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FanimeCon Events and Discussionmentarianism => Hotel and Facilities => Topic started by: FanFicGuru on May 19, 2009, 01:29:21 PM

Title: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: FanFicGuru on May 19, 2009, 01:29:21 PM
Howdy everyone! Now, Fanime is just around the corner (literally!) and I know traffic goes up a lot in these remaining days so here's a quick reference guide to checking into a hotel. After all, this might be your first time checking into a hotel room, you just turned 18 (good for you!) and you want to make sure you don't look stupid.

In any case, here's a step by step with a small disclaimer: while most Hotels follow a generally universal mode of check in, there may be some minor exceptions. However, if you follow these general rules and come across an exception simply thank the person at the desk for clarifying or pointing that out to you, or you can ask for a specific clarification as you approach the desk.

One important thing before we start the list: YOU MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD TO CHECK IN TO A HOTEL ROOM. Notes from mom won't cut it. Mom could check you into the hotel room, or a fellow roommate who is 18 or over, but don't expect to check in if you are by yourself or with a group of minors all between 15 and 17 years old. I'm sure some people will respond with "I've done it before!" but keep in mind the rule, not the exceptions.

Anyways, here it is:

Step 1) Arrival time at the hotel- Hotels generally have an accepted check in time, anywhere between 3 PM and 5 PM on your "check-in" date. However, these are not always set in stone. You can call ahead to your hotel and sometimes they'll let you in as early as 10 AM or perhaps earlier (depending on the situation). In any case, it's always good to ask and if the front desk tells you that they can't check you in until 3 PM or whatever, thank them for their time and plan on checking in then.

Step 2) Approach the desk with 1) your Government issued-ID (Student ID's will NOT cut it. No joke. It might work with Fanime registration staff, but Hotels will not budge on the government issued ID thing),  2) Credit or debit card that you reserved the room with EDIT: It has come to my attention that certain hotels don't necessarily need the card you reserved the room with and it should be noted that possessing the card you held the room with is highly recommended in this guide, but not necessarily a requirement based on your hotel. Thanks. and 3) if necessary, the credit or debit card that you are going to use to pay for the room (if different from the card used to reserve it). This part is VERY IMPORTANT especially if you had your mom or dad use their card to hold the room. The front desk will at least need to see the card that was used to hold the room upon check in. Again, they don't necessarily HAVE to charge that specific card (in case you want to put it on another credit card instead), but the card that was used to hold the room needs to be present.

Additionally, make sure that you tell them which card is which BEFORE you set them down on the counter/hand them over. One year I set down both of my cards and the woman at the desk swiped the first card (the one I held the room with but didn't want to pay with) and I said "Just to clarify that's the room I reserved with, I want to pay with this other card." At which time she cancelled the charge on my initial card and swiped the second card. However, the pending charge for the room + deposit stayed on my account all weekend and I was out ~500 dollars until Tuesday, long after Fanime was over. In any case, make sure that the charge is put only on the card you intend to pay with, as pending charges and working with banks over Memorial Day weekend can be a real hassle.

3) After the person at the desk swipes the card you are paying with and the charge goes through successfully, they will begin processing your room keys. It is at this point that you should ask for additional room keys, say if you have 4 people in your room, you would want 4 keys. It is typically not in good Hotel form to issue out more than 4 keys, since there should not be more than 4 people in your average hotel room. So, if you have a setup where there are 8-10 people in a room, do NOT ask for 8-10 keys at the front desk. This will immediately cast suspicion on you and whoever else is in your room with you. Also, and this has been mentioned many times before, it is also a fire hazard and a bad reflection on convention attendees as a whole when you play stuff a bunch of people into a room like a can of sardines. Anyways, back on topic, if you have a suite you may be able to ask for up to 6 keys, I'm not entirely sure their policy on that...but if you are in a regular double-double or King room, 4 keys will be your maximum.

4) Upon receiving your keys and room number, you can use this time to ask any last minute questions regarding amenities such as pool hours, internet charges, room service, etc. If you have nothing more to say, grab your luggage and head up to your room!

That's it! You've checked into a hotel room and are ready to enjoy Fanime.

Some final clarifications:

Check-out date: Your check out time is typically 11 AM-noon on the day of your check-out. You can request up to an additional 2 hours usually without incurring any additional charges. If you are leaving later in the day, the front desk can hold your luggage for you while you finish walking around the convention.

Deposits : There has been some debate on this as far as how much, at which hotels and if they happen at all. Here's my general rule: expect that your hotel will charge you $50 a night for incidentals on top of your total bill upon check in. Therefore if you are staying for 3 nights and your cost for the weekend is $300, be prepared to have $450 charged to whatever card you are checking in with. Some estimates put the nightly deposit rate at $100, but I don't want to cause undue panic if this isn't the case. $50, however, is the charge that I am familiar with and have paid for the last 4 years of my attendance. This "deposit" fee is posted to your account as an "authorization" charge, and will tie up the funds for the weekend, so be prepared for that. If you don't trash the room (stained floors/sheets, broken stuff, etc.) you will receive this deposit back in full within 1-3 business days of checking out.

Well that's it! I hope you all have a great Fanime.
Title: Re: How to Check-in to a Hotel (for those who aren't sure)
Post by: Misao on May 22, 2009, 01:16:54 AM
thanks for the info!

for the credit card, is it possible to use my parents card w/o them being there? do they require id and such for the card? or i need to ask my parent to come over..
Title: Re: How to Check-in to a Hotel (for those who aren't sure)
Post by: FanFicGuru on May 22, 2009, 06:46:43 AM
Quote from: Misao on May 22, 2009, 01:16:54 AM
thanks for the info!

for the credit card, is it possible to use my parents card w/o them being there? do they require id and such for the card? or i need to ask my parent to come over..

From what I've been hearing you don't necessarily need the card that the room was held with in order to check in.
Title: Re: How to Check-in to a Hotel (for those who aren't sure)
Post by: FanFicGuru on March 02, 2010, 01:59:14 PM
Bump, and request for sticky? It seems to be linked to a few other topics, so people might find it helpful. :-)
Title: Re: How to Check-in to a Hotel (for those who aren't sure)
Post by: gwhsanimeclub on March 03, 2010, 06:02:05 PM
after reading all that, im concerned with the same thing:

Quote from: Misao on May 22, 2009, 01:16:54 AM
thanks for the info!

for the credit card, is it possible to use my parents card w/o them being there? do they require id and such for the card? or i need to ask my parent to come over..

can the parents be not there and would you need an 18 year old per room (or just one 18yearold for 2 rooms?)
Title: Re: How to Check-in to a Hotel (for those who aren't sure)
Post by: BrightHeart76 on March 03, 2010, 07:39:51 PM
Quote from: gwhsanimeclub on March 03, 2010, 06:02:05 PM
after reading all that, im concerned with the same thing:

Quote from: Misao on May 22, 2009, 01:16:54 AM
thanks for the info!

for the credit card, is it possible to use my parents card w/o them being there? do they require id and such for the card? or i need to ask my parent to come over..

can the parents be not there and would you need an 18 year old per room (or just one 18yearold for 2 rooms?)

For the best answer contact the hotel you've made your reservations at.  People here can tell you what their experiences are, but the hotel will be able to tell you what their current policies are.  They're there to help you, don't hesitate to ask them questions like that.

As a side note, I certainly hope that no hotel would take a credit card with your parents name without them being there to sign for it.  It's not about age, its about the security of people's accounts. 
Title: Re: How to Check-in to a Hotel (for those who aren't sure) [sticky?]
Post by: Fructose on March 03, 2010, 08:21:36 PM
If I recall correctly, several years ago on my very first Fanime visit with my high-school anime club, the (Senior, aka over 18) club president had intended to use his mother's card to pay for the room up front and then would be reimbursed with cash. He was not allowed to do so until he could get her on the phone and have her speak to the hotel receptionist and then fax a letter of authorization for use to the hotel, allowing her son to use the card.

I would speak with the hotel about if this would be a feasible plan for any over-18 but without personal card people, do NOT take my experience as fact that it would be allowable. This was also at the Marriott, fyi.

Also, it seems worth mentioning that if you arrive at the con/hotel before your scheduled check-in time, or if there is not a room currently available (late checkout people, cleaning, etc.) the hotel will always happily hold your luggage for you so you aren't stuck lugging it around while you try to kill a few hours until you can check-in for real.
Title: Re: How to Check-in to a Hotel (for those who aren't sure) [sticky?]
Post by: heeroyuy135 on March 03, 2010, 09:06:54 PM
What I usually do Monday morning is that I call up the valet and pack all my luggage in the car instead of having the hotel holding it in the lobby. It may take a bit longer since you have to wait for the valet staff to get the car, but at least you know that everything is in your car ready to go.
Title: Re: How to Check-in to a Hotel (for those who aren't sure)
Post by: FanFicGuru on March 03, 2010, 11:57:54 PM
Quote from: gwhsanimeclub on March 03, 2010, 06:02:05 PM
after reading all that, im concerned with the same thing:

Quote from: Misao on May 22, 2009, 01:16:54 AM
thanks for the info!

for the credit card, is it possible to use my parents card w/o them being there? do they require id and such for the card? or i need to ask my parent to come over..

can the parents be not there and would you need an 18 year old per room (or just one 18yearold for 2 rooms?)

The 18+ year old needs to be the person checking into the room, they can check into more than one room but they have to use their card for both.

For example:

Say you have 8 people (2 rooms of 4) and the 18+ year old is in the group in room A, the group in room B are all 15-17. The 18 year old can check into Room A and collect cash from his fellow roommates, and he also must put room B under his/her name and card in order for the minors to stay there (and collect cash from them too). Also, the 18+ year old doesn't have to be actually staying in the room itself. So Mom or Dad can check your group into your room with their credit card or debit card with a visa/mastercard logo.
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: FanFicGuru on April 26, 2011, 04:50:16 PM
Sorry to resurrect this old topic, but seeing as how it's getting close to fanime and people are asking questions regarding hotel check in etc. I figured this would be appropriate. Hope this is helpful for people!
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: SpiritOfKairi on April 26, 2011, 10:07:39 PM
Quote from: FanFicGuru on April 26, 2011, 04:50:16 PM
Sorry to resurrect this old topic, but seeing as how it's getting close to fanime and people are asking questions regarding hotel check in etc. I figured this would be appropriate. Hope this is helpful for people!
No need to apologize, bringing this thread back up was a great idea =).  The convention is approaching quickly, and there are probably many people who reserved rooms for it for the first time this year who don't know how the process works.  It's always better to cover all the bases.  I certainly hope those who are confused about checking in look at this so they can clear up any issues before getting their rooms.
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: Moonblossom on April 27, 2011, 09:09:17 AM
Another useful note - if you have any special needs or requests, it is always best to contact the hotel approximately a week ahead of time to make sure whatever you request is ready when you arrive. Good hotel staff are usually more than happy to go above and beyond for special requests, within reason. I'm pretty sure they'll be suspicious if you tell them you need a llama and a ball pit in your room for medical reasons.

I can't handle compact fluorescent bulbs, they give me debilitating cluster and migraine headaches. I've already discussed this with the Hilton and they suggested and offered to find me a desk lamp somewhere (I assume pre-renovation storage) that can handle standard incandescent bulbs since all their new light fixtures *only* handle CFLs. They just asked that I call about a week before I check in to remind someone.
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: SukebeStudios on May 08, 2011, 04:55:42 PM
I'M HEARING THAT THE MARIOTT IS CHARGING A FULL NIGHT'S COST FOR EVERY NIGHT YOU'RE STAYING AS A DEPOSIT!  So if you have a room at $99 per night and are staying 3 nights, they're charging you $300 deposit. WHEN DID THIS START??
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: SpiritOfKairi on May 08, 2011, 05:26:07 PM
Quote from: SukebeStudios on May 08, 2011, 04:55:42 PM
I'M HEARING THAT THE MARIOTT IS CHARGING A FULL NIGHT'S COST FOR EVERY NIGHT YOU'RE STAYING AS A DEPOSIT!  So if you have a room at $99 per night and are staying 3 nights, they're charging you $300 deposit. WHEN DID THIS START??
Okay, hold on. Have you tried calling the hotel to see if this is in fact the case?  I'm not trying to discredit you or anything, but it's always good to double check with them to make sure that you're on the same page numers wise.  If this is true, then I'm sure others who are staying at the Marriott would like to know since that's a pretty large chunk of change.
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: SukebeStudios on May 08, 2011, 10:16:20 PM
I did call, and I can't get a strait answer. One guy said that was the case, then when I asked for the manager, he was saying that the hotel had nothing to do with the convention. That second one sounds even worse than what I said before.
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: Knightfire on May 09, 2011, 11:12:30 AM
Are you sure it's for every night?
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: SukebeStudios on May 09, 2011, 05:15:57 PM
Quote from: Knightfire on May 09, 2011, 11:12:30 AM
Are you sure it's for every night?

From what I gather, the people at the Marriott that I spoke with didn't know what they were talking about. The first person at the front desk that I spoke to said it was the total cost of every night as a deposit, essentially doubling the cost. Then when I spoke to the manager, he was saying something about $100 per night as deposit for cash, and $50/night for card as deposit...but in the next breath, was saying that their hotel didn't have anything to do with the convention.

I emailed FaniHousing and recently received a response clearing up the situation. They guaranteed that the price they quoted for me, was the price I would pay.
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: otakuya on May 09, 2011, 08:09:32 PM
Quote from: FanFicGuru on May 19, 2009, 01:29:21 PM
Deposits : There has been some debate on this as far as how much, at which hotels and if they happen at all. Here's my general rule: expect that your hotel will charge you $50 a night for incidentals on top of your total bill upon check in. Therefore if you are staying for 3 nights and your cost for the weekend is $300, be prepared to have $450 charged to whatever card you are checking in with. Some estimates put the nightly deposit rate at $100, but I don't want to cause undue panic if this isn't the case. $50, however, is the charge that I am familiar with and have paid for the last 4 years of my attendance. This "deposit" fee is posted to your account as an "authorization" charge, and will tie up the funds for the weekend, so be prepared for that. If you don't trash the room (stained floors/sheets, broken stuff, etc.) you will receive this deposit back in full within 1-3 business days of checking out.

I'd like to add that if you use a debit card for deposits, it may take up to 1 week for the 'release' to return back to the card. After you check out, you may need to check with your debit card company instead of the hotel about de-authorizing holds.
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: FanFicGuru on May 10, 2011, 08:15:28 AM
Quote from: SukebeStudios on May 09, 2011, 05:15:57 PM
Quote from: Knightfire on May 09, 2011, 11:12:30 AM
Are you sure it's for every night?

From what I gather, the people at the Marriott that I spoke with didn't know what they were talking about. The first person at the front desk that I spoke to said it was the total cost of every night as a deposit, essentially doubling the cost. Then when I spoke to the manager, he was saying something about $100 per night as deposit for cash, and $50/night for card as deposit...but in the next breath, was saying that their hotel didn't have anything to do with the convention.

I emailed FaniHousing and recently received a response clearing up the situation. They guaranteed that the price they quoted for me, was the price I would pay.

Both the Marriott and the Hilton have the same deposit policy: $50/night added on to your bill. If you are staying 3 nights, and your bill is $300, then you will be charged $450. The $150 will be put back on your card within a few business days after you check out. This has been my experience for the past six years and I've stayed at both hotels.

The price you were quoted by FaniHousing is indeed the price you will pay in the end, but the deposit is required. Especially for Fanime. This deposit covers incidentals like phone calls, room service, if you order any movies or break anything in the room. With thousands of teens descending upon the convention center and filling up their hotel rooms, you can imagine that they would want to make sure they are covered.
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: torrentking on May 10, 2011, 06:31:47 PM
I want to clarify something just so I'm sure (sorry if this info is elsewhere on the forums). It says on the Fanime website that the last day to register for a hotel through the website was April 29, but when I clicked the link to register for a hotel it was taking me through the process like normal. So i just want to be 100% clear on these next few questions:

Can I still register for a hotel (will be registering for the Double Tree) through the fanime website (I know about the cancellation policy) even though the site said the deadline passed

Also, my friends and I DO get complementary shuttle passes to and from the convention center for registering at the Double Tree, correct? and are those shuttle passes given to us at the hotel or are the convention passes automatically the passes themselves (we will be going to the convention first on that friday and checking in later in the day)?
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: ewu on May 10, 2011, 07:17:42 PM
to confirm the last date to register, I would call CMR: (800) 924-4232 between 9 and 9 EST

As for the dbl tree shuttle, I will check on it.

Quote from: torrentking on May 10, 2011, 06:31:47 PM
I want to clarify something just so I'm sure (sorry if this info is elsewhere on the forums). It says on the Fanime website that the last day to register for a hotel through the website was April 29, but when I clicked the link to register for a hotel it was taking me through the process like normal. So i just want to be 100% clear on these next few questions:

Can I still register for a hotel (will be registering for the Double Tree) through the fanime website (I know about the cancellation policy) even though the site said the deadline passed

Also, my friends and I DO get complementary shuttle passes to and from the convention center for registering at the Double Tree, correct? and are those shuttle passes given to us at the hotel or are the convention passes automatically the passes themselves (we will be going to the convention first on that friday and checking in later in the day)?
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: Rin_chan on May 16, 2011, 06:24:34 PM
Just wondering something here, since the check in time for my hotel isnt until noon, would they normally mind if we parked our car there before that? or would it be better to try and check in early?

I'm leaving from the modesto area and I'd like to be at fanime as early as possible to stand in the death line and get my groups badges.
Title: Re: Hotel Logistics Information (Check-in, deposits, age limit, etc.) [sticky?]
Post by: venus_ivy on May 18, 2011, 10:57:55 AM
Quote from: torrentking on May 10, 2011, 06:31:47 PM
Also, my friends and I DO get complementary shuttle passes to and from the convention center for registering at the Double Tree, correct? and are those shuttle passes given to us at the hotel or are the convention passes automatically the passes themselves (we will be going to the convention first on that friday and checking in later in the day)?

You'll be able to use your member badge to access the DoubleTree shuttle. Thanks!