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Messages - Shinigami_Lover

mmmmm..... Maybe!

Candy bar or Cookie?
Maybe it is I sadly do not know....

Should I take a nap?
It is not as bad as me.... >.<
^ I already watched the new Naruto online so .... the computer
< Needs a life...
"How much are you paying?"
> A hug... poor college student :D
V  Do you like sushi :P
a dead beat

Does this happen... what comes around, comes back harder?
Forum Games / Re: I am
September 24, 2009, 05:05:30 PM
I am now very sleepy
^ the people in the games here on Fanime Forums
< Crunch Crunch Peanut Butter
"We would like to know if you have your eyes on someone"
> Right now no! All guys I did like are complete jerks
V  Mmmm Do u want to do my homework?
When dies first!

Where do you think the train will go?
Look back in the posts.... but I love Square Dancing

Naruto or Bleach.... which is better?
Forum Games / Re: I am
September 24, 2009, 03:44:21 PM
I am tried of burning food!
The Gremlins appeared and stole it for their uses!

Can you help me make food? (Everything I touch burns)
^ Why yes I will share.... but what do you want to know
> Oh shy about asking a girl out
< I am Dedara but I do not make BOOM Art..... I make hand explode art...
V What do you want to know about me?
To where are we trying to go.... pervert

Do u like to do things to your........ food?
^ my burnt popcorn right now... >.<
> Hopefully will get a gf next week
< Trying to get burnt popcorn out of teeth....
V How many bottles of Sparkling Cider can you drink?
Mmmmm.... bad timing on my part.... BUT I have no sister so sorry

Do you also think I came in at weird time?
Forum Games / Re: I am
September 24, 2009, 10:46:21 AM
I am on my bed relaxing... until 1... then I have class
lol... Ah another secret.... Ah because he does Sexy no Jutsu in front of me! Also tries to peek... *growls and glares* Naruto...

Mmmmm Next quesstion.... Do you all of a sudden go into character when u are not even cosplaying.... ^_^   
WHAT?!? *blushes* That was suppose to be a secret, Liquid!  :P No I am gay(happy) because I had Waffles with blackberry syrup and whip cream for breackfast!

Why do you like telling secrets?
^ Dice, Yugioh Card.... lol for real! Also Wolves and Pandas
< lol bed is important!
> Is about to get ready for the day and start working on homework...
V Out of all the card games from Anime what is your favorite one?
^ None *blushes*
< liked the freedom
> Mmmm... wanting to go to bed.... and probably will after the post
V How did you feel after your first kiss....?