FanimeCon 2024 Forums

Everything Else => Things in the Universe => Topic started by: JohnnyAR on August 23, 2008, 07:17:50 PM

Title: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: JohnnyAR on August 23, 2008, 07:17:50 PM
Violent video games (

What a load of bullshit! I'm pissed, not the fact that video games has to do with this its that parents worry about this MORE than underage drinking and underage sex! What the hell man?! What the f*** are today's parent's thinking? Last time I checked losing your virginity at age 13 is worse. You'll eventually hear them at school no matter where how you live your life.

But honestly, something has to be done about this. I mean if you're the parent you control the first 18 years of a kid's life! You shouldn't be worrying about game they're playing, you have worse to be worrying if they are participating in drugs, sex, alcohol, and gang activity while they are out.

My mom doesn't mind the games we play, I believe she would rather prefer us playing violent and bloody games. Well as long as my little brother doesn't play GTA.

Is parenting that hard?
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: Kazuko on August 24, 2008, 01:36:28 AM
Parents dont want their kids to be exposed to violence early in their life, it has to do with psychological factors in the childs mind to think that thoes things are cool. Young people have an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex which is the whole risk taking/consequences factor. Its not fully developed untill 18 if I remember.

take my adorible neice for example, shes sweet and smart but we cant show her violent/scary flims or games nor say killing or swear because we dont want her to pick up that stuff at such a young age.

Parents just want to protect their kids so they dont pick up bad stuff blah blah causing nightmares and make them have crazy thoughts. blah blah psychology read it

Sexyedit: Oh did I forget...some of these video games have drug usage, drinking and or sexual themes :f
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: JiiiWiz on August 24, 2008, 03:33:29 AM
I agree with half of this...and agree with the other .-.  Being exposed to violent games at an early age is not good for younger ages..
And of course drugs and sex is bad too.
Although, I am sort of leaning more to to the video games.
BUT there are some games that have been banned by having drugs and sex in it .-. for example, grand theft auto.
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess
Post by: JohnnyAR on August 24, 2008, 07:34:37 AM
Well yeah of course, GTA is game that you won't have to think about twice. Its the one game parents watch out for, so I wouldn't blame them if they won't allow their child to play that.
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess
Post by: TC X0 Lt 0X on August 24, 2008, 10:35:33 AM
At a certain point, I think that it would be okay, like maybe 11-12.
Shealtering your children from the bad things of the world does not seem so good in my mine however.
What will your 18 your old child do after he realizes how the world is and experiences such things?
Besides, TV shows stuff 50 times worst than you will see in a video game.

I hate how some people think that there childs going to go Columbine on there school for playing a video game.
The only reason those two teens did so is because they where mentally unstable and more importantly, had no parental supervision. Of course, I am sure video games may have added a spark of "we can use guns to get rid of our problems", but they could get the idea from TV show with guns, or even walking buy the gun section of walmart.
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: Tsubasa on August 24, 2008, 11:16:11 AM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on August 23, 2008, 07:17:50 PMIs parenting that hard?

I can't really say firsthand, but from what I've heard and gathered, yes.
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: Steve.Young on August 24, 2008, 12:47:36 PM
Kids are horrible, parents suck, society fucks up everyone and everything.

The end.
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess
Post by: JohnnyAR on August 24, 2008, 12:52:28 PM
I blame politicians, the real blood suckers! lmao
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess
Post by: JiiiWiz on August 24, 2008, 01:09:38 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on August 24, 2008, 12:52:28 PM
I blame politicians, the real blood suckers! lmao

Agreed! LOL
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess
Post by: Kazuko on August 24, 2008, 01:23:51 PM
Quote from: (GG)Nami_Misaki on August 24, 2008, 01:09:38 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on August 24, 2008, 12:52:28 PM
I blame politicians, the real blood suckers! lmao

Agreed! LOL
psssh not all are bad look at McNerney (sp?) hes pretty good for a senetor :d and Obama

man hes for change yo


If Al Gore didnt do an inconvenient truth fudge we would still be killing polar bears rather than trying to attempt to go green


and this is what I get for taking a semester in Political Scienece..... \o/

Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: Jun-Watarase on August 24, 2008, 02:10:14 PM
I post as her because I'm too much of a lazy ass to log her out and log in as me.

This thread is horrible, as people don't understand the scientific reasoning, nor the logical reasonings as to why any of their opnions do/don't make sense.

Most of your opinions are retarded.

For the most part, exposure to things, is good. Exposure with the additional explanation as to why something is good or bad is what helps people learn and grow. Now... exposure to violent video games is bad, it's true... if the parents don't do their jobs to explain why it is bad. If a child is capable of comprehending what they are playing, and understanding that it's a game and fully understand the situation, then all is good. If the kid ISN'T CAPABLE OF THIS, they shouldn't be exposed to it.

Sex/Drugs, etc... is the same story. It's up to the parent. Now we go to average mentallities and the such. You realize, your average person, is quite stupid(many of you are also included in this). Everyone thinks they're smart. Everyone thinks they aren't the "norm" and are intelligent. Sorry, this isn't true. Going to Fanime, seeing what was posted on these forums, I can fully say, a good amount of you are not very intelligent, despite what you think(oh the hilarity that will ensue because I said this).

Now this being said, people avoid the actual causes and reasons, and like to point fingers at things. Parents can easily blame video games for their poor parenting skills. They can also easily ASSUME THAT... "MY KID ISN'T DOING DRUGS AND HAVING SEX". They think too highly of themselves to ever admit that their kids are doing drugs and having sex, because they don't see it... however, they do see their kids playing violent games. So, if they are doing drugs and having sex... I BET IT'S BECAUSE OF THESE GAMES, NOT BECAUSE OF MY PARENTING SKILLS.

Who cares about this stupid article. Parents want to blame something. They're blaming violent video games. Guess what. It's been this way since the beginning of times. Rock and Roll? Television? Books? Hey guys, this isn't anything new, this is just people blaming something else for their own short comings. Pssst... you guys do this too. ";_; why don't girls like me. I'm a nice guy, it's their fault... not mine!"
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: Steve.Young on August 24, 2008, 07:06:04 PM
Mikey for president please and thanks.
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: mDuo13 on August 25, 2008, 09:54:08 AM
Hey, think of it this way. It's long been laughed at that in American culture, you can have loads of violence and killing in a PG-13 movie but the second someone sees a nipple it becomes rated R. So it's refreshing (in a sense) to see people who think that violence being taken lightly is worse than youngsters drinking and having sex.
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: Umi.Ryuuzaki on August 25, 2008, 12:31:58 PM
When I heard this from a friend I laughed and said "that has to be a from the daily show, right?" I went on Yahoo and after seeing that, I'm quite offended. What happened to good parenting and just simply say "No son, I don't want to buy this for you because I think its not appropriate for you?" When I was a teen, my mother told me "despite you playing video games far too much, its better than drugs" and I have to agree. That video is a case of media over-sensationalism (aka overreaction) and an attempt to appeal to uninformed people about something bad in a biased point of view.

Sure, underage sex/alcohol/drugs has its negative effects (and positive), but video game violence topping all those? I tried just about everything that's supposedly bad and I don't see it. Ok I lie drugs is 90% bad but that's not my point: What happened to good parenting and teaching their children on how to handle the real world?

I fear for our current and future children. I already seen the start of it from the graduating classes of 2004 and it only got worse I think. FYI, I graduated high school back in 2002.
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: XpHoBiaX on August 26, 2008, 10:57:51 PM
Parents need to start whipping their kids again.  >:( I know I will, and I don't give a shit if people think that is 'wrong'. Give them a good smack when they get out of line, then run their ass around with chores. Like, working in the yard, cleaning out the garage, putting up a fence, and grounding them. They need to know who's in charge.
These kids today are fucking lucky they didn't have MY parents. We're all Italians, we got beat the oldschool way when we crossed the line. Royally beaten!
I won't ever punish my kids the way I was punished. But I will give them a good whack if they need it. I'll let them know why too.

It's not video games, it's lack of parenting. People are always trying to blame everything else except themselves. It all starts in the home, with the family. Shit rolls down hill.
It's the parents fualt for not monitoring and disciplining their kid.  >:(
No one sits together any more and spend time with anyone. I bet if families tried to spend more time together, we wouldn't have so much of a problem. >:(

Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess
Post by: Mizuki on August 26, 2008, 11:24:35 PM
Parents need to step it up and talk some :words: with their kids about it, so the kid doesn't turn out to be a dumb twat. Hiding it and saying no without an explanation won't help, it'll just make the kid curious and experiment. I have to say I was lucky, because my parents talked to me about this stuff at a young age so I'm not so dumb about such topics. If parents can't talk to their kids about this stuff, then they weren't ready to have kids.

And yes, parenting is hard whoever said it earlier, you ever wonder why your folks grab that aspirin a lot, it's probably because of you (Don't lie) because I know my parents take that aspirin because of my sister and I!
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: XpHoBiaX on August 26, 2008, 11:34:43 PM
Mine actually hit the liqour closet ;>_> XD
Title: Re: What parents worry for their kids more than Underage Drinking and Sex (Guess!)
Post by: JTchinoy on August 30, 2008, 02:11:37 PM
my kid's getting a glasgow smile if (s)he ever drinks.