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Messages - Chidrack

Hello, my name is Chad and I'm in DIRE need of a room for the first couple nights of the con (Thursday-Friday).

I've been going to Fanime for 7 years (09, 11-15, and 17), so I know how to handle myself. I can be very considerate and will take responsibility for my own actions. My only conditions are that we mutually respect eachother's possessions and valuables.

I have no real preferences with who I'm rooming with (especially considering how close it is to day 0 at the time i'm posting thing), just as long as the hotel is within walking distance from the con at best.

Contact me via PMs, DMs, or on my phone at (415)602-1243 so we can talk about the details.

EDIT: Nvm, Found a room
Hotel and Facilities / Re: 2017 Roommate Thread
May 10, 2017, 08:22:09 PM
Currently looking for a room in either the Marriot or Hilton (or just anything in walking distance really). Accepting anyone who has missed their chance to cancel and can't make it.

If you wanna talk about the details, please contact me via Discord, Twitch, email, or phone. Contact details will be sent to you via PM.
Currently looking for a room in either the Marriot or Hilton (or just anything in walking distance really). Accepting anyone who has missed their chance to cancel and can't make it.

If you wanna talk about the details, please contact me via Discord, Twitch, email, or phone. Contact details will be sent to you via PM.

EDIT: WOOPS, wrong year lol
Hotel and Facilities / Re: ?Hotel Waitlist?
May 10, 2017, 08:18:09 PM
I'm actually still waiting on my rooms. I'm guessing the later you waitlist, the less priority you get for your rooms? Hilton, Marriot, and Westin were my choices
Currently looking for a room in either the Marriot or Hilton. Accepting anyone who has missed their chance to cancel and can't make it.

If you wanna talk about the details, please contact me via Skype, email, or phone. Contact details will be sent to you via PM.