FanimeCon 2024 Forums

FanimeCon Events and Discussionmentarianism => General Convention Discussion => Topic started by: Kuudere on May 05, 2016, 01:20:12 PM

Title: Positive Feedback About Staff/Convention
Post by: Kuudere on May 05, 2016, 01:20:12 PM
Since we're getting pretty close to the convention, I thought it'd be a good idea to express gratitude about the things we liked concerning staff and the convention as a whole. They don't get to hear these comments enough, and I think it'll be a nice boost to encourage them through the stressful last few weeks. Remember that these people are volunteering their time outside of regular life commitments to help put this event together. So if there's anything a particular staffer or department is doing that you like, let them know about it here!

This thread is for positive comments only! There are plenty of other threads to give constructive criticism, so if you want to do that or just complain, utilize those places, please. Backhanded compliments are discouraged, too. If you disagree with something someone said, take it to PM.

I'll start us off with a few of my own observations:

Title: Re: Positive Feedback About Staff/Convention
Post by: InsaneDavid on May 05, 2016, 03:45:23 PM
Quote from: Kuudere on May 05, 2016, 01:20:12 PM
  • I like the way Tye (Imperial on the forums) is managing the Cosplay Gatherings. This is his first year heading that department and he's really doing a good job covering all bases and keeping people updated. The form was a great way to go in the organization of information, I think.

This.  Way to go above and beyond not only keeping gathering organizers apprised but also attempting to answer as many questions from cosplayers as possible and offering to pass forward specific questions (peacebonding for example).
Title: Re: Positive Feedback About Staff/Convention
Post by: Nina Star 9 on May 05, 2016, 06:41:37 PM
This is a good thread!

- Thirding Imperial doing such a good job with the cosplay gatherings this year!
- Karaoke staff is always on point
- MusicFest's little game to announce the band was really fun, to see everyone's guesses (I don't know enough Jpop bands to even begin to attempt it though!)
- Panels staff has been pretty on top of getting back to me, and has been willing to work with me on panel length and even combining two of my panels into one, which I appreciate
- The staff members who regularly check the forums -- I almost always see ewu as one of the active members when I visit
- I'm probably in the minority, but I'm really excited for the new reg location, since that means that they're going to be doing something with that huge room that's been wasted space the past couple of years. Since reg has been going so quickly with the new system, I'm not worried about lines at all and think that the smaller, out-of-the-way area will be a good change. Can't wait to see what is put in the area that reg used to be in!
- I'll reserve judgment fully until after the con, but I like the prospect of the new badge check/anti ghosting/safety initiative. I think it'll be good for this con.

I'm also happy to see that changes are being made and it looks like this con is going to have some real improvements this coming year! I'm excited for how the con is going to turn out :D
Title: Re: Positive Feedback About Staff/Convention
Post by: Kuudere on May 05, 2016, 08:31:25 PM
Quote from: Nina Star 9 on May 05, 2016, 06:41:37 PM
- I'll reserve judgment fully until after the con, but I like the prospect of the new badge check/anti ghosting/safety initiative. I think it'll be good for this con.

I forgot about that part! I'm really looking forward to seeing the impact that this will have. If it cuts down on drunks, randos, and creepers, I'll be very happy.  Even if it just helps with the overcrowding, that's going to be great. So thank you to whoever in staff decided to implement that new policy.
Title: Re: Positive Feedback About Staff/Convention
Post by: phr34kish on May 06, 2016, 08:51:00 AM
I'm gonna pipe in with thanking the Artist Alley and web staff with getting the applications open and final acceptance announcements before the end of January! There are obviously still kinks in the system but it REALLY REALLY HELPS when we can have some peace of mind knowing what's going on and whether or not we have a spot to begin preparations.
Title: Re: Positive Feedback About Staff/Convention
Post by: Imperial on May 20, 2016, 04:27:25 PM
finally reading this one all the way through rather than just the Email's i have gotten. You guys make me cry (, in a good way. I want the best for our cosplayers, cause that was what the basis of my department was made for. By Cosplayers, For Cosplayers.
Title: Re: Positive Feedback About Staff/Convention
Post by: fantom on May 20, 2016, 04:40:21 PM
Thanks for posting the autograph schedule early, even before the full schedule came out. That actually helped me with my travel plans because I realized I could save money and arrive a little bit later than I originally anticipated but not miss the autographs I want.
Title: Re: Positive Feedback About Staff/Convention
Post by: Kuudere on June 01, 2016, 03:42:19 PM
Shout-out to web staff for getting a new banner on the site so quickly. I remember the years where it'd be a couple months before the convention started and we'd still have no website set up. I'm glad you guys are keeping the layout from previous years and just switching graphics around so there's no need to wait forever. Great theme choice, too!

Also, good job to Guest Relations for getting a guest set up for next year already.

These things are really changing that "last-minute" feeling that Fanime has projected in the past.
Title: Re: Positive Feedback About Staff/Convention
Post by: Kyra_Maverick on June 01, 2016, 04:45:02 PM
Thanks Reg staff for doing everything you could about that line. I understand some of you ended up working 10+ hours a day trying to get badges into attendee hands.

Having convention staff checking badges seemed to work really well. I admit I expected large lines every time I wanted to come and go on the concourse and it was actually very smooth and rather streamlined.

Having a list of board games this year was really useful, thank you!

Swap meet went great, viewing rooms were nice and roomy, and cosplay gatherings were easy to find.

Looking past the elephant in the room it was another great year and I had a great time!