FanimeCon 2024 Forums

FanimeCon Events and Discussionmentarianism => General Convention Discussion => Topic started by: llaaannniiii on April 29, 2012, 03:46:54 PM

Title: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: llaaannniiii on April 29, 2012, 03:46:54 PM
Hii! This year I'm staying at the Saint Claire, which i heard offers free fridges for a good amount of the room. I'm hoping to get a room with a mini fridge!

What type of food do you guys think I should load up on? I'm trying to not go out and buy food (budget reasons) and also trying to not eat so much junk food. So i have the fridge and the coffee pot (hot water) to work with, and staying from friday - monday so hoping for a bit of variety! So far I'm thinking of buying:

Instant noodles! (lunch time and late night hunger), oatmeal (breakfast), bananas (for oatmeal), water, gatorade powder mixture, chips, the triscuit or whatever tomato and basil, pockies, and that's about all

What do you guys recommend on buying? Or what do you guys normally buy for food and snacks? Ty for helping out!
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: TC X0 Lt 0X on April 29, 2012, 06:44:29 PM
The sample budget thread should have good suggestions buried in it for you.,10753.0.html
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: llaaannniiii on April 30, 2012, 02:16:34 PM
ty! i was just wondering what else i should get! i should repost this in that forum then :)
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: Junon on May 01, 2012, 12:14:22 PM
I find that I don't eat as much during Fanime as I would normally eat at home, I tend to come back from Fanime 5 pounds lighter (there were times costumes I made to tightly fit my body would have to be adjusted for the weight loss during the con). Normally I would eat at local places such as the Taqueria by that Jack in the Box or hit up a McD's dollar menu item or two, just one meal there holds me for an entire day.

If I were to take food with me, I would probably load up on those Cup Noodles, Power Bars, Powerade and a few guilty sweet things to keep me occupied. I find that Cup Noodles work well with the hot water from water coolers, no microwave required. With Chef Boyardee foods, I like to eat it cold out of the can, such as Ravioli and Beefaroni.

It's entirely possible that you'll be too occupied with the con to really worry about food.

Edit: If you're going to have access to a fridge, those Lunchables Turkey/Ham, etc, would be pretty good too.
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: llaaannniiii on May 01, 2012, 11:57:30 PM
Quote from: llaaannniiii on April 29, 2012, 03:46:54 PM
Hii! This year I'm staying at the Saint Claire, which i heard offers free fridges for a good amount of the room. I'm hoping to get a room with a mini fridge!

What type of food do you guys think I should load up on? I'm trying to not go out and buy food (budget reasons) and also trying to not eat so much junk food. So i have the fridge and the coffee pot (hot water) to work with, and staying from friday - monday so hoping for a bit of variety! So far I'm thinking of buying:

Instant noodles! (lunch time and late night hunger), oatmeal (breakfast), bananas (for oatmeal), water, gatorade powder mixture, chips, the triscuit or whatever tomato and basil, pockies, and that's about all

What do you guys recommend on buying? Or what do you guys normally buy for food and snacks? Ty for helping out!

thank you! you are right, i might be pretty busy to eat. I should probably not bring too much food then!
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: Charis on May 02, 2012, 08:52:36 AM
On the flip side, please DON'T forget to eat.  Yes, adrenaline will get you through a lot of the convention, but your body still needs nutrition or there's a good chance you'll wind up sick (or worse).  A good plan is usually to chow down something in the morning before you head out (or grab something as you head out the door), keep some small snacks in your bag for during the day, and try to get one solid meal in at some point.  For example, last year I think I was doing a slice of bread with peanut butter in the morning, one meal with friends at some point in the course of the day (usually a late lunch or dinner), and maybe some other nibbles over the course of the day if they were there.  If you're with friends, make a deal to remind each other to eat at some point in the day; I tend to forget about food, and having friends who actually have metabolisms going, "Okay, food NOW" has usually worked pretty well. XD
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: Mango Bunny on May 02, 2012, 01:03:59 PM
Quote from: llaaannniiii on May 01, 2012, 11:57:30 PM
Quote from: llaaannniiii on April 29, 2012, 03:46:54 PM
Hii! This year I'm staying at the Saint Claire, which i heard offers free fridges for a good amount of the room. I'm hoping to get a room with a mini fridge!

What type of food do you guys think I should load up on? I'm trying to not go out and buy food (budget reasons) and also trying to not eat so much junk food. So i have the fridge and the coffee pot (hot water) to work with, and staying from friday - monday so hoping for a bit of variety! So far I'm thinking of buying:

Instant noodles! (lunch time and late night hunger), oatmeal (breakfast), bananas (for oatmeal), water, gatorade powder mixture, chips, the triscuit or whatever tomato and basil, pockies, and that's about all

What do you guys recommend on buying? Or what do you guys normally buy for food and snacks? Ty for helping out!

thank you! you are right, i might be pretty busy to eat. I should probably not bring too much food then!

Plan to bring ENOUGH food. There have been fanime attendees in the past who forgot to eat/drink/sleep and they ended up spending their fanime in the ER.
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: Junon on May 02, 2012, 04:28:10 PM
Quote from: llaaannniiii on May 01, 2012, 11:57:30 PM
thank you! you are right, i might be pretty busy to eat. I should probably not bring too much food then!

I don't mean to imply you shouldn't eat or bring a lot of food.

In the part of being too busy to worry about eating, I meant to say that with the con going on, you'd probably wouldn't care too much about what it is you eat so long as it feeds you and keeps you going -- that way you don't have to stress about what specific foods to bring. Also you could snack throughout the entire day on small things instead of worrying about large expensive meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

If you do that, you could carry with you items such as nuts, chips, things that wont melt or crumble easily but can also fill you up. I went through an entire fanime once off peanuts and Powerade. I was so caught up in the con that by the time it ended, I realized I hadn't eaten a single <i>meal</i>.

Just to add, and more of an inside joke, there is a Taqeuria down the street from the convention center next to the Jack in the Box, their tacos fit quite well in pockets and are good even cold. Every so often I would forget there were taco's in my pocket, I would pull one out and eat it. Friends kept asking where the heck I was getting all this food from. It lasted an entire day. Tacos rock.
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: abcbadcat on May 02, 2012, 06:08:48 PM
Quote from: Junon on May 02, 2012, 04:28:10 PM
Quote from: llaaannniiii on May 01, 2012, 11:57:30 PM
thank you! you are right, i might be pretty busy to eat. I should probably not bring too much food then!

I don't mean to imply you shouldn't eat or bring a lot of food.

In the part of being too busy to worry about eating, I meant to say that with the con going on, you'd probably wouldn't care too much about what it is you eat so long as it feeds you and keeps you going -- that way you don't have to stress about what specific foods to bring. Also you could snack throughout the entire day on small things instead of worrying about large expensive meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

If you do that, you could carry with you items such as nuts, chips, things that wont melt or crumble easily but can also fill you up. I went through an entire fanime once off peanuts and Powerade. I was so caught up in the con that by the time it ended, I realized I hadn't eaten a single <i>meal</i>.

Just to add, and more of an inside joke, there is a Taqeuria down the street from the convention center next to the Jack in the Box, their tacos fit quite well in pockets and are good even cold. Every so often I would forget there were taco's in my pocket, I would pull one out and eat it. Friends kept asking where the heck I was getting all this food from. It lasted an entire day. Tacos rock.

Sadly that taquera (the one that was behind the Jack in the box right? If so...) is now an Indian restaurant.

Late night fare, I would suggest Iguanas (better than La Vics in my opinion), La Vics and The cheesesteak place across from McDonalds and uhhhh... Dennys (not walking distance but right down 1st street via car).
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: G.I.R on May 03, 2012, 12:44:48 PM
Quote from: llaaannniiii on April 29, 2012, 03:46:54 PM

Instant noodles! (lunch time and late night hunger), oatmeal (breakfast), bananas (for oatmeal), water, gatorade powder mixture, chips, the triscuit or whatever tomato and basil, pockies, and that's about all

Pocky pretty much is all you need.
 I kid.

But you have a good list there.  I wouldn't recommend bananas for one reason thou, they don't travel or keep well.  Try dried fruits like raisins, craisins, dried apples, banana chips, dried papaya, or any good dried fruit mix.  And if you do have a mini fridge (or ice chest)  take hard boiled eggs, yogurt,  some carrot sticks or even celery.  A small container of milk and some cheese come in handy as well.  Also pouches of tuna (or other fish) are good.  You don't need a can opener that way.
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: otakuya on May 05, 2012, 10:38:20 AM
The funny thing is that you can think of convention survival to actual wilderness and camping survival.

As for stuff you can stock up on: granola, Gatorade, jerky, popcorn, fruit, nuts, water, medicines (headache/pain, stomachache, allergy). Healthy snacks are good, hydration is crucial, too much sugar and salt is bad, caffiene is meh, etc...

Get ready for a pre-con Costco raid!
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: llaaannniiii on May 06, 2012, 10:48:47 AM
Ty everyone for your advice! I just got switched to the Marriott so I guess I'll need to bring an ice chest now!! I'm already starting to buy some stuff and will not forget to eat! Im probably gonna get some granola or cliff bars for emergency energy. I'm probably gonna go look for a cheap yummy taqueria near by too then if I have free time to leave fanime.

This year, my bf will be attending majority of the events with me, and hes normally an eater so hopefully we don't forget to eat! its his first tie going to fanime though... So I dunno of hell be a good meal time reminder  :P lol.

Quote from: Otakuya on May 05, 2012, 10:38:20 AM
The funny thing is that you can think of convention survival to actual wilderness and camping survival.

As for stuff you can stock up on: granola, Gatorade, jerky, popcorn, fruit, nuts, water, medicines (headache/pain, stomachache, allergy). Healthy snacks are good, hydration is crucial, too much sugar and salt is bad, caffiene is meh, etc...

Get ready for a pre-con Costco raid!

I do feel like its a mini camping trip!! And so ready for a pre-con Costco raid!! >.<
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: Nina Star 9 on May 06, 2012, 11:07:39 AM
We usually bring
- cereal and milk (best to eat breakfast for cheap in the room rather than going out somewhere or skipping it altogether)
- whole wheat bread, peanut butter, jam (makes a nice quick lunch or dinner if you are in a hurry, and can be brought with you)
- fruit (usually fruit cups packed in 100% juice or dried fruit, since fresh fruit doesn't travel well)
- snacky things (nuts, granola, jerky, etc. travel well and will give you nutrition quickly, though we usually bring chips, haha)
- bottled water (cheaper to bring your own, much easier to carry with you than rely on convention water dispensers or finding a drinking fountain, and healthier than soda)
- utensils, plastic bowls, plastic baggies (the utensils and bowls can be washed in the sink, and the baggies are nice to carry snacks with you)

If you are relying on an ice chest, be sure to empty out the water and refill with ice often. Also try to keep as few perishables as possible so that you don't have to worry as much in case something goes wrong and your food ends up spoiled. You don't want your entire food supply to get spoiled!
I've heard of people getting good results with instant ramen noodles and the hotel coffee maker, but that's so salty that you might not want to reply on it all con (especially if you are sensitive to salt, or, as shallow as it sounds, easily bloat and are wearing revealing cosplays, haha. Be sure to drink lots of water regardless).

Typically, I'm too busy to eat lunch at cons, so I stock up on snacks and things or just skip it. It's bad, but I don't eat much anyway, haha. I typically go out for dinners when I have time (the past couple of years have had hectic Sunday evenings between the lolita fashion panel and the B&W ball, so I've just been making sandwiches and eating them on the way to the panel practice, but this year, who knows, since I'm not in the panel and it isn't even on Sunday!).

Don't try to live off of Pocky, Ramune, vending machine food, and energy drinks, but I think that's a given. It always puzzles me when people do that, since what they spend on at-con snacks could easily be spent on either nutritious and easy to eat food kept in their hotel room or on less nutritious food outside the convention center. Dealer's hall and vendeing machine snacks can be quite pricey!

Also, there's a Walgreens within walking distance and at least a Safeway within driving distance (I pretty much only know the area from going to Fanime for so long, so there could easily be more), so if you need to stock up on some emergency food or medicine, or if you want to buy your food there instead of lugging it all the way there (since I don't know where you live/how you are getting there/what your transportation situation is like), you can easily get some basics at the Walgreens (milk, snacks) or drive to the Safeway.
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: Barnes on May 06, 2012, 03:27:44 PM
Quote from: Nina Star 9 on May 06, 2012, 11:07:39 AM
Also, there's a Walgreens within walking distance and at least a Safeway within driving distance (I pretty much only know the area from going to Fanime for so long, so there could easily be more), so if you need to stock up on some emergency food or medicine, or if you want to buy your food there instead of lugging it all the way there (since I don't know where you live/how you are getting there/what your transportation situation is like), you can easily get some basics at the Walgreens (milk, snacks) or drive to the Safeway.

Just want to say this. They are BOTH within walking distance of the con. center. The Safeway is at 2ND. and San Fernando, and the Walgreens is at 1ST and Santa Clara. Hope this helps  :)
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: cutiebunny on May 07, 2012, 12:46:50 AM
Something that you learn, as you attend more conventions, is what works for you and what doesn't.

That being said, I recommend at least one good solid meal per day, with two being ideal.  Obviously, this changes if you have any health conditions like diabetes, pregnancy, etc.  While things like trail mix are great if you're going to be stuck in lines for a while, they aren't something you should rely on to last you for the day.  If you can do two meals, breakfast and dinner are the ones you should aim for, with a good, nutrious snack (like fruit/veggies) to tide you over until then.  I recommend if you go this route to head out for food on off hours, or to a location that's further away from the convention, to avoid crowds.  If you can't do two meals, due to scheduling or whatever, grab a good lunch and bring some snacks with you.

I carry a backpack and a B4 plastic case with me at conventions.  I pack 4-5 water bottles(not hard to go through 4-5 bottles in a day of walking around), a travel case of COPIC markers, snacks, camera, cellphone and wallet in my backpack.  My B4 case contains items I'm bringing for autograph purposes.  If it's your first convention, spend some time thinking out what items you need to have with you prior to leaving for the convention.  And if you've attended a few cons, build on what you learned from prior cons and incorporate those ideas when packing this year.

Random sample of food items in my con bag -

Breakfast bars (especially the multigrain ones)
Dried coconut (high fiber content)
Costco Trail Mix ( love the nuts/raisin combo)
PBJ Sandwich

Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: DomFass on May 14, 2012, 08:48:39 AM
if your on a budget and want something hot-
Mc D's is open most hours til 3ish
course you dont want to live off of the dollaru menu for 3+ plus days haha
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: Admiral Donuts on May 14, 2012, 01:39:41 PM
Quote from: cutiebunny on May 07, 2012, 12:46:50 AM
Something that you learn, as you attend more conventions, is what works for you and what doesn't.

That being said, I recommend at least one good solid meal per day, with two being ideal.  Obviously, this changes if you have any health conditions like diabetes, pregnancy, etc.  While things like trail mix are great if you're going to be stuck in lines for a while, they aren't something you should rely on to last you for the day.  If you can do two meals, breakfast and dinner are the ones you should aim for, with a good, nutrious snack (like fruit/veggies) to tide you over until then.  I recommend if you go this route to head out for food on off hours, or to a location that's further away from the convention, to avoid crowds.  If you can't do two meals, due to scheduling or whatever, grab a good lunch and bring some snacks with you.

I carry a backpack and a B4 plastic case with me at conventions.  I pack 4-5 water bottles(not hard to go through 4-5 bottles in a day of walking around), a travel case of COPIC markers, snacks, camera, cellphone and wallet in my backpack.  My B4 case contains items I'm bringing for autograph purposes.  If it's your first convention, spend some time thinking out what items you need to have with you prior to leaving for the convention.  And if you've attended a few cons, build on what you learned from prior cons and incorporate those ideas when packing this year.

Random sample of food items in my con bag -

Breakfast bars (especially the multigrain ones)
Dried coconut (high fiber content)
Costco Trail Mix ( love the nuts/raisin combo)
PBJ Sandwich

Seconding this food selection. Go with protein over carbs!
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: Jenius on May 16, 2012, 12:13:56 PM
Definitely be smart about your calories and I'd be eating for the Con THIS WEEK, not just while there. Get yourself ready. Shore up your immune system, get ready for the walking and increased exercise, make sure you've got plenty of water, and be ready for people exposure. Grab a multivitamin to offset anything you might drop over the few days. The week leading up to a convention is as important as the four or five days you're there. Check out as many schedules as you can in advance and plan your meal times too... Do NOT skip breakfast even if you aren't a breakfast person, and load up then if you see difficulties in getting a decent meal later in the day. Try not to eat late in the evening/night, and get more water running through you. This week, not just next.

Things you can eat at room temp or from cooler if needed: mixed nuts, sugar snap peas, steam veggies ahead of time and chill them (broc, carrots, pea pods, green beans, small squash or zucchini, etc-- this is much easier on some people than eating them raw, which if you aren't used to can be crap to taste or texture and introduce other, um, issues), turkey bacon: cook it ahead of time, tuna, red beans/rice- fairly cheap packages and half an hour to make about three to four small meals worth, edamame, baked chicken (slice it up), turkey from deli, avocados, tomatoes, most fruit, dried fruit, chocolate, etc etc etc...
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: Maskenlav on May 16, 2012, 12:54:27 PM
I don't know the name of it but behind the nearby McD's across the street there is a small cheap but good/tasty japanese resturant. It looks like a house but it's nearby the con and wallet friendly. Only bummer is they don't serve refills. They give you one can of soda and you have to conserve it in your cup :C
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: Firefury Amahira on May 19, 2012, 07:42:58 PM
Our hotel room has a fridge, so we're going to be cooking up a bunch of ground beef and cut up chicken to bring up and store; along with my sister and her husband's rice cooker and bag of rice. We're also bringing sandwich fixings, and will probably be stopping at the 99 Ranch that my brother-in-law swears isn't far from our hotel to get some meat buns that we can steam in the rice cooker.

If you can afford one (and they aren't that expensive,) an electric water kettle is a great convention survival tool. You can boil more water than the dinky hotel coffee machine can do at once, and with a reliable high-volume means of getting boiling hot water there are a ton of instant meal options available besides instant ramen: oatmeal, various soups, and so on.

I would personally avoid stuff like those Lunchables things, especially if on a budget. They're generally hideously overpriced for the amount of food they contain; you'd be better off buying lunch meat and cheese from a supermarket deli and keeping that in your fridge or ice chest.
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: Touya no Miko on May 22, 2012, 11:23:29 AM
If you don't have a fridge(Like us) in your room, bring non-perishable or canned foods and save the refrigerated stuff for when you arrive at the con. Instant noodle isn't a very nutritious food to live on the weekend, so bring other stuff like oatmeal, energy bars, or pb & j sandwiches. If you bring a crock pot you can also make soup, pasta, stew, rice etc. Fresh or dried fruit is good, since they don't always need refrigeration. Don't feel like making anything? What I love about Fanime's location is the wide access to restaurants and fast food places around the area. Every Saturday my friends and I will have dinner at a random restaurant. Love ya House of Pizza. <3 

I'm making sure everyone of our roommates eats or drinks before they head out. Especially since one of my friends is hypoglycemic, which makes her prone to shakes, unless she gets some food in her. We don't want anyone to collapse in exhaustion this year. Even if you're not that hungry, at least carry a snack bar and some water as you walk around the con.
Title: Re: What food do you recommend loading up on?
Post by: LordMoufMouf on May 23, 2012, 06:32:15 PM
Quote from: cutiebunny on May 07, 2012, 12:46:50 AM
Breakfast bars (especially the multigrain ones)
Dried coconut (high fiber content)
Costco Trail Mix ( love the nuts/raisin combo)
PBJ Sandwich

THIS. Fruits, veggies, and whole grains are going to keep you healthy, energetic, and looking beautiful. I'd stay away from junk food.