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Messages - Solbadgreg

So I plan on going as a genderbend Monika, but I have very little helpful information to go on for how to put together a male school uniform. Every Google cosplay reference always defaults to sailor uniforms.

Any help would be great!
Ooo! Question: I just realized that my Area 88 Mickey Simon cosplay is based on the 2000s version, not the 1980s version (the color and symbols of the uniform changed). Would I need to revise my cosplay to the older version, or is just being part of the same series good enough?
If I can find it (and still fit in it =P), I'll go as Mickey Simon from Area 88.
Need a room! 
My name is Greg, and I've been going to Fanime since 2004.  I'm looking for a room close to the convention.  I'll be arriving mid Friday and leaving Monday.  I don't drink or smoke, and I'm a pretty relaxed, chill (and slightly shy) guy.  Not looking for a party room, but am always opened for possibly making friends.  I will be cosplaying so I'll have some of those items with me.

My email is [email protected]

I'm on FB as Gregory Cox Jr.  Profile pics are the same.

Thanks, and have a great con!!
Darn, well I won't be able to make it in time.  However, you'll probably see me walking around as 2D Purple Man.