonna be dressing up as an inkling from Splatoon but not specifically the one that's in Smash. Would it still be okay to join in on this gathering? :o No worries if not, I just didn't see a general Splatoon/Nintendo gathering on the list!
I'm helping host the Bay Area Rockosplay Concert (tickets in link) which is both an anime themed concert/mini convention with bands playing anime music, art being sold, and a cosplay event. A lot of the bands will be playing anime themes while wearing cosplays as well (check out Aimai Mirai - for example they've cosplayed as Jujutsu Kaisen in the past while playing the theme songs from the show).

We're going to have free professional photography for all attendees, and a cosplay contest with a $140 prize as well! The event is on June 7 in Santa Clara, which is 2 weeks after Fanime - which is a good option if you don't finish your Fanime costume in time or if you want cosplay photos afterwards. Let me know if you have any questions! I'll also be at Fanime cosplaying this year :)

General Convention Discussion / Re: Fanime Founder AMA
Last post by fantom - May 15, 2024, 10:51:22 PM
I don't have any specific questions but I think that would be a great idea for a panel. It would also be neat to see old stuff from back in the day, like program books, photos of guests and venues, etc. if you still have those. A lot of anime convention history is disappearing. Many people who started up regional anime clubs back in the day are no longer with us. Sharing and preserving this kind of history is always welcome.
Hey, I'm planning to cosplay Mika from Seraph of the End on the day of the Shonen Jump gathering. It's a series not many people cosplay now but I was still wondering if it could be added to the photography lineup since I'll be attending the gathering as it :)
Updating the thread with this nifty graphic! See you there!