FanimeCon 2024 Forums

FanimeCon Events and Discussionmentarianism => General Convention Discussion => Topic started by: xkuramaxhieix on May 19, 2015, 11:37:02 PM

Title: Swap meet general opinion stuff
Post by: xkuramaxhieix on May 19, 2015, 11:37:02 PM
Is it worth going to the swap meet both days? I usually go to Friday's, but I'm considering going to Thursday's this year. I just wanna know if people think it's worth going to.
Title: Re: Swap meet general opinion stuff
Post by: TC X0 Lt 0X on May 19, 2015, 11:43:55 PM
On Thursday it is one of the only things to do that night sense there won't be any other events really. You can also swoop up on some rare stuff early while there is less competition.
On Friday you will have a few different sellers on the floor, and sellers or more willing to be bartered down to lower prices sense it is the last night and they want to move their stuff.
Title: Re: Swap meet general opinion stuff
Post by: Ecchi ja Nai on May 20, 2015, 01:29:34 AM
Besides less competition amongst buyers on Thursday I've also met a few sellers over the years who, for whatever reason, are only selling Thursday and not Friday.  Scheduling-wise, selling Friday instead of Thursday makes more sense to me, and those folks who don't come back on Friday usually have some pretty good stuff.  You gotta get it while you can.

Personally, I'm going to be trying something a bit different this year as a seller.  Most folks will be willing to reduce prices late Friday night so they can sell as much as they can and not have to deal with lugging it all back home.  I'm going to try the opposite.  I'm fairly certain the stuff I'm bringing will sell at or close to the prices I'll be asking.  However, I'm thinking of dropping the prices for my manga and anime on Thursday to sell as much as I can and likewise not have to bring everything back to my hotel room, only to drag it all back again on Friday.  And since there are usually quite a few more attendees on Friday, and thus more buyers than there are on Thursday, I'll have more people willing to pay the higher (ie: normal) price.  And, if my selection is any good, people won't have a chance on Friday night to sleep on the purchase before pulling the trigger.  You have no idea how many times people come up on Thursday to ask if I'll be coming back Friday, and that they'll consider buying something if it's still there the next day.

tl;dr: Come Thursday for better deals (from me at least) and a better chance to scoop up the good stuff.  Come back Friday for a bigger and different assortment of items.  Stick around until close to grab last-minute deals from sellers desperate to get rid of whatever's left.