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Messages - identivity

I haven't heard anything either.
Quote from: Enkai on April 21, 2015, 01:53:55 PM
Quote from: identivity on April 21, 2015, 12:57:14 PM

Now I'm kind of confused about the rehearsal. The other masquerades I've been in, it was never a "dress rehearsal." You basically showed up at your scheduled time, went through your skit with the sound and lighting people, and did a quick run-through of your skit/walk-on. The only time I was actually in costume for my rehearsal time was because I had to go to my construction judging right after so I had to be dressed.

I'm figuring Fanime's rehearsal won't be that much different? Not sure why we would have to be in costume (someone who has done Fanime's masquerade can correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just going by my experience with other conventions).

I suppose it doesn't have to be (I have seen folks rehearsing in something besides their final costume, but that was prior to the management change), but given that I don't expect a large amount of time between the end of rehearsal and the start of the show, AND that craftsmanship judging is occurring the same day, I don't expect that many people won't be in costume for rehearsal - in particular people like me who need multiple hours to get into costume.

For me, it's a practical assumption as a result of the given schedule and the amount of time I know I'm going to need.  Even if that wasn't the case, I'd probably still want to be in at least the parts of the costume that are liable to affect movement, since some of my movements will change from practiced as a result of the full stage.  But that's just from my own theater experience rather than being a rule.

Yeah, I used to work theater too (dresser) so I know the drill. I'm at work, checking stuff on my computer, and it was "Wait, we don't have to be in costume for we?"
Quote from: Enkai on April 21, 2015, 12:18:29 PM
Quote from: Erik_anderson on April 20, 2015, 04:33:10 PM
This was a typo.  Its Sunday and it should be 9am to start rehearsals.  correcting.

So are we ALL going to have to show up at 9AM in order to rehearse? This is never how I've seen it done when I competed before the management change - we had rehearsal at 12 at the earliest, IIRC.  The show did start a bit later, so I can allow adjustment for that, but 9AM is really early.

Mostly, it's kinda cruel to those of us with complex costumes.  I haven't finished the costume, but based on previous costumes of similar complexity, I'm liable to need 2+ hours to get into costume (large wig, jewelry and accessories, makeup, prosthetics, getting into armor, etc).  If I need to show up at 9, I'm going to need to wake up at 5:30 so I can get some breakfast in me (definitely a necessity since I don't see time for a lunch break in there).  This means I'm going to have to bypass all Saturday evening events so I can get enough sleep to be able to handle the inevitable stress that happens EVERY masquerade.

I'm certain I can't be the only person in that predicament.

Additionally, I want to be able to duck out at 11 for a gathering, but that is secondary and not something that affects everybody else.  Getting into costume and out to the Civic Center at 9AM is the real difficulty.

From my perspective, it'd be better to block rehearsal times by group numbers so we at least have some idea of when we're going to be able to rehearse?  Sitting around not sure if/when you're going to rehearse is painfully stressful, when we're already stressed from nerves.

If you are blocking the rehearsal schedule so that groups don't have to be there the entire time feel free to ignore this, but the 9AM thing has me worried.

Now I'm kind of confused about the rehearsal. The other masquerades I've been in, it was never a "dress rehearsal." You basically showed up at your scheduled time, went through your skit with the sound and lighting people, and did a quick run-through of your skit/walk-on. The only time I was actually in costume for my rehearsal time was because I had to go to my construction judging right after so I had to be dressed.

I'm figuring Fanime's rehearsal won't be that much different? Not sure why we would have to be in costume (someone who has done Fanime's masquerade can correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just going by my experience with other conventions).
Out of curiosity, will we be getting some sort of confirmation that you guys got the form we submitted and that we're registered?
Awesome, thank you! I filled out and sent my registration a few minutes ago.
Not sure who all noticed, but there's an entry form in the pinned links section of this board. GO GO GO!
Some GoH were announced and WindOfTheStars is one of them. It's mentioned that she's a judge for masquerade so hopefully we hear something soon?
Quote from: Jazqui on April 02, 2015, 04:12:58 PM
Would we at least be able to do a backup plan like the form we were able to fill out last year via email, or even a Google form? A lot of us have been stalking the forums for days and would rather not be worrying about this. I'm going out of town for a few days and won't be able to check back, and if registration went up and filled up when I was away when it should've been up a week or so earlier, it would be really disappointing.

I understand the situation is difficult and this also relies heavily on the web people, but having a backup plan would save many of us a lot of heartache.

Yes this. There are 3 cons that I know of going on this weekend and it would suck if people missed out on registering because they were at one. I'll be at Wondercon and even though I can check the forums I don't know if I'll be able to register on my phone. If reg does open soon at least have it on Monday or Tuesday so we don't miss out.
Seriously. I'm refreshing Facebook and Twitter (and the forums here) waiting for something. I also keep checking the site just in case.

EDIT: I hate to be "that person" but it's a little frustrating being told that registration will open today, it's after 10 pm and nothing. No update or anything.
Quote from: Erik_anderson on March 27, 2015, 10:00:17 AM
Ok, looks like it will be Tuesday night.

Do you happen to know around what time? Or is it a "keep checking here/Facebook/Twitter and we'll post something" sort of thing?  :)