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FanimeCon Events and Discussionmentarianism => General Convention Discussion => Topic started by: eeriekyo on January 11, 2011, 11:34:25 PM

Title: What is the Weather like is San Jose?
Post by: eeriekyo on January 11, 2011, 11:34:25 PM
(I hope this is in the right section)

This is my first time going to Fanime, and I was wondering what the weather is like during the convention, especially at night. I'm coming from Las Vegas, so I need some range to go off of.

Title: Re: What is the Weather like is San Jose?
Post by: Nina Star 9 on January 11, 2011, 11:52:12 PM

It is typically sunny or some variation thereof (mostly sunny, partly cloudy, etc.) and in the mid to high 70s during the daytime, sometimes reaching into the 80s. Nights tend to be a bit chilly, so bring something to cover up with if you get chilled easily. I'd call the weather "nice." Not too hot usually, not too cold, though some warmer cosplays might have problems (I got a tad heatsick last year because I was wearing a very warm dress out in the sun for a long period without drinking much water). In all 7(?) years that the con has been at this location, I can only recall a couple of times where we maybe had some sprinkles or at least had a very good chance of rain. Sometimes it can be a bit breezy or windy, though, and I tend to get a bit chilled in the morning in the shade (especially if there is a breeze).

Average high in May is 77, average in June is 82. Average low in May is 52, in June 55. I'm including June because Fanime is always at the very end of May. They have a pretty good display ( of daily averages and records over at if you like.
Title: Re: What is the Weather like is San Jose?
Post by: eeriekyo on January 12, 2011, 12:45:12 AM
Thanks so much, this helps a lot.
Title: Re: What is the Weather like is San Jose?
Post by: Kyra_Maverick on January 12, 2011, 03:03:24 PM
Also, it's usually rather windy too. I've seen more then one girl have to hold her skirt down when a gust when by.
Title: Re: What is the Weather like is San Jose?
Post by: Cyanide-Tea on January 12, 2011, 03:32:06 PM
Oh gosh, this is such a big help! QAQ This is going to be my first Fanime too, as I am coming from a very tropical climate (Hawaii) where I am use to very warm weather. But around the 70's to us here in the islands considered cold and we bundle up by then XD; This is nice to know though, so I'll be sure to pack a bit warmly to get use to the climate ^^;

As for my cosplay's though, I am so screwed on the chilliness parts XD; Gotta man up and deal with it! Hopefully the con area is warm.
Title: Re: What is the Weather like is San Jose?
Post by: Admiral Donuts on January 12, 2011, 07:12:21 PM
I'm from Canada, and did not bother bringing any pants. Just shorts.

This has been another useless comment.
Title: Re: What is the Weather like is San Jose?
Post by: Nina Star 9 on January 13, 2011, 12:04:01 AM
Quote from: Kyra_Maverick on January 12, 2011, 03:03:24 PM
Also, it's usually rather windy too. I've seen more then one girl have to hold her skirt down when a gust when by.
It was super windy last year. Forget about holding my skirt down, I had to hold my skirt -on-. A flared vinyl skirt that fits a bit lower on the hips tends to get entirely picked up and moved up to my chest in the wind, I found out. Thank God for shorts!
Title: Re: What is the Weather like is San Jose?
Post by: Armored-Heart on January 13, 2011, 02:28:28 PM
Quote from: Nina Star 9 on January 13, 2011, 12:04:01 AM
Quote from: Kyra_Maverick on January 12, 2011, 03:03:24 PM
Also, it's usually rather windy too. I've seen more then one girl have to hold her skirt down when a gust when by.
It was super windy last year. Forget about holding my skirt down, I had to hold my skirt -on-. A flared vinyl skirt that fits a bit lower on the hips tends to get entirely picked up and moved up to my chest in the wind, I found out. Thank God for shorts!

Shorts are your friend. xD

If you're in a rather warm cosplay, drink plenty of fluids and stay inside when you can. xD; Even as Miku (which isn't even THAT warm of a cosplay compared to some!) I was majorly overheating outside, but I think that was due to the fact that the sleeves and black part of the skirt are made from a black plastic-like material it just absorbed more sunlight. @_@; I was absolutely dying when I was outside for the Soul Eater gathering (cosplaying Soul, so I had a jacket on) and while cosplaying Amu (which involves a long sleeved shirt, jacket, and leg warmers).

At night though it can be kinda chilly, so I'd recommend you bring a jacket and pants if you plan on walking somewhere to find a place to eat or something. c:
Title: Re: What is the Weather like is San Jose?
Post by: Rodney_Pheonix on January 14, 2011, 11:08:08 PM
California weather can very quite a bit from year to year.

This year it's looking to be more on the wet side. Quite possibly it might be cool, but it's more than likely going to be sticky and humid that late in spring if the weather keeps bringing in tropical air straight in from the pacific especially in the coast range area.

however your best bet is to consult the weather report. Week's forecast and all that rot for California, specifically the incoming weather. If they say x occurrence is to hit at y day/time Give them about a half day's wiggle room plus or minus.

Humidity+heat=the illusion that it's hotter than it really is due to your body not being able to cool down the normal way which is through the evaporation of sweat from your body.

Title: Re: What is the Weather like is San Jose?
Post by: ultrazyn on January 15, 2011, 02:12:54 PM
during fanime it was pretty hot the last two years