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Messages - LordMoufMouf

It's not so much the temperature, but the cold, dry air. It dries out your nose and throat. I always feel like I'm going to get ill. I stock up on vitamins and such, but it's still unpleasant.
Thank you so much for all the great advice and stories! If we arrive earlier than 3, we'll ask to check in early if possible. :)
Incredible Stuff I can Make / YouTube Artists!
May 23, 2012, 09:05:35 PM
So, does anyone here film their art-making process, or create art tutorials for YouTube?

I always find it really fun to watch other artists draw, paint, and color. :P Anyone have an art channel? Here's mine. I have some anime drawings, as well as some realism.
Marriott told us that check-in time on Friday would be around 3pm.

Is this set in stone? If you arrive earlier, is possible to get into your room earlier?

Thank you!
Foester - It's certainly cold inside in the nights and evenings. For instance, even the hotness of yaoi-bingo could not help stave off the chills. The video rooms were also freezing.
Yes, it would be nice if they ran it more often in the day. :)
For the past few years, I have found the SJ Convention Center to be absolutely FREEZING in the evenings. I walk out of the cozy Marriott lobby and into a Hoth ice cave...
I almost can't sit for very long in any panel room because the cold, dry air wreaks havoc on my nose, throat, and sinuses. Putting on more layers doesn't do much to solve this problem.

I realize that this may not be under Fanime staff's control, but is there any way to cut down on the AC when the sun goes down?
Quote from: cutiebunny on May 07, 2012, 12:46:50 AM
Breakfast bars (especially the multigrain ones)
Dried coconut (high fiber content)
Costco Trail Mix ( love the nuts/raisin combo)
PBJ Sandwich

THIS. Fruits, veggies, and whole grains are going to keep you healthy, energetic, and looking beautiful. I'd stay away from junk food.
I sent you a message about the Emperor Norton Ball, or the "Other Ball" happening that weekend. ;)
*pokes in* Hellooooooo. I'll be attending this year in my trusty Swan Lake getup. Being inside would be nice, and it will be much kinder to those us in satin pointes, since concrete really rips them up. I don't think the carpet will be an issue, since i don't think anyone is planning any fancy dancing. :)

As for the panty-perves, I'm going to try to enlist my Duke to help guard against that. He can stand on the ground and watch the photos, or we can ask the photogs to stay back a certain distance. :)
I'm interested in attending, but are you going to set limits on how much sexual content will be in the panel?
Sounds like a fun idea for a panel... :)

I thought I would mention that "Clockwork Alchemy", the steampunk convention running along with Fanime at the Double Tree Hotel, is hosting an entire slew of Victorian dancing events, culminating in the Emperor Norton Ball on Sunday evening. This ball will be run by a local vintage dance group, and will feature several Victorian and Regency era dances, including the rotary waltz, polka, mazurka, schottische, and various choreographed dances and set dances. These are the dances that were actually performed in dance halls and balls in the Victorian age.  In addition, there will be various lessons all throughout the day on these dances.

So, if you are interested learning the steps that Ciel and Sebastian really would have danced in 1888, I highly suggest checking this out.
It's also worth mentioning that the Emperor Norton Ball will be very danceable - there is a clear line of dance all night, and it's easy to waltz at speed. This doesn't always occur at the B&W.

More info on the Emperor Norton Ball:
Dance Lessons (Victorian ones at the bottom):

In case you're wondering, these dances are also easy to learn and incredibly fun. They can also get very, very fast! :)
I'll be back as "super bendy!" Dark Walter!
Is it just me, or is Fanime FREEZING in the evening? In the video rooms especially, I was SO COLD. I'm sort of sensitive to the chill, sharp air from air conditioners, and I ended up getting a nasty headache from the AC during bingo. My whole face hurt!
Is there anyway they can turn down the AC in the evenings? I also had this problem last year.
I'm so excited for this gathering! I can't wait to see all of you again!
I hope I won't get sunburnt this year...
Dealers Room / Re: The Golden Fleece
May 22, 2010, 10:46:17 PM
Yes, cheap Copics would be wonderful (like, $4 a marker or less would be considered a deal in my opinion).
I'm still hunting for Princess Tutu figures. I talked to one dealer at Wondercon and he said he would bring some to Fanime! ;)
Dealers Room / Re: Money spent on items
May 22, 2010, 10:44:23 PM
I usually spend about $50-$80 at the Dealer's Room. Why so little? I make regular trips to San Francisco's Japantown, where they have almost everything I could ever want. Plus, I tend to not buy very much in life anyway. Do I really need this item? Can I live without it?
I really wish people would ignore them. It really puts a damper on the atmosphere. However, it seems that too many people are taking delight in taunting them that it is unlikely they will ever go entirely ignored.
Oh gosh, it's going to be a huge mess if it rains. :( If it does, that probably means all the gatherings are going to have to change locations if they are outside. Yikes!

Plus, I'm playing two characters that are wearing pointe shoes - shoes that are certainly not waterproof!
Yes. People should also consider carrying a small packet of baby wipes/wet ones to quickly wipe down armpits and other sweaty areas in between showers, and then apply a fresh coat of deodorant.
Mouthwash and tongue cleaning is also a good precaution against bad breath as well. Carry mints - preferably altoids!