I'm creating a 'Zine Style RPG called Infernal Star. http://infernalstar.weebly.com/ I welcome anyone who is interested in joining.
The story is set in the distant future of 2524. Earths Resources have run dry, the planet can no longer support human life. In an effort to preserve humanities future, the leaders of the world come together what should be done. Their decision was gather every family with children between the ages of infancy and 10 years of age, all families that are four months into a pregnancy, and all persons between the ages of infancy and 20 years of age. These people were to board a generation ship and journey through space until a new , life supporting planet could be reached.
For an unknown number of generations, the colony ship Aquila travel through space until it reaches a planet that had enough oxygen to support life. The humans aboard the colony shop dub the new planet, Neo-Terra.
Not long after landing, they realizes the planet is already inhabited by a race beings known, as the Amalia. The Amalia themselves are a race of beings that resemble creatures and characters from the myths and fantasy's of Ancient Earth.
I have a number of character images that are usable for any characters, people may be interested in playing. I would be happy to work with you on creating a character for this RPG. You are also welcome to create your own design for a character. Much of this RPG is still in its beginning stages, so if you are not sure you want to join up or not you are welcome to help out by contributing with some of the world design, language building, character creation so on and so forth.
I have one person who is in Semi-control of one character. These are some characters I have for adoption at this current time.
Vico Hummel : Vico is the eldest son of Haken & Marissa Hummel. Ever since he was a child living on the colony ship, he had dreamed of the day that a life supporting planet will be found. When the colony does finally land on the Planet of the Infernal Star (Neo-Terra) he is resentful upon learning the planet is already inhabited. Vico has a largely zenophobic view towards the Amalia, and wishes they would all just disappear. While he can be considered a villain character, he isn't really evil...just short sited. Allot of his actions are based off fears and anxieties he has about the new planet and the beings that live on it. And naturally that fear breeds hatred. After their father chooses to sacrifice himself to atone for Vico killing a young Amalian boy, Vico still refuses to show remorse feeling that he was in the right and that the Amalia were responsible for his parents murder.
Currently controlled by A. Tambornino
Alexandria Verivanka Cross: Vico's girl friend. The two met while Vico was training with a small soldier battalion that worked as security personal on the Colony ship. Like Vico she is not evil, but she is resentful about the Amalia. Unlike Vico, her personality is self righteous, vindictive and spiteful. She doesn't care who has to get hurt so long as things that need doing, get done.
Roza Hummel: The eldest daughter of Haken and Marissa Hummel. Roza is kind hearted and likes to follow her mothers example when it comes to every day life. After her mothers death, she takes it upon herself to try and fill her mothers role in her families life. Roza is fascinated by "Neo-terra" and it's inhabitants. However she also fears that humanity could return to old habits and end up causing the same sort of damage to this planet that their ancestors had done to Ancient Earth centuries ago.
Currently being controlled by me.
Murtagh Hummel: The youngest son of the Hummel family. Murtagh has a strong facination for this new world and it's inhabitants. He strongly believes that there are much things to learn about the Amalia as there is to learn from them. Growing up at the colony ship he used to idolize his older brother. On the Planet of the Infernal Star, Murtagh feels resentment towards his older brother because he is too blinded by hatred and fear to realize what he has done. Murtagh even goes as far as denouncing Vico as his brother. With the help of his older sister Roza and three Amalian youth he has befriended, he starts a new group on the Planet of the Infernal Star....The Infernal Starians.
The story is set in the distant future of 2524. Earths Resources have run dry, the planet can no longer support human life. In an effort to preserve humanities future, the leaders of the world come together what should be done. Their decision was gather every family with children between the ages of infancy and 10 years of age, all families that are four months into a pregnancy, and all persons between the ages of infancy and 20 years of age. These people were to board a generation ship and journey through space until a new , life supporting planet could be reached.
For an unknown number of generations, the colony ship Aquila travel through space until it reaches a planet that had enough oxygen to support life. The humans aboard the colony shop dub the new planet, Neo-Terra.
Not long after landing, they realizes the planet is already inhabited by a race beings known, as the Amalia. The Amalia themselves are a race of beings that resemble creatures and characters from the myths and fantasy's of Ancient Earth.
I have a number of character images that are usable for any characters, people may be interested in playing. I would be happy to work with you on creating a character for this RPG. You are also welcome to create your own design for a character. Much of this RPG is still in its beginning stages, so if you are not sure you want to join up or not you are welcome to help out by contributing with some of the world design, language building, character creation so on and so forth.
I have one person who is in Semi-control of one character. These are some characters I have for adoption at this current time.
Vico Hummel : Vico is the eldest son of Haken & Marissa Hummel. Ever since he was a child living on the colony ship, he had dreamed of the day that a life supporting planet will be found. When the colony does finally land on the Planet of the Infernal Star (Neo-Terra) he is resentful upon learning the planet is already inhabited. Vico has a largely zenophobic view towards the Amalia, and wishes they would all just disappear. While he can be considered a villain character, he isn't really evil...just short sited. Allot of his actions are based off fears and anxieties he has about the new planet and the beings that live on it. And naturally that fear breeds hatred. After their father chooses to sacrifice himself to atone for Vico killing a young Amalian boy, Vico still refuses to show remorse feeling that he was in the right and that the Amalia were responsible for his parents murder.
Currently controlled by A. Tambornino
Alexandria Verivanka Cross: Vico's girl friend. The two met while Vico was training with a small soldier battalion that worked as security personal on the Colony ship. Like Vico she is not evil, but she is resentful about the Amalia. Unlike Vico, her personality is self righteous, vindictive and spiteful. She doesn't care who has to get hurt so long as things that need doing, get done.
Roza Hummel: The eldest daughter of Haken and Marissa Hummel. Roza is kind hearted and likes to follow her mothers example when it comes to every day life. After her mothers death, she takes it upon herself to try and fill her mothers role in her families life. Roza is fascinated by "Neo-terra" and it's inhabitants. However she also fears that humanity could return to old habits and end up causing the same sort of damage to this planet that their ancestors had done to Ancient Earth centuries ago.
Currently being controlled by me.
Murtagh Hummel: The youngest son of the Hummel family. Murtagh has a strong facination for this new world and it's inhabitants. He strongly believes that there are much things to learn about the Amalia as there is to learn from them. Growing up at the colony ship he used to idolize his older brother. On the Planet of the Infernal Star, Murtagh feels resentment towards his older brother because he is too blinded by hatred and fear to realize what he has done. Murtagh even goes as far as denouncing Vico as his brother. With the help of his older sister Roza and three Amalian youth he has befriended, he starts a new group on the Planet of the Infernal Star....The Infernal Starians.