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Messages - questionette

Hi :D I was bubblegum in a swimsuit (the person who commissioned my cosplay royally messed up).  I was in costume on Saturday - did anyone get a shot of me? ^.^
Dota2 (sn: questionette)
I am also playing FFVII for the bajillionth time, because I never finish.
Forum Games / Re: Formal introductions
May 02, 2014, 11:57:58 AM
This is awesome, I love reading about you guys :). 

My name is Victoria, and I've been inactive the past few years because of finishing college/entering the workforce.  This will be my fourth Fanime, but my first was back in 2008.  I grew up in the peninsula bay area, went to college at UC Davis, am currently living in Rohnert Park, Ca, and I am moving to Lafayette, LA in June to pursue a career with my startup (in my signature) headquartered in Louisiana (yay 30% tax credit for production costs).  My boyfriend who is also involved in the startup lives in Louisiana as well.

As far as fandom I started out as an invested anime/manga fan as well as working at bay area Renaissance faires.  However when I went to college I lacked enough time to really dedicate to things like that.  I also grew up spending a lot of time with my n64, sega genesis, ps1/2/3, and my favorite game of all time is FFVIII.  Nowadays I am more invested in my MOBA of choice Dota2, Adventure Time, and working with my startup.  I am also a fan of Star Wars (just not as hardcore as some), and I <3 Batman.  His struggle is real. 

That's about it :) I hope to meet some of you at Fanime!
Forum Games / Re: I am
May 02, 2014, 11:42:19 AM
I am really stressed out from being involved in a startup, having a part-time job, and moving in a month to another state.
^ There are so many XD but most recently, probably flying out to Louisiana for Mardi Gras to visit my boyfriend. 
<  I really like that your profile personal text is an awesome Nirvana song.
>  I am trying to make a living through helping an events/production startup that involves cosplayers.
v  What brought you to the Fanime forums/fanime in general?
Quote from: Glitch on May 02, 2014, 03:07:53 AM
Quote from: questionette on April 30, 2014, 04:02:44 PM
Hmmm, I have a few, some may have been said already though...

  • Put a little cup of water in the microwave with your pizza.  It'll stay crispy.
  • Some people have tone problems (like myself sometimes - I sound monotone or valley girlish), people typically have good intentions, but the way that someone says something may cause the words to be taken badly.  Also a lot of spoken language has multiple meanings, and I've found in the past that a lot of conversational conflict arises from one person discerning an alternate meaning from what the other person said. (I've been on both ends of this a lot)

  • Servers typically make ~$3/hr plus tips after taxes because they have to claim their tips, so if you're thinking about not tipping a server, it's good to be aware of that (if they really mess up, to each their own, but tips are pretty much their living). 

  • Acne problems? Try making a mask of 5-7 aspirin (must be aspirin, as it has salicylic acid), honey, and water. 

  • In the human brain, the same area used to interpret stress is used in memory formation/retrieval - so if you're really stressed out (over an exam, for example), you're actually inhibiting your ability to perform well on a task.  A moderate amount of stress is ideal for memory, but chronic stress and high stress decrease your ability to remember. :)

How dare you post actual useful information! A pox on thee!

I just wanted the everyday man to know DX
Does anyone know an Elsa/Anna cosplay duo that would be willing to get in-character for a day to celebrate a birthday?
This is awesome :) I'm so game.
Forum Games / Re: The struggle is real when...
May 01, 2014, 03:57:01 AM
The struggle is real when blowing into an n64 cartridge fails you.
Quote from: Admiral Donuts on April 30, 2014, 06:44:47 PM
    Quote from: questionette on April 30, 2014, 04:02:44 PM
    • Servers typically make ~$3/hr plus tips after taxes because they have to claim their tips, so if you're thinking about not tipping a server, it's good to be aware of that (if they really mess up, to each their own, but tips are pretty much their living). 

    Don't be a server in America

    In college that was my part-time job. Some nights I'd walk out of the restaurant I waited at with $200 in cash after a five hour shift. It can be aight.
    I'd like to join :) I'll be PB from Adventure Time
    Hmmm, I have a few, some may have been said already though...

    • Put a little cup of water in the microwave with your pizza.  It'll stay crispy.
    • Some people have tone problems (like myself sometimes - I sound monotone or valley girlish), people typically have good intentions, but the way that someone says something may cause the words to be taken badly.  Also a lot of spoken language has multiple meanings, and I've found in the past that a lot of conversational conflict arises from one person discerning an alternate meaning from what the other person said. (I've been on both ends of this a lot)

    • Servers typically make ~$3/hr plus tips after taxes because they have to claim their tips, so if you're thinking about not tipping a server, it's good to be aware of that (if they really mess up, to each their own, but tips are pretty much their living). 

    • Acne problems? Try making a mask of 5-7 aspirin (must be aspirin, as it has salicylic acid), honey, and water. 

    • In the human brain, the same area used to interpret stress is used in memory formation/retrieval - so if you're really stressed out (over an exam, for example), you're actually inhibiting your ability to perform well on a task.  A moderate amount of stress is ideal for memory, but chronic stress and high stress decrease your ability to remember. :)

    Hotel and Facilities / Re: Hotel occupancy
    April 30, 2014, 03:30:28 PM
    In my experience with any hotel, just make sure it's not apparent that those extra people are staying with you.  It's in their hotel policy what they do with extra people staying in rooms (I say call in advance and inquire as a random person asking the question on the matter) With events like Fanime they pretty much expect more than the capacity number of people to be staying in the rooms. The only real issue I foresee is that they'll only give you one room key...and I don't know what you could say to get extras XD, since saying it's lost would probably deactivate the other.
    Princess Bubblegum! Please excuse my dirty mirror, lol. I have the crown, makeup, and wig (though it needs work still XD), and I'm still putting together the dress :) this'll be my fourth fanime, but the last time I attended was 2011! I'm super excited!
    I can't believe that this thread is still alive  :o...and I interviewed Nicki Yang (BMO/rainicorn) recently for work.
    Hooray! I will  have some photographers with me and will be bubblegum all weekend ^. ^ I'm excited to meet you guys and hopefully get some photos with y'all!
    Hello! I'll be there with a few cameramen in full Princess Bubblegum attire :) can I join you guys?
    Hello all!

    My name is Victoria AKA Questionette, and I recently got a job working for a cosplay website that just changed ownership.  My boss wants me to look for people that I know to travel with me and either help gather content at conventions across California (expenses paid, duh!) or be featured as a cosplayer when we open up shop.  So if you are interested in the content gathering position AND YOU HAVE SEEN ME ON THE FORUM BEFORE (I know it's been awhile...but I just don't feel comfortable traveling with strangers, but you DON'T have to know me to be featured in your cosplay!)  my facebook is /questionette! Please send me a message on there, or if you do not have one feel free to email [email protected] with a picture of you in your cosplay if you want to be featured! :D
    I am currently playing Dark Cloud :) and just made oreo marshmallow's going to be a wonderful afternoon.
    Quote from: MyMidnightAffair on July 01, 2011, 10:07:38 AM
    Quote from: Barnes on July 01, 2011, 08:21:26 AM
    I don't understand why people use "animu" and "mango." Can someone explain those to me?  ???


    And for mango... I dunno either.

    I would guess "mango" would be like "animu" but with the word "manga"? That's really interesting I've never seen that before XD.  

    Oh, and I'm going to San Jose today! And possibly Santa Cruz tomorrow or Sunday :D