FanimeCon 2024 Forums

FanimeCon: Participate, Join, Create => Cosplay! Construction, Tips, Gatherings, Advice => Topic started by: Ari on November 05, 2005, 11:01:57 AM

Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ari on November 05, 2005, 11:01:57 AM
Anyone dressing up this year? And was there still the Loli tea party and such.. Gathering? Anything?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on November 07, 2005, 04:34:42 PM
talk to felicity about that tea party thing. i hope she has it again this year! :D 'twas awesome.

well, i never will dress loli to a con, seeing as i dress that way in normal everyday life, and dressing in the fashion to a con makes me feel like i am not putting in enough effort to a costume by just wearing normal clothes. but i will, however, be wearing a loli-inspired costume from a music video by the lovely and taleted amano tsukiko, so i think i will still qualify as at least semi-loli. :D
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: MeliCat on February 25, 2006, 02:04:18 PM
I was curious about any developments with the Lolita Tea Party and thought I'd bring this thread back to life. : D Anyone planning on dressing in their lolita clothes or making tea for Fanime 2006?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Kazuko on February 25, 2006, 03:46:57 PM
^^ Yeah I always dress Lolita (when my parental units arent arround) and Im sure as heck im going to wear it for fanime 06!

hopefully i can make it out to tea <3
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: MeliCat on February 25, 2006, 04:28:11 PM
I may wear a lolita dress to fanime... but I wear them all the time, so it seems like I'm wasting cosplay time...hmmm... : D Maybe I'll wear it anyways! XD
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: grove on February 26, 2006, 01:20:05 AM
lol i feel the same as well, but lately i've sort of grown out of it... shame since i have too many loli pieces that are now at goodwill hahaha. if i do go to the tea i may make a cake and dress aristocrat, but again, will have to wait and see.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on February 27, 2006, 03:41:56 PM
this year i prmoise to not forget my cookies that i made at home, okay? :3
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: hellangel on March 01, 2006, 01:56:53 PM
Quote from: "grove"lol i feel the same as well, but lately i've sort of grown out of it... shame since i have too many loli pieces that are now at goodwill hahaha. if i do go to the tea i may make a cake and dress aristocrat, but again, will have to wait and see.

goodwill? where????
you should have sold them o__o
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: hakudoushi on March 01, 2006, 05:22:58 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"
Quote from: "grove"lol i feel the same as well, but lately i've sort of grown out of it... shame since i have too many loli pieces that are now at goodwill hahaha. if i do go to the tea i may make a cake and dress aristocrat, but again, will have to wait and see.

goodwill? where????
you should have sold them o__o
no, she shouldve given them to me. @w@

if there is one, i want to be there! >o<
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: gmontem on April 05, 2006, 12:43:45 AM
Bump.  Is felicity still organizing this?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: hellangel on April 05, 2006, 12:44:49 AM
there's an Applesugar loli teaparty scheduled on the cosplay gathering list
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: felicity869 on April 15, 2006, 02:45:26 PM
Quote from: "gmontem"Bump.  Is felicity still organizing this?
Of course. What would Fanime be w/o a giant gothic lolita gathering at the park? :) I'm thinking it will be on Saturday in the early afternoon. I think if it ends up being bigger than last year my head might explode ;)

The lovely lady that runs Applesugar is also hosting one on Sunday. Not sure where though.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: kam_islash on April 15, 2006, 09:03:20 PM
Thats perverted...
And its going to attract the wrong kind of guys to Fanime.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Kazuko on April 15, 2006, 11:02:30 PM
=\ umm we are talking about Gothic Lolita, a street style from japan. its not dirty.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: gmontem on April 16, 2006, 02:10:19 AM
Quote from: "kam_islash"Loli?
Thats perverted...
And its going to attract the wrong kind of guys to Fanime.
Well it sure hasn't yet.  EGL isn't brand spanking new to Fanime.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Captaine Kit on April 16, 2006, 03:24:37 PM
Siiiiiiick, I 'm making cookies at home tooo!  Just take them over to le Salon.  Wipe your feet and siddown to speak some French, cause I'm dying fo' somma that 'euhhhh, parce que . . . ' out here.  I just came out with the name for my booth space, so my thought process says it's only fate that you get to hear about it.  En anglais:  The Unlucky Club.  Huttah.

Jeez is my ADD showing?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Elysium on April 20, 2006, 01:35:29 PM
Anyone biased towards a gothic loli crossplayer?

I wanted to do something crazy awesome this year and just thought that would be something to remember. My best friiend and I will be gothloli crossplaying. We have male costumes though, we're going as Rabi and Allen Walker from D Gray Man as well. But I think the Gothic Loli will be our highlights.

Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: gmontem on April 20, 2006, 02:38:53 PM
Quote from: "Elysium"Anyone biased towards a gothic loli crossplayer?
At least one attended the Tea Party gathering last year so you should be ok.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Kazuko on April 20, 2006, 02:47:43 PM
I love loli boys :3 I cant wait to see <3 and oooh tea too I cant wait for that!

D:< im not gonna oversleep this time!!
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Elysium on April 20, 2006, 03:12:38 PM
I've not been to the tea party. What's that like? Anyone have any photos of the party so I know what to expect? This is actually our first con that we're completely going all out on. We've never dressed up before and this will be my 2nd Fanime con. I'm coming a long way to be at fanime again because it was a blast last year. Although we didn't plan last year either, it was real sponteneous.

Here's the story!...

Heck yes! It's that time of year again when I get to go all out crazy at an anime con. Yes, it will be better than last year where I got up on stage and striped for the babes in the YAOI contest. (I got called newbie last year cuz I didn't have a costume! LOL) This year, I'll be more prepared (last year we found out about the striping contest just about last minute as it was our first Fanime con) This year, I'm dressing up!

I have two costumes. One is the Allen Walker costume from D-Grey Man, and the other is DA DA DA DA!!! GOTHIC LOLI! Yes, I will crossplay at least one day this year. Think Suigintou from Rozen Maiden.

This year me and my buddy decided that we're tired of being the attendee's who are taking the pics.

'WE WANT TO BE IN THE PICS' we shouted.

Then we were thinking, 'What would get us a lot of attention?' My buddy mentioned that the guys the dress up like girls get lots of attention. I said, 'I'm NOT dressing up in a girl outfit.'
To which he replied,
'Girls like guys who are comfortable with their sexuality. And besides, most of the girls we saw there, dressed up like guys. So it's not going to be as bad as you think.'
Then I said, 'OK, but nothing too crazy.'

So then it began. I started browsing because I saw some, not custumes, but female school uniforms. I mentioned it to my friend and he's said,
'Nah man, lets go all out. In anime, does anyone care about the random anime school girl? No. They don't get the guys. They don't save the day. And in some anime, they get killed!'

'ACK!' I said.

Ok, so we're dressing up hardcore this year. First it was maid out fits.
I said 'Nah, my white legs would be too white to expose. Especially in California!' (I'm from Seattle)
'True, true.'
'We'll think of something.' He replied.

We're going for the look from the girls from Rozen Maiden. I saw someone from that anime at one of the vendors and thought that was hella sexy. So we're going for that this year.

I think we're going to have a blast! I mean, how many guys have you seen go gothic loli? I've not seen too many either here in Seattle or at San Jose cons.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: felicity869 on April 22, 2006, 01:27:14 PM
Quote from: "Elysium"I've not been to the tea party. What's that like? Anyone have any photos of the party so I know what to expect?

One should expect tea, an outrageous amount of sweets, lots of good conversations and tons of photos.
Here's my pictures from last year's tea party:

Quote from: "Elysium"
I mean, how many guys have you seen go gothic loli? I've not seen too many either here in Seattle or at San Jose cons.
Actually, it's not as rare as you think. You probably don't even notice the REALLY good crossplayers because you just asume they are the gender they're dressing up as. As you can see from my pictures of last year's gathering, there were at least a few guys there. There always have been a few guys at every gothic lolita tea party/gathering I've hosted (although they're usually dressed more dandy/gothic aristicat/not actually crossdressing). The more the merrier. :)
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Elysium on April 22, 2006, 09:46:36 PM
Quote from: "felicity869"
Quote from: "Elysium"
I mean, how many guys have you seen go gothic loli? I've not seen too many either here in Seattle or at San Jose cons.
You probably don't even notice the REALLY good crossplayers because you just asume they are the gender they're dressing up as.

I actually remember that guy on the far left of the first photo. I was there with him at the Hot Yaoi thing last year and a bunch of other yaoi guys.

The tea party thing looks good. I'll be there on Sunday since we're just taking photos on Saturday.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ari on April 23, 2006, 07:09:34 PM
Yay, I get some feedback. Lolz ^-^v Awesome. Hopefully i'll be there.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Captaine Kit on April 23, 2006, 11:08:41 PM
I'm tired of black and white Goth-Loli.  It's not very tasteful use of black and white, either.  No eye for proportion.  No eye for taking advantage of textures.  I see the theming on really good cosplayers.  Much of it is not stylistic at all.  Also, it's a little undermining of the 'progressiveness' of nurturing a subculture.  Check out FUDGE for what's new in that scene.  I've seen people in EGL scene refer to Western clothing of the Industrial Revolution era, for peacoats and felts and other cuts and textures.

Actually, there are lots of sources for Goth-Loli inspiration.  Just yesterday I was at Santana Row for a fashion show featuring designs from all the boutiques in the shopping center.  The MC was actually wearing this simple, no frills dress with a boat neck for the front, and v opening in the back.  Crushed fabric, cool grey, with a big bow in the back.  Simple, classic, and completely translatable to the Elegant GL style.  It really just depends on the scene where the clothing will appear that determines what people say about it.

So really, I urge the creatives out there to make more than a statement--make an impressive one.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: serajwl on April 23, 2006, 11:13:44 PM
My sister and I might be going too *nod nod*

we'll bring snacks! :D
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Elysium on April 24, 2006, 01:38:19 PM
Quote from: "Captaine Kit"I'm tired of black and white Goth-Loli.  It's not very tasteful use of black and white, either.  No eye for proportion.  No eye for taking advantage of textures.  I see the theming on really good cosplayers.  Much of it is not stylistic at all.  Also, it's a little undermining of the 'progressiveness' of nurturing a subculture.  Check out FUDGE for what's new in that scene.  I've seen people in EGL scene refer to Western clothing of the Industrial Revolution era, for peacoats and felts and other cuts and textures.

Actually, there are lots of sources for Goth-Loli inspiration.  Just yesterday I was at Santana Row for a fashion show featuring designs from all the boutiques in the shopping center.  The MC was actually wearing this simple, no frills dress with a boat neck for the front, and v opening in the back.  Crushed fabric, cool grey, with a big bow in the back.  Simple, classic, and completely translatable to the Elegant GL style.  It really just depends on the scene where the clothing will appear that determines what people say about it.

So really, I urge the creatives out there to make more than a statement--make an impressive one.

I hope this is a general statement! As black and white seem to be the standard colors for goth. I'm not into the goth thing but that's my observation. As a side note, there will be no black and white in my costume. Well, the bows are black and the lace is white, but the main color, what the dress is made out of, is RED!
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on April 24, 2006, 03:36:54 PM
Quote from: "Captaine Kit"I'm tired of black and white Goth-Loli.  It's not very tasteful use of black and white, either.  No eye for proportion.  No eye for taking advantage of textures.  I see the theming on really good cosplayers.  Much of it is not stylistic at all.  Also, it's a little undermining of the 'progressiveness' of nurturing a subculture.  Check out FUDGE for what's new in that scene.  I've seen people in EGL scene refer to Western clothing of the Industrial Revolution era, for peacoats and felts and other cuts and textures.

Actually, there are lots of sources for Goth-Loli inspiration.  Just yesterday I was at Santana Row for a fashion show featuring designs from all the boutiques in the shopping center.  The MC was actually wearing this simple, no frills dress with a boat neck for the front, and v opening in the back.  Crushed fabric, cool grey, with a big bow in the back.  Simple, classic, and completely translatable to the Elegant GL style.  It really just depends on the scene where the clothing will appear that determines what people say about it.

So really, I urge the creatives out there to make more than a statement--make an impressive one.
i am also getting sick of all those plain black-and-white dresses that look like the lace section of a fabric stroe exploded on them. wha ti want to see this year is more gothic shirorori. most people think of it as a sweet lolita thing, but no~~ it can be gothic if you just try. *sighs* i need to make more lolita clothes, seeing as everything i own is either antique white or black. i need more purple~
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: AbsolutelyCursed on April 24, 2006, 04:08:21 PM
I believe colors are in. Variety is the spice of life.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Elysium on April 24, 2006, 06:02:47 PM
Ack! Just a little black and white is ok...right?

Although I'm a noob at the gothic thing (it's just for fun, right?) I don't want to go and get talked down because I wore a little bit of 'traditional colors' I guess. (would they even be considered tradition?)
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on April 24, 2006, 06:09:48 PM
no, no one will "talk you down". in fact, if you do it well, you will have lots of people liking you. ^-^ tradition is not bad, it is just good to venture away from that~
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: MeliCat on April 25, 2006, 02:29:24 PM
Hmm... I'm hosting the Guilty Gear gathering on Saturday afternoon, but I can make the sunday gathering. I'll be sure to bring snacks~

I'll probably wear one of my black/white lolita outfits, I'm in love with the colors and it looks so classic. : ) I guess people think it's overdone now? Oh well, I promise my outfit won't disappoint, even if the colors are boring. : D

Should I bring my vioin to play for all the elegant people I'll be gathering with?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: AbsolutelyCursed on April 25, 2006, 02:33:13 PM
Quote from: "MeliCat"Hmm... I'm hosting the Guilty Gear gathering on Saturday afternoon, but I can make the sunday gathering. I'll be sure to bring snacks~

I'll probably wear one of my black/white lolita outfits, I'm in love with the colors and it looks so classic. : ) I guess people think it's overdone now? Oh well, I promise my outfit won't disappoint, even if the colors are boring. : D

Should I bring my vioin to play for all the elegant people I'll be gathering with?

Disappoint? I don't think that's possible!
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on April 25, 2006, 04:37:13 PM
Quote from: "MeliCat"Hmm... I'm hosting the Guilty Gear gathering on Saturday afternoon, but I can make the sunday gathering. I'll be sure to bring snacks~

I'll probably wear one of my black/white lolita outfits, I'm in love with the colors and it looks so classic. : ) I guess people think it's overdone now? Oh well, I promise my outfit won't disappoint, even if the colors are boring. : D

Should I bring my vioin to play for all the elegant people I'll be gathering with?
ooh~~ violin~~ :D i was planning on bringing a boombox and a CD with some nice tea party music~ okay, more like, bodaiju type stuff, but i will do what i can. xD

and no, no one will be dissapointed. :3 especially if the outfit looks good~ if it is, as i said before, just like the lace section of a fabric store exploded on you, then that is not so good. but i am sure it will look great! plus, black and white looks good together, even if it is a little overdone. :3
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Kazuko on April 25, 2006, 04:38:08 PM
^w^ oooh meli yes bring the violin <3 a loli gathering isnt perfect without some classical music! <3

O: I have only a black x white loli set too but thats okay ^^ im working on getting some addons like cute bows
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Elysium on April 25, 2006, 08:13:13 PM
Quote from: "MeliCat"Hmm... I'm hosting the Guilty Gear gathering on Saturday afternoon, but I can make the sunday gathering. I'll be sure to bring snacks~

I'll probably wear one of my black/white lolita outfits, I'm in love with the colors and it looks so classic. : ) I guess people think it's overdone now? Oh well, I promise my outfit won't disappoint, even if the colors are boring. : D

Should I bring my vioin to play for all the elegant people I'll be gathering with?

WOOT! I got backup!
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: ip136 on April 26, 2006, 10:17:31 AM
Fwou~ I might not be able to dress up, only psuedo dress-up.. but may I possibly stalk to take pictures of everyone?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Captaine Kit on April 29, 2006, 01:14:03 AM
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Captaine Kit on April 29, 2006, 01:14:18 AM
I think that's how I got the idea to break away from the idea of 'dress-up' as costume and I started to show it as philosophy.  4 years ago, I think, was when I just went to Fanime in my own clothes, self-designed and all that.  There was a time when Fanime constituents blended in with the rest of society, and you either went to the con in cargoes and anime print tee, or a costume.  I remember putting on a skin that I was comfortable with personally, and lots of peopel took snapshots and asked what my cosplay was.  At anime cons these days, we see some mall constriction of what the 'goth' or 'punk' image wants to be sold.

It takes someone really comfortable with themself to call their outfit an expression of oneself 24/7, nonstop.  It's hair, and your shoes, and your personal belongings such as backpack, glasses frame, wallet, keychain, etc.  We live in a society that uses the code of attire to communicate our social relationships.  Though it's not a judgement call on anyone outside of this personal paradigm, this mentality is most welcome at le Salon because it invites and elevates style consciousness in the rest of the anime community.

Just think: what were fans wearing in the past?  See the previous paragraph.  What have they been wearing recently? 'Cough Dropic'  *hack, ew, gruaarrh, ick*  What are you going to wear to this con?  Make it count!
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Midnight Ryoko on April 30, 2006, 01:52:42 AM
is the lolita gathering going to be joint with the Jrockers again this year...? Because last year I was the only jrocker. ^^; (I was seek, the one painted entirely blue, if you remember me. XD ), yes, if someone would tell me. XD thanks.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Rowan on May 01, 2006, 09:28:54 PM
I'm still a rookie lolita (i've been trying for a year ><;;), so i hope to meet you guys! ^^

would you like me to bring some homemade manju or something? ^^;;

@Midnight Ryoko: i wouldn't mind jrock people coming. i like jrock ^^
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on May 01, 2006, 10:03:44 PM
Quote from: "Midnight Ryoko"is the lolita gathering going to be joint with the Jrockers again this year...? Because last year I was the only jrocker. ^^; (I was seek, the one painted entirely blue, if you remember me. XD ), yes, if someone would tell me. XD thanks.
:O i remeber you! i was the catgirl lolitaish maid chick! :O let me just tell you that it took me weks to clean the blue paint off of that ring! >.<

heehee. i am sure that you are welcome. <3 (and i hope i will be, too, seeing as i will be dressed j-rock as well~ "koe" PV amano, of course~ <3)
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Midnight Ryoko on May 02, 2006, 12:25:46 PM
XD;;;;! Gomen ne. ^^;;; I stained the hotel room at the Marriot blue as well and took the wash cloth home for a souvenir. XD;; I'll bring a straw this time if you'd like. *glomps and runs away for fear of leaving blue stains* XP
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 02, 2006, 01:52:24 PM
I might do a Gothic Loli think for Fanime....Crossplaying....anyone know a good site I could go to?^^; There's one site that hard this great outfit, but it only came in Medium and I don't think I could fit in there seeing as how I'm over 6' T_T
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Rowan on May 02, 2006, 09:38:11 PM
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"I might do a Gothic Loli think for Fanime....Crossplaying....anyone know a good site I could go to?^^; There's one site that hard this great outfit, but it only came in Medium and I don't think I could fit in there seeing as how I'm over 6' T_T
well, i know you can order from:
and maybe from angelic pretty, but i forgot ^^.
there's also on ebay
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on May 02, 2006, 10:03:56 PM
cdjapan sells moite clothes~ <33333

umm... was it ?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Kazuko on May 03, 2006, 12:08:04 PM
O: yeah at redonculous prices XD

well you could try to use a shipping overseas place like cresent shop :3 you order to them what brand of clothes you want from which store and all and pay and they will mail it to you

=D also closet child sells overseas too! (but they require creditcards only ><)
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Captaine Kit on May 03, 2006, 06:38:12 PM
The -Hip Gothic- of fan extrusion.  What could still survive as tasteful underground style is quickly disintigrating to make a killing off of you people!

Have a philosophy in your mundane activities, people!  Communication thru clothing is one of them!
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on May 03, 2006, 06:54:10 PM
actually, i have started to desgin a dress baed off of the despcription that you gave earlier in the thread, kit. <3 it looks nice, so far.

and i am trying to gather ideas for more colours and patterns and types of things in loli dresses, but it is so hard to find the time to desgin and make all of this! ~ - ~
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Captaine Kit on May 03, 2006, 07:01:06 PM
Haaaaail yeah!
Ideas are still dime-a-dozen.  The design part involves thoughtfulness, a memory of outside experiences, and refined craftsmanship to make something truly memorable.

In any case, you are like mini-Dante Basco as Rufio of the Lost Boys!  Let's have a show of fists fo' our own sistah Nina! Awooooooh!

Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Alexandria on May 04, 2006, 10:40:36 AM
I'll be dressing lolita. I'm not allowed to wear the stuff often so it will be all fun and ruffles for me. :D I hope to see you guys there...
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Midnight Ryoko on May 04, 2006, 11:15:46 AM
does anyone know where I can buy NICE EGA clothing..? Not EGL, but EGA. >>:
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 05, 2006, 04:48:44 PM
Well I've made up my mind. This boy is going to go Gothic Lolita!! ^^;;
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 05, 2006, 05:11:37 PM
Please be gentle when I'll be my first time crossplaying....and I've never cosplayed before either!! T_T

Also I hate to ask for more, but....does anyone know a good place to get the makeup for Gothic Lolita?^^;;;
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Rowan on May 05, 2006, 06:15:12 PM
I really look forward to meeting peoples \^_^/

makeup? I just use regular stuff ^^. Then again, I usually don't wear makeup.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 06, 2006, 09:37:46 PM
Well I look foward to meeting everyone here. Although I don't know if I can get off work long enough for the tea party....I didn't know about it at the time I took my job.....AND Saturday is going to be a day when there's no extra help..... :cry:  :cry:
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Captaine Kit on May 07, 2006, 12:24:31 PM
Woooo makeup . . .

There's no such thing as a place to get 'gothic makeup'.  Gothic is a lifestyle, but before that, it's an image.  So go get a consultation for the image you want to achieve.  Try MAC consultants, for they know their customers are usually comfortable with something wild and bold.

Some brands cater to a certain look, but don't let that stop you from asking.
Do not get CoverGirl or other cheap drugstore stuff.  It will make you break out faster than other brands.  L'Oréal is good and inexpensive; that same company manufactures Lancôme cosmetics.  They are of haut qualité!

Last of all, do not invest in anything that changes the consistency of your complexion.  I encourage you to stay away from concealers, face powders, heavy blushes, and other powders or creams that go on your cheeks.  Trust me; do not wear the Halloween crap.  Do not improvise with cheapos when it comes to yo'face.

Why risk breaking out and damaging your skin permanently?  If you want to play up the pallor for a gothic look, wear contrasting clothes and eye/lip makeup.  You are going for porcelaine, not bone dry.  Same rule as contact lenses: do not wear makeup for too long at a time, and go wash up so you can reapply.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Charming_Dorian on May 07, 2006, 12:30:11 PM
I'll be going if I am not scheduled to be staffing then... I will be wearing black and white because contrary to what everyone else  I despise color :P (With the exception of one red dress with black lace).  Also I doubt I could get the black dress I've been eyeing for a while now.
gloom gloom gloom :3
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: gmontem on May 07, 2006, 12:40:58 PM
Quote from: "Charming_Dorian"I'll be going if I am not scheduled to be staffing then... I will be wearing black and white because contrary to what everyone else  I despise color :P (With the exception of one red dress with black lace).  Also I doubt I could get the black dress I've been eyeing for a while now.
gloom gloom gloom :3

You should get ChenCzen to do EGL, too, hehe.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Elysium on May 07, 2006, 12:41:07 PM
Oh yeah, makeup! I'm not very good at makeup (since I'm a guy) and gothic makeup to boot. Would it be ok to hire a helping hand? I'd be willing to pay like, 25 bucks per application for me and my buddy. Or pay for a meal at one of the hotel restaurants for you and a friend. This makeup thing is one thing I totally forgot. I had my Aunt come over for a makeup session on Tuesday to get an idea of what I would look like with makeup, but I totally zoned out that I would have to apply it!
I'm looking for somone that could help with gothic style makeup.

So, anyone interested in helping out two guys?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: MeliCat on May 07, 2006, 01:09:20 PM
Does anyone know a good site or shop to get a parasol?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Captaine Kit on May 07, 2006, 02:02:11 PM
Quote from: "Elysium"Oh yeah, makeup! I'm not very good at makeup (since I'm a guy) and gothic makeup to boot. Would it be ok to hire a helping hand? I'd be willing to pay like, 25 bucks per application for me and my buddy. Or pay for a meal at one of the hotel restaurants for you and a friend. This makeup thing is one thing I totally forgot. I had my Aunt come over for a makeup session on Tuesday to get an idea of what I would look like with makeup, but I totally zoned out that I would have to apply it!
I'm looking for somone that could help with gothic style makeup.

So, anyone interested in helping out two guys?

Don't be foolish with your money!  Even someone who's good at this stuff offhand shouldn't charge anything.  You can get a free consultation at any place in the mall.

Consultation means they walk you around the store and ask you what your look is supposed to be, and you choose the products in their store, and they put it on you right there.  They teach you how to do your own face!  Many people go to do this on the day of their Formal or Prom because it's free and they learn from it.  Then, it's your prerogative to buy the product because you can use it at home with the knowledge you have gained.

On the other hand, at-con application is nice too.  You can zip right to your event, and chances are, there are a bunch of cosplayers with the right tools on their person.  You can make a new friend, and you can definitely dine together to make one fair favor for another.  Do not pay any money to get a thin layer of pigments on your face!
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Charming_Dorian on May 07, 2006, 02:10:13 PM
Quote from: "gmontem"
Quote from: "Charming_Dorian"I'll be going if I am not scheduled to be staffing then... I will be wearing black and white because contrary to what everyone else  I despise color :P (With the exception of one red dress with black lace).  Also I doubt I could get the black dress I've been eyeing for a while now.
gloom gloom gloom :3

You should get ChenCzen to do EGL, too, hehe.
He thinks he would look goofy in the stuff, he kinda offered to though.
oh well.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Midnight Ryoko on May 08, 2006, 11:31:53 AM
I must say, as far as makeup goes, for eyeliner, nothing beats Prestige. Honestly, I've tried so many other brands and have the point break a second later. >>;; For lipstick, I love Manic Panic; it rarely rubs off like others do. Eyeshadow... I agree with MAC, but I also love Urban Decay, Too Faced, and Hard Candy.

Places to get makeup: The best bet would be an Ulta, if you have one nearby. They carry every kind of beauty product known to man, minus the pretenciousness lots of stores seem to have today. ^^;; (minus rite-aid. XD) Anyway, good luck lovies. <3
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 08, 2006, 12:22:56 PM
Well I already have people who are willing to apply my makeup....I just need the producsts themselves ^^;;
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on May 08, 2006, 03:42:14 PM
thought i shoudl ask here- what shoudl one do about gothic lolita make-up? most make-up i have seen tends to be for either striaght gothic, which is not good for loli, or pure sweet lolita, which is not good for a darker lolita look. :/ i have asked a lot of people, and they oftentime just point me int eh direction of typical (minimal) sweet lolita make-up, but i want somethign a little bolder and darker. :/ any suggestions?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 08, 2006, 05:17:30 PM
It's gunna be my first time doing this....but just do the whole gothic thing, and then work from there. See what you need and then maybeh find ways of getting lighter shades or something ^^;
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Captaine Kit on May 08, 2006, 06:51:02 PM
Quote from: "Nina Star 9"thought i shoudl ask here- what shoudl one do about gothic lolita make-up? . . .
i have asked a lot of people, and they oftentime just point me int eh direction of typical (minimal) sweet lolita make-up, but i want somethign a little bolder and darker. :/ any suggestions?

It looks like you are to pave the grounds for the application of this look!  The scene is so young, I'm sure there are more people with the same question than there are people with the answer to it.  The best thing to do is to use theatrical photo reference and images associated with literature.

I imagine there's a level of romance or the blush of innocence you want to convey too, so take a look at classical French paintings.  I doubt that the painters really used the colors that came with their subjects' actual face--hence, we 'put on our face'.

Just try a bunch of references.
Ok, and for the colored peoples out there, you don't have to go WHITE pale to go gothic in any sense.  First, try contrasts in your clothing, then your hair and eyeliner.  Black is so blatant, so if your filosophy doesn't shrink away, use glimmery crimsons, emeralds and ocean blues.  Exploooooore.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on May 08, 2006, 07:17:51 PM
i think i will try more bold things with my lolita fashion and make-up from now on. <3

my mom checked out this fashion book from the library where she works, and it is great. i see so many things that can easily inspire a lolita outfit or three, and most are actually from the 1920s, which i find great. i love 1920s fashion. <3 of course, the typical 1860s is great too~ <3
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Midnight Ryoko on May 09, 2006, 11:07:56 AM
fun thought: Why don't you decide what your version of loli looks like instead of worrying about what you think it needs to look like? be creative! That's what I do. XP But I'm an EGL/EGA, not a ichigo, kuro, sweet, or angel, so lots of stuff involves black, white, gunmetal, and sometimes silver. *nod* ^^
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Elysium on May 09, 2006, 10:06:57 PM
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"Well I already have people who are willing to apply my makeup....I just need the producsts themselves ^^;;

Hook a white brotha up! I got stuff! Hell, I'll BUY stuff. I'll even share with you! Quite literally, money kinda of DOES grow on trees. Be a pal? Me any my buddy are also crossplaying as gothic loli.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Midnight Ryoko on May 10, 2006, 11:14:07 AM
ok, so before it gets too hectic, some say when the day/time/location of this gathering is. <<;
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 10, 2006, 11:58:24 AM
I dunno you'd have to ask them yourselves. One of them is the infamous Queen of Hats whom I work for. Another are some people I met on the Fanime Board on Gaia. Just go there...seriously. I mean it would be too pretentious for me to just demand friends do your makeup when they don't even know ya. Just chill there and I'll see what I can do.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Midnight Ryoko on May 12, 2006, 11:15:04 AM
so this gathering is sunday at 12:30..?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 12, 2006, 12:53:53 PM
Quote from: "Midnight Ryoko"so this gathering is sunday at 12:30..? know what I really do not know. Sunday IS better for me though. I can get more time off on sunday, then Saturday ^^;
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: felicity869 on May 23, 2006, 04:44:41 PM
There are two gothic lolita gatherings during Fanime...

Sunday at 1:30 PM. Hosted by me. Meet at the fountains in front of the convention center. Spend 10 minutes taking picture there and waiting for late commers. Then we'll head off to the park (only a few minutes away) for more pictures.

Saturday  at 12:30 PM. Hosted by Applesugar and a whole lotta other people. Pictures, raffle and teaparty. Meet up at artist alley tables 35-38. Location of actual teaparty will be given to you then. You should rsvp at [email protected]

Edited to show the now correct days.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on May 23, 2006, 06:44:18 PM
w00tage~ i can make it to both~ :D

however, i will be tattoo-lees for the saurday one, seeing as i will be wearing my masquerade costume just for the party and then changing back into my "chou" cosplay~ ah well. :D

it will not be bad just to wear my costume for an hour or two on saturday for the party, change out of it, and then wear it all day sunday, will it? o-o;
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: gmontem on May 23, 2006, 06:50:45 PM
woo thanks for the update. I'll try to make one of them.  Must take pics of NS9 for Minagi-chan.  ~_^
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Kazuko on May 23, 2006, 07:01:09 PM
i could probally make it for a second on saturday XD

but sunday i am there for sure :3
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on May 23, 2006, 08:54:42 PM
meh, nope. cant make it sunday probably, unless the location is given to me beforehand. ._.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Kazuko on May 23, 2006, 10:03:14 PM
well i got email from apple sugar that they changed the tea party to saturday because there arent many signed up for sunday. x: so saturday it is then
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: felicity869 on May 24, 2006, 01:31:05 AM
Quote from: "Kazuko"well i got email from apple sugar that they changed the tea party to saturday because there arent many signed up for sunday. x: so saturday it is then

Oh...:( Too much confusion. I wish I knew that she changed the date before I set the date for the one I planned to be Saturday. Hmm...
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Leishu on May 24, 2006, 09:17:17 AM
The -official- time, as of yesterday at 4:33PM is Sunday at 1:30PM (That's the photoshoot. I dunno about a tea party or anything this year)

Edit: I THINK that said official time is not Applesugar's. I found it on the CA_EGL community. Is clarification possible? My outfit's full Sweet Lolita and is darn hard to get in and out of so the more time I can plan, the better :3

Edit 2: Woot. Actually reading the thread helps, Lin. The person who I can only assume is applesugar on the Ca_egl livejournal community has announced that her photoshoot is 1:30PM on Sunday.

I myself will try to get to both. :p My outfit will be a pink outfit (Edit 3: Brand is Lucky Pinky. I keep forgetting the name) and I myself will hopefully look better than last year. (I was the blonde boy in the black and white dress, cat ears, and PVC jacket)
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Kazuko on May 24, 2006, 11:37:18 AM
weird cause now im officially confused D:
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Leishu on May 24, 2006, 11:03:05 PM
Sorry! >_<

I think that the official Fanime Goth Loli thing is, as mentioned, Saturday at 1:30. It seems that there is also ANOTHER Goth Loli thing on SUNDAY at 1:30 at the fountain. o_O

To whichever organizers use this thread: Is Sweet Loli okay? :p
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: felicity869 on May 25, 2006, 08:16:22 AM
Let me try to clear up any confussion:

I've since gotten an email form Applesugar. Her thing (photoshoot, tea and raffle) is definatly on Saturday at 12:30. Meeting place is her art row table.

J9_photos on livejournal is me. My thing (photoshoot, starting at fountains, ending in park right around the corner) is going to be on Sunday ay 1:30 (because Applesugar changed her's to Saturday).

*I wouldn't concider either of them the official Fanime Goth Loli thing. :) Just fun gatherings.
*If you want to go to the one on Saturday Applesugar requested that you email her to let her first, that way she knows how much stuff to bring. Since mine is just a photoshoot anyone can show up, no need to rsvp.
*Sweet Loli and any other sub catagory of Gothic Loli is A-ok by me.

Does it all make sense now?
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Nina Star 9 on May 25, 2006, 02:16:46 PM
aww... then i cannot make it to either. >>
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: felicity869 on May 27, 2006, 03:18:29 AM
Quote from: "Nina Star 9"aww... then i cannot make it to either. >>
Aww, sorry to hear that. :(
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: felicity869 on May 30, 2006, 02:51:09 PM

Thank you so much to everyone that came.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: mDuo13 on May 30, 2006, 03:05:21 PM
Who's the lucky bastard in the top hat?

Also... maybe I should attend this next year.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: butterflyz on May 30, 2006, 08:33:44 PM
This year was my first year doing gothic lolita
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Leishu on May 30, 2006, 09:50:02 PM
Did you have fun? ^_^
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: butterflyz on May 30, 2006, 09:58:09 PM
Yes!I want to start looking for a new dress for nxt year! :D

the only thing was My feet hurt real bad from wearing heels all day :p
hehe this is me (not a very good pic though lol)
ME! (
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Chunkmonster on May 30, 2006, 10:32:51 PM
I am sad that I missed the Loli tea party. I really liked my lolita outfit and I would have liked to show it off :]
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: butterflyz on May 30, 2006, 10:46:54 PM
there was a tea party??..

aawww i guess i missed it too
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 30, 2006, 11:06:02 PM
I'm sooo sad and devistated that I didn't get to go! I didn't ever receive my package in time to go to ANYTHING because my stupid Dad decided to go to church rather then wait for my package and other shit!! It's TERRIBLE!! :cry:  :cry:

Oh well there's always next year @.@
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: milkmandan on May 31, 2006, 12:54:51 AM
i saw a number of people dressed up like this..


i am still confused on what the excitment over this is...since the word "loli" carries an extremely negative connotation with it.

and gothic loli is only seemingly acceptable in Japan cuz loli hentai holds the largest business and revenue each year :\

but none the less cosplay is cosplay and i am very happy to see someone dress up as Bara from Rozen Maiden. (with the eye patch as well)
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Leishu on May 31, 2006, 01:04:04 AM
There's a significant connotation difference between 'Gosurori,' the term describing Mana's clothing line that started the whole craze, and 'Rorikon,' which refers to the Lolita Complex. Gosurori has no more of a negative connotation than cosplay does. Rorikon is a form of pedophilia. One is a fashion style. The other is a fetish.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: milkmandan on May 31, 2006, 01:39:50 AM
good point

guess i can't always group the word loli with negative means.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 31, 2006, 12:12:43 PM
*Nods nods* Yeah there IS a world of difference between the two, although I didn't realize that Mana had started that fashion trend....but it DOES make a lot of sense ^^
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Elysium on May 31, 2006, 05:26:19 PM
Quote from: "butterflyz"This year was my first year doing gothic lolita

Which one were you? I'm the dude in the maroon dress with cat ears!

Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: butterflyz on May 31, 2006, 05:46:10 PM
1 ( 2 ( 3 (

uuhh yha not my best pics lol  :P
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Elysium on May 31, 2006, 05:54:26 PM
gah you're hella cute!

You did fine!

Now I regret not getting an anime portrait of myself!
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: butterflyz on May 31, 2006, 05:57:03 PM
oh thank you ^_^
I saw a pic of ur I liked your dress!
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on June 01, 2006, 01:09:59 PM
You're definitely cute ^_^ I feel ashamed I didn't take your picture @.@

Also....I MUST get an anime drawing of myself last year...I was going to this year....but then I forgot....@.@
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: butterflyz on June 01, 2006, 04:22:03 PM
oh thanks you^^
I apericiate the complement ,though i dont really think i am :)

The girl who did the drawings was real nice especially seening as mine took forever because all the ruffles. ^_^;;
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: AbsolutelyCursed on June 01, 2006, 04:43:15 PM
butterflyz, you are cute like the previous one says. I believe I did take your picture *have to check memory cards to confirm that but I am sure I did*

Elysium, your dress was very good. Makes me think very hard about doing gothic lolita next year.

Hopefully I can be part of the group next year.
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: butterflyz on June 01, 2006, 04:55:15 PM
thank you.
If you did.. if its alright I'd like to see it^^
heheh i bet my front bow was croocked lol
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Rowan on June 01, 2006, 09:07:37 PM
aww, i missed the change of date ^^;;
everyone looks really cute though! Hope to join next year...*and stay on top of dates @_@*
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on June 01, 2006, 11:22:31 PM
Well I had the right date stuff....I just didn't have my outfit in time, which turns out needed alterations damn it >.<

I'm REALLY looking foward to meeting you all next FanimeCon ^______^
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: butterflyz on June 02, 2006, 06:53:32 AM
Mine ended up needin alterations...but my aunt sewed me up when we were waiting in the registration line

Yes cant wait till next year!

...wait i have to get a new dress...YAY! sorry im a little strange ^_^;;;
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on June 02, 2006, 11:49:28 AM
Quote from: "butterflyz"Mine ended up needin alterations...but my aunt sewed me up when we were waiting in the registration line
Yes cant wait till next year!
...wait i have to get a new dress...YAY! sorry im a little strange ^_^;;;
Trust me you're actually sounding rather normal compared to myself and others that hang out with me. I attract the most unusual people <.<;;
Title: Gothic Lolita
Post by: mochyan on June 30, 2006, 06:54:55 PM
i was wondering if anyone is planning to make a new dress/outfit for next year. or has made a dress/outfit before. i could use some pointers since i'm attempting to make a couple this summer.