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Everything Else => Things in the Universe => Topic started by: astroboy on March 16, 2005, 06:44:21 PM

Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: astroboy on March 16, 2005, 06:44:21 PM
Gas prices are seen Tuesday, March 15, 2005, at a 76 gas station in Malibu, California........ouch!


I have a bad feeling we're all going to be seeing this pretty soon. :cry:
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: lyricaldanichan on March 16, 2005, 07:49:21 PM
Better start gassing up at Costco, Sam's Club or Safeway :O.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: felicity869 on March 16, 2005, 08:29:07 PM
Wow it's not that much here, yet. For once I'm actualy glad I don't drive, don't have to deal with insane gas prices. Now imagin gas costing twice as much as that, because it does in many other contries. My mom's girlfriend's brother in law (lol) is from England and has been out here visiting for a few months. Ever time someone complains about gas prices rising her just laughs and makes some comment about how nice it is to save so much compared to what he's used to.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: youngjediboy on March 16, 2005, 08:56:01 PM
i'm thinking about switching to public transportation...
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: gmontem on March 16, 2005, 09:16:45 PM
It makes me sad that it has been about 16 years since "Back to the Future 2" and we still don't have Mr. Fusion.  :(
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: MisakiFan41 on March 16, 2005, 09:18:08 PM
YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @____________________@ that's crazy!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Tsubasa on March 16, 2005, 10:13:33 PM
That's dirty.

Quote from: "gmontem"It makes me sad that it has been about 16 years since "Back to the Future 2" and we still don't have Mr. Fusion.  :(
Now that I know more, I realize how ridiculous Mr. Fusion is.  Mr. Fission maybe, but hella not fusion.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: jinnai_animexcalibur on March 16, 2005, 10:16:54 PM
dirty huh....gas aint getting any cleaner either.  8)
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Leviathan on March 16, 2005, 10:17:11 PM
Man...that's terrible. On to Electric Cars I tell ya!
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: joshness on March 16, 2005, 10:38:41 PM
Quote from: "Leviathan"Man...that's terrible. On to Electric Cars I tell ya!

Until you factor in repair costs =(.. Seriously though, we need to really look into other forms of fuel...  something like this...  With all the fast food restraunts in my area, I'm sure they could supply quite a bit of fuel.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Barnes on March 16, 2005, 10:47:10 PM
I need to grow wings and learn to fly.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Tsubasa on March 16, 2005, 10:53:45 PM
Quote from: "joshness"Until you factor in repair costs =(.. Seriously though, we need to really look into other forms of fuel...  something like this...  With all the fast food restraunts in my area, I'm sure they could supply quite a bit of fuel.
Personally, I'm all for hydrogen-powered cars.  The exhaust is harmless, hydrogen is the most plentiful element in the universe, and it won't change how cars handle.  Now all they need to work on is getting the cars out there and H-fuel stations.  What a monumental task. -_-
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: RyuHayabusa on March 16, 2005, 11:08:35 PM
I don't care, I miss driving. I hate Mass Transit and I love to drive. Like this is going to stop me from getting a car. It will sure burn a hole the size of a gundam's cannon, but anime already does that to me as well.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: swordofthebezerk on March 17, 2005, 12:11:00 AM
Heh, even more of a reason for me to jog and ride my bike everywhere. That and the Light Rail/BART/VTA.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: OniCourseMusha on March 17, 2005, 12:21:03 AM
Compare to most country, you're glad that you're in America!! Look at the normal price in other coutnry for example Japan!
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: G.I.R on March 17, 2005, 12:27:13 AM
Quote from: "Tsubasa"
Quote from: "joshness"Until you factor in repair costs =(.. Seriously though, we need to really look into other forms of fuel...  something like this...  With all the fast food restraunts in my area, I'm sure they could supply quite a bit of fuel.
Personally, I'm all for hydrogen-powered cars.  The exhaust is harmless, hydrogen is the most plentiful element in the universe, and it won't change how cars handle.  Now all they need to work on is getting the cars out there and H-fuel stations.  What a monumental task. -_-
uh... I hate to tell you this, but hydrogen is not a fuel source per se.  Yes there is a lot of hydrogen on earth, but most of it is either locked up in water, or various hydro-carbons, and is only a small amount of the mass of the planet (Oxygen is the most plentiful, and silicon is the second.  Think silicon dioxide, aka sand).  Now, how do you retrive hydrogen?  Usualy electricity is involved.  A lot of electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels, nuclear power, or hydro-electric, meaning at best, hydrogen is a power storage system.  I know, you're thinking "...hey what about solar, or wind power?", Solar doesn't produce great amounts of current, and isn't very dependble, or cheap to set up.   Wind requires a lot of area to set up windmills, and needs lots of maintanence.  Hydro Electric might be the best bet for supplying power for hydrogen seperation.  and as far as burning cleaner, well it's somewhat cleaner, but unfortunatly, because of the nitrogen in the air, there's still a lot of nitrogen compunds produced during combustion.  Maybe down the road an easier way to aquire hydrogen will be found, but for now, it's neither cheap, or efficent to do so.  Meantime, until I get my hands on a Shizuma drive, I can get by paying the low(???) price of $2.31 a gallon in Anaheim  
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: youngjediboy on March 17, 2005, 12:55:13 AM
they should figure out a way to use human waste as fuel. that would help make long crappy commutes and road trips a lot more pleasant!  :shock:
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: KyraEnsui on March 17, 2005, 03:12:03 AM
I cannot really complain so much about gas prices because I know for some facts that I learned in history and geography that anywhere outside of United States, gas prices are like sky rocketed. The last time I heard was how much gas cost in Europe like around $10 a gallon. Ouchies. So in terms, we can't really complain much; it just that we're spoil. That's all.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: AZKaban on March 17, 2005, 04:52:38 AM
Quote from: "KyraEnsui"The last time I heard was how much gas cost in Europe like around $10 a gallon. Ouchies.
I've heard it's more like $1 / 1 liter , or $4 for a gallon, so we pretty much there (in the "Ouch!" area).  Or will be there very soon...  :?
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Tsubasa on March 17, 2005, 07:24:11 AM
Quote from: "G.I.R"uh... I hate to tell you this, but hydrogen is not a fuel source per se.  Yes there is a lot of hydrogen on earth, but most of it is either locked up in water, or various hydro-carbons, and is only a small amount of the mass of the planet (Oxygen is the most plentiful, and silicon is the second.  Think silicon dioxide, aka sand).  Now, how do you retrive hydrogen?  Usualy electricity is involved.  A lot of electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels, nuclear power, or hydro-electric, meaning at best, hydrogen is a power storage system.  I know, you're thinking "...hey what about solar, or wind power?", Solar doesn't produce great amounts of current, and isn't very dependble, or cheap to set up.   Wind requires a lot of area to set up windmills, and needs lots of maintanence.  Hydro Electric might be the best bet for supplying power for hydrogen seperation.  and as far as burning cleaner, well it's somewhat cleaner, but unfortunatly, because of the nitrogen in the air, there's still a lot of nitrogen compunds produced during combustion.  Maybe down the road an easier way to aquire hydrogen will be found, but for now, it's neither cheap, or efficent to do so.  Meantime, until I get my hands on a Shizuma drive, I can get by paying the low(???) price of $2.31 a gallon in Anaheim  
You are correct, it is something of a task to separate hydrogen from other elements.  However, in the event that it became the primary fuel source, I anticipate mass production to drive down costs.  Perhaps I'm wrong to take such a long-term view, but oh well.  There is also the option of distributed production-production at the point of use.  While that means that each refueling station can serve less cars per day, it requires less capital investment and a minimal transport infrastructure.  Ultimately, I'm just thinking hydrogen is probably a better idea than most cause it just won't run out.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: gmontem on March 17, 2005, 08:36:47 AM
Would it be wrong to put hyper little kids and scary otakus in a giant hamster ball and make then run to power up our automobiles?
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Mach5Motorsport on March 17, 2005, 10:41:52 AM
We must harness the power of STEAM!!!!!!!!! :D
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: astroboy on March 17, 2005, 10:49:15 AM
Quote from: "gmontem"Would it be wrong to put hyper little kids and scary otakus in a giant hamster ball and make then run to power up our automobiles?
Remembers that brief scene where they use chocobos running in giant hamster wheels in Final Fantasy 10 to power a ship.  

I don't buy the argument that higher gas prices will cause alternative sources of power to magically appear as a replacement. As what was mentioned earlier...gas is much more expensive in Europe but what do Europeans use to power their cars? Hint: it's not fuel cells, batteries, or hamster wheels. :wink: However they do drive much smaller cars then the average American.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: joshness on March 17, 2005, 11:01:58 AM
Quote from: "astroboy"
Quote from: "gmontem"Would it be wrong to put hyper little kids and scary otakus in a giant hamster ball and make then run to power up our automobiles?
Remembers that brief scene where they use chocobos running in giant hamster wheels in Final Fantasy 10 to power a ship.  

I don't buy the argument that higher gas prices will cause alternative sources of power to magically appear as a replacement. As what was mentioned earlier...gas is much more expensive in Europe but what do Europeans use to power their cars? Hint: it's not fuel cells, batteries, or hamster wheels. :wink: However they do drive much smaller cars then the average American.

I agree that alternative sources will not be spurred due to gas prices.  It will happen when we run out of oil.  Oil is too big of a business for some alternative to take over.  Look at how powerfull OPEC is, do you think they are willing to give up that power?  America's infrastructure is based on the use of fossil fuels.  I believe that we should look for cleaner alternatives, but realistically I don't see them being a viable alternative any time soon.

I would also like to point out that Hydroelectric power has its costs on the environment as well.  Dams change the natural flow of rivers which result in changes to the environment and ecosystem.    Just look at the historical environmental changes of California due to water policies and you will see what I mean.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: jinnai_animexcalibur on March 17, 2005, 11:20:25 AM
Quote from: "Mach5Motorsport"We must harness the power of STEAM!!!!!!!!! :D

STEAMBOY!!!!  :twisted:
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: YoureMyHiro on March 17, 2005, 11:26:16 AM
Dude these gas prices are bunk although I feel it was inevitable.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Ska_Kitti on March 17, 2005, 11:30:11 AM
Quote from: "MisakiFan41"YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @____________________@ that's crazy!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: "swordofthebezerk"Heh, even more of a reason for me to jog and ride my bike everywhere. That and the Light Rail/BART/VTA.

:D I guess that's more incentive to take the BART more often? lmao.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Leviathan on March 17, 2005, 12:10:13 PM
Why not go around with solar panel plates on our heads, lol. We store energy that way and plug into the car and go vrrrooomm! LMAO. :lol:

But seriously Solar energy is the way to go. In Arizona they have a Solar Power Plant by Tempe. Talk about cool.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: jinnai_animexcalibur on March 17, 2005, 02:30:53 PM
no because people want to keep their 57 chevys. they dont want to rely on that technology crap. (sarcasm)
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Vanessa on March 17, 2005, 03:52:18 PM
I remember 2 year's back, I was on empty and was refusing to pay 1.78 and searched around for the cheapest price and then was left stranded. Now I would KILL to pay 1.78. The most expensive that I've seen was 2.70.

Getting a bike is looking like a really, really GOOD idea at the moment.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Umi.Ryuuzaki on March 17, 2005, 04:10:27 PM
God...I hope I dont have to drive much during Fanime. Those gas prices make me cry back when it breached 2 bucks.

3 bucks however isnt too far off, considering the summer demand is already looking like beyond nuts. *SigH* I tell you..OPEC wants our money like water in the desert...
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: YoureMyHiro on March 17, 2005, 05:07:24 PM
Dude, I have to commute from San Jose to the Monterey Bay everyday for work, gas prices are raping me.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Vanessa on March 17, 2005, 05:14:52 PM
Quote from: "YoureMyHiro"Dude, I have to commute from San Jose to the Monterey Bay everyday for work, gas prices are raping me.

I'm so GLAD that it only takes me 3 mins to get to work.

But school is a good 45 mins. ~_~
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: EndLeSS8 on March 17, 2005, 06:21:14 PM
the highest I remember it was in Vancouver was 98cents a litre, which is still more than that, unfortunately.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: VictimX on March 17, 2005, 06:53:46 PM
Soon to be gas prices,
who will pay then?
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Vanessa on March 17, 2005, 08:15:47 PM
Quote from: "VictimX"Soon to be gas prices,
who will pay then?

Now that's the truth!
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Barnes on March 17, 2005, 10:21:06 PM
Quote from: "Leviathan"Why not go around with solar panel plates on our heads, lol. We store energy that way and plug into the car and go vrrrooomm! LMAO. :lol:

But seriously Solar energy is the way to go. In Arizona they have a Solar Power Plant by Tempe. Talk about cool.

Good idea.I should tell that to my uncle. He runs a solar business.

I still say growing wings and flying is what I want to do.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: youngjediboy on March 18, 2005, 03:13:03 PM
why can't we go nuclear? that way there wouldn't even be a need to refuel!
"rolling nukes" har har har!  :twisted:
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Omnipotent_One on March 19, 2005, 05:30:59 AM
DANG THATS EXPENSIVE!  WHy don't they make Gas out of Soy Beans.
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: G.I.R on March 20, 2005, 10:20:41 PM
Okay, just to let everyone in on something, That same station has been a  local TV news item the last few days, but the reality is it's a Malibu thing.  Most stations in SoCal arn't charging near that much.  Prices I've seen in south L.A. / Orange county are more around $2.22 to $2.39 per gallon for regular unleaded.  Gas in Malibu, and surrounding areas have always been high.  It's just that because someone is charging in excess of $3.00 that this has been hitting the news (not to say that gasoline is cheap).
Title: $3 gallon gas
Post by: lyricaldanichan on March 22, 2005, 12:27:39 AM
Quote from: "YoureMyHiro"Dude, I have to commute from San Jose to the Monterey Bay everyday for work, gas prices are raping me.

Monterey Bay? Holy smokes! Suprised you are not living somewhere inbetween so your commute would be shorter!
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Jerry on August 06, 2008, 12:26:21 PM
this show how the times have changed...

back in 2005 we were complaining about $3 gas...

now 3 years later...

2008 and were still struggleing to deal with $4.25+/gal in some areas still.

at least the prices are dropping "slightly" now.

if we could ONLY DREAM about $3/gal gas now...

sheesh. Damn Bush. :P
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: JiiiWiz on August 06, 2008, 04:28:54 PM
Quote from: Jerry on August 06, 2008, 12:26:21 PM
this show how the times have changed...

back in 2005 we were complaining about $3 gas...

now 3 years later...

2008 and were still struggleing to deal with $4.25+/gal in some areas still.

at least the prices are dropping "slightly" now.

if we could ONLY DREAM about $3/gal gas now...

sheesh. Damn Bush. :P

Gas prices here in Stockton got pretty ugly a couple of weeks ago. It was actually almost $5 ._. But later on it has been dropping...'slightly' till now.
$4.25 now $3.95
I am so happy to see something in the $3 range again. Yet it's still expensive. -sighs- I hope it goes down to $3...again it would be a miracle D:
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: JTchinoy on August 06, 2008, 04:52:06 PM
I miss $.75/gallon

Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Jerry on August 06, 2008, 04:55:23 PM
Quote from: JTchinoy on August 06, 2008, 04:52:06 PM
I miss $.75/gallon


Watch Die Hard again and look at the gas prices in the background.

We'll NEVER see those days ever again.

Edit -

it could be worse, anyone see I AM LEGEND in the background I swore gas prices were somewhere around $8.23+/gal

I also hope we never see gas prices like that either...  :-[
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: JiiiWiz on August 06, 2008, 07:49:21 PM
Quote from: JTchinoy on August 06, 2008, 04:52:06 PM
I miss $.75/gallon


Yeah  :'(

I srsly hope prices drop a bit's like killing everyone

Quote from: Jerry
Watch Die Hard again and look at the gas prices in the background.

We'll NEVER see those days ever again.

Edit -

it could be worse, anyone see I AM LEGEND in the background I swore gas prices were somewhere around $8.23+/gal

I also hope we never see gas prices like that either...  :-[

Ah, I hope gas prices don't reach that point in the future :(
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: JTchinoy on August 06, 2008, 09:00:44 PM
Here's some food for thought:
a decent paying job here in manila is about $25-30 a day.  That's a 12 hour day.
The gas prices here are almost the same as those in California.

Now complain about gas prices.  :P
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: XpHoBiaX on August 06, 2008, 09:29:07 PM
People out here have lost their jobs becuase of the gas. It's STILL $4.25 here.
I am still waiting for an appointment time to get fingerprinted and my TB shot so I can work in the school district. It's pretty good pay for what I put in for, hopefully travel time won't kill that entirely.
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Shinsengumi on August 07, 2008, 01:38:05 AM
The lowest around there in Salinas is $4.09 that's what the lowest I've seen so far
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Jerry on August 07, 2008, 01:43:01 PM
a Few random spots here and there ive seen prices drop below $3.95/gal for regular...

but I know alot of high end cars that use the uber premium stuff... so they're hurting alot too.

does anyone own an electric or a hybrid vehicle?

ive always been curious what the general opinion (2 cents) from you guys would be.  :)
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Paul Who Ahh on August 07, 2008, 07:20:59 PM
I read the thread title and thought there was some sort of special gas sale. Turns out, it's a relatively old thread. Le sigh. A dollar increase in price in just under 5 months? Simply outrageous.

At the station closest to home in Milpitas, it's $4.21/gal with $4.23 as the city's mean price. $3 gas would be a dream. Hopefully we won't be looking back another 5 months from now and reminiscing about $4/gal gas.
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: rude32 on August 08, 2008, 11:56:25 AM
Quote from: Jerry on August 07, 2008, 01:43:01 PM
a Few random spots here and there ive seen prices drop below $3.95/gal for regular...

but I know alot of high end cars that use the uber premium stuff... so they're hurting alot too.

does anyone own an electric or a hybrid vehicle?

ive always been curious what the general opinion (2 cents) from you guys would be.  :)
I don't own one, but thanks to gas prices nowadays it's definetely going to be my next choice in car. If people want very cheap gas thats about 10 cents cheaper than everywhere else, go to any ampm in Tracy, if you happen to be driving by.
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: DemonLordZabuza on August 08, 2008, 12:13:26 PM
Quote from: Jerry on August 07, 2008, 01:43:01 PM

does anyone own an electric or a hybrid vehicle?

ive always been curious what the general opinion (2 cents) from you guys would be.  :)

Once upon a time my brother rented a hybrid...semi by accident but still.  If memory serves me right he drove all the way from San Diego to Watsonville using very little gas.  I want to say 1/2 a tank but maybe it was more like 1.25.  Him being from SD he is use to driving 80+.  But whatever it was his gas was ridiculously well. 
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Kaura117 on August 08, 2008, 12:15:14 PM
Eh. At least we're not paying European prices. As my British cohorts are so quick to note, their transport system does not make up for the USD$15/gallon.
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: Kyley on August 08, 2008, 12:22:09 PM
*sob*  I miss cheep gas, I remember I could fill up my car for like $15, now it takes $65.  At lease my mini is pretty fuel efficient.
Title: Re: $3 gallon gas
Post by: G.I.R on August 08, 2008, 01:18:25 PM
I miss my old (Suzuki built) Chevy Sprint.  It got 48 to 53 miles per gallon.