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Anime Video Game Cosplay Geek Clearing House => General Anime Chat => Topic started by: YoureMyHiro on May 10, 2004, 01:49:33 PM

Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: YoureMyHiro on May 10, 2004, 01:49:33 PM
Well maybe Im too quick to generalize but man, I was just browsing otakubooty, and several other anime/cosplay websites and there just seems to be alot of hate out there, about small things like "i hate guys that dont shower" or "Otaku know it alls" blow and lots of them have merrit to their statements but whatever happened to "live and let live" in the anime world?

"Please dont let this go elitest, then Ill have to wash myself clean of this as well, then again maybe Im not wanted in the first place" -
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: swordofthebezerk on May 10, 2004, 02:48:06 PM
Some "Otaku know-it-alls" think they are so right about things all the time that they become ignorant and don't like to be wrong about things. Plus there are those people who take things to the extreme like: "You make fun of Trowa again and I will kill you!" and other such statements that just make me feel weird about being around that person. But about smellly otaku, ummmmm they stink isn't that enough to make you want them to take a shower or put some deoderant on. I mean I don't like being around a lurking smell of B.O for an entire weekend do you?
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: digitalimp on May 10, 2004, 03:18:59 PM
Me and recomet have a name for some angry nerds. We call them AFMs, short for angry fatmen. They hate anyone who disagrees with them on anything or doesn't know one minute detail about their favorite anime.
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: ip136 on May 10, 2004, 03:36:05 PM
I hate people like that.. the famed 'elitists'..
A lot of people that are just starting to get into anime that isn't being played on Cartoon Network, or the kiddie channels for morning cartoons think that they know all that is great.
My aquaintances that I hang out with actually told me straight to my face that they hated Someday's Dreamers because it just is simply "dead". And I roughly quote "Nothing like Fruits Basket. It is SO much better than this crap." And then they decided to make fun of every single episode from the first DVD.. like MSTing it. Even when I asked if they wanted me to turn it off, they said no, they were having too much fun making fun of it.
I was sorta mad at them.. but then I remembered when Fruits Basket came out and my friend and I were REALLY trying to get them to watch it. I mean hey, it's an uber cool Dramody. XD  And they didn't because it "wouldn't be as good as Slayers."

There are just those people out there that think they know all that.. when in fact they are just casual elitists.. I think that THEY are the people that get on my nerves the most. They don't have all the info, but talk as if they've seen every single episode of every single anime that ever lived.. When they're only on the large bandwagon with a huge sign that says "This isn't a bandwagon! Really!
blarg. -.-

/end rant
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: neko ewen on May 10, 2004, 03:43:15 PM
The way I see it, it's pretty much agiven that whatever interest group exists will include people who take it WAY too seriously, people who find ways to be jerks about it, and people who are just plain annoying. I can say from persional experience that it is in no way limited to anime. I for one do believe in "live and let live," though of course some people tend to try and make that credo a difficult one for others to live by. On the internet, you have to be a bit more thick-skinned than in real life because people will more readily say things that they'd hold back when face-to-face.

Personally it takes a lot for me to say I "hate" something. A friend of mine will say "I hate console RPGs" when he's actually holding an opinion that I would state as "I don't care for console RPGs." (Personally I like them, but we're both entitled to our opinions; understanding that kind of thing is part of why we're still friends after all these years). To me if I really hate something it means that it find its very existence actively offensive and detestable. So there aren't many things around that I hate.

BTW, while I don't hate people who don't take showers, I do think that whether at a con or elsewhere proper hygeine is a Good Thing, both from a social and a health standpoint. And besides, if you have a hotel room, the necessary materials are included for *free*.
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: DayDreamerNessa on May 10, 2004, 03:45:15 PM
well most of these people who are elitsts etc.. probably won't change there ideas/ways. so all you can really do is ignore them, because it's quite useless to convince/argue with them that there ARE other opinions that can be right.

the smelly otaku, unfortunately i think those will always be around XD personally i don't like the smell either and i dont think anyone does for that matter, but there have always been threads bout smelly otaku's. blah thats my 2 cents lol
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: ip136 on May 10, 2004, 03:48:00 PM
Quote from: "DayDreamerNessa"well most of these people who are elitsts etc.. probably won't change there ideas/ways. so all you can really do is ignore them, because it's quite useless to convince/argue with them that there ARE other opinions that can be right.

the smelly otaku, unfortunately i think those will always be around XD personally i don't like the smell either and i dont think anyone does for that matter, but there have always been threads bout smelly otaku's. blah thats my 2 cents lol

Maybe there are smelly otakus because some people who watch a lot of anime who suffer from like ADD or something just get distracted and forget? I dunno. @_@
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: drallcome on May 10, 2004, 04:42:08 PM
Ah. the smelly otaku. I dont really "hate" stinky people, I just prefer not to be around them, because Hate is a bad word in a buddist mine.  If someone skinks Ill tell them.. I would want the same in return.  But thats just me.

No one should hate anything. Its harmfull to the soul.  For example, I used to hate Dragonball Z. Now when I see it on Cartoon network I prefer not to watch it, let it pass through with out hateing it.

Now for the Uber Otakus who know everything, just let them be. If they are happy with themselfs and not harming anyone elese then so be it.

So thats my option. Take it or leave it.
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: KimaLucifer on May 10, 2004, 06:04:16 PM
I am...kinda afraid of Fat Otakus ever since Comic Party....

Fanboy bebop helped me classify the otakus lots. Usually those "elite-otakus" specialize under Hentai. Maybe that's what scares me. They think they know everything and they blab endlessly.

-It's just that they may have watched the series but not enough to actually understand the underlying "message" that pops around once in a while. Such an example would be when a "Elite-Otaku" rants about how Saikano or Lain sucked. They don't know the message in the series- and it's actually a really good message.

-So yeah. I don't hate them LOTS, but I do hate them somewhat.
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: Neo-Zaku on May 10, 2004, 09:46:36 PM
Ok as someone who has ADD I can attest that it is not so debilitating a condition as to cause one to forget proper hygene. I have never been so distracted as to forget to shower. From my experience the worst examples of smelly otaku sydrome tended to have come from people who generaly gave so little concern about their personal appearance that the smell was just a another effect of this laziness. Though yes I will admit now some of those costumes are hot and as a number of cons take place during the warmer times of the year. There a couple of simple solutions; one is to wear extra deodorent or maybe carry a small thing of the spray deodorent for touch ups if your costume is really that hot, second is to plan carefuly and not wear the thirty layers of fabric costume during midday, try early evening, third is to shower at night before going to sleep so as to be assured to be reasonably clean the next day if you want to hit con immediately. If you plan to use a costume more then once see if the hotel has a washer and dryer on the premises, odds are they will. I could ramble further but I think I'll stop now while I only have one foot in my mouth  :twisted:
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: protocol7 on May 11, 2004, 08:18:59 AM
*MAJOR edit*
Quote from: "KimaLucifer"Saikano or Lain

*drools* Two of the best in my opinion..

*wonders when his boss will return his Lain box..*
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: Astarte on May 11, 2004, 09:19:34 AM
Quote from: "drallcome"Ah. the smelly otaku. I dont really "hate" stinky people, I just prefer not to be around them, because Hate is a bad word in a buddist mine.  If someone skinks Ill tell them.. I would want the same in return.  But thats just me.

No one should hate anything. Its harmfull to the soul.  For example, I used to hate Dragonball Z. Now when I see it on Cartoon network I prefer not to watch it, let it pass through with out hateing it.

Now for the Uber Otakus who know everything, just let them be. If they are happy with themselfs and not harming anyone elese then so be it.

So thats my option. Take it or leave it.

I take it. and agree to it, though I am not buddhist. Hate it not a good thing, and personally, those people out there who think and say they know everything, they know nothing about anything else.

I dislike Poke`mon, and yet I still watch it, you know? Because it's cute for kids and such, moves them into being our kind of Otaku slowly.

Yes, just let the Uber Otakus alone, they only want to know what they know and feel they know enough to let everyone know every subject, just remember, it's not you. Let them be who they want and the same with you.

"Show them friendliness, and they may return it.
Show them hate, they shall return it.
Show them compassion and love,
It all goes around in a huge circle. But one way or another, we are one."
  -- That's my quote for the day.
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: drallcome on May 11, 2004, 09:27:32 AM
I like ya Astarte, your my type of person.

Heres my quote for the day...

May the poor find wealth,
Those weak with sorrow find joy.
May the forlorn find new hope,
Constant happiness and prosperity.
May the frightened cease to be afraid,
And those bound be free.
May the weak find power,
And may their hearts join in friendship.
Title: General Anime Hate
Post by: ip136 on May 11, 2004, 09:40:31 AM
I deny having ADD I just multi-task poorly. Honestly there have times when I've gone 2 days or so with out showering.  :oops: *embaressed* but then I've got a skin condition that if I shower everyday it'll just get worse and severly irritated (I have a sucky showerhead at my apt). -.-; So it's like every other day anywho *begins to ramble on and on in a muttering tone*