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FanimeCon: Participate, Join, Create => Ideas and Suggestions => Topic started by: heeroyuy135 on May 14, 2009, 09:51:06 PM

Title: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: heeroyuy135 on May 14, 2009, 09:51:06 PM
I know this conversation has come up many times, but I think Fanime is ripe to be part of the World Cosplay Summit, especially with the fact the other only other con that is part of the WCS prelims in the US is on the east coast (NY Anime Festival).

Yeah, I know about AX in 2005, but that shouldn't stop us from being part of a world summit and sending a "west coast" representative to Japan to compete against the world.
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: PrincessCake on May 15, 2009, 07:46:48 AM
OMG THAT WOULD BE AMAZING! I want to go to the WCS so bad man!!! whooo
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: heeroyuy135 on July 30, 2009, 10:28:39 PM
So...rumor has it that WCS is moving west coast, and are looking at SakuraCon, ALA, and *gasp* FanimeCon!
However, I do have one question though: Is Fanime ready to take on the drama that is the WCS?
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: Steve.Young on July 31, 2009, 02:48:10 AM
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: Aishasama on August 07, 2009, 11:09:41 AM
Although Fanime might be an appropriate convention to host such an event, WCS is neither reputable nor a legit competition, and I don't think Fanime should support it.

The details remain unclear, but the USA WCS Manager Anna stated that the japanese organizers were looking for "cosplay idols", such as people very popular on, moreso than skilled craftsman. In addition, the judges are randomly selected audience members and some random unqualified japanese celebrities. As an example, Japan's team was selected by audience cheering (how loud they were) the very same weekend. That team went on to win the entire competition with tinfoil props.

The US team enjoyed their stay and managed to come out of the whole thing with the Brother Award, but there is something disconcerting about the US's selection process. American teams have been selected, in general, fairly (that is, based on craftsmanship and performance). These standards are not the same in Japan. Cosplayers in the US are being lead to believe that WCS is a competition worthy of their skills, and it is just not the case. The most important point is this- I don't think we should be getting cosplayers hopes up for a competition they are disfavored in. People will spend a lot of money and time to try and compete, and I don't think Fanime, or any other reputable con, should enable the bs.
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: mlarad on September 05, 2009, 10:39:01 PM
Quote from: Aishasama on August 07, 2009, 11:09:41 AM

The US team enjoyed their stay and managed to come out of the whole thing with the Brother Award, but there is something disconcerting about the US's selection process. American teams have been selected, in general, fairly (that is, based on craftsmanship and performance). These standards are not the same in Japan. Cosplayers in the US are being lead to believe that WCS is a competition worthy of their skills, and it is just not the case. The most important point is this- I don't think we should be getting cosplayers hopes up for a competition they are disfavored in. People will spend a lot of money and time to try and compete, and I don't think Fanime, or any other reputable con, should enable the bs.

I believe this is USA's fault actually. There are other countries like Brazil, Spain and Mexico where just being in the 15 finalist of the preliminares is big deal. And if you win is super awesome and get all excited about it but very seriously (they cry and all).
I think is just because of the way cosplay is view in the US. That is the main reason why in Japan they don't take the US seriously.

On another note I believe it will be very good for Fanime Con to host the WCS. Because as of right now the masquerade is done on Saturday (day 2)
The preliminares of the WCS can be done on Sunday (day 3) without interrupting the regular, awesome masquerade that we have every year and more people will come to Fanime bringning more attendees and making it a more popular convention. Since for the last few years their numbers have been steady.

Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: TC X0 Lt 0X on September 06, 2009, 06:36:43 PM
Oh my god...
Such a thing exists as the World Cosplay Summit?
God help us all...
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: Meirin on September 21, 2009, 03:55:10 AM
Don't we have more than enough major events going on in Fanime already? We'd need at least another full day for it, which will probably affect staffing, not to mention badge pricing, greatly.
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: slifertheskydragon on October 01, 2009, 12:20:03 AM
can fanime fit everyone for WCS?

I think we'd need like... the airport or something... D: (it would be awesome for the distance to travel for me though!)
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: mlarad on January 06, 2010, 09:16:48 PM

Does anyone knows if there are any news on the WCS preliminaries? Are they going to be at Fanime?
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: Dany on January 08, 2010, 05:16:45 PM
If you're tracking WCS stuff in general, the place I've been looking at is here:

(Thank goodness for English site versions!)

The latest news entry from December 14th says they were reviewing applications. To me, this implies that if a convention wanted the Summit, they would have had to submit for it.  Given that, if Fanime submitted an application, they would be part of the consideration process, and if not, they would not be.

I am only going by a near-verbatim read of the news, which shows that an application period opened and is now closed, and deliberations are either in play or have been completed but not formally announced.  There may be Other Things out there that could be affecting the situation, but they are not things I'm aware of obviously.

I'm of mixed mind of a WCS event being held at Fanime. I think LOLSpeak sums it up best: "Unsure if want.."
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: Yakuza03 on January 08, 2010, 05:17:58 PM
To answer your question Meirin, not that I'm an expert of economics, but when it comes to events, be it free or not, money is involved, when an application is approved, there will be a fee and IN TURN the price of the badges remain stable.

Although I do hear complaints of bias and nepotism when it comes to the WCS, we must not forget that events and conventions are founded by two principles...our love of anime, cosplay and video games...and having fun and socialize to fellow fanboys and fangirls.

Think about it, having a WCS prelim at Fanime is something like that of a embassy to the world, where Otaku/Cosplayers are the ambassadors chosen by the judges.

Forget the bias, forget the favortism...what makes us optimistic is willing to do this event and at the same time, representing our country.

Don't think of this contest as a contest...think of this contest as an opportunity to meet fellow fans from all over the world, but most importantly...have fun.
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: Dany on January 08, 2010, 06:30:08 PM
Quote from: Yakuza03 on January 08, 2010, 05:17:58 PM
Forget the bias, forget the favortism...what makes us optimistic is willing to do this event and at the same time, representing our country.

Don't think of this contest as a contest...think of this contest as an opportunity to meet fellow fans from all over the world, but most importantly...have fun.

THIS. :)  At least, that is the way I like to see it in my rosy-tint, glass-half-full world of costume/cosplay.  I am wary of the drama llamas that could hit it (no one shouldn't be in my opinion), but drama happens in the hobby, just like death and taxes, and one just has to be hopeful that if it does come, that this is the year Something Good happens.

(message brought to you by jet lag and the letter I for International)
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: ewu on January 12, 2010, 03:19:03 PM
My sources say that we did not apply this year. Maybe if you throw a proposal to the decision makers it may happen in future years, but not this year. If you want to write that proposal, I can direct it to the right place.
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: heeroyuy135 on April 29, 2010, 01:34:18 PM
Well apparently, there are going be WCS Prelims at Fanime, but not part of the Masquerade. Instead, the WCS Prelims will take place in a panel.

Quote from: Aishasama on April 29, 2010, 08:29:33 AM
"Just a heads up - I'm copypasting this from Elizabeth's LJ, so everyone knows what's happening!

'Hey everybody! Long time no post. They lost my luggage with all my costumes, I'm jet-lagged out the ears, and this Internet connection is slow as hell, but I wanted to drop in because I was talking to Ed this morning and they *just* inked the deal for the World Cosplay Summit US preliminaries to be held at Fanime in San Jose! Hooray! Good luck everybody. - Elizabeth'"

Is this true? If so, is it going to be a part of the masq, or a separate event? All the Masq groups are already determined and totally unprepared for this announcement. When did the staff plan on letting the groups know about this?

Quote from: angeljibrille on April 29, 2010, 10:57:54 AM
This won't affect Cosplay Spectacular (the Masquerade) in any way, it's a completely separate deal and there is absolutely no overlap. We wouldn't be giving out prizes or anything else; this would be held almost as a panel and is not a Fanime-sponsored event other than letting them have panel space. There are no technical services provided for this event; it's just a room with chairs.

I'd actually had several people ask me to bring this event to Fanime, so I was just responding to demand by accepting the panel request despite my initial hesitation due to the negative press a few years back.  I just talked to someone about it yesterday, and there is no finalized information about anything, so that's why there wasn't any sort of annoucement. Also, as it's not a FanimeCon event, we wouldn't announce something like this anyway - it's up to the panel people to provide information on their panel.

I am not running this event either; I just assisted with providing a panel room.  If this manages to go off without causing any issues, we may consider some sort of more formalized event next year. At the moment, however, this is just a test. Thanks!

This has nothing whatsoever to do with FanimeCon's Masquerade / Cosplay Spectacular. Everything is staying just as it was.

I hope that clarifies things!
Masquerade Coordinator
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: polence on April 29, 2010, 08:58:20 PM
True or not, it's nice to know they are bringing it to the west coast. Wish they can have two participating teams from the US though, one for the east and west coast. I mean, they do have two Japanese teams competing, shouldn't they provide other countries with the same opportunity? Well, since they cleaned up any mishaps with sponsors messing up with the judging, it should hopefully give all countries a fair chance to win. Nevertheless, unless someone out there can organize another international cosplay competition here in the US, WCS is the only worldwide cosplay competition existing right now. Overall, imho it's going to be a great cultural experience for the representatives, whether they bring home the prize or not. And as a competing cosplayer myself, the experience alone is good enough for me, winning it would just be a great extra.^_^
Title: Re: World Cosplay Summit 2010 Prelims Site
Post by: TokyoKitty on April 30, 2010, 08:12:43 PM
Those of you interested: I will be running the US Prelims for the WCS this year. Please post all of your questions here:,14007.0.html

Thank you ^^