FanimeCon 2024 Forums

FanimeCon Events and Discussionmentarianism => Live Programming and Events => Topic started by: izy on January 24, 2009, 05:10:36 PM

Title: question about artists alley
Post by: izy on January 24, 2009, 05:10:36 PM
i was wondering where one would go to find out information on registering for the artists alley, ive looked all over and the only thing ive found is an older forum posting for fanime 2008 that explains what one should do for registering for that year, does that still apply, and just change the date on the registration contract? many thaks in advance
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Aya Brea X on January 27, 2009, 05:21:23 PM
I don't think the sign up information is up yet.  The only people I'm aware of that have actually signed up are the ones who signed up at the end of con last year.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: izy on January 29, 2009, 10:56:58 AM
Quote from: Aya Brea X on January 27, 2009, 05:21:23 PM
I don't think the sign up information is up yet.  The only people I'm aware of that have actually signed up are the ones who signed up at the end of con last year.

thanks, do you happen to know when they will be posting the information, or when they usualy post it? ive never had a booth at this con before and im finding it hard to get information off of the site ^^;
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on January 29, 2009, 11:10:31 AM
We are working on it, it'll be alot easier when we have the info prepared and loaded online.
Title: artists alley
Post by: sunrise-oasis on January 30, 2009, 02:52:34 PM
in the mean time is it alright to notify people how to obtain a temporary license for the fanime artist alley???

(large note: will these issues (horrible transactions, email notifications, Staple injuries from various artist including myself, be solved or will it happened again!?......)
Title: Re: artists alley
Post by: Raymei on January 31, 2009, 08:15:26 AM
Quote from: sunrise-oasis on January 30, 2009, 02:52:34 PM
in the mean time is it alright to notify people how to obtain a temporary license for the fanime artist alley???

that would be really great! This is my first year with a table and I like to get prepared ahead of time  :)  but no rush, of course.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: lethalbanana on February 02, 2009, 05:43:02 PM
I agree, I'm really interested in doing a table as well, when will it open to register for that? Also is there any cost for having a table?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Steve.Young on February 02, 2009, 08:42:48 PM
Quote from: lethalbanana on February 02, 2009, 05:43:02 PM
I agree, I'm really interested in doing a table as well, when will it open to register for that? Also is there any cost for having a table?

There is a cost for the table, look out for an official announcement...sometime...soon.

We keep saying it...and it will happen...eventually.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: kishi005 on February 05, 2009, 05:42:37 PM

I am already registered for Artist Alley and I was wondering when I can sign up for a table location? I already have my seller's permit and have registered for Fanime. Please let me know. Thank you.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Chloe on February 08, 2009, 02:02:10 PM
Quote from: kishi005 on February 05, 2009, 05:42:37 PM

I am already registered for Artist Alley and I was wondering when I can sign up for a table location? I already have my seller's permit and have registered for Fanime. Please let me know. Thank you.

Look, you don't get to sign up for a table location.  It's more like the AA people will e-mail you a jpeg of the available tables, and you basically choose your top 4 choices.  They will send it to you in the order of those who have registered.  Seeing as you registered at the con, you should be one of those who will receive the list first.

EDIT:  Last I remembered, I received the list in April of last year.  And I registered not at con, so if things work out, you should get the list sooner than that.

Otherwise, you are set, and should only wait until the AA people have orgainzed everything.

Also, note to eveyone else who is posting this same thread:  Just please be patient and wait for AA People to organize things.  I don't remember how many times I've seen the same people respond with the same answer over and over.  I know those who are asking are new to the con, but make sure to read everywhere else rather than posting immediately.  Hopefully, this will help the AA people out.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 08, 2009, 11:00:52 PM
It looks like we are changing things up and are going to change things up even more for next year. So be ready for some changes. (kinda redundant) but with that said, within the next few weeks, look for AA table reg to go up and more info about table arrangements.

Hang tite:)
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: UzumakiRamen on February 09, 2009, 09:44:15 AM
sorry, I'm new to Fanime so I have a lot of questions...

How exactly do I go about getting a temporary seller's permit and what specific information do I need in regards to the con while registering? Is it a long process? As in, will I get my permit in time for the con once the tables are up? Also how much does it normally cost?

As for the actual AA, how many tables will be available and for what price? Am I allowed to have 3 people behind one table? And if we're allowed only 2 chairs, is it ok for me to just provide the 3rd chair on my own?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 09, 2009, 01:41:37 PM
Sellers permit info:

most of the info you can find here:,8268.0.html
this is from '08 so expect changes.

We're not sure of #'s and $'s yet. Keep on the lookout for that.

As for behind the table. You will get two chairs and you will not be able to bring in your own chair.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: FallenAngel_Yami on February 14, 2009, 02:16:12 PM
I hope this doesn't sound too silly but, if we are sharing a table, do both of us need a seller's permit? Or just the one purchasing the table? Thank you :)
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: maxx-v on February 16, 2009, 11:09:22 AM
Is the contract for 2009 available anywhere? Or should we simply use the 2008 contract?
Title: If your new to Registering a permit
Post by: sunrise-oasis on February 16, 2009, 11:44:30 AM
your always welcome to visit this post!....hopefully not much has changed!....,8365.0.html

however, you could be the unlucky person who did not recieve the jpeg form due to lack of communications and having the AA not sending the emails correctly. I REALLY hope this never happens again because it was very very unfair for them to claim the emails they sent cannot go through! THey could have the decency to call us!

Quote from: Chloe on February 08, 2009, 02:02:10 PM
Quote from: kishi005 on February 05, 2009, 05:42:37 PM
I am already registered for Artist Alley and I was wondering when I can sign up for a table location? I already have my seller's permit and have registered for Fanime. Please let me know. Thank you.

Look, you don't get to sign up for a table location.  It's more like the AA people will e-mail you a jpeg of the available tables, and you basically choose your top 4 choices.  They will send it to you in the order of those who have registered.  Seeing as you registered at the con, you should be one of those who will receive the list first.

EDIT:  Last I remembered, I received the list in April of last year.  And I registered not at con, so if things work out, you should get the list sooner than that.

Otherwise, you are set, and should only wait until the AA people have orgainzed everything.

Also, note to eveyone else who is posting this same thread:  Just please be patient and wait for AA People to organize things.  I don't remember how many times I've seen the same people respond with the same answer over and over.  I know those who are asking are new to the con, but make sure to read everywhere else rather than posting immediately.  Hopefully, this will help the AA people out.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 16, 2009, 02:36:08 PM
if you are separate sellers over 18, by CA law you must have separate permits. I am unsure about how the alley has done it in the past, but check with them first.

The 2009 contract will come up when AA info is posted on the website. You may not use the 2008 contract.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 16, 2009, 07:47:11 PM
page is up!
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: darkkako on February 16, 2009, 08:10:35 PM
On the Contract, are we supposed to leave the 'FanimeCon Signature' bit blank?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 16, 2009, 08:36:32 PM
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: darkkako on February 16, 2009, 08:44:07 PM
Thank you!
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: megamoth on February 16, 2009, 09:36:20 PM
On the current artist alley contract, the prices are listed until the end of con 2008, etc. Is this for those who registered at the end of last con? I just want to make sure I send the right amount on my check.

Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: poftd on February 16, 2009, 09:44:09 PM
Uhm, I went through this thread and the website and can't seem to find the contract for 2009? Could someone link me? OTL
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 16, 2009, 10:10:16 PM
the current rate is for $30.

There were some things that needed to be updated. expect that to come back up when we correct them.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: megamoth on February 16, 2009, 10:40:21 PM
Thank you for info! I have one more question: is there somewhere I can look up approximate dimensions of the tables? This is my first time applying for the artist alley, and I'm not sure if I'll need one table or two.

Thanks again!
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 16, 2009, 10:57:12 PM
if i recall correctly they are 6' x 2' but I think we are still checking on that.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: slifertheskydragon on February 17, 2009, 04:01:28 PM
ok so let me get this straight- the 2009 AA table form isn't up yet and it'll be up on the main site when it's good and ready?

I still have the form from 2008 fanime that they had for anyone who wanted to sign up for 2009 just i havent filled it out.

can i fill it out and send it in?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: darkkako on February 17, 2009, 04:05:01 PM
It was up for a short amount of time. ^^; (Actually, it technically still is up. >_> Nobody removed the link in the registration section of the site.)

I hope the form that was put up is still alright, as I filled it out and mailed it before the information was taken down. >_<
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Leloi on February 17, 2009, 06:25:17 PM
I also hope that the application is alright.  I have it printed out and I have it halfway filled out.  (Waiting until my paypal works again so I can send in the registration fee before I send in the table contract)

Is there some other information we need to add to the old application?  Do you want to know what we'll be selling?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 17, 2009, 08:10:46 PM
if you have the 2009 one, go ahead and send it in. if not wait for us to bring it back up.

We will eventually want to know what you will be selling, but that is for later.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: FallenAngel_Yami on February 17, 2009, 11:06:07 PM
So how will you let us know when we get a table? And how can I use paypal to pay for the table? I'm sorry but I'm new to this so please be patient with me >_<

Thanks!  :)
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 17, 2009, 11:29:39 PM
If you are missing parts, you will be contacted. If all is in order, then we will let you know when seating happens. As for payment, we only take checks or money orders.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: unicorn_lord on February 18, 2009, 10:55:50 AM
I can't find the Artist Alley Contract. It's not appearing in the link on the site.

anybody fixing it?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 18, 2009, 11:16:40 AM
Quote from: ewu on February 17, 2009, 08:10:46 PM
if you have the 2009 one, go ahead and send it in. if not wait for us to bring it back up.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: darkkako on February 18, 2009, 12:52:49 PM
I don't want to be a bother, but do you have an estimate as to when seating is likely to occur? We don't want to purchase our resources if we don't get the table, but some of the resources for things we're selling may sell out if we wait too long. ):
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 18, 2009, 12:55:53 PM
no estimate on that, we need to go through a few things on our end before we can let you know if you have a table or not.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: darkkako on February 18, 2009, 01:15:46 PM
Alright. Thanks anyways. ^^;
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: unicorn_lord on February 18, 2009, 02:21:15 PM
Quote from: ewu on February 18, 2009, 11:16:40 AM
Quote from: ewu on February 17, 2009, 08:10:46 PM
if you have the 2009 one, go ahead and send it in. if not wait for us to bring it back up.
wait wait. if we filled one in last year, do we have to fill in the contract?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 18, 2009, 04:50:17 PM
what did you fill in and when last year?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: unicorn_lord on February 18, 2009, 05:42:45 PM
Quote from: ewu on February 18, 2009, 04:50:17 PM
what did you fill in and when last year?
At the convention. I have the receipt but no copy of the contract itself.
It was when they started offering tables on the 3rd day. Kinda did the whole thing on impluse. I remember it was funny cause I wasn't using my badge that day.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 18, 2009, 06:05:58 PM
If we took the contact then its fine. If you haven't signed a contract then wait till we contact you, esp since you already have a receipt.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: idontknow on February 19, 2009, 05:05:38 PM
how many tables will be available?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 19, 2009, 08:22:48 PM
I could tell, but would it really matter? I can tell you that the demand still exceeds the supply. If ONLY those that have e-mailed me all get tables, we would be sold out again.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: idontknow on February 19, 2009, 11:13:10 PM
okie dokie THANKS!
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: bananas on February 19, 2009, 11:41:05 PM
Quote from: ewu on February 19, 2009, 08:22:48 PM
If ONLY those that have e-mailed me all get tables, we would be sold out again.

Forgive me if I sound dim, but are we supposed to email you for a table, or do we just mail in the pdf form if we were able to download it? Thanks! ^^;
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 20, 2009, 06:58:57 AM
mail in the AA agreement and payment
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Yaminogame on February 20, 2009, 10:46:51 AM
Is the address we are supposed to send the contract to the "event sponsor address" or another address?

Also if my sister and I have our seller's permit under a partnership and we are both going to be selling our goods we made do we both sign the contract?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Sachiko on February 20, 2009, 01:39:21 PM
The contract pdf link is down. Is that an indication of closed registration, or is that just a broken link that needs to be fixed?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: unicorn_lord on February 20, 2009, 03:58:49 PM
Quote from: Yaminogame on February 20, 2009, 10:46:51 AM
Is the address we are supposed to send the contract to the "event sponsor address" or another address?
yeah I was trying to figure if I was suppose to write The convention center as the landlord address or not.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: darkkako on February 20, 2009, 05:54:09 PM
If I recall correctly, the address I sent it to was:

Anime Resource Group - Artists Alley 2009 Registration
798 Auzerais Avenue, San Jose, CA 95126

But don't take my word for it. ^^;
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: megamoth on February 20, 2009, 07:39:58 PM
Quote from: unicorn_lord on February 20, 2009, 03:58:49 PM
Quote from: Yaminogame on February 20, 2009, 10:46:51 AM
Is the address we are supposed to send the contract to the "event sponsor address" or another address?
yeah I was trying to figure if I was suppose to write The convention center as the landlord address or not.

Is this for the seller's permit? If you're stating a permanent address for the business for a temporary seller's permit, you can use your home address and landlord. I did, and it went through the BoE just fine.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Yaminogame on February 22, 2009, 11:33:48 AM
If my twin sister and me made the goods we are going to sell and we have a permit under both our names do we both sign the contract for artist alley?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: megamoth on February 22, 2009, 11:21:21 PM
Quote from: Yaminogame on February 22, 2009, 11:33:48 AM
If my twin sister and me made the goods we are going to sell and we have a permit under both our names do we both sign the contract for artist alley?

I dunno about the contract, but for the permit, it depends on whether you and your sister co-own whatever "business" is going to be selling the merchandise. I guess it would also depend on whether you share your earnings and how you'll want to pay taxes on them. Unless your sister would like to officially co-own, you don't both need to be on the permit. I doubt that both of you would need to get a contract for a table, since you'll be part of the same business, so I dunno if the Fanime folks will need both your names on the contract--just the primary owner of the business according to the seller's permit.

Someone official please correct me if I am wrong!  ;D
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 23, 2009, 07:11:54 AM
one of you on the contract is a-ok
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Spazzeh on February 23, 2009, 04:30:30 PM
Are the tables at Fanime already sold out? It's kind of confusing finding out information for it.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 23, 2009, 05:58:03 PM
await a FAQ to go up.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Yaminogame on February 23, 2009, 07:32:31 PM
Quote from: ewu on February 23, 2009, 07:11:54 AM
one of you on the contract is a-ok

We are co-owners and share our profits 50-50. We both signed the contract. I hope that is okay.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 23, 2009, 08:01:20 PM
no problem
Quote from: Yaminogame on February 23, 2009, 07:32:31 PM
We are co-owners and share our profits 50-50. We both signed the contract. I hope that is okay.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Melonfairy on February 23, 2009, 09:41:58 PM
I just read the FAQ and I have some questions. . .

If the AA is sold out (as of June 08) why does the third Q&A ask people to "wait till the 2009 contract comes back up and fill it in then" ??

Shouldn't the FAQ tell people that the AA is sold out and that people should stop sending in contracts?

>_>; Or will Fanime be adding more tables for AA?

*hopeful for more tables* XP I wanted to join AA for the first time this year but I was too late. . .
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 23, 2009, 09:45:48 PM
we have opened more tables...added a word to the FAQ
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Melonfairy on February 23, 2009, 10:12:57 PM
8D Thank you! You have just made my day ewu! I'm going to be watching that AA Contract link like a hawk. Woohoo! Off to do some research on Seller's permits 8D

Title: sad Faqs!~
Post by: sunrise-oasis on February 23, 2009, 11:06:17 PM
okay this was a complete shock since I never knew there was open registrations VERY EARLY BEFORE JUNE 2008. BACK THEN i recall the Site was Small, lacking alot of THings, and most importnat of all, There was only 1 link saying to pre-registered weekend passes,.

HOw was the Tables FULL?, Not only that how was it possible
After waiting for the MAIN website to UPDATE! stating Artist alley registrations. I had to look through the entire Artist Alley section seeing only an info and NO availble contract!

This kinda angers me IN so many disrespectful ways!
I really hope the A.a. Contract is open. and I hope you Administrators learned your lesson on how to Start organizing your Paychecks AND readings! Last year was a horrible MOment and I fear this year it can go worse!

Note: PLEASE update the information since its dated from 2007, Last year Power supply WILL NOT be provided to all artists except those of who are in charge!
ALSO, add a special PLUg blocker to prevent people using their cellphone chargers or Computers being charged since last year my friend was asked by one of the administrators!, it angers me that someone else can get away without while staying there for like 20 minutes and then leave with a full battery. PLEASE add some kind of BLOCKER!(.
(yes im angry and yes im just shocked without realizing that the tables are sold out and I did'nt heard any info about it!.....)

new question:::::
((((PELASE PLEASE PLEASE!! if you guys are going to stable gun the tables. MAKE SURE THEY DON"T LEAVE ANY ANy improper Stables being lose))))))

r = response
problem = problem

Q: Is the AA sold out?
A: Yes, it was sold out as of June 2008. We have since worked hard to be creative and opened up floor space for additional tables.
R: how was this possible, I understand you can pre-registered again for less than $40, you can pay them immediatly as well, my question is, HOW was it possible to obtain a table WITHOUT the Boe permit of 2009. If I were to preregistered a table I would have to Sign one for 2009 THIS YEAR and 2010 next year!.

Q: How can I register for a table?
A: (see below first) Check here, fill in this, and send it in to the stated address
R: we already know that....its a worries there

Q: Why is it a broken link?
A: There were some changes we needed to make to the contract. If you already downloaded the 2009 contract, fill it in and send it. If not, wait till the 2009 contract comes back up and fill it in then.
R: or its another way to open up and close, kinda like a water faucet, overflow it and creates a mess, SO i understand why they had to close the link down. I just they re-open it up again!

Q: Can I use the 2008 contract?
Problem: I really hope you guys don't use the 2008 contract because I can easily photoshop the 8 with a 9.. or worse....find it from someone who has a second copy!.....BE careful when it is like this! If I were you I would Start accepting mail postal ink stamp of its date release!.. otherwise prepare for alot of copies!

Q: Help on the sellers permit
R: more additional help on signing the form is located here:::,8365.0.html

Q: If I registerd for a table at 2008, will the contract changes affect me?
A: Yes they will, but you will not need to turn in the contract again.
R: ~no comment~

Final: I want to apologized if this posted thread is hurting any of your feelings but be aware, its just Very hard to find an information and a contract around the site. (back then and today, I just found this out after my friend called and told me a link was made. Its just Hard to beleive there was a pre registration on the day DURING fanime, or after, and I was unaware of this notice!
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: darkkako on February 24, 2009, 05:23:08 AM
QuoteR: how was this possible, I understand you can pre-registered again for less than $40, you can pay them immediatly as well, my question is, HOW was it possible to obtain a table WITHOUT the Boe permit of 2009. If I were to preregistered a table I would have to Sign one for 2009 THIS YEAR and 2010 next year!.
Admittedly, I was wondering about this as well. My best guess is that the contracts were handed out at the end of the con, and people took them home, grabbed a permit the next day, and mailed it off. But I'd be interested to hear how it was actually handled.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 24, 2009, 05:48:35 AM
We were sold out at the end of con. When you register at con you do not need to show the sellers permit. The condition is that if you arrive at 2009 without a sellers permit or without registering for Fanime you will not be able to get a table.

We could have chosen not to open more tables and only allowed those that registered at-con to come to 2009. Because we knew people still wanted tables we moved programming OUT of the exhibit hall just to accommodate those that wanted a table.

Your electricity concerns have been reviewed and that situation will remain as is. Electricity is provided not as a service or a term to the contract, but as a convenience and courtesy. If you need power you should come prepared to not plug in at all. If you can't do without power you should request it and be ready to pay the $200-300 for the power drop as well as have alternate arrangements if we cannot arrange it.
see here:,9899.msg279909.html#msg279909

We also have no control over how the tops are stapled on to the tables and that will also remain as is.
Title: more question about artists alley
Post by: sunrise-oasis on February 24, 2009, 11:45:23 AM
Last year i tried to ask for power but the head art admin says they will not be provided at all~!.

This kinda explains alot of why the tables were full. because I did not showed up at the final day due to -trauma anxiety~...

I understand the staples are'nt a big thing but to me it can be a serious injury! I will personally deal with this alone and give you the remaining scraps to you guys so you can figure what to do with it!

...I just can't beleive you guys allowed to do pre-registration at the end of the final convention day!.. thats just seem, unfiar! it may be fair to everyone but to me as another customer, that just is'nt right!.....

Im just going to have to cross my fingers and hope for the best I can registered a table!.....
until then im going to leave my computer on and continue refreshing the page,..

fQuestion and favor!...
i still Suggest you start thinking about what i said about geting the contract from someone else. because thats the easiest way to obtain the contract and then submit it!..I hope you guys meant that june 2008 is when you stop reviewing newer contracts until such a time is reloaded!....
People can get away from finding alternative routes!
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: jAded on February 24, 2009, 11:49:50 AM
So my understanding from this is, if you registered at the con last year for a table, then you just wait to get an email with your seated table assignment and send in your AA contract and bring your paperwork(copy of contract and your sellers permit) with you on the first day of the convention (you have to be registered for a full convention pass as well).

Am I correct?

Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: megamoth on February 24, 2009, 02:19:06 PM
For those of us that have already sent off our 2009 contracts, is there an estimate as to when we will be notified whether we get a table or not?
Title: Re: more question about artists alley
Post by: imoto on February 24, 2009, 03:44:00 PM
Quote from: sunrise-oasis on February 24, 2009, 11:45:23 AM

I understand the staples are'nt a big thing but to me it can be a serious injury! I will personally deal with this alone and give you the remaining scraps to you guys so you can figure what to do with it!

If you have a staple or drapery thats out of place at your table please just let aa staff know and we will deal with it as best as we can

...I just can't beleive you guys allowed to do pre-registration at the end of the final convention day!.. thats just seem, unfiar! it may be fair to everyone but to me as another customer, that just is'nt right!.....

We have always allowed people who attend fanime the previous year to register and pay for there tables for the next year. This was announced all thought last years convention that we were opening up pre-reg for 2009 on monday of 2008. Im sorry you dident take advantage of this. And i am very sorry about the confusion with the contract, and this goes to everyone. Things in AA have been alittle rough and i, as head, really do appreciate you all bearing with me as i work thought things. We will have the contracts back up and registration back up and on the sight as soon as we possibly can.
In regards to how soon you will know if you have gotten your table, i get the information and the contracts as soon as finances can get them to me, i know were running late with things this year so im going to push harder and inform you if you have a table or not ASAP

i once again want to thank you all for all the interest in AA this year its going to be an amazing year
~ Stacy
Aritist Alley Head

Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: imoto on February 24, 2009, 04:02:56 PM
I want to say it again, that i am sorry about the hiccup in Artist Alley registration. If you have questions please refer to the FAQ on the forums that was posted about AA and know were doing everything we can to get reg back up and running.
If you have other questions or concerns please feel free to e-mail us at: [email protected]

As a side not please only send us things you feel are very important, answering the same question 15 times takes away from the time i can spend doing other things to make aa move along faster and easer. Please also, do not send me anything for your registration, we are not accepting them thought the e-mail. So again please read the FAQ posted hear (,11694.0.html ) before sending off your questions

~ Stacy
Artist Alley Head
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: imoto on February 24, 2009, 04:10:51 PM
Quote from: megamoth on February 24, 2009, 02:19:06 PM
For those of us that have already sent off our 2009 contracts, is there an estimate as to when we will be notified whether we get a table or not?
Sadley no i dont have a set time
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: imoto on February 24, 2009, 04:14:06 PM
Quote from: jAded on February 24, 2009, 11:49:50 AM
So my understanding from this is, if you registered at the con last year for a table, then you just wait to get an email with your seated table assignment and send in your AA contract and bring your paperwork(copy of contract and your sellers permit) with you on the first day of the convention (you have to be registered for a full convention pass as well).

Am I correct?

Yes, if you registered at the 2008 con then we already have your contract and payment. All you need to do is sit tight for table seating, and bring your sellers permit, your copy of your sellers permit (for AA to keep), and your full weekend convention badge to the registration table at the con ^^
Title: Re: more question about artists alley
Post by: sunrise-oasis on February 24, 2009, 05:41:40 PM
Thank you and I wish your new team with the best of care for hoping fanime become better than last years incident.....I really hope and wish this year will make a great sudden improvement v_v

Quote from: imoto on February 24, 2009, 03:44:00 PM
Quote from: sunrise-oasis on February 24, 2009, 11:45:23 AM

I understand the staples are'nt a big thing but to me it can be a serious injury! I will personally deal with this alone and give you the remaining scraps to you guys so you can figure what to do with it!

If you have a staple or drapery thats out of place at your table please just let aa staff know and we will deal with it as best as we can

...I just can't beleive you guys allowed to do pre-registration at the end of the final convention day!.. thats just seem, unfiar! it may be fair to everyone but to me as another customer, that just is'nt right!.....

We have always allowed people who attend fanime the previous year to register and pay for there tables for the next year. This was announced all thought last years convention that we were opening up pre-reg for 2009 on monday of 2008. Im sorry you dident take advantage of this. And i am very sorry about the confusion with the contract, and this goes to everyone. Things in AA have been alittle rough and i, as head, really do appreciate you all bearing with me as i work thought things. We will have the contracts back up and registration back up and on the sight as soon as we possibly can.
In regards to how soon you will know if you have gotten your table, i get the information and the contracts as soon as finances can get them to me, i know were running late with things this year so im going to push harder and inform you if you have a table or not ASAP

i once again want to thank you all for all the interest in AA this year its going to be an amazing year
~ Stacy
Aritist Alley Head

Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Pimpstress Rei on February 25, 2009, 08:38:27 PM
Hello everyone.

Please note that we are selling artist alley tables at a very small fraction of the dealer's room price. These tables are being sold as a courtesy to the artistic community so you can sell your homemade wares to the public.

Selling these tables are a service provided by Fanime. As with all services, it is a privilege to rent a table, not a right. If you do not like the way we run the table purchases, you are free to not buy a table.

If you have issues with the way we run our convention, then you are more than welcome to join staff and help us change things internally so that the artistic community may benefit from your contribution.

Pointing fingers and being verbally insensitive to our staff does not contribute to the convention or the public. Simply phrasing opinions in a constructive way will help everyone to achieve these goals.

Remember, we are a convention run by fans, for fans. No one is getting paid to do this - the entire convention is put on from the thousands of hours that each and every staff and volunteer puts in. Let's make it great for everyone!
Title: Re: sad Faqs!~
Post by: ewu on February 25, 2009, 09:18:59 PM
Quote from: sunrise-oasis on February 23, 2009, 11:06:17 PM
I want to apologized if this posted thread is hurting any of your feelings....

but he is...he said he was sorry. Isn't that constructive?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Sachiko on February 26, 2009, 05:57:37 PM
I understand that Fanime is doing its best to accommodate space for more artist tables, and I appreciate the effort.

But at the very least, next time can there be an advanced notice about the status (i.e. how it's closed already since June 2008) rather than letting everyone anticipating yet hanging in the unknown? Regardless of the current status of the tables, the communication/informing was quite lousy... It seems that every year the miscommunication is always a problem.

So one more quick question. Obviously the only way we can sort of know where the staffs are is by either (1) email or (2) monitoring the check. Those who have submitted their contracts and didn't get the table, when do we expect our checks to be refunded by? An estimated time would be most appreciated.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 26, 2009, 06:04:02 PM
In the end we tell you what we know. We have been working to open up the space since all the tables were sold. We did not want to make an announcement positive or negative until we had a confirmed situation.

We will let you know if you get a table or not. Once we run out of tables we will let you know and give you an option of either going on the wait list or having us return/destroy the check. We will hold the check and not deposit until you have gotten a table, the funds will remain in your account until then.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Sachiko on February 26, 2009, 09:05:20 PM
Alright, thanks!
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: megamoth on February 26, 2009, 09:06:35 PM
I know the table situation has been complicated, but I would like to convey my appreciation to the Con staff for trying to make more people happy by trying to free up more space. I can understand why there is no estimated time for when the tables are available, and you are doing the best you can do to process requests and questions.

I was wondering, for those of us who sent last week's 2009 contract, is there a way to find out whether you received it? I know this is no guarantee that we get a table, I just want to make sure that everything went through properly.

Also, thanks for information on the checks--I had that question as well.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 26, 2009, 09:23:34 PM
Quote from: ewu on February 23, 2009, 06:26:50 PM
Q: When will I be notified that you have received my contract?
A2:If you sent in a contract in the 2009 calendar year, we will send out an e-mail to those that we have received a contract and also those that are on the wait list. Please note: Only certain people are able and allowed to check our mail because so many checks and contracts come through. Because only those people are able to check these things, our response time is limited to the availability of these people.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Hirotona on February 26, 2009, 09:26:20 PM
When do you think you'll have a confirm/deny on additional tables then? Not to be inpatient, but since I'm working hard canvassing my artist friends to come and sell I don't want to be giving them a false impression they'll be space open for them when there might not be.

Also when might you know if people who registered for this year last year might not be able to make it this year, thus freeing up their table for someone else?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: megamoth on February 26, 2009, 09:39:20 PM
Oh... whoops...
Thanks Eric!  ;D
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 26, 2009, 09:53:27 PM
Quote from: Hirotona on February 26, 2009, 09:26:20 PM
When do you think you'll have a confirm/deny on additional tables then? Not to be inpatient, but since I'm working hard canvassing my artist friends to come and sell I don't want to be giving them a false impression they'll be space open for them when there might not be.

Also when might you know if people who registered for this year last year might not be able to make it this year, thus freeing up their table for someone else?

We really can not give you any firm date. Rest assured, even without your e-mails and forum posts, there is substantial pressure for us to get things squared away, but some things we have no control over and can not predict. We are working to our best ability and will let you know as soon as we hear.

Most artists do not inform us that they are not showing till the day of. Historically we have a 90% show rate, but in 2008, nearly all the artists claimed their tables. So in short, we can not tell you till the first day AA is open.

I understand that artists would like to produce items for this event specifically, but ultimately this event is not established for that purpose. It is to help artists practice their trade, share their creations and improve their work. The items sold should be produced already in the course of a year's work as an artist. This event was established to be a community and not a business proposition.

We will let you know when we know.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Hirotona on February 26, 2009, 10:01:53 PM
Alright thank you. I didn't mean to give the impression they'd only sell at this con, far from it in fact. These are artists who have sold at other conventions, such as AE, AN, and even Comic World in Korea, who do have a body of work all set to sell. Trust me the AA community at Fanime is the main reason I even attend in the first place, and I'd only work to further grow and strengthen it.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on February 26, 2009, 10:22:44 PM
heh not pointed at you, but a general statement in response to e-mails and posts i have seen.

Changing AA for the better? sure!:) Plans are in the works!
Title: too little too late..very worried!
Post by: sunrise-oasis on February 28, 2009, 05:34:47 PM
kay new question...a huge one!
I noticed everyone is submitted the june 2008 contract but back then the site is very very, """!Simple!"""
My question is, are you guys accepting the 2008 contract which is posted here  or the one that was supposed to be here!

Another question is what where the days that was release for the 2008 Contracts..
another is what days were release for the 2009 contracts (meaning how long did you put those links as an active link before you close them down [(temporary)]

Another one is how would you considered Table sharing!???I mean, is that allowed? (seriously i never knew you can share a table)

another big question is the wait list! if NO one shows up for the first day and decided to show up on the second day later They STILL have the privalage to obtain the table???
I wont ask for the third day since that begins to die down and I know Friday and Saturday are the only days that are highest Artist alley peak moments!

yes this is for fans by fans alone, but was'nt this also comfirmed that most of them are there for volunteering for obtaining a free pass for fanime by doing some certain hours?....
its not an insult or a threat, its just hard to tell whos a fan and whos taking advantage of it!? very concern here!

My final hope question is..::
IS there any way to get notified that the site will have the contracts release? or how does the wait list works????

I know these are alot of questions but its mostly dirrected towards the audience or Web viewers here instead of the AA staff! I want to know who is really serious on taking a huge step on making their dreams a reality and those who are just.....uhm..... obtaining a certain acheivement for their succession.

its strange how you can register easily from early winter but then all of a sudden it was shut down around jan because of the new site update! not only that but findining the contract from the old site was very hard and un mentionable from before.. Not only that but half the boards of messages from the 2008 threads were completely Pinned or Locked!.
I am not hear to judge or be harsh but im here making a statement to find out how such a demand has increased!
I fear next year is going to be sold out from the very start so if I cannot obtain a table for this year, I might have to camp out for 2010's Fanime A.a Registration !

****its okay if you cannot answer most of those questions, but at least one is already answered..right now I guess the best thing I can do is cross my fingers and reload both my Cellphone and my Computer and hope for the best v-v.****
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: darkkako on February 28, 2009, 06:03:50 PM
I honestly can't understand most of your post, but Eric stated in the FAQ that using the 2008 contract is not acceptable. You'll have to wait for the 2009 one to go back online.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: sunrise-oasis on February 28, 2009, 07:02:43 PM
Quote from: darkkako on February 28, 2009, 06:03:50 PM
I honestly can't understand most of your post, but Eric stated in the FAQ that using the 2008 contract is not acceptable. You'll have to wait for the 2009 one to go back online.

oh thank goodness...
(yeah that one i was very very maybe there can be a big slim chance...)
although i fear that Febuary 16th might be the last one to be submitted to this.....

\thanks for the infor^_^! i feel relieve!
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Pimpstress Rei on February 28, 2009, 08:24:37 PM
To get a staff badge, you must put in a minimum of 24 hours of volunteer work for Fanime.

Say minimum wage is $7/hr.

24 x 7 = $168 dollars you could have made.

It would be much cheaper to just work those hours on your own and buy a weekend badge than to staff for a weekend badge.

Keep in mind the higher up the staff chain you are, the more hours you put in. I can honestly say that I personally volunteer a few hundred hours for Fanime.

It is not in your best interest to continue making insensitive comments toward the staff and yet still expect to purchase a table on your terms. Be courteous to our staff as well as other volunteers. Again, this convention is run by fans, for fans and we all want to have fun before and during the convention.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Oniko on February 28, 2009, 09:15:30 PM
uh I've seen people share tables before if you mean two people to a table.

Also for the record or Fri/Sat being peak hours I dont agree.  I sold a lot of sunday as well, close to or maybe even more than the other days.  Sunday is the day you get people running around with ones and fives burning holes in their pokect and they are just inching for a quick buy before they leave.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: sunrise-oasis on February 28, 2009, 09:43:27 PM
oh never new that...
but then last time I sold more items on friday and saturday.. sunday felt abit slow...

on to more questions:::
There was an art auction from different artist (mostly from the table regis). Do youhave to be an artist alley member to post an auction artwork?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: darkkako on February 28, 2009, 10:03:59 PM
Honestly, Sunrise, everything you said has sounded pretty aggressive and rude to me. But I'd rather avoid drama, so I won't elaborate. Just try to be a little more careful with what you say, the AA staff is working as hard as they can and aren't going to do any better with us constantly stressing them out. ):

As far as I know, the Art Show is a completely different event from the AA and you do not need to be part of the AA to put art in it. It has a seperate page ( dedicated to it, which has yet to be updated. I'm sure that it's being worked on, though, and the information will be up with plenty of time to spare before the convention.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on March 01, 2009, 12:34:17 AM
Remember people, Fanime is not a right. None of the events and programming that Fanime puts on is mandated by any moral, legal or religious obligation. Furthermore Fanime has reinvested all profits, if any, back into the convention. There is no monetary motivation for the convention to happen. The only reason the convention happens is the passion and love that the staff have for the convention. The only reason con happens is because the staff of Fanime choose to give hundreds or even thousands of unpaid hours a year PER staff member to plan con. (yes, I do spend more than 100 hours a month on Fanime)

Quote from: Pimpstress Rei on February 28, 2009, 08:24:37 PM
It is not in your best interest to continue making insensitive comments toward the staff and yet still expect to purchase a table on your terms.

This is important to note because if Fanime is not a right, there is the tiny, minute, and nearly infinitesimal chance that the privilege of the event or the entire con can be denied. And more important to note is that the staff do this cuz its fun, and if its not fun anymore then there will be no staff to run the event. When frustration outweighs passion, staff do not return to work the con. What seems to be the rule @ Fanime is that this passion is so strong but frustration so persistent that people end up burning out and not being ABLE to return as opposed to not wanting to return.

So please inquire if you have questions. Please also check if the question has already been answered. Please respond to a post if you have the answer (if you are a little off, I will be here to correct it). And please educate your fellow posters about whats up.

I love Fanime, but its kicken my ass. My second in command regularly threatens to take away my forum access:) So, your cooperation, help, and patience is appreciated!
Title: Re: too little too late..very worried!
Post by: ewu on March 01, 2009, 12:39:22 AM
Quote from: sunrise-oasis on February 28, 2009, 05:34:47 PM
yes this is for fans by fans alone, but was'nt this also comfirmed that most of them are there for volunteering for obtaining a free pass for fanime by doing some certain hours?....
its not an insult or a threat, its just hard to tell whos a fan and whos taking advantage of it!? very concern here!

Each year there are 2-10 tables reserved for those that design and create the images on the badges, the characters on the program guides, and the designs you see on Fanime media. The tables are part of the compensation for their work to create pieces of unique art that are to become the property of Fanime. Aside from those handful, everyone is a paying member/attendee of the convention.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on March 01, 2009, 12:40:24 AM
Quote from: darkkako on February 28, 2009, 06:03:50 PM
I honestly can't understand most of your post, but Eric stated in the FAQ that using the 2008 contract is not acceptable. You'll have to wait for the 2009 one to go back online.

*sigh* when I am known as Eric and not Ewu on the forums.....I have posted too much:P
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Steve.Young on March 01, 2009, 12:49:15 PM
Quote from: ewu on March 01, 2009, 12:40:24 AM
Quote from: darkkako on February 28, 2009, 06:03:50 PM
I honestly can't understand most of your post, but Eric stated in the FAQ that using the 2008 contract is not acceptable. You'll have to wait for the 2009 one to go back online.

*sigh* when I am known as Eric and not Ewu on the forums.....I have posted too much:P

*looks at your signature*

*Ahem* You sorta do it to yourself.

Just saying.

On topic: I put in a lot of hours just managing a department, imagine running an entire division.
Title: relieved!
Post by: sunrise-oasis on March 01, 2009, 02:32:09 PM
Thank you so for much, now I understand how the department of the adminisrations work. I am going to enjkoy fanime con when I arrived there even if I dont have the table registtration. thank you for all your cooperation and your answers!....

I really am kinda relieved and I want to apologized for asking so many questions and frustrated alot of users..Im not flaming nor being very Dramatic! I just want these important questions to be answer!..
Thank you very much..and hope to see you all at fanime con!

-White domino!
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: imoto on March 04, 2009, 03:14:42 AM
Hay guys,
just as a side note i dont mind people sharing tables just please be aware: if you are an artist selling your work you need your own sellers permit. If we come around and see two diffrent artists selling there work at one table and we only have one sellers permit listed you will be removed from AA. Yes this is a big deal to us all sales must be legal and all that. It is Easye to atain a sellers permit just check out stuff under the events post.
Also if your planing on sharing a table please e-mail us letting us know ( [email protected] ) who you will be sharing with.
Sorry for having to be the evil AA head ^^;;
Forgive me
~ Stacy

(also posted under sharing tables thread )
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Oniko on March 04, 2009, 08:19:20 AM
Fanime 08 seems so long ago so my memory is a little fuzzy
I remember signign up for a table in 2008 btu we didnt pay then right?  also I checked the FAQ and saw that if we signed up in 2008 it means we just wait till seating charts are out becuase we dont need to fill out a contract again.  I just want to comfirm all this. thanks for your time.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: jAded on March 04, 2009, 12:09:48 PM
Quote from: Oniko on March 04, 2009, 08:19:20 AM
Fanime 08 seems so long ago so my memory is a little fuzzy
I remember signign up for a table in 2008 btu we didnt pay then right?  also I checked the FAQ and saw that if we signed up in 2008 it means we just wait till seating charts are out becuase we dont need to fill out a contract again.  I just want to comfirm all this. thanks for your time.

I know I paid, I still have my receipt and the copy of the check that I wrote when I signed up in 08 for my 09 table. So I hope you paid? 8D;;
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: imoto on March 04, 2009, 12:23:56 PM
if you pre-reged at the 2008 con we did take your money. you had to pay at the time you registered.
And yes just sit tight the seating chart will be coming around

Side note: This year only pre-reg people will get to pick there tables
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: jAded on March 04, 2009, 12:53:15 PM
For the choosing of tables, will the seating chart be emailed to us based on the information we gave out last year with directions on who to send it back to?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on March 04, 2009, 01:09:11 PM
yes, the seating chart will be sent out in the order that you registered. Bear in mind that if you do not respond within a few days, we will move on to the next person. We will announce when we have gone through the entire list. So that those that did not respond will have a chance to select a table before we assign those that are registering now. Please do not confirm if we have the right e-mail address, only contact us if you have had a change in contact information.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: doragon on March 04, 2009, 04:47:04 PM
Hello ~ so, I'm now dealing with the fact that trying to get a table this year seems to be a dashed dream - bummer, would have been my first year too.  Since people were able to register for this year last year and presuming it would be possible to register next year this year ~ is this open to anyone or just artists in the alley in the current year?  I just want to make sure so... I can hopefully one day be apart and not find out last minute that there really are no tables xD;

Also, why hasn't any of this information appeared on the front page of the Fanime website?  Not a lot of people frequent the forums and watch the website itself for updates on the convention, or I'm just speaking for myself and all.  It could have been helpful ^_^;

I'll keep a look out, I suppose, to see if anything opens up! Thanks in advance :D
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on March 04, 2009, 04:57:45 PM
Pre-reg for the next year is only open to those that already have a table. I think we will have a table limit for pre-sales at the end of this year. Then more new artists will be able to get tables.

Mostly cuz posting that the info is no longer up is kinda futile on the main page. E-mail and forums seems to be the best way to answer particular issues.

Big changes ahead if we have the staff and the stamina.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: doragon on March 04, 2009, 05:18:53 PM
.. aaaw ;o; I do hope you have this pre-sale limit or you're going to be denying a lot of new artists like myself this experience.

Well, even just putting that general information is up would have been nice as well as I didn't see much of it before I noticed that you had posted that it was up here in the forums.  But, aanywho ~ this is just my frustration over the situation here xD

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly ~ <3
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Raymei on March 04, 2009, 05:40:50 PM
Quote from: doragon on March 04, 2009, 05:18:53 PM
.. aaaw ;o; I do hope you have this pre-sale limit or you're going to be denying a lot of new artists like myself this experience.

Well, even just putting that general information is up would have been nice as well as I didn't see much of it before I noticed that you had posted that it was up here in the forums.  But, aanywho ~ this is just my frustration over the situation here xD

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly ~ <3

I think on top of general arrangements, the staff is getting an overload of e-mails from people who check the forums as well as those who've never visited here.
This isn't something they get paid for, and I can guess that alongside trying to organize the con they have day-jobs/family/a life outside of Fanime  T_T

If you missed out on getting a table this year, I'd set something of an online-commerce up and put advertisements for it on the free tables (where people put fliers, business cards, etc).
Think of it this way: you'll get your start on your "business" but you'll still get to enjoy the con for all its entirety instead of having to sit at your table through the weekend.

Give the people some air!  lol
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: sunrise-oasis on March 04, 2009, 08:27:02 PM
Quote from: ewu on March 04, 2009, 04:57:45 PM
Pre-reg for the next year is only open to those that already have a table. I think we will have a table limit for pre-sales at the end of this year. Then more new artists will be able to get tables.

so in other words those who gets the tables, have a chance to reserve next year?
What about those who does'nt have reserved a table? can we still reserve one? (right after thsoe who pre-registered)

also, I wanted to know for next year are you still going to have the policy of reserving 2 tables? or your going to change that rule?

Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on March 04, 2009, 08:39:29 PM
Quote from: ewu on March 01, 2009, 12:34:17 AM
My second in command regularly threatens to take away my forum access:)

Again she threatens....

Quote from: Sen on March 04, 2009, 08:30:12 PM
Before I have to forcefully remove Eric (who has also had a long day) from the forums...

Quote from: sunrise-oasis on March 04, 2009, 08:27:02 PM
so in other words those who gets the tables, have a chance to reserve next year?
What about those who does'nt have reserved a table? can we still reserve one? (right after thsoe who pre-registered)[/color]

also, I wanted to know for next year are you still going to have the policy of reserving 2 tables? or your going to change that rule?

Most likely, pre-reg will only be opened to those already with a table. We have yet to set our procedures for 2010 reg.

What 2 table policy are you talking about?
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Yaminogame on March 05, 2009, 07:58:17 PM
It now says in the artist alley section that you had to send a copy of your seller's permit to register. I all ready sent my contract and money should I send a seperate copy of my permit? I put my seller permit's number on my contract.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: megamoth on March 05, 2009, 09:09:11 PM
Quote from: ewu on March 04, 2009, 08:39:29 PM
Quote from: ewu on March 01, 2009, 12:34:17 AM
My second in command regularly threatens to take away my forum access:)

Again she threatens....

Quote from: Sen on March 04, 2009, 08:30:12 PM
Before I have to forcefully remove Eric (who has also had a long day) from the forums...

I would just like to say that Eric has to be quite the badass for being so devoted to this. When I go to con, I will find him and give him a hug.

I apologize for being a persistent pain in the butt with all my questions, but I cannot relay enough how grateful I am for Fanime's moderators and volunteers. If I wasn't so chin-deep in my own responsibilities, I would be so down for helping out in any way I can. I may be able to yet.

I have a question about table sharing. Is there a limit to the amount of people who have tables? For instance, if several people shared tables to make room, would there be a capacity limit to the exhibit hall?

Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: megamoth on March 05, 2009, 09:10:28 PM
Oh man... why is my post all quoted? I am such a forum noob T_T
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on March 05, 2009, 09:24:19 PM
badass understands....we would not reach capacity, no way. but you table might. Each individual seller must have a sellers permit...and honestly more than two sellers at a table is kinda ridiculous, especially since ur only paying like $15 and would make it up in like 2 or 3 sales....

as for the other q, feel free to send in your app/agreement/contract w/o your permit, but once you find out that you get a table, please also send in the permit ASAP.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: megamoth on March 05, 2009, 09:37:59 PM
Quote from: ewu on March 05, 2009, 09:24:19 PM
badass understands....we would not reach capacity, no way. but you table might. Each individual seller must have a sellers permit...and honestly more than two sellers at a table is kinda ridiculous, especially since ur only paying like $15 and would make it up in like 2 or 3 sales....

Don't worry, there is NO way I would allow all my students behind a table! I am going to be the only one sitting there, unless one of the older kids (18+) wants to sit in while I use the bathroom or something.
I love those kids but I would never let them be in charge of sales  ;)

By the way? I have to say that the table price for this convention is INCREDIBLY reasonable. A steal, even. I thank the staff for that one too.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on March 06, 2009, 07:23:04 AM
I am sending out the revised contract to be posted today, keep your eye out.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: miss shelby on March 06, 2009, 11:57:29 AM
Quote from: ewu on March 06, 2009, 07:23:04 AM
I am sending out the revised contract to be posted today, keep your eye out.

I sent in the old contract, should I send in the new one too?     I have no idea if it even reached Fanime.  My mail is pretty shady sometimes.  :\
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on March 06, 2009, 12:04:31 PM
see here:,11694.0.html

Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: darkkako on March 06, 2009, 12:54:11 PM
It appears the new contract is now up. ^^
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on March 06, 2009, 01:03:36 PM
webpage stalker........I only got notified by the webmaster 7 minutes AFTER ur post
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: darkkako on March 06, 2009, 01:12:29 PM
I know where the webpage sleeeeeeeps. I like to watch it at night and write it secret letters. xD
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Melonfairy on March 06, 2009, 01:14:13 PM
I just saw the contract link 8D YAY!

Quote from: ewu on March 05, 2009, 09:24:19 PMas for the other q, feel free to send in your app/agreement/contract w/o your permit, but once you find out that you get a table, please also send in the permit ASAP.

I had no idea we could do that, thanks ewu! I'll fill out the AA contract tonight as well as my seller's permit app. Whoohoo!
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Yaminogame on March 06, 2009, 03:56:25 PM
Quote from: ewu on March 05, 2009, 09:24:19 PM

as for the other q, feel free to send in your app/agreement/contract w/o your permit, but once you find out that you get a table, please also send in the permit ASAP.

Phew! Okay! I was worried there. : D Hopefully I get a table! >.< I guess I will be notified soon.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: doragon on March 06, 2009, 04:03:48 PM
Okay, two questions here since omgregistrationform! 8D *filling it out like now*
If it turns out we don't get a table, we are refunded, yes? xD  And there is no means of paying through like paypal, huh?
Also, for the permit.. I have a permanent seller's permit that is addressed toward my own home, would this work - ALA allowed it - or do I need to apply for a temporary one? [though, I think I accidentally got one for last fanime that is permanent... but I think its to the wrong address, lol]  I just wanted to make sure.  Thanks!
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Hirotona on March 06, 2009, 04:07:21 PM
Filling it out right now, hope it doesn't get lost in the mail like it did last year > <
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: ewu on March 06, 2009, 04:09:45 PM
Quote from: doragon on March 06, 2009, 04:03:48 PM
Okay, two questions here since omgregistrationform! 8D *filling it out like now*
If it turns out we don't get a table, we are refunded, yes? xD  And there is no means of paying through like paypal, huh?
Also, for the permit.. I have a permanent seller's permit that is addressed toward my own home, would this work - ALA allowed it - or do I need to apply for a temporary one? [though, I think I accidentally got one for last fanime that is permanent... but I think its to the wrong address, lol]  I just wanted to make sure.  Thanks!

We do not cash the check. We can either return it to you or destroy it. No paypal.........and perm. sellers i think is ok, as long as you have a copy and the info is correct.
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: doragon on March 06, 2009, 04:22:06 PM
okie dokie, thank you <3
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: imoto on March 07, 2009, 12:47:06 AM
Hay Guys
if you dident see the contract has been posted
have at it
~ Stacy
AA Head
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: naruto_ramen_1 on March 08, 2009, 02:25:14 PM
Hi everyone :D

I had pre-registered for a table at last year's Fanime. I know I need a seller's permit so I'm working on that currently.

My question to you is: Do I need to mail you guys anything before the actual con or do I just need to show up with a copy / and the original seller's permit?  Ie: Do I need to mail in a Seller's Agreement form or anything like that?

Please let me know, it'd be greatly appreicated.

Thank you ^___^

Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: Soliee on March 08, 2009, 11:16:40 PM
Quote from: ewu on February 26, 2009, 09:53:27 PM
I understand that artists would like to produce items for this event specifically, but ultimately this event is not established for that purpose. It is to help artists practice their trade, share their creations and improve their work. The items sold should be produced already in the course of a year's work as an artist. This event was established to be a community and not a business proposition.

I'd like to point out (in as non threatening a way as possible) that this comment, and the edited version in the FAQ, comes off slightly offensive.  I'm an artist who registered last year and I fall into this category of people you are talking about just because I really want to know if I've got a table or not. But I'm NOT worried about my sales and getting enough material made on time.  I come from out of state because I enjoy this con and the people who go to it, unfortunately airline tickets are not cheap. It's hard to justify purchasing them until I know I have a table, it's hard to justify the cost even after I know, hehe.  I just feel like you're making us out to be money hungry monsters which hardly seems fair.  Please give us the benefit of the doubt? 

I (and I'm sure many others) don't know what all the staff does on a daily basis or how many emails you get, so at first it doesn't seem like a crazy request to be notified a few months before the con (just a quick mass email not the seating chart) if we have a table or not, until I read this comment.. and now I just feel guilty for no reason (and I never even asked, I just thought about asking, then came here to read the faq's instead)

That being said, Thank you, Honestly I wish there was some way to really thank all the staff for their dedication and hard work, I'm in no way trying to start a fight, just wanted to point this out so you might consider editing it in the FAQ to sound less accusing. :-\
Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: imoto on March 09, 2009, 09:22:19 AM
If you pre-reged at con last year we would like you to mail us a copy of your sellers permit and your proof of full weekend reg for the con, it makes the first day go by alot smother if we already have your paperwork. If you can not get your hands on your sellers permit then just bring everything to con with you.
note: please please dont mail us your actual sellers permit you need to keep that, and make shure that if you do or dont mails us anything, at con you need a copy of your sellers permit and i need a copy of it (means there needs to be 2 copys)

Quote from: naruto_ramen_1 on March 08, 2009, 02:25:14 PM
Hi everyone :D

I had pre-registered for a table at last year's Fanime. I know I need a seller's permit so I'm working on that currently.

My question to you is: Do I need to mail you guys anything before the actual con or do I just need to show up with a copy / and the original seller's permit?  Ie: Do I need to mail in a Seller's Agreement form or anything like that?

Please let me know, it'd be greatly appreicated.

Thank you ^___^

Title: Re: question about artists alley
Post by: imoto on March 09, 2009, 02:33:14 PM
Quote from: Soliee on March 08, 2009, 11:16:40 PM
Quote from: ewu on February 26, 2009, 09:53:27 PM
I understand that artists would like to produce items for this event specifically, but ultimately this event is not established for that purpose. It is to help artists practice their trade, share their creations and improve their work. The items sold should be produced already in the course of a year's work as an artist. This event was established to be a community and not a business proposition.

I'd like to point out (in as non threatening a way as possible) that this comment, and the edited version in the FAQ, comes off slightly offensive.  I'm an artist who registered last year and I fall into this category of people you are talking about just because I really want to know if I've got a table or not. But I'm NOT worried about my sales and getting enough material made on time.  I come from out of state because I enjoy this con and the people who go to it, unfortunately airline tickets are not cheap. It's hard to justify purchasing them until I know I have a table, it's hard to justify the cost even after I know, hehe.  I just feel like you're making us out to be money hungry monsters which hardly seems fair.  Please give us the benefit of the doubt? 

I (and I'm sure many others) don't know what all the staff does on a daily basis or how many emails you get, so at first it doesn't seem like a crazy request to be notified a few months before the con (just a quick mass email not the seating chart) if we have a table or not, until I read this comment.. and now I just feel guilty for no reason (and I never even asked, I just thought about asking, then came here to read the faq's instead)

That being said, Thank you, Honestly I wish there was some way to really thank all the staff for their dedication and hard work, I'm in no way trying to start a fight, just wanted to point this out so you might consider editing it in the FAQ to sound less accusing. :-\

hay i just want to apologie to anyone this post may have offended
it was not ment to be an accusation or a jab at people who wish to make thins for fanime, but we also wanted people to know that our aa is more about the community than the money (eventhought we know in times like these money is important)

We also dont wany anyone to feel bad about sending us e-mails
if you have a question thats not covered in the FAQ please ask us we are hear for you guys to make fanime rock for you.
The reason we wernt going to notify the pre-reg people is because we were just going to sent the seating chart around then we will start the mass newsletters and try to get out myspace and livejournal newsletters back up. ^^

Thank you for the thanks it means alot to us