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Things of a serious nature => Serious Business => Topic started by: Glitch on August 19, 2010, 11:39:55 PM

Title: Proposed mosque near ground zero
Post by: Glitch on August 19, 2010, 11:39:55 PM
 I'm sure you've all heard about the mosque(although it's gonna be more of community center, like the ymca is) being planned to be built two blocks away from the 9/11 site. Of course obviously there is opposition to this.(the majority of which are from those who view Islam as = terrorist)  I myself think it would be a great idea since they want to build the community center in order to peacefully reach out to non muslims.
What I want to know is do you think they'll succeed in building it? Support and opposition is all over the place.
Title: Re: Proposed mosque near ground zero
Post by: TC X0 Lt 0X on September 12, 2010, 12:00:23 PM
Personally I believe that it is perfectly fine for a Mosque near the sight. It is well within there rights. The only people that oppose it are angry Christians who think Islam is evil and wants to destroy America, DESPITE there being thousands of American Muslims, DESPITE about 400 Muslims died in the attack (I believe that is the correct number), DESPITE radicals and terrorists kill dozens of other Muslims in the Middle East every year because they have slightly different views. Ah yes Religion is fun, because it apparently allows you to be ignorant of the truth.
They will probably succed. Unless a Mob forms and destroys the construction, I doubt there is much anyone can do to stop them. I would be worring less about this and more about stupid people burning Holy Books throwing us into WW3 =P
Title: Re: Proposed mosque near ground zero
Post by: Glitch on September 18, 2010, 01:25:41 PM
Worst is when you get into an argument with somebody opposing this. I swear, it was one giant cluster f**k of circular logic.

After the elections are over, all this energy might die down, I think. Plus the whole momentum was started by an anti-islam blogger who wanted everybody to believe a mosque was being built directly on ground zero.
Title: Re: Proposed mosque near ground zero
Post by: Jerry on October 05, 2010, 09:14:41 AM
and even if they did build a mosque on ground zero, people should have a right.

you can't let a few bad apples, ruin it for everyone else.
Once upon a time Jews were evil.
Once upon a time Nazis were evil.
Once upon a time Communist were evil.
Once upon a time _insert random flavor of the month here_ is evil.
blah blah blah...

if organized religion is suppose to have tolerance for their fellow man/woman---
where does it show/read that opposing someone in the name of _insert your God's name here_ is what your God wants you to do?

though I wouldnt want a war because of religion... but some people have nothing better to do to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
Title: Re: Proposed mosque near ground zero
Post by: PyronIkari on October 09, 2010, 01:14:09 PM
Quote from: Jerry on October 05, 2010, 09:14:41 AM
and even if they did build a mosque on ground zero, people should have a right.

you can't let a few bad apples, ruin it for everyone else.
Once upon a time Jews were evil.
Once upon a time Nazis were evil.
Once upon a time Communist were evil.
Once upon a time _insert random flavor of the month here_ is evil.
blah blah blah...

if organized religion is suppose to have tolerance for their fellow man/woman---
where does it show/read that opposing someone in the name of _insert your God's name here_ is what your God wants you to do?

though I wouldnt want a war because of religion... but some people have nothing better to do to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

God damn Jerry, it's as if you're TRYING to sound stupid.

Organized religion is supposed to have tolerance for their fellow man/woman? Since when? How much do you actually know about religions? I'm guessing jack nothing, besides the fact that although religion is the overbearing base, it is not the trigger and reason of things.

The wars in the Middle East have been going on forever... why? Because of land disputes, because of rights and ownerships, and tons of other reasons. Remember the crusades? It was a war of religion, based on the fact that land was taken over, and the pope tried to free holylands from heathens. Though you wouldn't have a war over religion, YOU ARE ALSO NOT A DEVOUT RELIGIOUS PERSON... so what god damned basis do you have to make that comment? If you follow a religion as a life path, a lot of religions actually tell you to do bad and immoral things(based on standardized society). So you HAVE to do these things based on scripture written thousands of years ago.

Religious wars will always exist, and even if there were no religion... there'd be "principle" wars. Wars based on what people think is moral, and what they think is a good way of life. Questioning how people "SHOULD" live. People want to believe in something, and some people believe in things so strongly that they will do anything to prove and show that they are right.
Title: Re: Proposed mosque near ground zero
Post by: GoodAsianDriver on December 15, 2010, 06:50:00 PM
Quote from: PyronIkari on October 09, 2010, 01:14:09 PM
God damn Jerry, it's as if you're TRYING to sound stupid.

Organized religion is supposed to have tolerance for their fellow man/woman? Since when? How much do you actually know about religions? I'm guessing jack nothing, besides the fact that although religion is the overbearing base, it is not the trigger and reason of things.

The wars in the Middle East have been going on forever... why? Because of land disputes, because of rights and ownerships, and tons of other reasons. Remember the crusades? It was a war of religion, based on the fact that land was taken over, and the pope tried to free holylands from heathens. Though you wouldn't have a war over religion, YOU ARE ALSO NOT A DEVOUT RELIGIOUS PERSON... so what god damned basis do you have to make that comment? If you follow a religion as a life path, a lot of religions actually tell you to do bad and immoral things(based on standardized society). So you HAVE to do these things based on scripture written thousands of years ago.

Religious wars will always exist, and even if there were no religion... there'd be "principle" wars. Wars based on what people think is moral, and what they think is a good way of life. Questioning how people "SHOULD" live. People want to believe in something, and some people believe in things so strongly that they will do anything to prove and show that they are right.

I think Jerry raises some valid points. While I'm pretty sure religious wars of some form will continue to exist, the religions were examining in this scenario both advocate a "tolerance for their fellow man/woman."

I guess the mosque is being built 5 blocks away. If we're in opposition to this, then where do we draw the line? Where is acceptable? Is it fine within manhattan? What sort of legal precedent do we establish if it is not alright? And if it is not alright, for what legal reason? I think advocates against the construction of the mosque haven't completely thought this out and are acting more on visceral factors.

Ps, a mosque was already inside the world trade center, so there was one at ground zero to begin with! This also shows that these were indeed the more extremist terrorists who conducted the attack.