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Messages - CarsonGrey

I lost a black rolling luggage and red/pink backpack during checkout at Hyatt Place on Monday. The hotel and convention staff found nothing. I was heartbroken, and left the con with nothing but my purse and the clothes on my back. The laptop has important documents for work,omegle xender and many of those items have a lot of sentimental value. I am willing to offer a reward. Please PM me if you have any info, no questions asked. Thank you.
Even though I've lived in San Jose for most of my life, I've never been to a FanimeCon. I'm maybe interested in going this year, but I want some more information first.

I'm not a hardcore otaku / anime fan, though Speed Test  Solitaire  essay writer I have watched some series in the past and enjoyed them. I do like a lot of geeky things (e.g. video games, movies, comics, board / card games). Will I still be able to enjoy myself?

How crazy are the crowds? Is it hard to find parking?

Any other tips or tricks for a first-timer?