FanimeCon 2024 Forums

FanimeCon Events and Discussionmentarianism => General Convention Discussion => Topic started by: the otaku god on January 23, 2006, 10:02:11 PM

Title: video programming
Post by: the otaku god on January 23, 2006, 10:02:11 PM
everyone keep your eyes on the video program page. there is going to be a big list of anime soon. over 100+ ser and there not ever distroed in the us yet. we here at fanimecon can't wait to showthem to ya and guess what the list is just going to get bigger as the days go by till the con!!!!!!!
Title: video programming
Post by: ip136 on January 26, 2006, 07:35:05 AM
Hooray! A list before we get there! *bounces* fweeeeeeeee.. There was probably a list put up for last year before the convention or something but I never saw it. *is possibly bline and stoopeed* :x That would totally be *so* helpful.  :D
Title: video programming
Post by: Moogleborg on January 26, 2006, 08:40:55 PM
Hopefully this years list is much more better and accurate than last years! ^^
Title: video programming
Post by: the otaku god on March 02, 2006, 11:03:10 PM
hi everybody,
do u want to know what we are playing this year at fanime con. well hey we hooked u up!!!!!! thats right our web guru has posted the fansubs we are showing at the con. here is the link
check it out and tell me what u think. u happy, sad, or hmm interesting let us know since this your con. i'm just here as the face of of video programming. we will have another list later on us distro titles later. so enjoy and say thanks to tony and my team for the hard work we put in to the list, trust me it took a lot of work.
Title: video programming
Post by: Sucrose on March 02, 2006, 11:14:02 PM
Eee! I'm totally pumped to see Paradise Kiss on there, I've been dying to see it in all its animated glory. (And I'm interested in that Yakitate Japan thing, too...I think I saw ads for it at Fanime last year? Something.)
Title: video programming
Post by: RyuHayabusa on March 03, 2006, 12:02:57 AM
This is what you guys should do, show Rozen Maiden the 1st season before showing Traumend. It will throw a lot of viewers off the loop if they see the 2nd season and don't know what happened beforehand. Do it as a marathon viewing session at least for thursday, since nothing happens anyway on that day.

BTW, here are the titles that shouldn't be shown because they are licensed:

Kimi ga Nozomu Eien/The Eternity You Desire(aka Rumbling Hearts)
Shakugan no SHANA

That's it.
Title: video programming
Post by: Tuplica on March 03, 2006, 05:31:43 AM
This list is extremely impressive.  Too bad there isn't some way it could be printed up for the convention; there were lots of times where my friends and I were staring at a schedule and saw lots of titles we knew nothing about, thus usually avoided.  And other times where I stumbled into things that wer seriously not similar to my interests but didn't know...

Still, it's great having the list up this early! Thanks.
Title: video programming
Post by: Sora on March 03, 2006, 09:26:10 AM
It seems there are a lot on the list that I've never seen (some I haven't even heard of), but Last Order (FFVII) is good, though not quite as good as Avent Children because of the length.
Title: video programming
Post by: the otaku god on April 16, 2006, 12:57:17 AM
a every body just leting know there will be showings on thur from 5-10 in video room 3 and 4 hope full if theres enough time

Ayatsuri Sakon 1-2
Bomberman Jetters 1-2 eps(kids)
Buzzer Beater 1- 2
Canvas 2 ~Niji Iro no Sketch 1-2
Capeta 1-2
Da Capo Second Season 1-2
Gallery Fake 1-2
Happy Seven 1-2
Izumo: Takeki Tsurugi no Senki 1-2
Shinshaku Sanada Juyushi 1-2
Xenosaga: The Animation 1-2
Idaten Jump 1-2
Kagihime 1-2
Magikano 1-2
Kashimashi 1-2
Magical Canan 1-2
Mahoraba –Heartful Days ~ 1-2
Suzuka   1-2
Tactics 1-2
The Snow Queen   1-2
Tide-Line Blue 1-2
To Heart 2 1-2
Karin 1-2
Lemon Angel Project 1-2
Kage Kara Mamoru! 1-2
Yomigaeru Sora - Rescue Wings 1-2
Zoids Genesis 1-2
Master of Mosquiton '99  1-2
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu 1-2

i hope u like that idea
Title: video programming
Post by: the otaku god on May 15, 2006, 09:39:39 PM
we are now 2 weeks away and all i can say is ......
ARE U READY!!!!!!!!
our video programming will be better then any other cons programming. if u don't believe me look around at the other cons and see what they play and what we play. look at the rooms, the marathons, the events, and the late night programming

we are the con that cons wish to be, as prodigy once used for a album cover i will use for video programming slogan this year:
always outnumbered, never out gunned
just wait and see my amigos it will be a week u will never forget!
Title: video programming
Post by: topnotch97 on May 15, 2006, 10:17:36 PM
sniff. nosebleed. :oops:

more of those.... nosebleed :oops: