FanimeCon 2024 Forums

FanimeCon: Participate, Join, Create => Cosplay! Construction, Tips, Gatherings, Advice => Topic started by: Ryu-Ness on April 30, 2006, 01:33:36 AM

Title: The Bleach Project -- 2007
Post by: Ryu-Ness on April 30, 2006, 01:33:36 AM
[Dear Mods::
I understand this is an overlapping of topics. I apologize. Please delete the previous one as you see fit, as things got too complicated in that one to state clearly... so it had to be rewritten.]

Hey there.

I have been assigned second head of a project that I've nicknamed "The Bleach Project" for Fanime 2007. Wow, I feel special! O-ho-ho. Besides that, information might have gotten confusing in the original thread, but I'm here to spell it all out for y'all.

Our Mission:
To collect 25 cosplayers to recreate Bleach's system of 13 captains and 12 vice-captains. Shiba will be left dead (sorry, Shiba fans).

Our Methods:
We wish to create a systematic, polished, and uniform standard for which everyone will comply to. In other words, we desire to have a single seamstress and propsman to sew every costume in order to create uniformity. Although we have a seamstress and propsman selected at this moment, we will discuss the details after Fanime 2006.

Our Cost and Meetings:
The cost is currently being worked out to do complications in costume variations. Meeting times are being discussed and are subject to change depending on availability of the cosplayers involved.

Our Application (YES, right?):
We are looking for 24 cosplayers at this moment ("chief" has claimed Aizen). In order to apply, please download (right click, save as...) one of the following applications, fill out the information, and send the application with two pictures at minimum--one headshot, one body (out of costume preferred).

The documents can be found at:

And please send applications and photos to:
[email protected]

I realize we have previously promised positions to certain people. If you were one of these people, PLEASE reapply again. Due to complications in previous application methods, we are forced to start from scratch and erase all holds on any positions we have given out, other than chief's. I thoroughly apologize for this inconvenience.

If you do wish to fill out the application or do not have availability to the internet (although you couldn't read this, anyway), we will be recruiting cosplayers at Fanime 2006's Bleach Gathering.

-holds finger up- We want YOU! Haha, bad pun.

Original forum can be found at...

Good luck to you all!
-- Ryu
Title: The Bleach Project -- 2007
Post by: Rette on May 22, 2006, 08:22:36 PM
Hey guys....
Any news on this? I know you're going to be recruiting at the gathering but is there going to be another meeting for those already interested?
Title: The Bleach Project -- 2007
Post by: Ryu-Ness on May 26, 2006, 01:52:21 AM
We don't have another planned. Our current one is recrution at the Bleach gathering onri, but we will be wandering around the con for anyone we don't see there. =)
Title: The Bleach Project -- 2007
Post by: Rette on May 26, 2006, 02:07:33 AM
My gathering is right after, so I'll be around.  :D