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Topics - zoupzuop2

Startin' things early so we can assure a great, big gathering!

I will, once more, go as Ranma-kun, but with improvements over my last costume. That's right, I'll be going as the OVER $10 version of Ranma Saotome. This means
*Real-looking pigtail and better black hair
*A better shirt
*Authentic Martial Arts shoes.
My Idea/Suggestion:

Bring Eurobeat artists over to America to do a few panels, maybe do something on Stage Zero, and DEFINITELY play on the main stage!
It'd be perfect! We could have Dave Rodgers, Mauro Farina, John Desire... and they could talk to the future Eurobeat artists out among us! And PLAY music! And... OOH!

If this was all that happened at Fanime, I'd most likely still come.
General Convention Discussion / General Times...
May 02, 2006, 07:38:56 PM
Okay, I'm a generally scheduled guy. There's exceptions, but I enjoy a flexible schedule.
Such is the case with what will be my first convention, Fanime. Is there a general Opening time and closing time? Will it just be 96 hours of sheer anime/gaming goodness? Will there be closing times? At what time on Monday does it close?

If these have been addressed elsewhere, please let me know.