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Topics - shy-cosplayer

Is anyone cosplaying from Magikano? If so, I'm going to be Yuri [Kurosu]. Wanna hang out at the con, or start a gathering?
yeah, soo who's going to go?

i might.

Ideas and Suggestions / fanime DVD?
June 17, 2008, 07:51:25 AM
Anyone up for it?

My idea was that the fanime staff or somone could take a video camera [obviously], and document the events throughout the weekend, like the masquerade, hall cosplay, stage zero events,gatherings, do interviews, panels, etc.

And then they could sell them on the fanime website, or at next years con!
My first year at fanime was incredible, but I had come across some dilemmas over the weekend. For example, the black and white ball intervened with the masquerade... Well I guess that's the only thing I came acoss, but I had to make a decision on if I wanted to go to the masquerade or the ball. I ended up going to the masquerade, but I'm suggesting that next year, the ball could be held on Friday?
To obtain a pair of parachute pants!
did it have a website, because i'm looking to buy some.

it was the one that had those plastic ears on an elastic band.
General Convention Discussion / an cafe q&a......
June 08, 2008, 11:49:15 PM
Did anybody tape the whole thing? Or at least most of it? If so, could you post a link here?

It would be highly appreciated!

Thank you!  =]
they were soo creepy! the movie was reaaly good though. Haha! and when we went to leave the theater room, the group in front of us tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open, and we all semi-screamed, and then the security gaurd came and unlocked it for us. that was fun. any way, the previews freaked me out. I hate scary movies but i always end up watching them; i get so paranoid!

*these previews are not for the faint of heart (like me!)*


from some well-known anime? and the replies!

do you think that would be a religious offence?
is my new favorite play! Watch it:

General Anime Chat / What is your anime pet peeve?
April 09, 2008, 05:44:36 PM
mine is when other people pronounce names wrong.

ex: correct - "nah roo toe"  incorrect - "neh roo toe" or "neh roo too"
I want to get there early so I won't have to wait in line a long time.
are going to let you skip school for day 1?

Mine are, if I keep up my grades! =p
There are probably a ton of these threads, but I'm going to start one!..... and because this is my first time going to a con....  ;D
I can't decide my final costume to wear!

I know for sure I'm going as Kyo Sohma, Misa Amane, and some random chinadoll, but I want to be either:

-shippuuden Hinata -Naruto

-Haruhi Fujioka -Ouran Host Club - middle school version-see ep. 6

-Ayano -from Lucky Star
    -see below

and I look Like this: