FanimeCon 2024 Forums

FanimeCon: Participate, Join, Create => Cosplay! Construction, Tips, Gatherings, Advice => Topic started by: Kotuea on January 19, 2013, 05:22:18 PM

Question: Touhou Tea Party?
Option 1: YES votes: 5
Option 2: Maybe votes: 2
Option 3: NO votes: 0
Title: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on January 19, 2013, 05:22:18 PM

ATTENTION: Fanime will be taking group pictures during the Gathering/Event this year. If you do not want to be included in those pictures please step aside for those photos. By remaining with the group when the pictures are being taken you give your consent to be photographed.

Hey everyone! Guess who's coming back to organize the Touhou Gathering! Me! Rejoice! Kidding. DON'T. I also have a co-organizer with me too! Weee!

Last year's gathering was a success and so was the after gathering tea party! I was wondering if you guys want to do it again. All the fun everywhere!


Day: Saturday
TIME: 3:00 PM
Meeting place: G9
LOCATION: G9 (In front of the convention center entrance)

Here's a link of the location just in case: (

List of Attending

Kotuea~ Hourai Doll(fanart ver.)
Silent One~ Kirisame Marisa (military ver.?)
Chen-Yakumo~ Mizuhashi Parsee
squishynin~ Sekibanki
23rd_Break~ Remilia Scarlet

Photography Order

Group shot with everyone

Group shots for each game:
Touhou PC-98
Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil (EoSD)
Perfect Cherry Blossom (PCB)
Imperishable Night (IN)
Phantasmagoria of Flower View (PoFV)
Mountain of Faith (MoF)
Subterranean Animism (SA)
Undefined Fantastic Object (UFO)
Ten Desires (TD)
Double Dealing Character (DDC)

Spin offs (Games with the ".5"):
Immaterial and Missing Power (IaMP)
Shoot the Bullet (StB)
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (SWR)
Touhou Hisoutensoku
Double Spoiler
Fairy Wars
Hopeless Masquerade
Impossible Spell Card


Koumajou Densetsu (Aka. Touhouvania)

Fanart (If Any)


Final Group Shot with everyone

5/12/13 Updated with new games and added info about the Post Gathering Tea Party.

I'm cosplaying this Hourai!!! ( (I'm going to actually finish it this time...)
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on January 19, 2013, 05:23:27 PM
Touhou Post-Gathering Tea Party

We'll be eating at Tandoori Oven
Unless you are interested in eating from somewhere else.
We will all gather at the park somewhere near the giant snake statue.

Right after the gathering, if you guys are interested in signing up for an email group, please come to me (Hourai doll) or Lucas (Shikieiki) for more info. There is a TouhouCon coming up this year and I hope you guys can come too.
After signing up, we'll go out to eat and maybe go to the park in front of the Fairmont to talk and/or play games together.

I hope to see most of you come to the Tea Party!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: ScarletAssassinXer on January 19, 2013, 05:37:55 PM
This is that dude on skype that said he's mokou. O n O;;
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: pLusmizu on January 25, 2013, 07:45:24 PM
I'll be there as Nitori Kawashiro!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on January 27, 2013, 07:50:34 PM
Going to try and do either suit wearing Satori or Koishi based off this image

I have a few bits of advice/etc for the general gathering:

1. Try and have everyone stay around a bit after all the big group pictures are done so people can get individual shots of whomever they'd like to.
2. Make sure to not have the gathering at a time that conflicts with other gatherings which have alot of fans of both series (such as was the case with Madoka last year, etc). I'd also suggest having the gathering not on Sunday at all since things like the B&W Ball. The fountain area still won't be all cleared up by Fanime time either, so perhaps you should have the location be at the park across the street? Or maybe that one in direction of the Discovery Museum? 4:00 Saturday?
3. There was a bit of talk about a picnic/after gathering last time that never got off the ground. Now at AX last year they had a pizza party after their Touhou gathering, perhaps we could try and do that/something similar as well? It was quite a success, and its always fun to hang out and chat with fellow fans.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Shirokun on January 28, 2013, 08:26:32 AM
Inubashiri Momiji will be there!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on February 02, 2013, 04:50:43 PM
Quote from: Gore Screaming Show on January 27, 2013, 07:50:34 PM
3. There was a bit of talk about a picnic/after gathering last time that never got off the ground. Now at AX last year they had a pizza party after their Touhou gathering, perhaps we could try and do that/something similar as well? It was quite a success, and its always fun to hang out and chat with fellow fans.

Thank you for the suggestions!
That sounds like a good idea too. I wonder how many people are up for it though.
I'll be making a poll then if people want to do a post-gathering party or something.

Updated! Come to me Touhou fans! Give me your names!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on February 02, 2013, 10:25:47 PM
Well if AX can do it Fanime certainly can too (we've had bigger turnouts by at least ten plus in the past three years as well soooooo...)

There's a matter of logistics and what not but I'd be glad to lend a hand if needed/etc. Alot of people showed up to the impromptu Touhou Skygirls tourney last year in the game room with just some good word of mouth at the con, which is further evidence if we have concrete plans in place we'll have at least some takers.

Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: 9kitsuki on February 12, 2013, 11:29:15 PM
HAIII I'mma be going as Patchouli for this gathering :3
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on February 24, 2013, 04:15:46 PM
Just a quick few possible food choices for the after gathering:

1. There is an Amici's pizza within a mile walking that can deliver.
2. There is also PF Changs really close by (just a block over from the back end of the Fairmont).
3. Cheesecake platters from Safeway are always a popular choice to (and delicious).
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Iori E on February 25, 2013, 07:32:36 PM
The tall Sakuya from last year is back~

I'll be coming as Komachi this time.  I think.  I'll try my best, but plans may change.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on February 25, 2013, 08:13:59 PM
Updated and there shall be more people!

I'll note that I might be a maid for the Fanimaid cafe, so I'm probably having someone else host the after-party-shindig-thingy.
If there are volunteers to host this, that would be great.

By the way... Everyone!
I would like to know what kind of location that you would want for a gathering.
Seems that the big room that the badges were being distributed is going to open as a gathering location!
Do you guys want that or maybe kind of the same old location from the past couple years which is near the "fountain?"
Or at the park further down near the Fairmont?

Do you guys want it to happen in the morning or in the afternoon?

Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on February 26, 2013, 03:58:05 PM
Well having to rush off afterwards wouldn't be the best for the official gathering either, so I'd suggest trying to schedule a morning shift and have the later afternoon/evening open (if all possible). Since I was the one who suggested the after gathering in the first place I wouldn't mind taking over main hosting duties for that (and I have some friends who would be willing to help).

Having the gathering in the evening is more ideal anyway since it's less likely people have solid plans afterwards (panels/artist alley/dealers room dying down, people wanting to get dinner anyway so why not with fellow Touhou fans/etc). The new lobby area is pretty nice and would hold the fifty or so people well enough, but I still feel the park would be better just due to having more open space (there's always a chance of a freak rainstorm like happened in 2011 but needless to say the odds of that are quite low).

So to sum it up 4:00/4:30 Saturday in the park accross the street from the Fairmont, festivites to take place afterwards is my vote. And for those voted yes I'd appericate your input regarding food and the like.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Capn on February 26, 2013, 04:47:56 PM
I'll be there as Murasa, and my friend as Yuuka.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Silent One on February 28, 2013, 11:14:22 AM
Since Iori isn't doing Sakuya, I am fortunately cosplaying Sakuya this year to finish off the braid combo. (I was the tall Meiling with the red wig and doing all the low "crouching" poses.)
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on March 13, 2013, 05:02:34 PM
Getting this back to the front page with a few musings for possible after dinner activites:

1. Fairmont pool lounging/swimming.
2. Gameroom/Mario Kart 64 battle mode/Twinkle Star Sprites/etc goodtimes.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Pikatune on March 16, 2013, 04:20:05 PM
Going as Chen with my husband as Ran. Depending on whether the gathering is after artist alley closes or not will determine if our Yukari will join us as well, but we'll all be down for an after party. :3
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on March 17, 2013, 09:51:01 PM
Okay! Updated!

And guys... Everyone! I need more input on when and where the gathering is going to take place at.

The only suggestion I got is at 4:30 pm at the park.
However, there is a cosplayer hangout that has a raffle at that time. Just saying if anybody wanted to go to that.

I'm not sure if you guys want that time.

I need to get the time slot ASAP.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: cirnomodo on March 17, 2013, 11:23:14 PM
Make it Saturday like last time. Probably some time after lunch may work.
Title: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: 23rd_Break on March 17, 2013, 11:58:41 PM
Minority Ideas here.
Entering for the gathering as Remilia Scarlet [Fanart Version]

Reference is this I suppose

Click here because I feel too lazy to rip off the picture and uploading it to photobucket sucks (

For the location: You need to look up the new area that was posted near there. Because the area where the fountains were seems to be sealed off because of the construction that's going on...
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Raydere on March 18, 2013, 12:35:42 AM
Reprising my Reimu cosplay from last year. If it's Saturday, please not before 1-2 PM, as I have commencement at SJSU from 9 AM to 12 PM.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: 23rd_Break on March 18, 2013, 12:37:58 AM
Well, considering that it's summer... I might as well message the gathering officer for the timeslot. Sun lasts long and cosplayers won't hang out on the sun too much... So we might need some people to actually get the gathering a bit better off...
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on March 18, 2013, 05:25:25 PM
I don't think the lobby area will quite big enough though, maybe if it was only us using it but that seems doubtful. Weather will hopefully be cooperative as it suprsingly has been in late May the past few years but if temperatures are really high I'm sure something can be worked from there.

Glad to see people hyped for the after party, I'll do my best to make it great. Feel free to suggest ideas/food/etc as per usual!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Iori E on March 18, 2013, 05:28:56 PM
So yeah.  I knew I was going to change my mind.

I'll not be going as Komachi.  I'm going to be Utsuho Reiuji instead.  Also, I have a friend who will be Satori Komeiji.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Rukazu3 on March 18, 2013, 11:20:54 PM
I'll most likely be going as eikishiki again!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Iori E on March 18, 2013, 11:40:59 PM
Have we decided on a time yet? 4pm Saturday sounds good to me.
I'm undecided on a place, but whatever you guys choose would work for me.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Capn on March 19, 2013, 07:30:41 PM
Late afternoon on Saturday or Sunday sounds like the best bet, like 4 or 5 PM. We could go out for food afterwards.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: TupacTheRobot on March 19, 2013, 10:29:28 PM
4 on Saturday sounds good, Why not pizza my heart or the old spaghetti factory?
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on March 19, 2013, 10:40:12 PM
Okay! I have sent the message to the person in charge!

I am trying to place the gathering a little bit earlier, so about from 3-4pm. Hopefully, the gathering will be outside, most likely off-site.

I also asked for other time slots just in case we can't get that one.

Thank you everyone for your input!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on March 20, 2013, 09:37:49 AM
Well, I was trying to avoid the locations that are more likely to be packed...

But hey, if we're considering places in that area, I'm going to suggest Hoagie's Steak Out. Or if people don't mind taking a brief light rail ride over to Japantown there's always the wonderful Omogari Korean restaurant/etc. One of the best aspects of this con (and there are so many) is the many good and well priced food options in the area, after all.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Raydere on March 21, 2013, 07:48:46 AM
I wouldn't mind Old Spaghetti Factory. Had some at Sac-Anime and enjoyed it thoroughly.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: 23rd_Break on March 21, 2013, 05:51:10 PM
A friend of mine had an Idea to make the gathering at the observatory near the park.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Peach93cc on March 21, 2013, 08:42:30 PM
Can we not have this gathering on the same day as the Zelda Gathering? It seems to be on a saturday. Also, I'm going to be Flandre (my own version)
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Peach93cc on March 21, 2013, 09:42:10 PM
Uh, I didn't mean to word it that way lol
I meant that I would like to attend both gatherings, and since this one hasen't been decided yet, we could make it on a day that isn't super busy with gatherings. Most of them are on saturday including the one I want to go to the most.
Sorry if I sounded mean or bossy ^^; I have asperger's syndrome, I say things without thinking and sometimes I will mean something, and it'll come out as something different. I'm working on it!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on March 24, 2013, 05:08:52 PM
Okay! Updated again!

I am confirmed to be part of the Fanimaid cafe, so woo! I will make sure to schedule my shifts before the gathering.

Quote from: Peach93cc on March 21, 2013, 09:42:10 PM
Uh, I didn't mean to word it that way lol
I meant that I would like to attend both gatherings, and since this one hasen't been decided yet, we could make it on a day that isn't super busy with gatherings. Most of them are on saturday including the one I want to go to the most.
Sorry if I sounded mean or bossy ^^; I have asperger's syndrome, I say things without thinking and sometimes I will mean something, and it'll come out as something different. I'm working on it!

It's okay! I believe that the Zelda gathering is undecided too. Actually... A lot of gatherings don't know what time slot they're going to get. I sent in multiple time slots just in case. In any case, the Touhou gathering might be on Saturday OR Sunday. It depends.

Okay! Great suggestions guys! Although, I do recommend the after-gathering party to be close to the con.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on March 24, 2013, 09:17:46 PM
Well hopefully we'll get the preferred Saturday slot, it does help we're one of the biggest gatherings there (fifty plus since Fanime 2010).

Sunday would be.... bad, though not so much if in the earlier afternoon than later (going up against things like the B&W Ball/etc is better avoided than not).

After party activites will certainly take place close to and in the con itself, don't worry. Also I'm doubling down on Hoagie's for the dinner, though we'll go with what the majority ends up feeling like/what gets the least firm rejections.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: eBay Sniper on March 25, 2013, 11:44:04 PM
Well, eBay Sniper here, same eBay Sniper from

If all goes well, should be there as Remilia with my girlfriend as Sakuya, both from Koumajou Densetsu.

I'm going to be hosting the AX Gathering, so I have no problem lending my great voice for this gathering as well. With everything considered, I'd second that after dinner/party. I'm doing the same for my gathering at AX. haha.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Silent One on March 27, 2013, 01:02:51 PM
Didn't notice the update about getting food afterwards. Since there is a talk about dinner after the gathering, I also wish for the gathering to be on a Saturday after 3PM. Staffing for PC Gaming. Hope you guys enjoy seeing the maid maintaining computers and such. (Well, the Scarlet Devil Mansion does have computer servers running about, it's just that you guys we keep them hidden from our guests.)
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on March 27, 2013, 05:21:03 PM
The Artist Alley also has some Touhou cosplayers as well, so I imagine a later start would possibly be more convinent to them as well. Seems to be a generally strong push towards later than not as it is....

I didn't really get the chance to check out what Touhou games were on PC last year (outside PCB and Skygirls), but it would be nice if Detonate on Sound (Touhou Bomberman) was part of the mix (if it already isn't).

I imagine we'll get out timespot no problem though, the fountain area in the park across from the Fairmont should have plenty of space (even considering it's likely we'll be sharing the space in a sense with what is bound to be the largest gathering during the entire convention).
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Ska_Kitti on March 30, 2013, 09:06:12 PM
Oh hi, checking in~ If I have the time, I'll stop by as Reimu but am usually found in the Gaming Hall. Last year we had a small Sky Arena that I hosted after the panel last year, and we are having a tournament this year on Saturday at 4pm for Sky Arena. We have even more PCs than before, so if we get a good turnout, you all might end up overrunning PC Gaming with your Touhou-ness.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on March 31, 2013, 11:14:19 PM
Updated and bumped!

Quote from: Ska_Kitti on March 30, 2013, 09:06:12 PM
Oh hi, checking in~ If I have the time, I'll stop by as Reimu but am usually found in the Gaming Hall. Last year we had a small Sky Arena that I hosted after the panel last year, and we are having a tournament this year on Saturday at 4pm for Sky Arena. We have even more PCs than before, so if we get a good turnout, you all might end up overrunning PC Gaming with your Touhou-ness.

Yes. We shall invade the Gaming Hall. Mwahahaha!

Anyway... Wait... The Sky Arena is at 4pm... On Saturday... Which is around the same time slot for the gathering.... TToTT Hopefully(Or not, depends on the others), the gathering is not on that time slot....
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on April 02, 2013, 09:30:46 AM
If Sky Arena was moved to 8PM that would make a great segway from the post gathering dinner. Hopefully the Dreamcast station is super close to the PC one again so I can introduce people to the wonders of Twinkle Star Sprites (also, Powerstones/Chu Chu Rocket/etc if they've never played before).
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on April 07, 2013, 12:30:01 AM
Bump up! *Throws thread back to the front

It would be nice if it was moved to a later time, but I don't think it's possible to move Sky Arena to a different time....
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: eBay Sniper on April 11, 2013, 02:12:50 AM
I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but its seems like this Gathering needs some direction. And as the host for the Anime Expo Touhou Project Gathering, I'm willing to help out.

So, the idea is to have the Gathering, on Saturday, and head out to Dinner. But the original time of 4pm conflicts with the Sky Arena Tourney, which I'm sure a decent amount of Touhou Fans would be attending (and who would also like to come to the gathering). Here is my solution:

Keep the Sky Arena Tourney at 4pm, Saturday, and have the Touhou Gathering at 6pm. Giving the Tourney two hours. If the Tourney isn't expected to take two hours, we can pull it back to 5/5:30 pm (or whenever). However, I'll leave the placement to others who have been there (first year Fanime goer). Starting at 6pm will give us ample time for a full on shoot, but early enough to do an after dinner.

Also, I suggest we start finalizing at least the Gathering time and space ASAP. Don't be hesitant to the point in which the only time slot we have conflicts with all the other big named gatherings. No reason why this should be this disorganized with this close to the Con. Finalizing this will make others work around us, and not force us to work around others.

Any questions?

Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on April 11, 2013, 09:52:57 AM
The impression I got was we were just waiting for our time to get confirmed (probably 4PM Saturday@park), but I do agree that no time is going to be perfect for everyone. Honestly out of the two events it seems alot more likely that Sky Arena tourney time can be bumped a bit forward than the converse, I doubt they'll be that many other PC game tournaments (also I recall those two set ups used last year for said tourney were basically all Touhou all the time anyway).

Fanime in general hasn't been very good with getting out information this year, but this is certainly not common pratice, and the con will still be top tier barring some huge screwups.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: eBay Sniper on April 11, 2013, 03:16:46 PM
If thats the case then, lets submit it to the Gathering List thread! Lets not waste any time.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on April 11, 2013, 03:59:01 PM
Quote from: Kotuea on March 19, 2013, 10:40:12 PM
Okay! I have sent the message to the person in charge!

I am trying to place the gathering a little bit earlier, so about from 3-4pm. Hopefully, the gathering will be outside, most likely off-site.

I also asked for other time slots just in case we can't get that one.

Thank you everyone for your input!

Hopefully confirmation will come by the end of next week.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: eBay Sniper on April 11, 2013, 08:45:01 PM
Alright cool beans.

Now, have any of the dinner plans been set in stone yet? I'm sure a lot of the places in the immediate areas are going to be packed saturday night of the Con. Its best to seal some sort reservation. As fast as we can, as well. I'm sure other gatherings on Saturday have the same idea.

Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on April 11, 2013, 09:33:22 PM
Nothing hard and fast, alot of people who are interested haven't even chimed in yet on food. I know the area quite well, and have several ideas avaible on suggestion. Pizza, Chinese, cheesesteaks, cheesecake, you name it. I'm trying to get as much non negative consensus as possible before choosing, so its going to have to wait for the con. Don't worry though, things will be busy but you'll have plenty of cool new Touhou buddies to keep you company while waiting/etc. Even if we ordered pizza from Pizza My Heart/D'Amici's/etc we'd still have to wait to see who would want what kinds.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: eBay Sniper on April 12, 2013, 04:14:10 PM
True... But usually Pizza is a crowd pleaser.

I'm guess I'm just worried about it being a Saturday Night at a big Convention. Speaking from past experiences, I'd expect a lot of restaurants and such in the immediate area will be packed to the brim with con goers.

I'll take your word for it though. I got through high school by winging it on the spot and it just worked on my final exam for Intro to Business, so why not here, haha. 
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Capn on April 12, 2013, 05:09:42 PM
From my experience, Pizza My Heart seems like a good place to go. It's never insanely crowded, since congoers spread out for food all over the place and the restaurant itself has a lot of seats available. Then again, if I'm wrong and it ends up super packed, we can always go to Hydration. We have plenty of options, and I'm sure people won't be picky about where we eat.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on April 12, 2013, 07:58:52 PM
I have noticed that about PMH.

Still going to personally push for Hoagie's though, tons of wonderful sandwhiches/dem bacon cheesefries and while it will be pretty busy cheesesteaks only take so long to prepare. Give it a shot on Friday and you'll see what I mean.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on April 14, 2013, 09:43:17 PM
Okay guys! We might have a time slot for either 3 pm or 3:30 pm at G6, which is the where the 60+ gatherings were. It's on a Saturday so woo!

Here's a map of where the gatherings are: (
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on April 14, 2013, 10:32:57 PM
Looks like where the 2010 gathering ended up moving to. Should work out just fine. I believe the double time spot just indicates we'll be using the space for about an hour, it should start at three and end before four in other words.

So the gathering, followed by the Sky Arena tourney, then finally post dinner/etc then is how we'll be rolling.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: hexgirl6 on April 15, 2013, 04:30:15 PM
Quote from: ScarletAssassinXer on January 19, 2013, 05:37:55 PM
This is that dude on skype that said he's mokou. O n O;;
anyone should be able to do who they want even if there is multiples i have this planned to ( Fujiwara no Mokou cosplay) not sure for what day though
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: DDRKirby(ISQ) on April 16, 2013, 11:11:03 PM
I'll try to come as the most popular, biggest superstar character of them all!!!!



(Lily White...)


Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on April 17, 2013, 07:57:54 PM
Quote from: hexgirl6 on April 15, 2013, 04:30:15 PM
anyone should be able to do who they want even if there is multiples i have this planned to ( Fujiwara no Mokou cosplay) not sure for what day though

It's okay! It doesn't matter if there are multiple people cosplaying the same character!
I'll put you on the list just in case.

Quote from: DDRKirby(ISQ) on April 16, 2013, 11:11:03 PM

That image! MY EYES!!!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: eBay Sniper on April 18, 2013, 09:02:33 PM
I second that. Especially since there wouldn't be large sized gatherings if everyone went as a different character and wasn't allowed to go otherwise.

Saturday, 3:30pm? Sounds good, I just need to find G6.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on April 18, 2013, 09:12:46 PM
I'd show up at three, since I'm almost certainly postive we have the full hour and the reason it says we have both 3 and 3:30 is just how they list the times.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Capn on April 18, 2013, 09:33:24 PM
Quote from: Gore Screaming Show on April 18, 2013, 09:12:46 PM
I'd show up at three, since I'm almost certainly postive we have the full hour and the reason it says we have both 3 and 3:30 is just how they list the times.
Yeah. It looks like they give the whole hour for the larger gatherings, so it's safe to assume that everyone should be there at 3.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on April 18, 2013, 09:49:09 PM
We do have an hour for the gathering! When I first looked at the schedule I thought it was going to be "this OR that." XD

The Touhou gathering is considered a 60+ gathering, so we have one hour!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on April 18, 2013, 11:05:30 PM
We had about fourty five last year, but we did have sixty plus in 2010 and slightly less in 2011. I defientely could see a rebound back to sixty or more this year. Fanime's Touhou gathering is the biggest of all the anime conventions in the west.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: eBay Sniper on April 19, 2013, 01:12:04 PM
3pm it is. Still gives me plenty of time for Valkyria Chronicles that morning.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on April 25, 2013, 07:20:00 PM
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on April 28, 2013, 11:39:23 PM
Close to twenty people for the after gathering, really excited for how things are looking. I've met alot of awesome Touhou fans from around the Bay Area, and certainly looking to forward to meeting more.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on May 07, 2013, 07:43:23 PM
Okay! Confirmation is sent!

Attention! Not sure if this is going to be a problem, but just in case. We might have to share the gathering location with another gathering. HOWEVER, looking at the schedule, there seems to be no gathering that might conflict with that. Just putting that out there.

Also! I have an idea to put the the table regarding the mini-after gathering thingy.
There are a couple parks nearby and maybe we can do a mini picnic or something. We can play games while we're out there.
This is just a suggestion anyway. I'm a bit concerned about the number of people wanting the after-gathering mini party getting food... So much crowding...
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on May 07, 2013, 08:40:12 PM
Which other gathering?

I'm honestly rather fond of the picnic idea myself but the problem is we'd basically limited to Safeway. I guess we could always do takeout and bring it with us the park though as well...

Your concerns regarding space could also be resolved by perhaps splitting into different smaller sized groups to eat (if people have strong differences in regarding what they want for food) and then to meet up again afterwards.

I'll bring my Touhou UNO deck with me for sure though, and they'll be alot of awesome console/tabletop gaming in the game room afterwards.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on May 08, 2013, 09:00:01 PM
Oh! Whoops! Probably worded that weirdly, but we don't have any gatherings that might share our spot with us. It seems that gatherings that are located at G7 can't be there now, thus must share with gatherings at G6. I don't think there is a gathering that is located there at our time slot. We're pretty much safe.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on May 14, 2013, 12:02:37 AM
Hey guys! Fanime is coming up in less than two weeks!

I'm not sure if we have definite plans for the mini after-gathering party. I need more input on this... Bwaaah!!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: nondescript on May 14, 2013, 04:17:32 AM
I'll be attending as Youmu, Koumajou Densetsu version.

First time cosplaying as a Touhou, very excited ^_^
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on May 14, 2013, 04:32:43 PM
Well, what we do know is that after the photoshoot is the Sky Arena tourney, and then after that we'll all break for food (what sort/etc to be determined there since we've gotten input from four/five people out of plus twenty will probably join up). I got some friends coming that don't go on the forum/haven't voted at all, and I'm sure more people who don't even the forums will tag along once they hear what's up. From there afterwards we could all hang out in the videogame room? That's my idea anyway, but besides having general ideas on what to eat and so forth I don't want to set anything too definitive as most of the people interested haven't offered any input, and though I'd imagine alot of them would be fine with whatever it doesn't hurt to wait.

The local community is really friendly and sociable, so I know we'll all have a great time together.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: squishynin on May 15, 2013, 10:57:48 AM
Hiya everyone! You can put me down as another Mokou.

I like the idea of the meet, but I'll probably have to sit out of the Sky Arena tournament since the P4U tournament is happening at the same time. I am still down to go out for foodstuffs and just hang out in the video game place. I've always wanted to meet more touhou fans in the bay area so this should be pretty boss!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on May 16, 2013, 04:34:32 PM
The Sky Arena bit just seems like a natural place to converge to afterwards, that and 4PM is probably a tad earlier to break for food. I'm not sure how long it is going to last. It had slightly more then thirty people who entered last year, and one set up (IIRC) so I'd assume at least a few hours if all the conditions are the same.

... this actually might give me time to squeeze in the TSS tourney, which is 5PM on the same day but I honestly hope that gets moved to Friday or Sunday.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Renrenren on May 17, 2013, 07:12:58 PM
Hey guys checking in as Yuyuko!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kanranseki on May 20, 2013, 05:32:27 PM
Youmu Konpaku, Can't promise that I would show up for the meeting.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: atomicwombat on May 21, 2013, 03:47:34 PM
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be there in partial Suika Ibuki costume!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost everything is done but the chains......
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: preyx on May 22, 2013, 08:37:22 PM
Bryan here, I'm not sure whether I will cosplay Tokiko or Blue Reimu at the gathering.

PS - Touhou panel is Sunday 5pm in Panels 3
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on May 23, 2013, 09:25:13 PM
Not going to have the cosplay ready for this go, but still running the after party for sure.

I'll be the guy with the Touhou bag, I guess.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Renrenren on May 25, 2013, 10:49:32 AM
Quote from: Gore Screaming Show on May 23, 2013, 09:25:13 PM
Not going to have the cosplay ready for this go, but still running the after party for sure.

I'll be the guy with the Touhou bag, I guess.

Same, cosplay is ready but due to disastrous complicated wig situations (my roommate leaving the wig he was giving me at home), I won't be cosplaying Yuyuko now :[ I'm pretty broken up about it but I'm gonna show up anyway~
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on May 27, 2013, 12:09:23 PM
That was alot of fun.

Looking forward to seeing pictures and more touhous at the local gatherings throughout the year.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Kotuea on May 27, 2013, 09:56:35 PM
Thank you everyone for coming to the gathering and those who stayed for the "tea party!" It was really fun to be with you all and I hope I did good job hosting the gathering since it was my first time. I gained a lot of experience from hosting this gathering and I hope to gain more in the future!

I'm also happy to see old and new faces at the gathering and I hope to see you guys again next year!

Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on May 27, 2013, 10:45:14 PM
I think you did a good job, especially considering the location kerfuffle and whatnot.

Touhou tea parties (has a nice ring to it, props to who came up with that) are more than a once a year occasion, thankfully. Plans for the next one should be finalized by the end of this week in fact.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Iori E on May 29, 2013, 06:40:53 PM
Thanks for a great time! It was nice seeing everyone there.

I know I said I was going to do Utsuho, but due to time constraints I had to switch to another costume.  I was Kyouko Kasodani from Ten Desires, Choujuu Gigaku version (the one with the black leather and thigh-high boots).

I look forward to next year~
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2013
Post by: Godot on May 30, 2013, 03:57:40 PM
Photos, I took them:

Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on November 19, 2013, 04:14:18 PM
Hey guys! The Touhou Project Gathering is returning for 2014!!!

Thank you everyone for coming to the gathering this year! There shall be more Touhou fans!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on November 26, 2013, 12:00:14 AM
Best gathering returns to the best con!

Will be running the after party again for sure, with more pizza, as well as more activities/hanging out with fellow fans afterwards.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on February 01, 2014, 08:27:42 PM
I imagine we will be aiming for the same day and time as last year? Seems to be pretty much ideal. Should be interesting to see what the new cosplay gathering spots will be, the renovation is stunning and should provide for an even better con experience (and considering Fanime is already the cream of the crop well)...

Current plans for the tea party are much the same as last year, though I'll be buying at least one more pizza since we barely had enough for seconds for everyone as it was.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on February 13, 2014, 07:35:55 PM
Quote from: Gore Screaming Show on February 01, 2014, 08:27:42 PM
I imagine we will be aiming for the same day and time as last year?
Yes, I am still aiming for the same day and time. I think the location will be different this time though, especially since the new building has finished constructing!

Quote from: Gore Screaming Show on February 01, 2014, 08:27:42 PM
Current plans for the tea party are much the same as last year, though I'll be buying at least one more pizza since we barely had enough for seconds for everyone as it was.
I am not sure if we should have the same plans from last year. That's just me.

I would like more input on this though.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: ScarletAssassinXer on February 17, 2014, 02:38:24 PM
Fujiwara no Mokou reporting for duty!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on February 25, 2014, 12:23:17 PM
Okay everyone! The gathering time/location submission is on March 3rd (3/03) for us! Is everyone okay with having it on Saturday at 3 Pm like last year? Unless another gathering takes it.

I am considering a new gathering location. I'm not sure whether to do so or not. Was everyone happy with the location from last year? The construction is complete now, so there it is easier to access last year's location.

Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on February 28, 2014, 05:09:16 PM
The same time and day works well.

What are the other possible locations? Last year's seemed to offer enough space, and as pointed out it's a lot more visable now as well (and people know where it is now, so no one should get lost this time). Might be worth it to stand pat.

Also, I'm definitely open to other possible post gathering plans. Is there anything that might have been able to be handled better last year/anything that might have caused an issue? This would serve as a good starting point to what/if much needs to be changed/handled differently. I'd like to do a bit more as a community than merely meet up for a single meal, for starters.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on March 04, 2014, 11:35:15 AM
I just submitted the time slots and location! I am aiming for Saturday at 3:00 pm. I have also requested other days and other times if that slot is taken.

This year, I hope to get the gathering located in front of the convention center entrance.

Regarding the after gathering tea party, there were no problems. I just felt like we could do something different than last year.
We could also get more recruits for the facebook group "California Touhou Fans" of course.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on March 08, 2014, 03:47:31 PM
Probably worth it to hit them up/the email group/as many interested parties via social media and whatnot. As I'm not a very internet involved individual in general the most I'll be offering is a sounding board on this forum (and of course lots of logistics/etc support at the actual gathering).
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on March 08, 2014, 06:43:17 PM
We got the time slot! The Touhou Gathering with officially be on Saturday at 3:00 PM in front of the convention center!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Silent One on March 18, 2014, 04:29:07 AM
Meh... Going as Marisa Kirisame this time about. May or may not go military-esque. (Will definitely carry my Master Spark with me though!)
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: ScarletAssassinXer on March 24, 2014, 10:58:53 PM
Actually I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cancel :c didn't know this was the same time as the SMT/Persona gathering, so sorry!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on March 29, 2014, 11:22:46 AM
Quote from: ScarletAssassinXer on March 24, 2014, 10:58:53 PM
Actually I'm afraid I'm gonna have to cancel :c didn't know this was the same time as the SMT/Persona gathering, so sorry!

Actually, it's an hour before the Touhou gathering. XD
But since it's right before it, I'll remove your name.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on April 12, 2014, 03:54:29 PM
Hmm, we could always go for a group meal instead of pizza for a change.

Curious to see what sort of Touhou cosplay will done this year.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on April 17, 2014, 05:43:30 PM
It would interesting to see the newer Touhou characters from Double Dealing Character appearing at the gathering!

Regarding the post gathering party thing, there other options besides pizza. I know that there's a number of restaurants behind the Fairmont.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on April 18, 2014, 11:55:51 PM
I'm rather fond of Omogari (Korean restaurant), but it's in Japantown (which is a short light rail trip away, but that might be too much for some). I've heard good things about Tandoori Oven? That's right next to Johnny Rocket's and whatnot.

Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on May 03, 2014, 12:03:25 AM
Probably not a good idea to go out to eat far away, but Tandoori Oven sounds nice! We could go there instead!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Chen-Yakumo on May 08, 2014, 11:45:22 PM
I'll be going as Parsee Mizuhashi! If it does end up being at 3-4 PM, I would have to leave early so I can make it to the Higurashi gathering.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on May 12, 2014, 01:50:00 PM
No problem Chen-Yakumo! I'll add you to the list!

Just sent in my confirmation for the gathering! I'm rather worried though because there barely any replies about coming to the gathering.... I do know a good number of people coming, but no replies on here.... Then again they replied on Facebook....

I updated the Tea Party information. Please check!
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Raydere on May 12, 2014, 02:55:45 PM
Will be going as Renko Usami. Anyone going as Mary?
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on May 12, 2014, 11:48:43 PM
I'd be quite surprised to see the gathering shrink by any less than ten people, Fanime has always had the biggest Touhou gatherings since 2010. Since I don't have a Facebook it will be a nice surprise to see who everyone is cosplaying as.

Ho, a Touhoucon? Something I'm certainly interested in, though a place to stay might be an issue (also I'd rather carpool than drive down myself, etc).

... huh, there was a picnic last weekend as well? Speaking of which, there's going to be one on 8/2 here in San Jose (at Kelley Park). Great to see them happening all over the state.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on May 13, 2014, 11:27:41 AM
I'm rather worried though, I know some people replied on the California Touhou Fans Facebook group that they're going and there's likely to be a lot more coming, but the lack of responses on this thread makes it seem small. Last year, I listed about 20-30 people on here and then 20+ more came to the gathering. There will be more people at the gathering than what's listed here.

People are just not replying on the forums... A lot of things have came very late in regards to Fanime... Not sure if that accounts for anything.

For TouhouCon, the staff is planning out rides I think.... I'm not sure. The picnic though, we had to use google docs to see who is available to drive/ride in certain places.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on May 14, 2014, 10:51:09 AM
Well, I do agree that the sudden lack of replies here is strange (and it doesn't help Fanime this year in particular seems very last minute in general, hopefully the final year of such lack of planning). It wasn't that long ago by new year that hotel and badge reg would already be up (AA for some reason has been March/April all of my eight plus years of attending this con). Still going to be a fun gathering and a fun con regardless though. It's just hard to see the gathering drastically shrinking in such a way that the lack of replies here would seem to indicate.

Any idea of what they're planning for rooming? I usually buy a lot of stuff for the picnics myself, partially out of obligation as the founder of the local gatherings, because I can afford it, and that we're just honestly not very well organized :< We've suffered from have a strong social media presence in particular, we do have a FB page but the people in charge are only slightly more willing to engage with the site than I am. I'd love to get back to where we at with the first picnic that August 2010 with it's twenty or so people.... we eat well and have a lot of fun cultural outings.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: squishynin on May 15, 2014, 06:15:10 PM
ah you guys need some more confirmation on here?
I mentioned it on the fb page but I'll be attending as sekibanki if I can get the costume done in 3 days orz

and hopefully I can also attend the picnic!

also what is this about a touhoucon??
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: 23rd_Break on May 15, 2014, 08:39:30 PM
Still here. Remilia official version.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Kotuea on May 15, 2014, 11:50:38 PM
From what I've been told, it's going to be located at UC Irvine. The hotel was too expensive overall. It's supposed to be a one day con. ( <----Here's the link for the Con

I hope that there would be more small events like having a picnic outside a con to meet other people. Of course the social media forms this wall and it's better to meet people in real life.

Quote from: squishynin on May 15, 2014, 06:15:10 PM
ah you guys need some more confirmation on here?

I would like to have confirmations on this thread, so I can get an idea of how many people are coming. I know that I posted on Facebook about it and many replied, but the forums give me a clearer idea of who's coming and how many.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on May 16, 2014, 08:45:58 PM
I hope you can make it back this year! Going to be a great time.


Hmm, I wonder what they might have in store rooming wise then for those coming from the far parts of the state then. The location is about what I expected it would be, makes the most sense for a first time event.

Yeah, the social media angle is just something that ultimately has to be dealt with. My goal is have the picnic specifics ironed out by Fanime time so we can get the word out there as well (and have all the info already up where it needs to be). August for the picnic, September for TouhouCon. There's usually a fall, winter, and spring Bayhou gathering as well to go with the summer one.
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: squishynin on May 21, 2014, 08:39:08 PM
Quick question: the touhou fun panel is right after the gathering. Are we accommodating for that? I don't know if you guys talk to the dudes that run that stuff too.

I'll probs still go to the tea party afterward if not tho :V
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Hikaru Shirou on May 21, 2014, 08:52:58 PM
Nyello! I'll be returning this year as Chen ( I guess it's a custom short-sleeved edition? I dunno, I gave my aunt pics in '11 and she kinda made her own creative version I guess. XD I should be able to make the tails this year at the con.. :x
Title: Re: Touhou Project Gathering 2014
Post by: Gore Screaming Show on May 21, 2014, 11:18:49 PM
Well, we did take a brief Sky Girls break before getting pizza last year....