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Messages - limDsage

^ That would be my Taro milk tea with boba!
< Praise Netflix!
> Lots of traveling in the next two months: PAX at Seattle, and the Japan trip I've been planning for a while now.
v Do you like traveling?
^ Snake and Otacon. Broship at its finest.
< I enjoy war movies and games myself.
> Still haven't watched 22nd Jump Street.
v Have you seen the Edge of Tomorrow?
^ As an audience.
< bro-ships huh? lol.
> Argentina's OP!
v Are you watching the World Cup?
^ Would probably MarkPlier. Also Aris.
< I dunno yet lol
> Yooo this 90's playlist though..
v Name one throwback?
^ Koja beef burger! (Koja Kitchen Tuesdays)
< It's fun. I think I can get all of the trophies in this one to earn my 19th platinum.
> I sense another date next week. Aww yisss
v Is it windy?
^ Days of Future Past.
< I recently brought up my Red Hot Chili Peppers playlist again. It's so glorious.
> Playing Wolfenstein. Maybe Valiant Hearts later.
v Yes?
^ Slim Jim's!
< You should still get a job. At least you'll have job exp and money to spend!
> Mellowship Slinky in B Major is my jam right now.
v What's your jam?
^Worked as a crew member of Jollibee back in Sacramento.
< You should start looking for one!
> I wish I can work from home. lol
v Fiddle?
^ My current schedule.
< Oh noes!
> I'm still tired.
v Pizza Cake?
^ Nah
< Is it good?
> Playing Tekken right now.
v Where does it go from here?
^ I just read. lol
> Tired now. lol
v Sup?
^ Rosetta Stoned by Tool
< Thanks!
> Getting ready...
v Go!
^ 22nd Jump Street
< I wish you the best of luck!
> I'm ready for tomorrow!
v Are you ready for tomorrow?
^ That Germany wins the World Cup.
< It's never fun. -_-
> Just saw the 30-minute demo for MGSV. I WANT IT NAO!
v Plans for the weekend?
^ My audio-editing skills.
< Good luck!
> Dani California!
v It's almost Friday!
^ It was about a Tekken money match I was watching with a few friends. Good times.
< Going on a roadtrip, reserved a resto, etc.
> Bout to get off work.
v What are you up to?
^ I'm arite with the weather. Now if I was in Sacramento, then yes.
< Thanks. I got all the stuffs planned for that weekend!
> Bringing up that Rise Against playlist again. Good times.
v What?
^ That I will be showing up this weekend.
< What? lol.
> Hopefully things turn out well.
v When's sleep time?
^ Uh, a date this weekend. :p
< I am trying to!
> Wooolfensteeeeeeeeeiiiiner... err. :| okay.
v Random thought?
^ Yes.
< Eh, only at times when I feel like it.
> Playing Ragnarok Odyssey Ace on the PS3, and then Wolfenstein later for the PS4.
v How's the week going so far?