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Messages - Rinv4

Hi everyone!
Now that we're less than a week away from Fanime, I wanted to give a reminder about the gathering location. It seems like every year there there are people that have some trouble getting to the G5 location. We've had several people show up on inside the window during the gathering unsure of how to get outside!

I believe the only way outside from the first floor is through the Hilton cafe right next to the location. However we are NOT allowed to go through there. Please do not count on using that door since it will probably be roped off again. I suppose you could get outside by going through the second floor fire escape doors, but I ask that you please do not since last year the alarm was going off every time the doors were opened and it's very noisy and annoying. :(

Probably the best way to get there is by walking around outside:
From the main entrance area of the convention center, you can walk along the sidewalk in the direction of the Hilton until you reach the first left turn. Turn into there and all the way at the end, past the trees and up the small staircase, is the G5 location.

Please try to be on your way there early if possible so you don't need to rush. We will try to start the gathering as close as possible to 3:00pm. If you're late you may miss the first group photo and possibly your character photo. (But if you can't help being late, don't worry, we do latecomer photos!)

I hope this explanation is clear, please feel free to ask questions before the convention starts. Otherwise if you need more help, in in the past I've found the con staff at the gathering desk to be very helpful!


TLDR: Please know where the gathering is and know how to get there so you don't get lost! Also please try to be a little early if possible because we will start as close as we can to 3:00pm, otherwise you might miss the first group photo and possibly your character photo!
Quote from: bsan89 on May 18, 2017, 03:38:34 PM
May Daft Punk humbly request make a appearance like last year?
Looking to find all electronica family. :D

We'd love to have you again! We can do a photo towards the end of the gathering after we've done some requests~ \(' ω ' )
Quote from: Konekogami on May 11, 2017, 01:47:03 PM
I'll be there as Snow Miku 2017 >w<☆♡☆

Updated~!! ♡ \(> w 0 )
I'll be TRC Sakura in her white dress~! :D
Bumping this up~ We're less than a month away to the con! I hope everyone's cosplays are coming along well \(^ - ^ )
Any word yet if the gathering form went through? (' ^ ' )
Quote from: GodTierCosplay on April 07, 2017, 07:28:38 PM
Sorry for making you update again, but our friend Mika will also be attending as Senbonzakura Rin.

No need to apologize! I'm super happy to update~!  ;)
Quote from: GodTierCosplay on April 06, 2017, 05:25:14 PM
Thank you for the advice! I think Fandom and Kiku got switched around (Kiku is Kaito, not Len, and Fandom is Len, not Kaito) on accident though. Thanks again, we'll make sure to come early!

I thought I might've gotten those mixed up, it's fixed now!

Quote from: Akiyama on April 06, 2017, 11:02:47 PM
I'm going as Senbonzakura Gumi c:

Updated~! :3
Quote from: GodTierCosplay on April 05, 2017, 08:20:19 PM
Hello! I'm Fandom, nice to meet you all. My friend Kiku and I are attending Fanime for the first time this year, and we'll be going as Senbonzakura Len and Kaito.

Updated~! Hope I entered it correctly into the attendee list, if not feel free to let me know~ :)

And for first timers, if you're not familiar with where it will be, I strongly recommend trying to head to the gathering location a little early since people have had trouble finding and getting to the location in the past. There's a cafe next to the gathering spot that has a door to get in and out of the convention center, however we are NOT allowed to go through there and you will have to reach the gathering by walking around outside.

(Map to location:
Quote from: StarPalace on April 02, 2017, 01:13:06 PM
Hi everyone! I'm going as Daina for the weekend. I'll definitely make sure to come.

and omg- I've never seen a Daina before!! I'm so looking forward to seeing you there!!! ♡ \(> ω < )
Hi guys! We've been CONFIRMED for 3:00pm Saturday at G5~! \( ` ω ´ )/

Please be sure to check out the map on my the first post so you know where to go, and if possible, please try to be a little early! We hope to start the gathering as close to 3:00pm as we can, if you show up 10 minutes later you'll have missed the first group photo and possibly your character photo! If you can't help being late, no worries, we do latecomer photos and there's still the second group photo, but I do think the gathering is much more fun the earlier you are~ \(0 ω < )
Quote from: Miu on March 26, 2017, 10:10:13 PM
Ahh I won't be cosplaying Miku this year, but will come back next year for her :') Hopefully there will be another Vocaloid gathering hosted in Fanime 2018!

We've been hosting the Vocaloid gathering since 2015 and intend to continue doing so~ ;)
Hope to see you next year then!! ♡ ♡ ♡
Quote from: belovedcosplay on March 26, 2017, 03:21:49 AM
I'll be attending this year as Love Philosophia Len. Any day works for me, Saturday included ^^

Updated! I only submitted times for Saturday afternoon, so I think we should definitely get something around then as long as staff doesn't have any major problems with it. :)
Just an update, but I submitted a form for the gathering and requested Saturday at 3pm! I hope that works for everyone and it's accepted. This is NOT a confirmed time yet, I will update again when we do have a confirmed timeslot~
Quote from: CallMeRed on February 09, 2017, 10:26:14 PM
My friend and I will be going to the con as GUMI and Rin Luvoratorrrrrrrry. but we would only be able to do it on saturday.

Thank you for the feedback! I'm definitely going to try for Saturday then since there haven't been any objections to that day and, like you, some people can't do Friday anyway.

Now to wait for the 2017 gathering forms to open~ \( ` ω ´ )/
Quote from: Empress on January 29, 2017, 11:46:43 AM
Do you need to be a staff member in order to host a gathering?
No you don't, I'm just a regular attendee and have been running gatherings for a while~ You just need to make sure to follow all the requirements/directions in making your gathering official and keep track of and update everything as needed.
Hello everyone! Updated the thread for 2017~!

What would everyone think about moving the gathering to Saturday around possibly 3pm, 4pm, or 5pm? I've found that Fridays seem to be a bit difficult for some people to attend which is why I'm considering trying for a weekend day this year. Is there any preference? If people like having it on Friday at 5pm like we've usually done, then we can continue doing that, otherwise I'll look into if Saturday is possible.

Thoughts and feedback would be very much appreciated! ♫
Bumping this thread up as the gathering is tomorrow!! Again, please check out the map to be sure how to reach the gathering. And if you haven't already posted what you plan to wear, feel free to- it's not too late!

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the gathering tomorrow~!! \(^ v ^ )/
idk yet whether or not I'd be able to make it, but I wanted to say that I really like the idea of this gathering! As the host of the Vocaloid gathering, it's nice to see something Vocaloid cosplayers can go to on the weekend as before we've had people unable to attend our Friday gathering due school/work/etc on weekdays.

Also I love the idea you mentioned in your other post about pairing everyone up by color! idk if you mean to do shots in order of colors (all the reds, then all the blues, the yellows, pinks, etc, etc) or just order everyone at once in rainbow order (or both if time permits!), but color coordinated shots are fun!

(If the gathering happens to be anytime after 2pm on Sunday, I might be able to drop by in something, hmm... :o )