FanimeCon 2024 Forums

Everything Else => Things in the Universe => Topic started by: satanic_mechanic on August 27, 2008, 12:34:50 PM

Title: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: satanic_mechanic on August 27, 2008, 12:34:50 PM
is this what it feels like to lose faith in God?

i don't know anymore.  i got my prereg at this fanime.... but rather then have me criticize fanime for getting worse and worse, maybe its just me.  maybe i am outgrowing it.

I'm 22.  some people would say "about damn time" and be done with it.  i used to go for the anime and Asian cinema and pc gaming (which was super-tight and it sucked soooooo bad that it wasnt there last year).  now there is all this other stuff.  cosplay seems to dominate as always, and i don't participate unless its with a gf or part of a large group theme.  This past fanime seemed more like AnCafeCon then anything else. And since when did furries start coming to fanime...?

the forums are dominated by 4chan rejects... its starting to overshadow all the good that there is in fanime.

maybe i should join staff and try to work through these problems to see if they have an institutional root, or at least an institutional solution.  fanimecon can be way improved with some systemic tweaking.

bring back the pc gaming. improve the quality of animes shown, or at least strive harder to vett them for quality.  be more willing to introduce innovative ideas, like 18+ fanime speed dating, or a fanime "dating game" type game show, or a boffer room, or expanded card or board gaming; reaching out to other interests and subdemographics within the fanime demographic - these are all great ideas and with a little dillegence could be pulled off with exellence and make fanime an overall better event.

a humble suggestion from someone who is feeling a little tight for his fanime underoos.

Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: mDuo13 on August 27, 2008, 03:29:52 PM
Quote from: satanic_mechanic on August 27, 2008, 12:34:50 PM
is this what it feels like to lose faith in God?
Um, I'm pretty sure an anime convention and God are pretty different.

P.S. furries have been coming to fanime for a long time. They didn't have as many booths before, but they were there. They're not too hard to ignore, though.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on August 27, 2008, 05:35:37 PM
Well, all I have to say is join staff and go to their meetings and see what happens from there.
And yeah, furries have been there as long as anime has been around.

If it's really that bad...I suggest you go to more adult oriented conventions, or find another site to be apart of.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Nyxyin on August 27, 2008, 07:14:56 PM
Quote from: satanic_mechanic on August 27, 2008, 12:34:50 PMi used to go for the anime and Asian cinema and pc gaming
Going to Fanime (or any anime convention, I imagine) is somewhat like a roleplaying game with jobs.  At first, everybody starts as a generic newbie.  People tend to just spend money and watch (anime, masquerade, music videos, panels, etc).  As the players increase in level, just watching gets boring, so many start choosing job specialties: volunteer, artist, cosplayer, competitor, panelist, press, pusher, parent, and so on.  Of course, if you've outgrown Fanime, that's fine too.  I believe I read something about Fanime letting people transfer memberships to others in previous years, so it might be worth asking the registration people about it.

Also, the con is what you make of it.  I just ignored the An Cafe stuff.  For me, last year's Fanime was totally GAINAX con, and I loved every second of it.

By the way, I heard that the boffer room was almost ready to happen last year except that they put it on hold to accommodate the last-minute GAINAX guests, so I'm guessing we haven't heard the last of that idea.  On the other hand, wouldn't a boffer room be more likely to attract 4chan reject types?
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on August 27, 2008, 07:31:05 PM
IMO Fanime 08 was like GAINAX and Ancafe con so if you werent a fan of either many were left to socialize or look for pannels that would suit some interest. People get con jaded sometimes where everything just lacks interest or nothing as the same as last year. This year I almost felt it if not for the amazing friends/roomates that I shared my 4th fanime with~

For some people certain years are better than others. Like besides an cafe for being amazing, I felt like it was just lacking overall in musicfest, I was dissapointed with the lack of music. I felt 07 was so much better in that department because they were indie groups and it felt more intimate.

I am reaaaly hoping for some variety in cosplay for 09, I dont really like to swim in a sea of bleach/naruto-tards.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: LordKefka on August 27, 2008, 07:32:05 PM
There are tons of fun things to do:

-Swap Meet (^0^)
-Dealers' Room
-Certain Panels
-Hanging out with people <----------------- this is pretty important I guess and the most fun for me.
-Drinking ( in your room and responsibly of course =P) and playing MvC2, Melty Blood, and doing other stuff ( as long as you aren't acting like an idiot or going crazy)

It's not like your going there to critique it every year..*cough*..>_>.. so make the most out of it. If you already know what you dislike, you could always avoid those and look for the things you haven't looked into.

I honestly think you just need to get to know a few people and chill with them. It makes the con more fun and less lonely.

Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: TC X0 Lt 0X on August 28, 2008, 02:27:24 PM
Quote from: mDuo13 on August 27, 2008, 03:29:52 PM
Quote from: satanic_mechanic on August 27, 2008, 12:34:50 PM
is this what it feels like to lose faith in God?
Um, I'm pretty sure an anime convention and God are pretty different.

Not necessarily.
One could have much faith for a convention as they do for a god.
Though kinda creepy.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: PinkHairSasuke on August 28, 2008, 05:03:03 PM
Dude you're never too old to like an anime convention!
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: JohnnyAR on August 28, 2008, 05:41:32 PM
Quote from: LordKefka on August 27, 2008, 07:32:05 PM
I honestly think you just need to get to know a few people and chill with them. It's makes the con more fun and less lonely.

I felt like there was something missing a this year's con, maybe it was because of that.

Quote from: Kazuko on August 27, 2008, 07:31:05 PM
I am reaaaly hoping for some variety in cosplay for 09, I dont really like to swim in a sea of bleach/naruto-tards.

Damn right!

Quote from: satanic_mechanic on August 27, 2008, 12:34:50 PM
the forums are dominated by 4chan rejects... its starting to overshadow all the good that there is in fanime.

I'll never go on that I site, I've heard what goes on over there.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: TC X0 Lt 0X on August 28, 2008, 07:18:02 PM
Don't worry JohnnyAR, I'll keep you company =3

*Creepy Crackling Laugh*
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Steve.Young on August 28, 2008, 09:00:04 PM
There are a lot of things that you have to consider when you take all these ideas and institute them.

There is of course one large one you have to think of. LIABILITY. Speed Dating (regardless of 18+) could lead to stalkers, inappropriate touching, things getting out of control. Being a sponsered by Fanime event, Fanime could potentially have liability if something were to happen. Fanime Con doesn't just do stuff on a whim, as is the case when most people think of these ideas.

Logistics. PC Gaming, if you read the posts/forums over there, logistically was a hassle every year to get enough systems "Donated" by staff or con-goers for gaming use. Not to mention having computers able to play most of the games that people wanted to play on the systems. I don't know how many people understand how GPU intensive some of the new games are and how you have to have a computer system that can run it effectively. Now, if you can honestly find a company to sponser PC Gaming, then Fanime would more than likely welcome PC Gaming back. Maybe you can try to convince fanime to buy some computers (Doubt it).

I'm 21. I go to work SOS/Rovers, that's it. I couldn't care about the programing and I've never heard of An Cafe until I had to sit in a car with them and watch out for them during the con. What the heck is GAINAX?!? I don't know...

Honestly, the con is what YOU make of it. If you aren't having fun, you might want to think of ways YOU can make Fanime fun for yourself.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: SOawesomeness on August 28, 2008, 09:46:41 PM
Input, but my friend who is also on staff said this about Fanime (or along the lines of it...)
"I don't really go to Fanime for the anime stuff, I mean, there's stuff to see and some things that are interesting, but for me, the people that I meet and things that I see are the reasons why I go to Fanime. And because the things that I want to see are pretty scarce, I work on staff so I can keep myself busy and meet new people to enjoy the convention with. I'm not interested in what Fanime is mostly about except seeing interesting cosplays, a few azn movies, and meeting new people."

Fanime is what you make of it, and it's true. I staff because I agree with my friend. I <3 making new friends on Registration staff, it's one of the (real) biggest reason why I attend Fanime.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Mizuki on August 29, 2008, 12:44:52 AM
I just go cuz my friends drag me, and I see friends I never see during the year, and it's a nice relaxing weekend for me, and I buy loli figures, play games, troll people irl, etc.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: HavicMichaelchris on August 29, 2008, 09:51:52 AM
As with everything, money is in the majority. The more people want cetain things, the less others will have. Sure everyone is pretty much just going for cosplay, dancing, concerts and the social aspects; but that is what people wanted, the more a demographic wants something, the more the company will supply. Look at this years AX as opposed to Fanime. AX was more loaid back and about the anime and other asain influnences, while Fanime was who could get more recognition. 4Chan is everywhere, deal with it.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on August 29, 2008, 12:25:29 PM
Quote from: satanic_mechanic on August 27, 2008, 12:34:50 PM
the forums are dominated by 4chan rejects... its starting to overshadow all the good that there is in fanime.

I got banned from the site the moment I viewed it. Rofl. I though that was pretty Epic, considering I hadn't even gotten to sign up yet.

Anyways. I am 23, and I have been going to fanime ever since I was 15. It's only been consecutively since 2005. I go to Fanime becuase I  can only see people and friends that ONE TIME. It's like a Christmas for me.
I'd be staff, but I live too far away to go to meetings. :/ I never know how life is gonna treat me anyways, so it's a major deal for me to go to fanime. I go to get away, have fun, and chill with pretty cool people.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: ININ on August 29, 2008, 03:38:48 PM
I share what saved me from quitting anime conventions and anime in 2004:  cosplay.  You don't need a girlfriend or a bunch of people to cosplay.  The number one reason why I attend anime conventions is to hang out with my friends and meet new people.

I agree with everyone else.  Fanime (and any anime conventions you attend) is what you make of it.  If you like to watch videos and shop at the dealers room and you're happy, that's great XD  If you like to play tabletop gaming and you're happy, that's great XD  Nobody is going to tell you the right way or wrong way to enjoy a con.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: JohnnyAR on August 29, 2008, 07:24:08 PM
Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on August 28, 2008, 07:18:02 PM
Don't worry JohnnyAR, I'll keep you company =3

*Creepy Crackling Laugh*

We should start a High School gathering or something, I remember a specific high school that had a anime club and they usually attend Fanime. Actually someone on the forums goes to that high school!
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: JTchinoy on August 30, 2008, 02:14:21 PM
i'll be turning 22 before fanime and i'll probably be running the tournaments again.
if you mean the wow and holy shit factor of fanime, that left me like 3 years ago.  lol.
fanime to me is like hot import nights.  something that comes around every now and then and i just go to it.
it's also pretty much the only time i buy gundam models :P
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on August 30, 2008, 05:06:53 PM
I go to get the discount prices on the contact lenses...and hug random important people I don't know about. ;)
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: luckyends on August 31, 2008, 03:34:48 PM
Quote from: Nyxyin on August 27, 2008, 07:14:56 PM
Quote from: satanic_mechanic on August 27, 2008, 12:34:50 PMi used to go for the anime and Asian cinema and pc gaming
Going to Fanime (or any anime convention, I imagine) is somewhat like a roleplaying game with jobs.  At first, everybody starts as a generic newbie.  People tend to just spend money and watch (anime, masquerade, music videos, panels, etc).  As the players increase in level, just watching gets boring, so many start choosing job specialties: volunteer, artist, cosplayer, competitor, panelist, press, pusher, parent, and so on.  Of course, if you've outgrown Fanime, that's fine too.  I believe I read something about Fanime letting people transfer memberships to others in previous years, so it might be worth asking the registration people about it.

i agree with what nyxyin is saying it is what you make of it
i felt the same way that you did about it. but after i realized last year i just kinda treated it like it was going to entertain me and i didnt have to do anything i decided that this year im going to become more involved and be more outgoing and take a part in more things (like swap meets and gatherings)

but i know the feeling and if you feel that fanime just isnt doing it for you you can just not go thats a legitimate thing to do

(im not trying to flame sry if it came out like that its not my intention....)
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Stormfalcon on August 31, 2008, 08:38:12 PM
I'm 39, so the thought that 22 or thereabouts is too old for Fanimecon is quite ludicrous, no offense intended.  I've been enjoying Fanime ever since it moved to Foothill College from CSU Hayward.

Furthermore, I'll echo what Steve said upthread: the con is what you make of it.  Don't like the furries?  Ignore them.  Feeling in a rut?  Try new things at the con if they look interesting to you.  Miss PC gaming?  Well, not much can be done about that unless you somehow rope Bill Gates into a big donation (seriously...a decent gaming rig will run you $1000+ per box, and that's just getting the boxes for starters, let alone managing them and getting the games for them).  Sometimes things don't work out, but other things come up that just might catch your interest in the meantime.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: PyronIkari on August 31, 2008, 09:23:12 PM
Not to rain on anyone's parade.

OP: Good for you, then move on.

I don't understand why a lot of you are trying to justify your going, or attempt to persuade the OP to not feel that he's grown out of going to anime cons.

Cons are what you make out of it, but, cons are also just a small thing in the grander part of it. Frankly, there are a lot of other things to do than go to the con on a 3 day weekend. If I had to choose between Vegas with a good group of my friends, and the con, guess which one I'd choose? Yeah, it'll be fun to hang out at fanime, but it'll be fun to go gambling, drinking, clubbing, and just go out in Vegas. I can drink at Fanime... but if you call the dance or "rave" the equivalent of clubbing, you've obviously never been to a real club before.

Sorry to state this, but anime fans, in general, are pretty low on the totem pole of life in terms of social awesomeness. This is quite apparent at said dance... or "rave", or by looking around and talking to people.

So the OP wants to get away from that, and do something he finds more appropriate with his time.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Steve.Young on September 01, 2008, 02:52:40 AM
Well I wasn't necessarily trying to convince him otherwise. He started making suggestions, I merely stated why Fanime might not implement those suggestions. I simply offered him an example of why I go as a contrast on people's various reasons for attending.

Just from the tone of his post, It seemed more like he was asking for help in finding things to do. It doesn't sound like he's not going anymore, just that he's not having as much fun as he use to. At least that's what I assumed.

I'm with you in terms of Anime Cons being on the low end of the "Cool Scale". The whole concept of Anime Conventions sorta sounds pretty nerdy doesn't it?

I'm going to Vegas in December with a large group of friends and it shall be full of drinking, clubbing, and outrageous social behavior. I can't wait.

Anyways, its almost 3 a.m. I wonder if any of this will make sense when I wake up.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 08:12:05 AM
On the whole anime fans are low on the totem of social awsomeness thing, you might want to consider that there are some of us, who quite frankly, don't give a shit about it to begin with.  Some folks aren't as socially-oriented as others are, and would rather focus on what makes them happy rather than the approval of others on what makes them happy.

For example, I've no use for Las Vegas and I'd gladly spend a weekend at FanimeCon than at Vegas.  I've absolutely no use for throwing my money away gambling, I very rarely drink, and I don't bother with the clubbing scene (claustrophobia killed the attraction back in my twenties, when it might've mattered, and I'm far past the age for clubbing at this point of time anyway).  However, I have a lot more fun at FanimeCon, and at least I'd have something to show for the money spent there, even if it is anime/gaming merchandise and the like.

I will agree with Steve in how we read the OP.  It did seem more like someone who wasn't sure about things rather than outright wanting to put Fanime behind him.  If the latter is indeed the case, then that's his prerogative and it's cool if he wants to take other directions in life.  However, if it's more of a case where he's not having as fun as he'd like, then there's nothing wrong with others trying to help him find fun in new and different ways and make his con experience a better one if he's interested.

Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 11:01:23 AM
I would have to agree with mikey that there are other things besides fanime like the vegas thing. For sure  I would pick that over fanime :d because well personally I havent been to vegas before and turning 21 in october i would do a whole lot of stuff there!

The dances at fanime are pretty pathetic, my friend and I go there though shes been to more clubs than I have and we hoped for variety at least. All it was was sub par techno or whatever it was and no combos of hip hop or pop. Barley any of it was danceable it felt like a middle school dance like people were sooooo akward with dancing with us haha well on the last day these two guys were pretty cool but thats it.

At animecons you get the weeaboos and the akward people who cant even say hello thats what I feel but you do find some pretty cool people :d like Mikey rofffllllllll
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: PyronIkari on September 01, 2008, 01:41:57 PM
Quote from: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 08:12:05 AM
On the whole anime fans are low on the totem of social awsomeness thing, you might want to consider that there are some of us, who quite frankly, don't give a shit about it to begin with.  Some folks aren't as socially-oriented as others are, and would rather focus on what makes them happy rather than the approval of others on what makes them happy.

For example, I've no use for Las Vegas and I'd gladly spend a weekend at FanimeCon than at Vegas.  I've absolutely no use for throwing my money away gambling, I very rarely drink, and I don't bother with the clubbing scene (claustrophobia killed the attraction back in my twenties, when it might've mattered, and I'm far past the age for clubbing at this point of time anyway).  However, I have a lot more fun at FanimeCon, and at least I'd have something to show for the money spent there, even if it is anime/gaming merchandise and the like.

I will agree with Steve in how we read the OP.  It did seem more like someone who wasn't sure about things rather than outright wanting to put Fanime behind him.  If the latter is indeed the case, then that's his prerogative and it's cool if he wants to take other directions in life.  However, if it's more of a case where he's not having as fun as he'd like, then there's nothing wrong with others trying to help him find fun in new and different ways and make his con experience a better one if he's interested.

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF... Well you realize you just proved my point though right? Vegas was just an example. I could have used any example to fill the slot instead. Trip to Japan? Trip to Europe? Trip to New York? There's infinite amount of things I could have said in its stead.

The hilarity of you saying that first line is awesome though. Social awkwardness... you don't give a shit about it then huh? Then why are you going to an anime convention with 10,000 people? Why not stay home and do whatever it is you would have done at the con in the comfort of your own home thereby avoiding the social contact of others, because you don't care about that? Why not avoid crowded rooms, and elevators which triggers your claustrophobia?

Don't even give me that bull shit. You contradict yourself so god damned bad in your own paragraph. Allow me to rewrite it for you.

"On the whole anime fans are low on the totem of social awsomeness thing, you might want to consider that there are some of us, know we are, and are happy with being socially awkward..  Some folks aren't as socially-oriented as others are, and would rather stick with other socially awkward people so that way we have no fear of being judged by normal people."

That sounds more accurate. That's fine... frankly I don't care. It was my point to begin with. Cons are filled with socially awkward people that have no real sense of personality. They're quite low on the totem.

*I* usually prefer people that I can talk to without them acting like retards. *I* usually prefer to talk to people that have more experience than sitting at home watching cartoons and reading comics. *I* usually prefer to talk to people that have seen the world and interacted with it instead of just reading about it on the internet and thinking they know about it.

If you don't enjoy that, then that's fine. Stick with the con. The con is a small thing to me, and although I enjoy it and meeting new people and what not, it's not my life.

The OP is stating that he feels he's not getting anything out of the convention anymore. And you guys answered it within your post whether or not you realized it. "The con is what you make of it". He is no longer enjoying the con, and telling him otherwise isn't going to change that. You telling him to try different things, when he probably has, or has no interest in doing so(because he would have before if he did) isn't going to magically make the convention any better. He's not enjoying the con because he's not. It's his choice. To be honest, if he really feels that way, he shouldn't waste his time there.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 03:33:32 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.
:j theres a circus circus for kiddies like you
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Steve.Young on September 01, 2008, 03:54:25 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 03:33:32 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.
:j theres a circus circus for kiddies like you

Haha, that gets old quick.

You really need to be at least 21 to really experience Vegas =).
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 07:58:25 PM
<snip usual Mikey bullshit>

And that "woosh" was the sound of the entire point of my post going way over Mikey's head.

What you don't seem to get is that some of us don't really care what you or some other people think about us and prefer to live lives the way we see fit.  If you or any other person doesn't like what you see in me, for example, you can walk away, shove it up your obnoxiously opinionated ass, or do whatever you see fit because I'm going to continue to enjoy the things I enjoy with or without your approval.

As to why someone like me who doesn't give a shit about what society says about me would go to a con that has 10,000+ people there, has it even occurred to you that there are things that can be enjoyed there, especially new things, regardless of the social or not.  Not caring about what society says or thinks about you doesn't mean that you've become a shut in, believe it or not.  I function decently enough in society as is.  It's just that I don't give a fuck what it says or thinks about me, that's all.  There's a difference between that and being a shut-in, but I think that difference has completely escaped you.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 08:16:39 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 03:33:32 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.
:j theres a circus circus for kiddies like you

Thats it, a circus?
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 08:25:39 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 08:16:39 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 03:33:32 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.
:j theres a circus circus for kiddies like you

Thats it, a circus?
more of an entertainment/arcade place
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: PyronIkari on September 01, 2008, 08:36:46 PM
Quote from: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 07:58:25 PM
<snip usual Mikey bullshit>

And that "woosh" was the sound of the entire point of my post going way over Mikey's head.
No, it didn't. I'm just calling bull shit on it. Let me state it this way. If you could be found attractive, popular, and outgoing, you are stating you wouldn't be? You don't need to give up your fandom to be any of these things at all. Frankly, a lot of people that do go to conventions don't fit the stereotype of con-goers at all. So you being extremely defensive just shows how "bitter" about it you are. If you didn't care, you wouldn't be so defensive, you wouldn't attempt to attack me for stating something that was GENERAL about the GENERAL attendees. Instead you jumped back all offended bitching and screaming because I said most con attendees are social retards. Good job at proving my point.

QuoteWhat you don't seem to get is that some of us don't really care what you or some other people think about us and prefer to live lives the way we see fit.  If you or any other person doesn't like what you see in me, for example, you can walk away, shove it up your obnoxiously opinionated ass, or do whatever you see fit because I'm going to continue to enjoy the things I enjoy with or without your approval.
This is something separate completely. THIS JUST IN... I'm a bigger nerd than you are. I've been into the scene as long as you have, and I'd put money on it that I know more, do more, and indulge myself more in the fandom than you ever will. I bet I've seen more JP porn/ero-anime, played more ero-ge, read more ero-doujin, hell read more doujin in general than you have. Why? I've been doing it far before the internet made it easy. I sell ero-doujinshi at AX, and to be honest, I usually read the majority of it after/before hand.

So how does this make sense? You're stating to me, that you don't care about people like me judging you, when I DO EVERYTHING YOU DO, AND THEN SOME. It just so happens that, I also have a real life, and am social as well. I do my fair share of other crap outside of my fandom.

As to why someone like me who doesn't give a shit about what society says about me would go to a con that has 10,000+ people there, has it even occurred to you that there are things that can be enjoyed there, especially new things, regardless of the social or not.  Not caring about what society says or thinks about you doesn't mean that you've become a shut in, believe it or not.  I function decently enough in society as is.  It's just that I don't give a fuck what it says or thinks about me, that's all.  There's a difference between that and being a shut-in, but I think that difference has completely escaped you.

As to why someone like me who doesn't give a shit about what society says about me would go to a con that has 10,000+ people there, has it even occurred to you that there are things that can be enjoyed there, especially new things, regardless of the social or not.  Not caring about what society says or thinks about you doesn't mean that you've become a shut in, believe it or not.  I function decently enough in society as is.  It's just that I don't give a fuck what it says or thinks about me, that's all.  There's a difference between that and being a shut-in, but I think that difference has completely escaped you.

You don't have to be a shut in to be a pathetic loser. Shut ins can function decently enough in society, that doesn't mean it's their preferred method. Really, name one non-social thing you can do at fanime, that you cannot do outside of Fanime. I'm curious. Really I am. Just to shorten this though.

Anything visually related, you can do on the internet. I can watch/buy/see anything non-social that is at fanime outside of fanime on the internets. AMV's, Masquerade, all be scene on the internet(though masquerade is technically a social event). If you remove all the social stuff, you're pretty much left with... the dealers room, video rooms, and panels. Panels can be mimicked online with forums or chatrooms.

So, what is the point of your post?

"I don't care if I'm a pathetic loser!" ???

Is that about it? That doesn't disprove what I said at all, it merely means you accepted it, instead of trying to be more socially adept.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 09:04:15 PM
Since Japan was brought up, I been planning to go for some time now. I'm gonna bring me back one of those toilets that can wash your ass for you (or does one in the US already exist?) =D.

...that and haul me back all the Megami/Dengeki Festival Deluxe etc etc/resins/phone straps/UFO catchers.. *joygasm*...

Go visit the country side, ride a bullet train, go to a summer festival, attend a high school for a day (>_>) and so forth.... but I would like to spend a good amount of time away from the city as well.

Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: otakuapprentice on September 01, 2008, 09:07:14 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 08:25:39 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 08:16:39 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 03:33:32 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 01, 2008, 12:47:19 PM
Las Vegas is mostly fun for adults. What can a kid like me do there? Strip club? No, not old enough. Casino? No, not old enough. Comedy clubs? No, because they have alcohol and I'm not 21. The only thing I can think of is the damn buffets which are very fun to me.

So until I'm 21, I'll choose Fanime over Las Vegas.
:j theres a circus circus for kiddies like you

Thats it, a circus?
more of an entertainment/arcade place
first floor is the casino, second floor is the arcade/circus/kids area(at least that's how it was last time i was there); as fun as shooting zombies can be....fucking slot machines, yo.

Quote from: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 09:04:15 PM
Since Japan was brought up, I been planning to go for some time now. I'm gonna bring me back one of those toilets that can wash your ass for you (or does one in the US already exist?) =D.

...that and haul me back all the Megami/Dengeki Festival Deluxe etc etc/resins/phone straps/UFO catchers.. *joygasm*...

Go visit the country side, ride a bullet train, go to a summer festival, attend a high school for a day (>_>) and so forth.... but I would like to spend a good amount of time away from the city as well.

they sell the toilets at Japantown in San Fran........well, they used to sell them before a certain store left.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: luckyends on September 01, 2008, 09:12:36 PM

Quote from: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 09:04:15 PM
Since Japan was brought up, I been planning to go for some time now. I'm gonna bring me back one of those toilets that can wash your ass for you (or does one in the US already exist?) =D.

...that and haul me back all the Megami/Dengeki Festival Deluxe etc etc/resins/phone straps/UFO catchers.. *joygasm*...

Go visit the country side, ride a bullet train, go to a summer festival, attend a high school for a day (>_>) and so forth.... but I would like to spend a good amount of time away from the city as well.

they sell the toilets at Japantown in San Fran........well, they used to sell them before a certain store left.

well i think its the same thing as a biday(? a french word i cannot seem to spell after years of french) which you can probably find in some specialty stores i duno
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 09:21:52 PM
Wow... really? -_-;

I haven't been to SF much, but I have been going the week before I moved my ass to Boston. Man, the Metreon is pretty awesome and probably the only place I can play MvC2 (with ease of getting there of course). That and going to j-town and looking through all the art books at that one book store (forgot name). Man, I'm so going back to Cali my x-mas break..;_;
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 09:30:37 PM
Mikey, can you even claim to have seen Star Blazers when it first aired here in the US?  Hell, can you even claim to have been born when it did?  What about Battle of the Planets?  Oooh!  Oooh!  Space Giants!!  Ultraman!

Can't claim any of those?  Then don't bother claiming that you've been a fan as long as, or even longer than me.  No, better yet, keep claiming that.  I can use a really good laugh after a crazy day at work, and you claiming that you have equal or longer longetivity than I have as a fan is good for one.  I've seen you at the board panel this past Fanime, and if you're anything older than your twenties, then I'd be honestly surprised.  You don't look old enough to even have been conceived in the 70's, let alone born in them and watching some of the earlier anime that reached these shores.

Now, since you seem to like "fixing" other people's posts, let me turn around and fix one of yours to better reflect my attitude about things:

"I don't care if you think I'm a pathetic loser."

Much more accurate, because I don't happen to think I am a loser, let alone a pathetic one.  I do quite fine given the circumstances, thank you very much.  While I don't have the best of jobs, I do very well at it and have gotten a fair amount of recognition from my managers and supervisors for it.  I have a small circle of friends, but I prefer it that way, letting me concentrate more time with them.  I'm even enjoying a recently formed relationship, and I even travel from time to time.  Not often as budget dictates, but enough to make me happy with life.  No, I'm not all that outgoing, but believe it or not, some people aren't all that outgoing and that doesn't make them social misfits as you seem to believe.  It just means that they may be more self-sufficient in life than others, that's all.

What I don't care about is if others such as yourself decide that, if I like certain things in life, or if I'm not as outgoing, or if I don't share the same likes as others, that I'm somehow a misfit, or maladjusted, or a loser.  Right now, I'm at a stage in life (usually a good while after high school or even college) when such things don't matter nearly as much.  I don't need your approval, or society's in general, to enjoy life or the things I enjoy in life.  If you enjoy some of the same things as well, that's nice.  If you don't, well, I've got my life, you've got yours, let's each follow our respective paths.  If you want to be vocal about it, I'm perfectly entitled to file that opinion in the appropriate category, which would be "bullshit to be ignored." in my book.

Speaking of which, it's past time I started ignoring you in general anyway.  It'd be nice if the board has a proper ignore list function, but I suppose that, barring a proper ignore list, I should simply ignore your bullshit anyway with or without one.  I'm done with you.

Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: otakuapprentice on September 01, 2008, 09:36:36 PM
Quote from: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 09:30:37 PM
Mikey, can you even claim to have seen Star Blazers when it first aired here in the US?  Hell, can you even claim to have been born when it did?  What about Battle of the Planets?  Oooh!  Oooh!  Space Giants!!  Ultraman!
I'm somewhat sure he can claim these.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 09:38:42 PM
woooow I feel like mikey your going to be arguing with a 12 year old imo HAY i watched some ultraman when I was six it was a friends copy since his family was was weeeird

anyway Kefka yeah its called a bidae, Haha japanese toilets are almost everything a foreighner plays with. my group did in our hotel o__o though i think one of the girls liked it a bit too much...

Oh high schools in JP arent really special though I did meet the english teacher and what not. But man it would look great for some creepy photoshoots at night though.

Take lots of pictures kefkaa~ and go see some kabuki while your there. I loved it :B admist all the shopping and picture touristy places
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: otakuapprentice on September 01, 2008, 09:44:58 PM
go see sumo, i command you to.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:02:58 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 09:38:42 PM
woooow I feel like mikey your going to be arguing with a 12 year old imo HAY i watched some ultraman when I was six it was a friends copy since his family was was weeeird

anyway Kefka yeah its called a bidae, Haha japanese toilets are almost everything a foreighner plays with. my group did in our hotel o__o though i think one of the girls liked it a bit too much...

Oh high schools in JP arent really special though I did meet the english teacher and what not. But man it would look great for some creepy photoshoots at night though.

Take lots of pictures kefkaa~ and go see some kabuki while your there. I loved it :B admist all the shopping and picture touristy places

Omg I wanna go now! >____<;

I wonder how much airplane tickets cost (for future reference of course..>_>) and what the hell I need to do to get around. Should I walk around holding a sign with the words " ANIMU ME!"?..>.>;;

But seriously, I think outside the busy city lights and all the anime shops I can pig myself on in the different districts, there is a side of me wanting to just walk down a long trail next to a river on a full moon with fireflies around me during the cool summer night~~~~ ^-^

That or go hiking and hopefully not get stung by one of those Japanese killer bees..o_o
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:05:11 PM
Quote from: otakuapprentice on September 01, 2008, 09:44:58 PM
go see sumo, i command you to.


Will bringing back a flyer of a sumo event be enough?

And food, who could forget about food. Sit at one of the ramen stands and get drunk xD
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 10:10:26 PM
Quote from: otakuapprentice on September 01, 2008, 09:36:36 PM
Quote from: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 09:30:37 PM
Mikey, can you even claim to have seen Star Blazers when it first aired here in the US?  Hell, can you even claim to have been born when it did?  What about Battle of the Planets?  Oooh!  Oooh!  Space Giants!!  Ultraman!
I'm somewhat sure he can claim these.

He would have to be just shy of 30 currently to even claim to be alive when those first aired in the US in the late 70's.

Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 10:11:04 PM
Well try to go with a tourgroup or something :d or get a tour book that will tell you alot of places to go.
haha as for the sign thing it reminds me of this

In seriousness the tickets you could look on expedia or some other airlines site for future reference. Last time i went it was about 880. For nature settings you could go to mt fuji since there is a park and waterfalls near by (there is some history there). Kyoto is nice too i havent been there but its the old capital :3

hahaha bees....
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:18:56 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 10:11:04 PM
Well try to go with a tourgroup or something :d or get a tour book that will tell you alot of places to go.
haha as for the sign thing it reminds me of this

In seriousness the tickets you could look on expedia or some other airlines site for future reference. Last time i went it was about 880. For nature settings you could go to mt fuji since there is a park and waterfalls near by (there is some history there). Kyoto is nice too i havent been there but its the old capital :3

hahaha bees....

$880 around trip is not bad. I'm really planning to when comiket is around so I can go attend that and then go "George of the Jungle" afterward.

But I really would just like to rent a car for 2 weeks with a friend or two and drive around the different places in Japan (if the roads will be generous in the mountain regions hah...) That or take a bullet train to different locations. I'm one of those guys who will get lost, suck it up, and do whatever I need to do/want before I end up finding my place again =D so going with a group of people is something I feel limiting. Then again of course I know as much jp as I watch from anime which is what... a few dozen if that? lol. Good thing I have a friend who is 2nd year jp who can at least know how to get around. Maybe I'll drag him along.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Steve.Young on September 01, 2008, 10:33:01 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 09:38:42 PM
my group did in our hotel o__o though i think one of the girls liked it a bit too much...

....I'm at a lost for words.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: luckyends on September 01, 2008, 10:34:47 PM
Quote from: Steve.Young on September 01, 2008, 10:33:01 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 01, 2008, 09:38:42 PM
my group did in our hotel o__o though i think one of the girls liked it a bit too much...

....I'm at a lost for words.

i know me to
i cant think of any words to describe my frustration that i didnt get one in my room -_-
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: PyronIkari on September 01, 2008, 10:36:23 PM
Quote from: Stormfalcon on September 01, 2008, 09:30:37 PM
Mikey, can you even claim to have seen Star Blazers when it first aired here in the US?  Hell, can you even claim to have been born when it did?  What about Battle of the Planets?  Oooh!  Oooh!  Space Giants!!  Ultraman!

We're comparing... when we saw them? Oh wow... because that means so much... right? Have I seen all of those, yes. Who cares about when it aired in the US. I was watching crap before you even knew it existed. Anpanman? Sana-chan? Sana started before Yamato iirc. Did you ever watch it? Does this mean a damn thing? I don't give a damn how old you are, because frankly it doesn't mean crap. I've seen/done more in my years concerning this fandom than you have. It doesn't change the fact, that I'm not socially inept, nor do I not have a life outside of this hobby. You cannot claim the same thing, and that is the point.

QuoteCan't claim any of those?  Then don't bother claiming that you've been a fan as long as, or even longer than me.  No, better yet, keep claiming that.  I can use a really good laugh after a crazy day at work, and you claiming that you have equal or longer longetivity than I have as a fan is good for one.  I've seen you at the board panel this past Fanime, and if you're anything older than your twenties, then I'd be honestly surprised.  You don't look old enough to even have been conceived in the 70's, let alone born in them and watching some of the earlier anime that reached these shores.
I've been a fan since I was 3 years old, not of "cartoons that aired in the US that happened to be from Japan". But of Japanese culture, cartoons and the like. I read original pressed DBZ comics when they were being released. Can you say the same? Sure I didn't know JP and I had to have a friend translate it for the most part, but I still did it. I remember when the Goku vs. Frieza fight got released. I was so excited and he did genkidama for the first time. Frieza was looking at it and said "It's like looking into a sun". I was so excited me and my friend were like jumping at how awesome it was.

Oh, but you're older than me, so you probably did it too right? You totally read Dragon Ball as it was being released.

Don't you dare think just because you're older you've "done more". Reading City Hunter and the such. I didn't even realize most of this stuff

Now, since you seem to like "fixing" other people's posts, let me turn around and fix one of yours to better reflect my attitude about things:

"I don't care if you think I'm a pathetic loser."

QuoteMuch more accurate, because I don't happen to think I am a loser, let alone a pathetic one.  I do quite fine given the circumstances, thank you very much.  While I don't have the best of jobs, I do very well at it and have gotten a fair amount of recognition from my managers and supervisors for it.  I have a small circle of friends, but I prefer it that way, letting me concentrate more time with them.  I'm even enjoying a recently formed relationship, and I even travel from time to time.  Not often as budget dictates, but enough to make me happy with life.  No, I'm not all that outgoing, but believe it or not, some people aren't all that outgoing and that doesn't make them social misfits as you seem to believe.  It just means that they may be more self-sufficient in life than others, that's all.
You doing fine has jack nothing to do with it. The most otaku of otaku are "doing fine" they have decent jobs, they usually do decently at work else they couldn't afford their hobbies. They have a small circle of friends, usually within their own hobbies. How does that change anything? Guess what, I've met you in person. A lot of people I know have met you in person. Their opinions of you are slightly different than how you see yourself. You may be comfortable in your position, but socially, you are rather pathetic. How you talk to people(if you even talk at all in person) is awkward. You tend to hide from people whether or not you realize it or not, and you are just... socially awkward. You're fine with this, that's great, you're not any less of a being for being fine with that, but it doesn't change that you are this...

and that is what a good amount of con-goers are. Socially inept people. That is the point of all this. You are a good representation of your average anime fan. You are content with that, that's fine.

I find it funny how YOU are attacking me, for being more. You are attacking me, for being social. For being capable of having lots of friends, and doing things like going out and partying with lots of people. Having crazy adventures in Vegas, or wherever else I might find myself going. But in addition to this, I share your fandom... hell I'm probably more into it than you are. You have what... 7 or so years in life on me... and that means little. How many people in the industry have I met and talked to? How many shows and comics have I read in my life. How much of the JP fandom have I seen and been a part of since I was about 3? And DESPITE THAT, I can talk and meet people without shying away like a child.

QuoteWhat I don't care about is if others such as yourself decide that, if I like certain things in life, or if I'm not as outgoing, or if I don't share the same likes as others, that I'm somehow a misfit, or maladjusted, or a loser.  Right now, I'm at a stage in life (usually a good while after high school or even college) when such things don't matter nearly as much.  I don't need your approval, or society's in general, to enjoy life or the things I enjoy in life.  If you enjoy some of the same things as well, that's nice.  If you don't, well, I've got my life, you've got yours, let's each follow our respective paths.  If you want to be vocal about it, I'm perfectly entitled to file that opinion in the appropriate category, which would be "bullshit to be ignored." in my book.
It has nothing to do with "likes" or "dislikes". It's about capabilities. You MIGHT have an argument, have I not met you before. Have I not seen how you interact with people.

QuoteSpeaking of which, it's past time I started ignoring you in general anyway.  It'd be nice if the board has a proper ignore list function, but I suppose that, barring a proper ignore list, I should simply ignore your bullshit anyway with or without one.  I'm done with you.

And this is the best part of it all. If you frankly don't care, then why try so hard to ignore me? There has to be some truth behind it if it annoys you this much. Which goes against the "you not caring" part.

You jumped into this conversation to defend yourself, when I made no comments towards you at all. You tried extremely hard to defend your position, and that you don't care about being social, or not being seen as an outcast. It contradicts itself.

And you stating you're older than me won't change that.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:37:07 PM

Well, I mean, who doesn't like getting sprayed in the butt with water...

EDIT: Wow... my post just doesn't seem to fit anymore..~_~
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: PyronIkari on September 01, 2008, 10:41:28 PM
Quote from: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:18:56 PM

$880 around trip is not bad. I'm really planning to when comiket is around so I can go attend that and then go "George of the Jungle" afterward.

But I really would just like to rent a car for 2 weeks with a friend or two and drive around the different places in Japan (if the roads will be generous in the mountain regions hah...) That or take a bullet train to different locations. I'm one of those guys who will get lost, suck it up, and do whatever I need to do/want before I end up finding my place again =D so going with a group of people is something I feel limiting. Then again of course I know as much jp as I watch from anime which is what... a few dozen if that? lol. Good thing I have a friend who is 2nd year jp who can at least know how to get around. Maybe I'll drag him along.

Uh... I find this hillarious. Well if you're going to winter comiket, 880 is impossible. You'll be looking at 1400 no matter what. Winter prices are awesome. Rent-A-Car? You have an international license? You know Japanese traffic law? Hope you do, otherwise you're screwed.

Bullet Train places... you realize taking the train anywhere decently far is like 150$ right? Kyoto alone is about 200 for a JR express.

A 2nd year JP student will help you so little, it's hillarious. Anything he could possibly do, you could figure out on your own by reading the signs that are in romanji. 2nd Year wouldn't be able to read the road signs, since the majority of them are all in Kanji, especially in Kyoto. A car is almost useless in Tokyo, since parking is so horrid, and roads are so thin, you might as well be walking around because it's going to be faster. Unless you're in the outskirts where it's more rural or suburban, then a car is almost useless. Even people WITH cars rarely take them into the city areas, and train there instead.

But I don't know anything.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:51:13 PM
Quote from: PyronIkari on September 01, 2008, 10:41:28 PM
Quote from: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:18:56 PM

$880 around trip is not bad. I'm really planning to when comiket is around so I can go attend that and then go "George of the Jungle" afterward.

But I really would just like to rent a car for 2 weeks with a friend or two and drive around the different places in Japan (if the roads will be generous in the mountain regions hah...) That or take a bullet train to different locations. I'm one of those guys who will get lost, suck it up, and do whatever I need to do/want before I end up finding my place again =D so going with a group of people is something I feel limiting. Then again of course I know as much jp as I watch from anime which is what... a few dozen if that? lol. Good thing I have a friend who is 2nd year jp who can at least know how to get around. Maybe I'll drag him along.

Uh... I find this hillarious. Well if you're going to winter comiket, 880 is impossible. You'll be looking at 1400 no matter what. Winter prices are awesome. Rent-A-Car? You have an international license? You know Japanese traffic law? Hope you do, otherwise you're screwed.

Bullet Train places... you realize taking the train anywhere decently far is like 150$ right? Kyoto alone is about 200 for a JR express.

A 2nd year JP student will help you so little, it's hillarious. Anything he could possibly do, you could figure out on your own by reading the signs that are in romanji. 2nd Year wouldn't be able to read the road signs, since the majority of them are all in Kanji, especially in Kyoto. A car is almost useless in Tokyo, since parking is so horrid, and roads are so thin, you might as well be walking around because it's going to be faster. Unless you're in the outskirts where it's more rural or suburban, then a car is almost useless. Even people WITH cars rarely take them into the city areas, and train there instead.

But I don't know anything.

I was just trailing off after the whole $880 thing that was mentioned...

Wow... it sounds like a nightmare now.. hah.

Well, I figured I have to plan for a while. In fact, more like a year or even a bit further in time than that.

But yeah, some of that stuff is pretty informative to know I guess like price of the bullet train (wow..)..

Regarding my friend's skill level in jp, I think he's been doing hiragana and katakana for a bit. No clue what he's like in romanji. It's a vigorous class though is all I can say. Then again, jp is like the hardest language at the University...
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: luckyends on September 01, 2008, 10:52:47 PM
Quote from: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:51:13 PM
Quote from: PyronIkari on September 01, 2008, 10:41:28 PM
Quote from: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:18:56 PM

$880 around trip is not bad. I'm really planning to when comiket is around so I can go attend that and then go "George of the Jungle" afterward.

But I really would just like to rent a car for 2 weeks with a friend or two and drive around the different places in Japan (if the roads will be generous in the mountain regions hah...) That or take a bullet train to different locations. I'm one of those guys who will get lost, suck it up, and do whatever I need to do/want before I end up finding my place again =D so going with a group of people is something I feel limiting. Then again of course I know as much jp as I watch from anime which is what... a few dozen if that? lol. Good thing I have a friend who is 2nd year jp who can at least know how to get around. Maybe I'll drag him along.

Uh... I find this hillarious. Well if you're going to winter comiket, 880 is impossible. You'll be looking at 1400 no matter what. Winter prices are awesome. Rent-A-Car? You have an international license? You know Japanese traffic law? Hope you do, otherwise you're screwed.

Bullet Train places... you realize taking the train anywhere decently far is like 150$ right? Kyoto alone is about 200 for a JR express.

A 2nd year JP student will help you so little, it's hillarious. Anything he could possibly do, you could figure out on your own by reading the signs that are in romanji. 2nd Year wouldn't be able to read the road signs, since the majority of them are all in Kanji, especially in Kyoto. A car is almost useless in Tokyo, since parking is so horrid, and roads are so thin, you might as well be walking around because it's going to be faster. Unless you're in the outskirts where it's more rural or suburban, then a car is almost useless. Even people WITH cars rarely take them into the city areas, and train there instead.

But I don't know anything.

I was just trailing off after the whole $880 thing that was mentioned...

Wow... it sounds like a nightmare now.. hah.

Well, I figured I have to plan for a while. In fact, more like a year or even a bit further in time than that.

But yeah, some of that stuff is pretty informative to know I guess like price of the bullet train (wow..)..

Regarding my friend's skill level in jp, I think he's been doing hiragana and katakana for a bit. No clue what he's like in romanji. It's a vigorous class though is all I can say. Then again, jp is like the hardest language at the University...

actualy romanji is the same as the english alphabet
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:54:01 PM
Quote from: luckyends on September 01, 2008, 10:52:47 PM
Quote from: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:51:13 PM
Quote from: PyronIkari on September 01, 2008, 10:41:28 PM
Quote from: LordKefka on September 01, 2008, 10:18:56 PM

$880 around trip is not bad. I'm really planning to when comiket is around so I can go attend that and then go "George of the Jungle" afterward.

But I really would just like to rent a car for 2 weeks with a friend or two and drive around the different places in Japan (if the roads will be generous in the mountain regions hah...) That or take a bullet train to different locations. I'm one of those guys who will get lost, suck it up, and do whatever I need to do/want before I end up finding my place again =D so going with a group of people is something I feel limiting. Then again of course I know as much jp as I watch from anime which is what... a few dozen if that? lol. Good thing I have a friend who is 2nd year jp who can at least know how to get around. Maybe I'll drag him along.

Uh... I find this hillarious. Well if you're going to winter comiket, 880 is impossible. You'll be looking at 1400 no matter what. Winter prices are awesome. Rent-A-Car? You have an international license? You know Japanese traffic law? Hope you do, otherwise you're screwed.

Bullet Train places... you realize taking the train anywhere decently far is like 150$ right? Kyoto alone is about 200 for a JR express.

A 2nd year JP student will help you so little, it's hillarious. Anything he could possibly do, you could figure out on your own by reading the signs that are in romanji. 2nd Year wouldn't be able to read the road signs, since the majority of them are all in Kanji, especially in Kyoto. A car is almost useless in Tokyo, since parking is so horrid, and roads are so thin, you might as well be walking around because it's going to be faster. Unless you're in the outskirts where it's more rural or suburban, then a car is almost useless. Even people WITH cars rarely take them into the city areas, and train there instead.

But I don't know anything.

I was just trailing off after the whole $880 thing that was mentioned...

Wow... it sounds like a nightmare now.. hah.

Well, I figured I have to plan for a while. In fact, more like a year or even a bit further in time than that.

But yeah, some of that stuff is pretty informative to know I guess like price of the bullet train (wow..)..

Regarding my friend's skill level in jp, I think he's been doing hiragana and katakana for a bit. No clue what he's like in romanji. It's a vigorous class though is all I can say. Then again, jp is like the hardest language at the University...

actualy romanji is the same as the english alphabet


But I guess if anything, I would like to go during the Summer time when I actually have time. Maybe two trips doing different things in the distant future.

Maybe I'll take the advice and go with a tour group...-_-;
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: otakuapprentice on September 01, 2008, 11:01:05 PM
there are harder languages than JP. I hear Tagalog is a bitch to learn...
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Steve.Young on September 02, 2008, 09:23:11 AM
This thread is getting good.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Jun-Watarase on September 02, 2008, 12:26:04 PM
I nerdraged so hard at this thread.

1. OP, if you're not having fun at FanimeCon anymore, then find something else that fulfills your need for entertainment. There's no point in forcing yourself to go if you don't get any enjoyment out of it. There's plenty of other things in life that you could be doing instead, and it's only one weekend-- it won't make a huge difference. If anything, depending on what you do and how long you've been going to Fanime, there's plenty you can work with-- like the friends you've possibly gained at the con. They exist outside of it, too.

2. Plenty of people who attend Fanime are complete losers, and plenty else aren't. In the grand scheme of things, said losers don't function in society very well at all-- many of those come to mind are socially awkward, creepy, and unattractive-- what matters in anyone's perspective is that they accept and are confident in themselves. They aren't obligated to feel like shit, just because they're losers to SOCIETY, but can at least be content by not being losers to themselves. But uh, I know plenty of geeks and nerds that are able to function in society and socially interact with people avidly, so if anyone begins to think geek/nerd = loser, it may just be something else. :|

3. I've seen all those series listed, followed City Hunter, have watched plenty of series from the 80's and early 90's that apparently isn't nearly as popular as I thought they were, and I'm born 2 decades after the 70's. It isn't extremely impressive, but I'll say as-a-matter-of-factly that regardless of when I watched them, I'm still able to find people to share my fandom with without them flaunting their e-penis with "Well, I watched it before you were born!"

4. Kazuko, I really don't understand how any of what you said could make sense to you after all this trip-planning for THIS winter...

5. Romaji is pretty much the first method an American student can even comprehend words from, and example would be:

kana: かぜ
kanji: 風
romaji: kaze
english: wind

But honestly, knowing just hiragana and katakana won't get you anywhere. I suggest you bring someone who you know is fluent, otherwise, staying in a tourist group would be advisable. You could try to read into things before you visit beforehand and get the gist of what you want to do while you're there, find guides that'll help you navigate or remember how to navigate. Most people I've met at cons and nerd fandoms like this have claimed to me that they're able to speak a decent amount of Japanese, but apparently, completely forget everything as soon as you speak to them back, or in the presence of someone who CAN speak fluently.

"Fluent" and literate, going by JLPT1 standards is having learned (though, people don't necessarily remember all without studying, just as English vocab) is knowing 2000 kanji and approximately 8,000-10,000 vocabulary words. I can't claim that I do know that set of 2000 kanji-- at best, I have a solid 500ish, knowing that I'm only able to pass JLPT3, the second lowest and basic proficiency exam. The requirements for that are 300 kanji and 1,500 vocabulary (correct me if I'm wrong) and honestly, I think that wouldn't really help me much at all if I were completely alone. Your friend isn't really going to be much of use pertaining that with just knowing kana.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: LordKefka on September 02, 2008, 02:13:05 PM
Maybe I'll stick with a tour group. But damn, I really hate being limited like this..-_-;
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Lactose on September 02, 2008, 02:27:03 PM
there are websites you can go to, (i cant think of any of them off the top of my head) that have english speakers advertising cheap room and board in their foreign countries. usually they are of american or english descent and fell in love with their new country SOO much, that they just have to spread the love. they usually act as basic tour guides that can show you around the area, or tell you exactly where and how to go.

just an example: my german friend momme, lives in germany, spoke only the english he learned in school (so enough to get around if he HAD to, but he wasnt really comfortable in the language). he looked in a magazine or a website or something and found a german man living in new zealand offering up his two bedrooms to german speakers who wanted to come to new zealand for a length of time. he jumped on that opportunity soo fast, he loves to windsurf, and wanted to improve his english. he stayed for a year and had one of the best experiences of his life, and actually made another friend in germany who was staying with the same guy.

something like this would probably be great for you, better than hostels and hardly speaking the language. you would have someone to host you, sort of like a host family. you might be a little more limited on where you could go, but you'd be a lot less likely to get lost, and honestly, having a friend, or anyone, who can guide you around a foreign country is one of the best ways to see it. when you go with a local you're not confined to touristy places. idk, look around for something like that if you're really serious, cause if i ever go to a country where i dont alraedy know someone, im sure thats what ill be doing. =)
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Steve.Young on September 02, 2008, 02:56:29 PM
I'll stick to places like china and taiwan where I can get by speaking the language but fail at reading.
For Chinese Fluency, I think you need to know somewhere between 5000-10000 basic words.

Note: If your going to a country, you should bring someone "FLUENT".

Screw Japan. I wanna go to Australia. I need to punch a kangaroo.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: satanic_mechanic on September 02, 2008, 05:34:34 PM
man, theres been some interesting response to this thread, and I've had some time to mull it over.

its clear that fanime for me isnt going to be as good as it was when i was 19 or 20; i am growing, constantly changing and evolving as a person and it would only make sense that my con experience would change.

fanime isnt usually the place i go to meet people, but rather to go with people i already know; i believe mikey hit this point before with much less tact and sensitivity, but they tend to be somewhat introverted and uneducated regarding social interaction.  Fanime is a wonderful opportunity to meet people; weirdos aside, there are plenty of people to meet.

however, in addition to making that point, mikey made another point for me - the 4chan rejects, flamers and general douche bags that make this forum less than it can be.  no one likes to be around jerks and assh*les.  Mikey seems to derive pleasure in picking on other people in pathological fashion.  Its sick.

but there will be assholes and douche bags and jerks wherever you go, so that in and of itself alone does not justify not going to the con.  3% of all males have anti-social personality disorder, but that is no reason not to do the things in life you normally do.

so i think the solution is to join staff or conops; if I like the concept of fanime but not the execution of it, then i should either stop going, or actively become a part of it so that i have some influence over the programming.

so it isnt goign to be the same as it was when i was 19 or 20; that doesnt mean anything, other then it is my responsibility to make it my convention.

thanks for all the feedback, guys.  except you, mikey.  you're kind of an assh*le. 

Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Stormfalcon on September 02, 2008, 09:14:45 PM
And that's probably the best thing you can do, Satanic.  If something you're involved in is not as fulfilling as it once was but you don't want to abandon it entirely, then getting involved in such a way that you have at least a little influence in where it's going is a good thing to do.  Of course, you'd have to be able to devote time and effort to it and you may not always get your way in things, but at least you'd be getting involved and having more of a voice in these matters.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Jun-Watarase on September 02, 2008, 10:18:37 PM
It's not as if most people really go to cons for the sake of the con itself these days, anyway. As wonderful as Fanime can be, what makes it great for most are the company and people you've known and have grown to love over the years, meeting new acquaintances, and having fun together. It's also an excuse to cosplay and interact with other people in your fandom that you might not already know, or even meet up with those you've met online from said fandom.

Also, you know... FanimeCon is also pretty much the con where I've witnessed the most drinking and hotel parties in comparison to any other. So if not for the con, go for the booze your friends. It's one weekend out of the year, and whether or not you feel that you want to occupy that weekend with the happenings of Fanime, it's up to you and always has been.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 10:18:58 PM
Realists tend to be assholes. ;>_> You may want to get used to that too. o_O Cuz the world is full of all types of assholes, and unfortunately, they're unnavoidable. Don't let it get to you. All you can do is toughen up, and enjoy the ride. ;)
Or you can be like me- nvm. O_o You don't want to be like me. ._.'
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 10:21:02 PM
Quote from: Jun-Watarase on September 02, 2008, 10:18:37 PM
So if not for the con, go for the booze your friends.

Jun, my room. I have friends.  ;D
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Jun-Watarase on September 02, 2008, 10:22:26 PM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 10:21:02 PM
Quote from: Jun-Watarase on September 02, 2008, 10:18:37 PM
So if not for the con, go for the booze your friends.

Jun, my room. I have friends.  ;D

And with friends comes a little lovin'. *Wink wink, slips a peek under shirt.* :U
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 10:25:39 PM
I feel loveded.  ;D

I have have a shirt on? O.o
Lemme clarify, I wear shirts that can be peeped under? O_o

X] I doubt it'd matter either way. Unless at that time I decided to make a fashion statement with electrical tape. @____@
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: JohnnyAR on September 02, 2008, 10:31:14 PM
Quote from: Jun-Watarase on September 02, 2008, 12:26:04 PM
2. Plenty of people who attend Fanime are complete losers, and plenty else aren't. In the grand scheme of things, said losers don't function in society very well at all-- many of those come to mind are socially awkward, creepy, and unattractive-- what matters in anyone's perspective is that they accept and are confident in themselves. They aren't obligated to feel like shit, just because they're losers to SOCIETY, but can at least be content by not being losers to themselves. But uh, I know plenty of geeks and nerds that are able to function in society and socially interact with people avidly, so if anyone begins to think geek/nerd = loser, it may just be something else. :|

This has made me think more clearly on my social life, I'm gonna become more social so I won't end up completely anti-social. I'm gonna get out more, hang out with my friends more often, I should join an after school activity but I need to stay on top of my grades, I need to find something else to do other than anime and video games. Well I did have something, martial arts... I was getting the hang of it when the prices began to rise and it got too expensive for my parent's to pay (with the cost for all the gear and stuff). So thats when I started to become less social. Man I really need to find some other place to learn martial arts, a cheaper place too. 

Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Jun-Watarase on September 02, 2008, 10:42:47 PM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on September 02, 2008, 10:31:14 PM
Quote from: Jun-Watarase on September 02, 2008, 12:26:04 PM
2. Plenty of people who attend Fanime are complete losers, and plenty else aren't. In the grand scheme of things, said losers don't function in society very well at all-- many of those come to mind are socially awkward, creepy, and unattractive-- what matters in anyone's perspective is that they accept and are confident in themselves. They aren't obligated to feel like shit, just because they're losers to SOCIETY, but can at least be content by not being losers to themselves. But uh, I know plenty of geeks and nerds that are able to function in society and socially interact with people avidly, so if anyone begins to think geek/nerd = loser, it may just be something else. :|

This has made me think more clearly on my social life, I'm gonna become more social so I won't end up completely anti-social. I'm gonna get out more, hang out with my friends more often, I should join an after school activity but I need to stay on top of my grades, I need to find something else to do other than anime and video games. Well I did have something, martial arts... I was getting the hang of it when the prices began to rise and it got too expensive for my parent's to pay (with the cost for all the gear and stuff). So thats when I started to become less social. Man I really need to find some other place to learn martial arts, a cheaper place too. 


Well, everyone's definition of a "loser" differs, but I'd say there are multiple. To me, doing something about your life and making the effort to become more well-rounded is an accomplishment that I'd consider most complete losers wouldn't even bother to do. In a more broader generalization, well, there are those who still do things but are still losers. But really, it's up to you to decide when and if it even matters.

How does someone really define it really? It's normally up to someone's personality, how they carry themselves, how they manage things and work with their environment, how they think and how much effort they're willing to make to improve themselves. What I feel, generally, is a loser is someone who chooses to be ignorant to their own flaws, stubborn not to question themselves and acknowledge that they may not be perfect the way they are and unwilling to make changes. Everyone has room for improvement, and opportunity to improve themselves in some way or another, and to me, losers choose to deny that. It's not the same as say, a person who is flawed in some destructive way, but unaware of it or put under the circumstance where they would be unable to acknowledge it.

But it goes beyond that, sometimes. It varies between people's standards, society's standards, and your own standards of what makes someone a loser, and someone who is better than that.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 10:48:07 PM
Well, given what was this social group...I must be a looser of some type. I fail at everything here. XD

But it's great. Cuz I am different. >_>
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Jun-Watarase on September 02, 2008, 10:53:08 PM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 10:48:07 PM
Well, given what was this social group...I must be a looser of some type. I fail at everything here. XD

But it's great. Cuz I am different. >_>

No one said you weren't! >:U

And I meant my shirt, btw. ffffffffff
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Stormfalcon on September 02, 2008, 10:54:23 PM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 10:18:58 PM
Realists tend to be assholes. ;>_> You may want to get used to that too. o_O Cuz the world is full of all types of assholes, and unfortunately, they're unnavoidable. Don't let it get to you. All you can do is toughen up, and enjoy the ride. ;)
Or you can be like me- nvm. O_o You don't want to be like me. ._.'

Heh...try working returns in retail (big box electronics retail in particular).  You'll get a nice cross-section of the the wide variety of assholes that are out there before long.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 11:01:04 PM
Quote from: Stormfalcon on September 02, 2008, 10:54:23 PM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 10:18:58 PM
Realists tend to be assholes. ;>_> You may want to get used to that too. o_O Cuz the world is full of all types of assholes, and unfortunately, they're unnavoidable. Don't let it get to you. All you can do is toughen up, and enjoy the ride. ;)
Or you can be like me- nvm. O_o You don't want to be like me. ._.'

Heh...try working returns in retail (big box electronics retail in particular).  You'll get a nice cross-section of the the wide variety of assholes that are out there before long.

Oh I have. I've had almost every job under the sun. I think the worst sections are Food Service Retail, and Customer service.

So I am not different?!?
waaaaaaah I though I was so great! waaaaaaaaah
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: PyronIkari on September 02, 2008, 11:08:27 PM
Quote from: satanic_mechanic on September 02, 2008, 05:34:34 PM

however, in addition to making that point, mikey made another point for me - the 4chan rejects, flamers and general douche bags that make this forum less than it can be.  no one likes to be around jerks and assh*les.  Mikey seems to derive pleasure in picking on other people in pathological fashion.  Its sick.

Oh please, don't compare me to idiots from 4chan. Everything I do and say has a purpose and a point it carries. It's not so much random and meant to insult, as it has a reasoning as to why I'm telling someone how/why they're stupid.

Am I an asshole? Obviously, because only assholes will tell you the truth. Everyone else is too busy trying to not offend someone that they can't say "Yes, that outfit makes you look incredibly ugly", "Yes, you are fat", or "You don't know what you're talking about, so quit now so you don't look even more stupid."
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: otakuapprentice on September 02, 2008, 11:19:48 PM
Quote from: satanic_mechanic on September 02, 2008, 05:34:34 PM
however, in addition to making that point, mikey made another point for me - the 4chan rejects, flamers and general douche bags that make this forum less than it can be.  no one likes to be around jerks and assh*les.  Mikey seems to derive pleasure in picking on other people in pathological fashion.  Its sick.
i officially call bullshit on this.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on September 02, 2008, 11:21:49 PM
Quote from: Jun-Watarase on September 02, 2008, 10:53:08 PM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 10:48:07 PM
Well, given what was this social group...I must be a looser of some type. I fail at everything here. XD

But it's great. Cuz I am different. >_>

No one said you weren't! >:U

And I meant my shirt, btw. ffffffffff
I want to join in this lovin's!!!! =(
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 11:23:33 PM
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on September 02, 2008, 11:25:54 PM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 11:23:33 PM

Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: otakuapprentice on September 02, 2008, 11:26:43 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 02, 2008, 11:21:49 PM
Quote from: Jun-Watarase on September 02, 2008, 10:53:08 PM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 10:48:07 PM
Well, given what was this social group...I must be a looser of some type. I fail at everything here. XD

But it's great. Cuz I am different. >_>

No one said you weren't! >:U

And I meant my shirt, btw. ffffffffff
I want to join in this lovin's!!!! =(
i still have to get ur booze to you, phobia. and you don't fail, you're friggin' cool.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 11:28:49 PM
lol you may want to buy two now, cuz my bday is comming up again.
If people didn't live faraway, and I had my own place, I would have thrown a huge party.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on September 02, 2008, 11:29:28 PM
Quote from: otakuapprentice on September 02, 2008, 11:19:48 PM
Quote from: satanic_mechanic on September 02, 2008, 05:34:34 PM
however, in addition to making that point, mikey made another point for me - the 4chan rejects, flamers and general douche bags that make this forum less than it can be.  no one likes to be around jerks and assh*les.  Mikey seems to derive pleasure in picking on other people in pathological fashion.  Its sick.
i officially call bullshit on this.
because this would have been filled with DO YOU LIKE MUDKIPZ or something equally retarded
@pho: ;O hooott birthday
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 11:32:58 PM
Well, my bday is Nov 11th. People do alot of things around that time tho too. I dunno.

I've outgrown the Mudkipz thing. It was at fanime, and it should stay there. Overuse is detrimental to my health.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: jazmatazz on September 02, 2008, 11:34:09 PM

Back OT (haven't read any of the responses btw)  -  if you outgrow fanime, then ya outgrow fanime. Oh well, want a cookie for it ?!

Yeah that was some Dr. Phil shit right there, naa'mean.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 11:37:38 PM
I hate DR. Phil. :/ He's a bald bastard with funky nose hairs. I made a thread in byo /b/
I'm gonna go and be cool there. ;)
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Ninj4 on September 03, 2008, 12:27:32 AM
I go to FanimeCon because cute nerdy geek girls are my thing, especially when they cosplay.  The competition for their attention is so sad that it's like shooting fish in a barrel... with a shotgun... and no water.

What's your excuse?
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on September 03, 2008, 12:31:13 AM
Quote from: Ninj4 on September 03, 2008, 12:27:32 AM
I go to FanimeCon because cute nerdy geek girls are my thing, especially when they cosplay.  The competition for their attention is so sad that it's like shooting fish in a barrel... with a shotgun... and no water.

What's your excuse?
I would suffocate you buut thats how we met ;3 *chu*
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Ninj4 on September 03, 2008, 12:33:00 AM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 03, 2008, 12:31:13 AM
Quote from: Ninj4 on September 03, 2008, 12:27:32 AM
I go to FanimeCon because cute nerdy geek girls are my thing, especially when they cosplay.  The competition for their attention is so sad that it's like shooting fish in a barrel... with a shotgun... and no water.

What's your excuse?
I would suffocate you buut thats how we met ;3 *chu*

Asphyxiation isn't my kink hun.  ;3
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on September 03, 2008, 12:34:05 AM
Quote from: Ninj4 on September 03, 2008, 12:33:00 AM
Quote from: Kazuko on September 03, 2008, 12:31:13 AM
Quote from: Ninj4 on September 03, 2008, 12:27:32 AM
I go to FanimeCon because cute nerdy geek girls are my thing, especially when they cosplay.  The competition for their attention is so sad that it's like shooting fish in a barrel... with a shotgun... and no water.

What's your excuse?
I would suffocate you buut thats how we met ;3 *chu*

Asphyxiation isn't my kink hun.  ;3
X) oh ryan you silly face <3
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 03, 2008, 12:35:51 AM

My excuse?
I have many. ;)

I saw the word Kink... X]
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: jazmatazz on September 03, 2008, 12:40:01 AM
Eiwww, get a room you two.

Or a private thread. Wink WINK ;D
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Kazuko on September 03, 2008, 12:41:06 AM
Quote from: jazmatazz on September 03, 2008, 12:40:01 AM
Eiwww, get a room you two.

Or a private thread. Wink WINK ;D
XD hahahaa I hart you too babycakes
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 03, 2008, 12:42:03 AM
Someone's JEALOUS. X]
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: jazmatazz on September 03, 2008, 12:46:34 AM
Jealous ?!?!

Psh, so what if I'm a sad, lonely little pathetic excuse for a being ? Doesn't make me jealous of anything. D< Jaykay.

@ Kazuko ~ lulz I <3 joo too doodes. "You're the one person who I trust on this earth" - that guy. PS the show we're watching is hella lame. And you're sitting three feet away from me! Yay!
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Mizuki on September 03, 2008, 12:47:31 AM
Quote from: otakuapprentice on September 01, 2008, 11:01:05 PM
there are harder languages than JP. I hear Tagalog is a bitch to learn...

English is a hard language to learn.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Ninj4 on September 03, 2008, 12:50:09 AM
Quote from: jazmatazz on September 03, 2008, 12:40:01 AM
Eiwww, get a room you two.

Or a private thread. Wink WINK ;D

Workin' on it.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 03, 2008, 12:54:30 AM
Quote from: Mizuki on September 03, 2008, 12:47:31 AM
Quote from: otakuapprentice on September 01, 2008, 11:01:05 PM
there are harder languages than JP. I hear Tagalog is a bitch to learn...

English is a hard language to learn.
Russian, Polish and Swedish is sorta tricky too.
Japanese is pretty easy compared to those!  :-\
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Steve.Young on September 03, 2008, 12:55:43 AM
Quote from: jazmatazz on September 03, 2008, 12:46:34 AM
Jealous ?!?!

Psh, so what if I'm a sad, lonely little pathetic excuse for a being ? Doesn't make me jealous of anything. D< Jaykay.

@ Kazuko ~ lulz I <3 joo too doodes. "You're the one person who I trust on this earth" - that guy. PS the show we're watching is hella lame. And you're sitting three feet away from me! Yay!

All you gotta do is call me. It's really just that easy. *wink wink*  ;)

This thread is full of win...

and cake.

Oh and Hotel Parties...yea. Lets just say this next super secret awesome hotel party i'm going to throw will be amazing...I still have to work out the details though =(
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 03, 2008, 12:58:56 AM
I'll bring the drinks... ;D
But I may have my own hotel room. O_o it all depends on how much I have been working as a sub lol
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: jazmatazz on September 03, 2008, 01:10:15 AM
Quote from: Steve.Young on September 03, 2008, 12:55:43 AM
Quote from: jazmatazz on September 03, 2008, 12:46:34 AM
Jealous ?!?!

Psh, so what if I'm a sad, lonely little pathetic excuse for a being ? Doesn't make me jealous of anything. D< Jaykay.

@ Kazuko ~ lulz I <3 joo too doodes. "You're the one person who I trust on this earth" - that guy. PS the show we're watching is hella lame. And you're sitting three feet away from me! Yay!

All you gotta do is call me. It's really just that easy. *wink wink*  ;)

This thread is full of win...

and cake.

Oh and Hotel Parties...yea. Lets just say this next super secret awesome hotel party i'm going to throw will be amazing...I still have to work out the details though =(

Why sir, if I didn't now any better, I'd say that you are a horse.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: LordKefka on September 03, 2008, 07:41:05 AM
Quote from: satanic_mechanic on September 02, 2008, 05:34:34 PM
man, theres been some interesting response to this thread, and I've had some time to mull it over.

its clear that fanime for me isnt going to be as good as it was when i was 19 or 20; i am growing, constantly changing and evolving as a person and it would only make sense that my con experience would change.

fanime isnt usually the place i go to meet people, but rather to go with people i already know; i believe mikey hit this point before with much less tact and sensitivity, but they tend to be somewhat introverted and uneducated regarding social interaction.  Fanime is a wonderful opportunity to meet people; weirdos aside, there are plenty of people to meet.

however, in addition to making that point, mikey made another point for me - the 4chan rejects, flamers and general douche bags that make this forum less than it can be.  no one likes to be around jerks and assh*les.  Mikey seems to derive pleasure in picking on other people in pathological fashion.  Its sick.

but there will be assholes and douche bags and jerks wherever you go, so that in and of itself alone does not justify not going to the con.  3% of all males have anti-social personality disorder, but that is no reason not to do the things in life you normally do.

so i think the solution is to join staff or conops; if I like the concept of fanime but not the execution of it, then i should either stop going, or actively become a part of it so that i have some influence over the programming.

so it isnt goign to be the same as it was when i was 19 or 20; that doesnt mean anything, other then it is my responsibility to make it my convention.

thanks for all the feedback, guys.  except you, mikey.  you're kind of an assh*le. 

I dunno, that little heads up on by desired trip to Japan by Kaz, Mikey, and Jun was pretty helpful since I'm 1.) never been there obviously and 2.) too lazy to look it up myself =D

It's pretty easy to read the guy though compared to before. Just don't get so sensitive and you're fine. That or look at the back of the cover of the book before judging it on the front (i.e. read between the lines).

Whatever, don't know what's going on here anymore..@_@
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Steve.Young on September 03, 2008, 09:08:58 AM
Quote from: jazmatazz on September 03, 2008, 01:10:15 AM
Quote from: Steve.Young on September 03, 2008, 12:55:43 AM
Quote from: jazmatazz on September 03, 2008, 12:46:34 AM
Jealous ?!?!

Psh, so what if I'm a sad, lonely little pathetic excuse for a being ? Doesn't make me jealous of anything. D< Jaykay.

@ Kazuko ~ lulz I <3 joo too doodes. "You're the one person who I trust on this earth" - that guy. PS the show we're watching is hella lame. And you're sitting three feet away from me! Yay!

All you gotta do is call me. It's really just that easy. *wink wink*  ;)

This thread is full of win...

and cake.

Oh and Hotel Parties...yea. Lets just say this next super secret awesome hotel party i'm going to throw will be amazing...I still have to work out the details though =(

Why sir, if I didn't now any better, I'd say that you are a horse.


Okay. If you say so? I don't understand it but sure.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 03, 2008, 06:12:25 PM
Just don't fall asleep on your stomach. O_o
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: JohnnyAR on September 03, 2008, 06:49:42 PM
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 03, 2008, 07:31:23 PM
That is a scary dlivery guy. 
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: otakuapprentice on September 03, 2008, 07:41:34 PM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 11:28:49 PM
lol you may want to buy two now, cuz my bday is comming up again.
If people didn't live faraway, and I had my own place, I would have thrown a huge party.
okay, two it is then.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: otakuapprentice on September 03, 2008, 07:42:06 PM
Quote from: Ninj4 on September 03, 2008, 12:27:32 AM
I go to FanimeCon because cute nerdy geek girls are my thing, especially when they cosplay.  The competition for their attention is so sad that it's like shooting fish in a barrel... with a shotgun... and no water.

What's your excuse?
el oh el, ryan.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 03, 2008, 09:12:26 PM
Quote from: otakuapprentice on September 03, 2008, 07:41:34 PM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on September 02, 2008, 11:28:49 PM
lol you may want to buy two now, cuz my bday is comming up again.
If people didn't live faraway, and I had my own place, I would have thrown a huge party.
okay, two it is then.

@_@ I am going to be a happy drunken panda....
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: Haruka on September 05, 2008, 01:54:31 PM
"I go to Fanime becuase I  can only see people and friends that ONE TIME. It's like a Christmas for me."

It's the same for me.  I'm 28 years old and have been attending Fanime consistantly since 1998.  I'm not a nerd, I swear.  I have friends and a social life and everything.  But life happens and my friends and I are scattered all over CA, now.  We almost lost one of them to ILLINOIS!  So we only get to see each other a few times a year.  Fanime is one of them. 

And there are some times when I wonder if the fact that's I'm pushing 30 and still going to anime conventions is just plain sad.  But then I go and have a great time hanging out with my friends.  And I blow off any stupid notions I had about being "too old." 

So, my advice to you would be to re-evaluate just why it was you began attending conventions in the first place.  You may find your original reasons are no longer valid and either find a new reason to go, or channel your fandom into another venue.  
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: rude32 on September 07, 2008, 12:39:15 AM
If your feeling outgrown, try something new. This past year I have had 2 friends who said 08 was there last year because 1) they can get the anime they show anywhere or 2) they can get the stuff they sell in the dealers room for cheaper. Now both of these may be true, but I got them to give the rave and B&W ball a try again, and they loved it. Now they are more tempted to return, even they have been going for the past 10 years. Just give fanime one more shot, but this time, try something you have never tried before.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 07, 2008, 01:28:21 AM
I forgot about the B&W ball. I should have a real pretty gown to show off. I've been wanting to go...just never had anything to wear. I like the dances, and mostly showing off my wardrobe. X)
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: rude32 on September 07, 2008, 01:32:59 AM
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on September 07, 2008, 01:28:21 AM
I forgot about the B&W ball. I should have a real pretty gown to show off. I've been wanting to go...just never had anything to wear. I like the dances, and mostly showing off my wardrobe. X)
Same here. I threw something together last minute. The only thing I had to purchase that weekend was the tie. I'm on the far left.
Title: Re: i think ive outgrown fanimecon
Post by: XpHoBiaX on September 07, 2008, 01:46:52 AM
I love ties, I wanted the black and green stripey tie. But I already had a tie that was a sort of cyber gothy green.

Lucky, I didn't have anything to throw together. :/