FanimeCon 2024 Forums

FanimeCon: Participate, Join, Create => Cosplay! Construction, Tips, Gatherings, Advice => Topic started by: Blue Impulse on May 29, 2006, 04:16:43 PM

Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on May 29, 2006, 04:16:43 PM
Well just as last year I decided to start the thread the day after/during Fanime that it ends. 06' Went pretty well though it felt alittle odd, I don't know how many people felt the same but it didn't feel the same as last year. None the less let's get this train on its crash course. With just 367 days left til' Fanime 07'  there is alot of possibilites open. For 07' I am planning to go as either the Kazekage -- pre-Gaarakage -- or as my planned Kisame. Thats right I'm retiring the Dosu costume :( Sorry everyone but after this year it just got too hot for me in there when I almost passed out from heat stroke the second time I figured it was time to give it up.

Thank you to everyone who helped organize things from 06' you know who you are. Rhiannon aka Orchimaru -- Bart Boy -- Sara aka Ino. Thats all I can think of right now, i'm still pretty frazzled from the whole day unwhinding.

Also! Thank you to everyone who went and saw True Naruto Style the Movie. I know I have nothing to do with it, but the guys who made it really appreciate it!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on May 29, 2006, 05:00:00 PM
I agree, it felt less high-energy. And it was smaller! Wierd...

My brother and I will be coming as Sasuke-Itachi again! He's getting a little heavy for me to carry around on my back now, so this time I'll be Anbu Itachi and he'll be not-as-chibi-but-still-small Sasuke, whatever that means to you.



----------------Last Update: May 24, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: 1 PM
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot

The is a list of FanimeBoard Members


Anbu- Syxx, Yukari Kaiba
Akatsuki- nekokazzie's group (most of them. Because Heulangel's too lazy to list them all separately =P)

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- Samansa-chan (SNJ)
Ebisu- senritsu
Gaara- Krysta, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Haku- di3m05, AkiraOmega
Hiashi- MisakiFan41
Hidan- lycan510
Hinata- Yunri-Chan (Time Jump), Ruby, Shenanigan, IHS UG, Girlycard
Ino- serajwl
Iruka- Syl (SnJ)
Itachi- sadistic-otaku, kuroi, Inuashley
Jiraiya- Otaking007, narutofan17
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak (young), Tiger, YuffieK's friend (SNJ), IHS UG, *Sesshie's* Nina (Anbu)
Kakuzu- fr33lanc3r
Kankuro- IHS UG, Sygmus
Kiba- NaV, Kiba, YuffieK's friend, IHS UG, jimmycosplay
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kurenai- Imari-chan
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Meizu- Fishcooler (elder)
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi), Defective naruto (Time Jump), IHS UG (Time Jump), Asa-Taiyo, Garnetstar (Time Jump), Yunri-Chan (chibi)
Neji- IHS UG
Obito- sheikfreak's brother
Orochimaru- Leviathan
Rock Lee- Moogleborg, YuffieK (SnJ)
Sakura- IHS UG
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, jimmycosplay,
Rhomega_rei (Time Jump)
Shizune- Kintaka
Temari- luckyends, SelenDragon (Time Jump)
TenTen- ilikeolive, IHS UG
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- dasutin26 (Anbu)

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
YuffieK- Hinata or SnJ Rock Lee
Ren_Zhao- Sasuke or Naruto
She-she- TenTen or SnJ Rock Lee
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: KindaRandomKris on May 29, 2006, 07:19:10 PM
Ahh I didn't make it to this year's gathering - actually I did but didn't stay as I'd have liked, since I really just walked by, staring longingly and nearly colliding with several people.

I agree, the group did indeed look a lot smaller than last year's. I mean, you guys actually fit in the fountain area, even at the peak of the gathering o_O

I won't be able to make it to anymore Fanime's (*kicks college scheduling into the dirt*) but I hope you guys keep up the awesomeness that is Naruto gathering!

Ciao, younger people, older people, and same-age-as-I people!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yukari Kaiba on May 29, 2006, 08:17:26 PM
yeah the gathering this year seemed a little smaller than last year, but i still had a lot of fun. next year i dont think i'll be going as Kakashi (im not retiring it though ^^), but i was thinking about maybe going as Haku or Kiba. still too early to decide yet but im considering those two as possibilities ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Touya no Miko on May 29, 2006, 08:28:28 PM
Might be Anko again. Everyone loved the giant snake plushie brought with me. :D
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Syxx on May 29, 2006, 08:29:17 PM
this years con was defintly more low key and a bit smaller i was also noticeing alot more single day passes then pre reg badges =/ but i think over all the gathering was a success and the con was loads o fun yaoi night was kinda boaring but over all I loved every sleep deprived minute of it. Back on topic next year i will be anbu again but hopefully my cosplay partner for this year will actualy have his costume so the kakashi iruka anbu pair will be compleat btw i openly blame his Ex for his missing the first 2 days of the con :evil:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on May 29, 2006, 09:00:24 PM
Well, then, I probably should start a list so I don't have to look back over a 2648964153246878354154 posts later in the year ^^"

(obviously this list isn't definate, but it's a start =])

-----------------Last Update: May 30, 2006-----------------

Day: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Anbu- Syxx
Anko- Touya no Miko
Haku- di3m05
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- Hellangel (Anbu)
Kabuto- jess3zor
Kakashi- sheikfreak
Kiba- NaV, Kiba
Kimimaro- KillingYouGuy
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasuke- Hellangel's brother (chibi)
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Blue Impulse - Kazekage or Kisame
Yukari Kaiba - Haku or Kiba
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: NaV on May 29, 2006, 09:38:36 PM
Well i enjoyed the gathering this year, yea it was smaller but it had its moments
Hurray for kiba sex train!!!!!!!  i was the one on akamaru and ill have my kiba costume again next year ^^ I CANT WAIT!!!111
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: di3m05 on May 29, 2006, 09:55:44 PM
The gathering was much fun, yes. ^^ I'll probably be Haku again next year, though with the correct forehead protector. I felt so silly with a Konoha one instead of a mist...

Props to whoever brought the stereo!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on May 29, 2006, 10:36:04 PM
This year I'm sticking to easy cosplay... so I'll be Doing my Ino cosplay again next year along with my Siolid Snake Box cosplay XDXD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: DemonLordZabuza on May 29, 2006, 11:01:42 PM
I am concidering doing the Zabuza cosplay again for next year...this time bigger and better...hmmm...bigger...that will mean a bigger sword...ok...not really bigger...but better. :lol:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: KillingYouGuy on May 29, 2006, 11:08:21 PM
I hope to be able to go as someone from Naruto. Probably Kimimaro, as I'm boney up the yazoo.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: jess3zor on May 29, 2006, 11:54:02 PM
undecided if ill choose another character other then kabuto. Ill just improve the costume i already have, including the hair....

Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Itamiko on May 30, 2006, 02:40:45 PM
I will be there :3
I'll probably be going as long-haired Sakura once again, unless I can somehow get another costume (doubt it, parents already think I have too many, hahaha)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Kiba on May 30, 2006, 07:56:38 PM
Wow! It's a complete deja vu! I wonder if you guys will kick me out of the thread for failing last weekend. xD Actually, I did come for one day...but no costume. Hm, would you believe I have as little done now as I did when I first posted oh so long ago? Hm, the dream still lives on I suppose as someday being poor Akamaru plushie is beginning to look so sad....
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sheikfreak on May 30, 2006, 08:43:29 PM
I'll be kakashi again next year! That was so much fun, even though the mask smashed my nose and my feet are still recovering from the sandals. I guess the only good costumes are the painful ones. At least I can breathe again. I might try to do young Kakashi (12) for the gathering with my brother, Obito-kun and I'll try to convince my friend to be Rin! Someone please be a Yondaime! :lol:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 30, 2006, 11:08:54 PM
I'm just TOTALLY devistated at not getting to meet Orochimaru-sama....that or she was ignoring me which makes me want to cry even more.... :cry:  :cry:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on May 30, 2006, 11:46:18 PM
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"I'm just TOTALLY devistated at not getting to meet Orochimaru-sama....that or she was ignoring me which makes me want to cry even more.... :cry:  :cry:
you'll live... sorta?
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 30, 2006, 11:51:45 PM
Quote from: "Blue Impulse"
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"I'm just TOTALLY devistated at not getting to meet Orochimaru-sama....that or she was ignoring me which makes me want to cry even more.... :cry:  :cry:
you'll live... sorta?
*Twitches* It's a TERRIBLE crime! Don't try to minimize my pain!! :cry:  :cry:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: The_Merchant on May 30, 2006, 11:54:30 PM
I'll probably change it up for next year and am working my hardest to complete my Sasori costume just getting the back piece worked out.

Ayanami:  No worries you'll survive, this year I admit was smaller than last but it was still fun regardless ^^  I kind of wish i had brought the video camera this year since the Night At The Roxbury "Wanna Dance"  Pose would have looked priceless on video.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: phr34kish on May 31, 2006, 10:43:44 AM
Lesse... I've been going to Fanime for a few years now and have finally decided to getting around to an actual cosplay.

You guys can go ahead and plan on me going as Tsunade for now. :0 It's still way in advance, and i haven't started yet... lol my biggest problem is i absolutly refuse to go cheap on the materials. xD

So we'll see how far i can get done in a year. :3
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Samansa-chan on May 31, 2006, 10:51:14 AM
Well, considering this was my first cosplay ever even I have to admitt it seemed smaller than the other gatherings i'd seen so far. If anyone was wondering I was the ninja dressed completely in black with the fan, video camera, and light blue drawstring bag. Speaking of which I think i'll be going again as the same thing this year ^^ Sign me up under Generic Hidden Leaf!

Arg. Where would one find a picture of herself in her costume on the biiiig wide internet? I wonder I wonder.  :?  :?
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 31, 2006, 12:09:39 PM
I'm thinking I might try to do Kimimaru next year if I can get in contact with Orochimaru-sama. It's just an idea though, and I'm STILL unsure if it's something I want..
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on May 31, 2006, 09:47:23 PM
-----------------Last Update: June 1, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Anbu- Syxx
Hidden Leaf- Samansa-chan

Anko- Touya no Miko
Haku- di3m05
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- Hellangel (Anbu), sadistic-otaku
Kabuto- jess3zor
Kakashi- sheikfreak
Kiba- NaV, Kiba
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy, Ayanami Rei First Child
Kisame- fr33lanc3r
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasuke- Hellangel's brother (chibi)
Tsunade- phr34kish
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Blue Impulse - Kazekage or Kisame
Yukari Kaiba - Haku or Kiba
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sheikfreak on May 31, 2006, 11:01:54 PM
anyone know where I can find photos from the naruto gathering? I know there's a lot on Anywhere else?
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: di3m05 on May 31, 2006, 11:19:08 PM
Quote from: "sheikfreak"anyone know where I can find photos from the naruto gathering? I know there's a lot on Anywhere else?
BART-boy's got a bunch here:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yukari Kaiba on May 31, 2006, 11:56:32 PM
did anyone get the picture of all the "perverts"? My camera had died so i didnt get anyone to take a picture for me (since i was Kakashi and i just had to be in the photo XD)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: PixieCat on June 01, 2006, 12:09:14 AM
I am in complete disbelief that this thread showed up already...

And that people have costumes picked out. Strange folk, all of you.
I'm sure I will HAVE a Naruto cosplay. What it will be remains to be seen.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sheikfreak on June 01, 2006, 12:14:54 AM
Quote from: "di3m05"
Quote from: "sheikfreak"anyone know where I can find photos from the naruto gathering? I know there's a lot on Anywhere else?
BART-boy's got a bunch here:


...can't believe my wig looked that funky. I'll have to find a better one for next year...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Samansa-chan on June 01, 2006, 05:48:51 AM
Quote from: "di3m05"
Quote from: "sheikfreak"anyone know where I can find photos from the naruto gathering? I know there's a lot on Anywhere else?
BART-boy's got a bunch here:

Hah!! I found two parts of me! i found a quarter of me and a whole HALF  Of me!

I must brag.



Neh, Not that good. ^^; first cosplay crappy costume. I LOVE IT! -hugs picture- considering it was my first costume I think I did pretty good.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zouri on June 01, 2006, 05:10:08 PM
Well, since Gaara wasn't done in time, I'll definately have him ready by next year. Although I might do 2 Naruto characters. And if I do I'm definately going as Sasori's giant puppet-o-evil (totally forgot it's name).
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on June 01, 2006, 05:25:15 PM
Hey... I have a request! DO you guys trhink we could have the gathering on Saturday in 07 asd opposed to sunday? This year I missed like, half the gathering due to masquerade practice... And I tend on being in the masquerade next year as well.

Would that be okay?
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fr33lanc3r on June 01, 2006, 05:59:18 PM
count me in as kisame :3 (or any new akatsuki member that decides to show up in manga)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on June 01, 2006, 06:11:37 PM
Quote from: "serajwl"Hey... I have a request! DO you guys trhink we could have the gathering on Saturday in 07 asd opposed to sunday? This year I missed like, half the gathering due to masquerade practice... And I tend on being in the masquerade next year as well.

Would that be okay?

I agree. I had...5 different outfits to change into on Sunday, so moving this gathering would be nice ^^" Plus I'm going to be in Masquerade next year, so, yeah, clearing out Sunday would be great.

I've listed that as our day, until someone challenges it =]
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on June 01, 2006, 06:16:00 PM
well my vote outrules everyone -- it's changed to saturday. ya.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sadistic-otaku on June 01, 2006, 08:29:29 PM
I'll be going as Itachi again, I think ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on June 01, 2006, 09:37:59 PM
:P thanks Taylor. *noogie*
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on June 01, 2006, 11:04:24 PM
Well I'm really looking foward to taking pictures of all the Orochimarus, Hinatas, Sakuras, and ANKOS!! *_*
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: The_Merchant on June 01, 2006, 11:07:26 PM
Quote from: "serajwl"Hey... I have a request! DO you guys trhink we could have the gathering on Saturday in 07 asd opposed to sunday? This year I missed like, half the gathering due to masquerade practice... And I tend on being in the masquerade next year as well.

Would that be okay?

I'd have to second that and if it could be in the early afternoon would be cool too as a lot of the major gatherings for some of us clash during the later part
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on June 03, 2006, 11:21:30 AM
Hmm... we shyould have another crazy event. Like what? I dont know....
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fr33lanc3r on June 03, 2006, 12:05:20 PM
Quote from: "serajwl"Hmm... we shyould have another crazy event. Like what? I dont know....

well... they had ninja twister this year and last... maybe... ninja jump rope...? >_> i dont know i just woke up...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on June 03, 2006, 12:07:13 PM
...i didn't play ninja-ninja-anbu this year! o__o

-----------------Last Update: June 21, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Anbu- Syxx
Hidden Leaf- Samansa-chan

Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Haku- di3m05
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- Hellangel (Anbu), sadistic-otaku
Kabuto- jess3zor
Kakashi- sheikfreak
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy, Ayanami Rei First Child
Kisame- fr33lanc3r
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasuke- Hellangel's brother (chibi), fighter_for_hire (Emo!)
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11 (?)
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Yukari Kaiba - Haku or Kiba
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Kiba on June 03, 2006, 05:25:02 PM
Haha, I don't know why, but I wanted to say thanks hellangel for always updating that list, even though it's so early on. ^_^ Maybe next year I'll go the entire weekend instead of just one day like I did this year. Anyway, the list reminds me I can't lame-out like I already did once. xD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on June 03, 2006, 07:48:11 PM
Quote from: "Kiba"Haha, I don't know why, but I wanted to say thanks hellangel for always updating that list, even though it's so early on. ^_^

no problem ^___^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on June 14, 2006, 06:27:45 PM
I go hang out with the True Naruto Style guys for one weekend and you let my thread fall to page 2!?!?! WHATS THE DEAL PEOPLE! I NEED 100% POSTAGE
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on June 15, 2006, 11:48:13 AM
lawl. sorry man. I was having too much fun discussing fursuiting :P


Time jump Ino or regular Ino? :o

I'm replacing my crazy blue contacts and remaking my Ino costume, so maybe i can make a time jump? I WILL be the best Ino cosplayer foooreeever! bwahahahaha
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fr33lanc3r on June 15, 2006, 02:36:52 PM
time jump!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Kiba on June 15, 2006, 04:06:13 PM
Gah, I'm a loser, I completely forgot about time jump Kiba. Hm...would that be easier than earlier Kiba? I have no idea, I don't even have a pic. >.< ( aww...poor Akamaru will have to stay tiny either way xD )
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on June 15, 2006, 05:07:30 PM
Okay, i'm gonna be going as the Kazekage for sure, fuck Kisame, I love the hat.

Also, TNS the movie will be showing at AX! Everyone go to...

if you're going to AX and post that you want it shown!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on June 15, 2006, 09:38:10 PM
Quote from: "Blue Impulse"Okay, i'm gonna be going as the Kazekage for sure, fuck Kisame, I love the hat.

Updated ^___^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on June 16, 2006, 11:41:37 AM
Okay, change of plans AX mods are being lame and won't show TNS the movie. Don't go.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Touya no Miko on June 16, 2006, 12:34:12 PM
On second thought, there's a possible chance I might not cosplay as a Naruto  character. Sorry guys, it's just I just got a whole bunch of different ideas for cosplay. ^^;
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fighter_for_hire on June 17, 2006, 02:32:01 PM
I'll probably be Emo Sasuke again aka slave to Inner Sakura (if I can convince my friend to cosplay as her again) and maybe i'll have the cursed seal *shrugs*

wow i feel special i was right in the middle of that picture XD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on June 19, 2006, 10:39:10 PM
Ey, Taylor, I'm getting Taisen 4 and a freeloader, so we should make a team! I played with Jiraiya and I wasnt too bad :o but after playing, i feel the need to do it again >)

lol. let's re-enact the TNS movies. LIVE!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on June 19, 2006, 11:18:36 PM
lol... .... i'm really tired....

6 hours of Smash ... XD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: MisakiFan41 on June 20, 2006, 11:36:57 AM
already? man I'm about to help coordinate the AX naruto gathering @___@;;;;;

and thats gonna be hard as hell @@;;;

but ey I'll put whatever skills I get from AX and bring em back to this gathering =D

and I'll see whats a good spot to move the gathering to after we take group photos and such. I might try something different next year than what happened this year =D
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: digimel11 on June 20, 2006, 07:46:01 PM
dear goodness it's early for cosplay ideas...hmmm well, let's see...I'm DEFINITELY going to finish my costume this time. I just can't decided who yet but i was thinking Yondaime. i'm not sure yet but i'll probably change my mind again before Fanime.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sharingannosasuke on June 20, 2006, 10:26:55 PM
Quote from: "fighter_for_hire"I'll probably be Emo Sasuke again aka slave to Inner Sakura (if I can convince my friend to cosplay as her again) and maybe i'll have the cursed seal *shrugs*

wow i feel special i was right in the middle of that picture XD

hey i remember you! i wanted to "borrow" you for a minute but you ran off... sigh... i was a sasuke on that day too..
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fighter_for_hire on June 21, 2006, 01:58:14 PM
Quote from: "sharingannosasuke"
Quote from: "fighter_for_hire"I'll probably be Emo Sasuke again aka slave to Inner Sakura (if I can convince my friend to cosplay as her again) and maybe i'll have the cursed seal *shrugs*

wow i feel special i was right in the middle of that picture XD

hey i remember you! i wanted to "borrow" you for a minute but you ran off... sigh... i was a sasuke on that day too..

Oh? I'm sorry! XD Maybe next year? lol
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on June 25, 2006, 12:24:14 PM
Next year I think i'm gonna go molest a bunch of Sasukes >)

Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: dosukinuta4 on June 25, 2006, 12:40:20 PM
Sasuke? Wat about me?
I thought u loved me.. XP
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on June 25, 2006, 12:47:43 PM
Oh I love you plenty.

by molest I mean somehow find a yaoi paddle and use it on them.

that kind of molestation.

I'll molest you later >)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: dosukinuta4 on June 26, 2006, 01:29:49 PM
Um.... y has this thread stopped?
I hope Sara and i didnt scare everyone away.....

*insert random topic here*
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on June 26, 2006, 01:31:24 PM
I always kill threads =(

I was thinking yesterday. And if I was a guy I'd hella cosplay as Zaku. Has anypne ever seen a real life zaku cosplay? I haven't...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on June 26, 2006, 02:26:07 PM
Er, not contributing anything conversation-wise, just moving the list to this page so it doesn't get lost ^^"

-----------------Last Update: June 26, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Anbu- Syxx
Hidden Leaf- Samansa-chan

Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Haku- di3m05
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- Hellangel (Anbu), sadistic-otaku
Kabuto- jess3zor
Kakashi- sheikfreak
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy, Ayanami Rei First Child
Kisame- fr33lanc3r
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasuke- Hellangel's brother (chibi), fighter_for_hire
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11 (?)
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Yukari Kaiba - Haku or Kiba
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: dosukinuta4 on June 26, 2006, 07:25:22 PM
Then wat good are you, besides keeping the list updated and everything....

So ya, im in Costa Rica right now.
I come back this thursday, and ive already been here for a week and a half, its been AWESOME
*pokes all of you and laughs* Im in Costa Rica and you're not >)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on June 26, 2006, 07:37:57 PM
Quote from: "dosukinuta4"Then wat good are you, besides keeping the list updated and everything....

So ya, im in Costa Rica right now.
I come back this thursday, and ive already been here for a week and a half, its been AWESOME
*pokes all of you and laughs* Im in Costa Rica and you're not >)

haha ^^
have fun in costa rica!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on June 26, 2006, 10:02:23 PM
Well i've been making money and you haven't.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: dosukinuta4 on June 27, 2006, 07:41:48 PM
Ill be making more money this summer than you :P
4 days a week, 8 hours a day, at $9 an hour, i win XD
And my summer is longer than yours probly is, since UCLA doesnt start the fall quarter till the end of September >)
So, overall, ill make more money than you, and then spend it all ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on June 27, 2006, 10:44:41 PM
Damn. I thought I won for a minute there ><

My job still roxorz thwe big one.

One day I think I'll be a loser and do a semi-cosplay as Ino in Baskin Robbins attire XD

we need more people in this thread =(
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on June 27, 2006, 11:09:37 PM
Damn. I thought I won for a minute there ><

My job still roxorz thwe big one.

One day I think I'll be a loser and do a semi-cosplay as Ino in Baskin Robbins attire XD

we need more people in this thread =(
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on June 28, 2006, 06:57:54 AM
Quote from: "dosukinuta4"Ill be making more money this summer than you :P
4 days a week, 8 hours a day, at $9 an hour, i win XD
And my summer is longer than yours probly is, since UCLA doesnt start the fall quarter till the end of September >)
So, overall, ill make more money than you, and then spend it all ^^
...Dude i've been doing the extra same hours and pay for like... 3 weeks already, on top of that... i've been out of school for a year ... o.O;

Besides, working for your mommy isn't much to brag about ;P
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on June 28, 2006, 08:47:46 AM
Now children :P
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: dosukinuta4 on June 28, 2006, 08:49:15 AM
Um, who says i work for my mom?  I just work in the same office as my mom, and so she's the reason i got the job, but i dont work for her. :P
I work for my boss, Sarah. Shes the main file clerk, and me and one other guy are currently the main office clerks.
So i still win :P
And im actually going to college, so i win again >)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on June 28, 2006, 10:58:41 AM
Quote from: "dosukinuta4"Um, who says i work for my mom?  I just work in the same office as my mom, and so she's the reason i got the job, but i dont work for her. :P
I work for my boss, Sarah. Shes the main file clerk, and me and one other guy are currently the main office clerks.
So i still win :P
And im actually going to college, so i win again >)

college for what  :roll:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: dosukinuta4 on June 28, 2006, 08:40:36 PM
So i can get a degree and actually get a good job that pays well.
Duh XP
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on June 28, 2006, 09:57:12 PM
Quote from: "dosukinuta4"So i can get a degree and actually get a good job that pays well.
Duh XP

I ment what classes.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sharingannosasuke on July 01, 2006, 01:16:03 AM
yeah.. i'm going as a sasuke next year again..
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ska_Kitti on July 02, 2006, 01:14:12 PM
My friends are pushing for me to go as Orochimaru-sama... so put me down please. :]
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fighter_for_hire on July 04, 2006, 08:51:23 PM
So many random conversations about molestation, yaoi, college, and more cosplay goodness...

*feels random pokes every one*
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Monica on July 04, 2006, 09:07:16 PM
Quote from: "serajwl"I always kill threads =(

I was thinking yesterday. And if I was a guy I'd hella cosplay as Zaku. Has anypne ever seen a real life zaku cosplay? I haven't...

Here ya go Sera
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on July 04, 2006, 09:35:15 PM
Pfft. I already found all the google ones.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: TheDarkenedElf on July 04, 2006, 09:59:49 PM
Hey all.
Er, next year I'll proubably wear my Kyuubi again.  ^^ Though, this time I'll try to make the mask so I can.. y'know.. breathe and NOT die.. o.o;

I'm also planning on making a Sakura costume or two.  Time jump and rocker (from the art book where Sakura's on guitar, Sasuke's on bass, Kakashi drums and Naruto vocals), though I may or may not bring Rokura. (What I've dubbed Rocker Sakura ^^)

Anyways, I can't wait.  ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on July 04, 2006, 11:12:13 PM
I'm back from AX, so here's your updated list!

(TheDarkenedElf, I put you down as Kyuubi, but I wasn't sure if that's the one you're going to wear to the gathering. Feel free to correct me if necessary ^___^)

-----------------Last Update: July 13, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Anbu- Syxx
Hidden Leaf- Samansa-chan

Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- BunofGovt
Haku- di3m05
Hinata- Yunri-Chan
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- Hellangel (Anbu), sadistic-otaku
Jiraiya- Jehuty
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy, Ayanami Rei First Child
Kisame- fr33lanc3r
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Orochimaru- Ska_Kitti
Rock Lee- Moogleborg
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- Hellangel's brother (chibi), fighter_for_hire
Tsunade- phr34kish, TF member
Yondaime- digimel11 (?)
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Yukari Kaiba - Haku or Kiba
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ska_Kitti on July 05, 2006, 05:15:53 PM
o_o Ah.. first ever Naruto cosplay. *cheers* I'll add a couple more to the group:

TF Members: Tsunade, Kabuto
Jehuty: Jiraiya
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on July 05, 2006, 11:01:19 PM
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Moogleborg on July 06, 2006, 07:43:39 PM
I might possibly be Rock Lee for next years Fanime! ^_^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BunofGovt on July 06, 2006, 10:19:05 PM
hellangel - is it possible to move the list to page one, so we don't have to search through all the pages for the updated list?

My friends are talking me into a Naruto cosplay and I'm almost decided on trying a winged Chouji for 2007.  But there's a minor character in one of the filler episodes that looked fairly easy (the curry-making grandma), or the Raiga/Ranmaru characters in the same storyline (which would be more complicated but if anyone saw my Kenpachi/Yachiru outfit, they'll know what lengths I'll go to for cosplay  :wink: ).
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on July 07, 2006, 08:59:37 PM
Yah, I was the Hinata that was stupid enough hide behind a tree when the Naruto came. ><' I thought it was cute at the time, but now... I see how stupid I am.... >.> lol This was my first gathering, and I found it really fun. But there are suprisingly few pics post up for it... or at least like none of me. lol Does anyone have the Team 8 pic, btw?

Alrighties, I'm planning to do Hinata again next year, but probably TJ, since I don't want to use that costume for an year. x_x; lol And I'm also playing with the idea of doing Akamaru [partnering up with Heat, the Kiba who was in the tree], but like.... in that whatever-jutsu-thing-it's-called where he looks like Kiba, so I'll just get doggy ears or whatever. lol :3
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on July 08, 2006, 03:07:05 PM
Hey I remember you hinata..... i think.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on July 08, 2006, 04:07:56 PM
Quote from: "BunofGovt"hellangel - is it possible to move the list to page one, so we don't have to search through all the pages for the updated list? not really? i didn't start this thread, so i can't change the first post. that's why i move the list to the next page whenever another one starts up ^^" so, if you find the list on the last page, that's the updated on.

i *could* put it in a post i made on the first page, though. would you people prefer that?
...then i'd have to go back and delete all the other lists so people won't get confused...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on July 10, 2006, 11:34:02 AM
Quote from: "Blue Impulse"Hey I remember you hinata..... i think.

Ha ha, really? Thanks, glad to know I didn't like... die or something... >< lol

hellangel~ *nods* You should edit that page one post... and if you don't want to put the list there, you can always post something about going to the most recent entry or something. Iono. >.>
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Kiba on July 10, 2006, 02:33:42 PM
Oh I don't know, I sort of liked seeing the updated list on each page. Like you said, you put it on every new page so it's not exactly the hardest thing in the world to find. Well, maybe that's just me, but I like being reminded, it shows you're on top of things, and well..just my opinion I guess. ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Gaara N Rock Lee on July 10, 2006, 10:43:52 PM
ummm i may be a little misinformed.... but is cosplay only in CA??? cuz i REELY have been wanting to go to a con but i never get the chance... so i was wondering if in 2007 maybe they will have it in new york or baltimore or just sumwhere on the east coast!?!?!?!? ARRGGHH!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on July 10, 2006, 10:49:03 PM
Are you kidding me? Otakon is in Baltimor. It's the biggest con on the east coast.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BunofGovt on July 11, 2006, 04:28:42 AM
Quote from: "hellangel"
Quote from: "BunofGovt"hellangel - is it possible to move the list to page one, so we don't have to search through all the pages for the updated list? not really? i didn't start this thread, so i can't change the first post. that's why i move the list to the next page whenever another one starts up ^^" so, if you find the list on the last page, that's the updated on.

i *could* put it in a post i made on the first page, though. would you people prefer that?
...then i'd have to go back and delete all the other lists so people won't get confused...

If you edit your post on the first page and include the date updated/edited, you don't have to delete the other lists because they're dated also.  But what Kiba says is okay too.  i didn't realize it myself until I reread this thread, it's interesting seeing who's posted and whatnot, etc.

Quote from: "Kiba"Oh I don't know, I sort of liked seeing the updated list on each page. Like you said, you put it on every new page so it's not exactly the hardest thing in the world to miss. Well, maybe that's just me, but I like being reminded, it shows you're on top of things, and well..just my opinion I guess. ^^

I'd probably end up re-reading the whole thread again anyway just for fun!   :D
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Gaara N Rock Lee on July 11, 2006, 07:57:21 AM
ooo sweet so there is a con on the east coast...yes!!!!! but when is otakon????
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: serajwl on July 11, 2006, 09:26:02 AM
Mmmm... August 4th-6th.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on July 11, 2006, 01:26:12 PM
Quote from: "Gaara N Rock Lee"ummm i may be a little misinformed.... but is cosplay only in CA??? cuz i REELY have been wanting to go to a con but i never get the chance... so i was wondering if in 2007 maybe they will have it in new york or baltimore or just sumwhere on the east coast!?!?!?!? ARRGGHH!

are you kidding? COSPLAY IS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...yeah. Well, on the East Coast, there's a few LARGE ones, but not a lot of smaller ones (there's only a few). Unlike San Francisco, where you can randomly walk into one on accident...

But, yeah, Otakon is there. I think there's a few large ones in Florida, too? And some in New York. Eh. I'd have to go look them up...

Quote from: "BunofGovt"I'd probably end up re-reading the whole thread again anyway just for fun!   :D

Ugh. When I started keeping the list last-last year, I started in the middle of the year, so I had to go through EVERY ENTRY to make sure I didn't miss anyone. Trust me, re-reading the thread gets kind of painful after a while, especially since half our conversations here don't make sense (which is part of the fun ^^")...


To compromise on the Cast List Placement discussion, I'll update the one on the FIRST page AND keep an updated on on the LAST page. So there you go. Yayness.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: The_Merchant on July 13, 2006, 12:30:25 AM
Quote from: "hellangel"I'm back from AX, so here's your updated list!

(TheDarkenedElf, I put you down as Kyuubi, but I wasn't sure if that's the one you're going to wear to the gathering. Feel free to correct me if necessary ^___^)

-----------------Last Update: July 11, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Anbu- Syxx
Hidden Leaf- Samansa-chan

Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- BunofGovt
Haku- di3m05
Hinata- Yunri-Chan
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- Hellangel (Anbu), sadistic-otaku
Jiraiya- Jehuty
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy, Ayanami Rei First Child
Kisame- fr33lanc3r
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Orochimaru- Ska_Kitti
Rock Lee- Moogleborg
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasuke- Hellangel's brother (chibi), fighter_for_hire
Tsunade- phr34kish, TF member
Yondaime- digimel11 (?)
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Yukari Kaiba - Haku or Kiba
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet

Oi you forgot me <ish sad> I'm hoping to god I get my Sasori costume done in time.  I know it's a while off but it is a big project nonetheless.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Gaara N Rock Lee on July 13, 2006, 01:10:14 AM
o yea well that just made my day.... well i found out that i am going to go on a vacation to cali the same week as the con so im in luk...yay!!!!!!!!!!!!   Well slap me silly and call me laviticus
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on July 13, 2006, 10:04:39 AM
Quote from: "The_Merchant"Oi you forgot me <ish sad> I'm hoping to god I get my Sasori costume done in time.  I know it's a while off but it is a big project nonetheless.

Uwah, I'm sorry!!! ;___: *updates*
-----------------Last Update: August 23, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Akatsuki- Samansa-chan
Anbu- Syxx

Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- BunofGovt
Haku- di3m05
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- Hellangel (Anbu), sadistic-otaku
Jiraiya- Jehuty
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy, Ayanami Rei First Child
Kisame- fr33lanc3r
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Orochimaru- Ska_Kitti
Rock Lee- Moogleborg
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- Hellangel's brother (chibi), fighter_for_hire
Tsunade- phr34kish, TF member
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Yukari Kaiba - Haku or Kiba
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Yukari Kaiba - Haku or Kiba
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: The_Merchant on July 13, 2006, 03:21:24 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"
Quote from: "The_Merchant"Oi you forgot me <ish sad> I'm hoping to god I get my Sasori costume done in time.  I know it's a while off but it is a big project nonetheless.

Uwah, I'm sorry!!! ;___: *updates*

Yay Thanks! <hugs and ish happy again>
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ska_Kitti on July 13, 2006, 08:43:47 PM
I'll see what I can do for a "full" Sannin group including guardian animals... hopefully not lifesize, but we shall see. ^_^ YOSH! *thumbs up*
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Jyunishinsho on July 15, 2006, 01:28:03 AM
Let's just say.
My friends brought me into this.
Make me a Zabuza.
And maybe a Sasuke.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on July 17, 2006, 11:07:56 AM
sigh. :D
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on July 20, 2006, 07:42:38 PM
sOo...what's up...

anyone up to go against the Pirates?
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on July 24, 2006, 12:05:13 PM
That reminds me... Clerks 2 was awesome.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: The Nameplate Ninja on July 25, 2006, 10:52:59 PM
Quote from: "Blue Impulse"That reminds me... Clerks 2 was awesome.

LOL "There's only one return and it's not of the king, it's of the Jedi!"
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BunofGovt on July 26, 2006, 09:36:42 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"sOo...what's up...

anyone up to go against the Pirates?

dangit, that would be awkward for me ... wait, split personality about to emerge ...  :twisted:  :wink:  :roll:  :?  :shock:

Yep, you're on!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ska_Kitti on July 26, 2006, 11:46:54 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"sOo...what's up...

anyone up to go against the Pirates?
xD I could never decided whose side to pick in a "Gyar vs Hiyah" battle, however, I will have a FULL Senin team with their creatures so that means I get to play ninja. I'll see what I can do about making Mondo life size. o.o
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on July 27, 2006, 09:08:18 PM
I like pirates would be awesome to swarm them with our horde of ninja XD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BunofGovt on August 01, 2006, 08:41:47 PM
OFNC ( wants to meet up with the pirates at their gathering also.  

If you all are going to meet on Saturday, did you want us to have the pirate gathering at the same time?  (we'll take one side of the fountain, you can have the other for photoshoots).  I'm hoping the One Piece gathering can be held right after to accommodate.  (an accommodating pirate I be, arrrr)  

Buuuut .... if we do this at the same time, I'll have to opt out of my Chouji outfit   :cry:  gomen - unless I get a huge cape to cover my outfit and then whip it off at the proper unexpected moment!

Arr arr argh!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fr33lanc3r on August 05, 2006, 02:03:19 AM
can u change my kisame to undecided akatsuki? i might be tobi or kisame or any new akatsuki @_@ so hard to decide
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on August 05, 2006, 04:45:09 PM
Quote from: "fr33lanc3r"can u change my kisame to undecided akatsuki? i might be tobi or kisame or any new akatsuki @_@ so hard to decide

Done! ^__^
Title: Wee! Costume change!
Post by: Samansa-chan on August 09, 2006, 09:32:48 PM
Thanks for updating it! I've decided, i'm going to be the Akatsuki member on wheels!

So, That's the deal with that. And you know, I think i'll be the ONLY ninja there in roller blades. HAH. It's only because I could hardly walk the first day there. So maybe gliding would be easier!

(And on that note, Does anyone know where the boards are for Air Gear cosplayers, If any? If not i'll just have to go as an OC based off of the Air Gear series :twisted: )

Considering 2007 will be my second cosplay, I think it'll be a HELL of alot cooler than it was this year!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ska_Kitti on August 09, 2006, 10:42:02 PM
x3 So I broke Orochimaru's belt at AOD last weekend. That means that I'll probably scrap THAT version and go with a different costume.

Someone needs to go as "Sasuke Samurai", damnit. I want an apprentice, lol.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fr33lanc3r on August 10, 2006, 07:16:57 PM
so yeah.... i decided to be kisame again -_-;; i got a slashed mist headband so... no turning back now =3... wish i had an itachi to hang out with tho =(
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Samansa-chan on August 12, 2006, 06:40:09 PM
Quote from: "fr33lanc3r"so yeah.... i decided to be kisame again -_-;; i got a slashed mist headband so... no turning back now =3... wish i had an itachi to hang out with tho =(

Lol, I'm definantly(sp?) going to be an Akatsuki Member now, since I just got my cloak and it's SO awesome. I'm not an Itachi, but people say I look like him because of the way I glare ._......I'll be your Itachi-imposter! :D
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fr33lanc3r on August 12, 2006, 09:24:35 PM
yay! we should get all of akatsuki together. We have a whole year to do it anyways xD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Samansa-chan on August 12, 2006, 09:46:46 PM
Quote from: "fr33lanc3r"yay! we should get all of akatsuki together. We have a whole year to do it anyways xD

Yay! ^^ i'm so riled up about finishing my costume, i'm probably going to have 3 different ones finished months before the cosplay! 8D

Well I'm going to make sure I get mre picture of me taken this year. I've found a total of 5 pictures of me, and half of those are half cut off. ;^;

YOSH! -holds up fist- If all else fails i'll have my dad take pictures of me by myself! But I would really like to take pictures with friends if I had any T^T.....

.............Hey.......fr33lanc3r.......Wanna be my friend? 8DDD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fr33lanc3r on August 13, 2006, 11:24:54 AM
sure! xept im a kisame without a sword and ninja pants T_T i got the materials but my sewing machine is out of order atm :(
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Samansa-chan on August 13, 2006, 04:12:29 PM
Quote from: "fr33lanc3r"sure! xept im a kisame without a sword and ninja pants
T_T i got the materials but my sewing machine is out of order atm :(

Aww. I hope it works soon! And, I don't mind you not having a sword. It just means one less prop to get hit by this year :D!

I swear.  Last year I got hit by 4974876948 props. Miroku's staff, clouds sword, and Even Van's wings from escaflowne >:[

And as for the ninja pants, i'm wearing Hakama instead of pants >.>
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ruby on August 23, 2006, 03:58:10 AM
I plan (keyword: PLAN), on cosplaying as Hinata and possibly Tsunade as well. :D Depends on my budget but yeah. >_>
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ska_Kitti on August 23, 2006, 04:23:05 PM
I hope I can make it to the gathering, whichever day/time it is. I don't know this series very well, but I'm interested in the character design.

I just know I need an "Orochimaru To Do List" for pictures, so I hope I can snag a helpful person, haha.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on August 23, 2006, 05:08:19 PM
Quote from: "Ruby"I plan (keyword: PLAN), on cosplaying as Hinata and possibly Tsunade as well. :D Depends on my budget but yeah. >_>

I updated the list with you as Hinata. Tell me if that changes  :)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ruby on August 24, 2006, 01:43:51 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"
Quote from: "Ruby"I plan (keyword: PLAN), on cosplaying as Hinata and possibly Tsunade as well. :D Depends on my budget but yeah. >_>

I updated the list with you as Hinata. Tell me if that changes  :)

Thanks! :D And I shall!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Tiger on August 24, 2006, 05:57:45 PM
Hey look, I'mma postin' again! Rare, yes.

Anywho, methinks I'll be doing Kakashi this year, as long as I can get the blasted forehead protector to fit on my head right. >_> Curse my narrow forehead.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ruby on August 24, 2006, 08:19:19 PM
Quote from: "Tiger"Hey look, I'mma postin' again! Rare, yes.

Anywho, methinks I'll be doing Kakashi this year, as long as I can get the blasted forehead protector to fit on my head right. >_> Curse my narrow forehead.

Haha~ You have a narrrrrowwww foreheaddd :O *pokepoke taunt* XD YAY KAKASHI-SENSEI~~~~~  :oops:  :oops:  :oops:  :oops:  :D  :D
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on August 24, 2006, 09:21:53 PM
-----------------Last Update: September 30, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Akatsuki- Samansa-chan
Anbu- Syxx

Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- BunofGovt
Gaara- Krysta
Haku- di3m05, Yukari Kaiba
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- Hellangel (Anbu), sadistic-otaku
Jiraiya- Jehuty
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak, Tiger
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy, Ayanami Rei First Child
Kisame- fr33lanc3r
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Orochimaru- Ska_Kitti
Rock Lee- Moogleborg
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- Hellangel's brother (chibi), fighter_for_hire, sharingannosasuke
Tsunade- phr34kish, TF member
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Yukari Kaiba - Haku or Kiba
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on September 12, 2006, 04:56:08 PM
Naruto seems to be drizzling down... :\
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sharingannosasuke on September 12, 2006, 05:46:42 PM
hey guys.. i shall be going as a sasuke again..
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: ININ on September 15, 2006, 05:24:02 PM
Hello, fellow cosplayers.  I have two Naruto cosplayers who need to be identified on my webpage . . . and a few more.

Can anyone help me at least identify the two Naruto cosplayers.  Thank you ^_^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on September 17, 2006, 06:23:53 PM
Quote from: "ININ"Hello, fellow cosplayers.  I have two Naruto cosplayers who need to be identified on my webpage . . . and a few more.

Can anyone help me at least identify the two Naruto cosplayers.  Thank you ^_^

#22 is probably (Anbu) Itachi
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yukari Kaiba on September 20, 2006, 03:17:31 PM
so after much deliberation , i have decided who ill cosplay as for next year's gathering. I'll be cosplaying as Haku, so you can take me off the undecided list ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Krysta on September 30, 2006, 10:24:20 PM
Im going to be going as either kazekage gaara or a newer version of gaara...if they come up with one in the manga =)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on September 30, 2006, 11:41:27 PM
woohoo gaara!!! <3 ^__^

(er, I mean...list updated!)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: uzutake on October 02, 2006, 06:53:34 PM
I was just wondering, would you guys mind if fangirls came by unexpectedly and got, y'know, fangirly? Surprisingly unexpected glomps, millions of pictures, millions of hugs, and the usual fangirling?

^^() *is one of them* XDD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on October 03, 2006, 04:44:32 PM
Quote from: "uzutake"I was just wondering, would you guys mind if fangirls came by unexpectedly and got, y'know, fangirly? Surprisingly unexpected glomps, millions of pictures, millions of hugs, and the usual fangirling?

^^() *is one of them* XDD

of course we won't mind!! =3
Title: Akamaru!
Post by: PacificPikachu on October 10, 2006, 04:53:38 PM
I'll be bringing my Akamaru costume from last year, so expect to see me at the gathering!

Last year's gathering was sooo much fun~! All the crack!posing was great, and it was hilarious watching the poor normal people in the park trying to figure out what was going on.


Darn it, I'm already so excited for Fanime 2007.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ska_Kitti on October 10, 2006, 08:11:52 PM
I've been revamping my cosplay schedule for Fanime 2007. If all looks as it's scheduled, I may not be able to reconstruct Orochimaru, let alone commission Tsunade or Jiraiya. I'll know by April or March. Until then, please take them off the list.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on October 11, 2006, 05:26:14 PM
-----------------Last Update: November 17, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Akatsuki- Samansa-chan
Anbu- Syxx

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- BunofGovt
Gaara- Krysta
Haku- di3m05, Yukari Kaiba
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby, Shenanigan
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- Hellangel (Anbu), sadistic-otaku
Jiraiya- Otaking007
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak, Tiger
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kisame- fr33lanc3r
Kotetsu- luckyends
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi)
Rock Lee- Moogleborg
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, Hellangel's brother (chibi)
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: LinLinLucy on October 11, 2006, 08:54:11 PM
I'll say this, either myself OR Drallcome are going to do a naruto character cosplay.....

Which one, you'll have to wait and see!!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: uzutake on October 12, 2006, 08:15:58 PM
I'm gonna be a Sasuke-Senshi (Sailor Sasuke) for Halloween, so I might make it to Fanime as it as well! XD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on October 13, 2006, 12:24:01 AM
Wait....I can't be kimimaru...I don't have the build for it...and I can't really afford it :cry:  :cry:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Lunapokema on October 23, 2006, 10:57:29 PM
Yosh! I'll be back again for the '07 con as Yaoi!Naruto. (With so many Naruto cosplayers you have to make youself somewhat unique) Ugh. ;; I'm so bummed right now cause I missed the Yaoi-con. I got the dates all screwed up. I thought it started on the 28th and it just ended yesterday (22nd)!! QQ ::sobs:: So I wasted money on the registration and hotel. >< Someone comfort me... But I hope to make up for this error by coming to fanime again and hopefully attending Anime Expo for first time. So I hope to see you all there. ^^ Do you think any of the ninja's will climb trees again?
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fighter_for_hire on October 28, 2006, 11:08:10 PM
Well it turns out Emo Sasuke (me) will not be going to Fanime next year T.T I'm grounded so... yeah ... Well see ya in 2008 if i dont get grounded ^^'
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Shenanigan on October 31, 2006, 12:04:55 AM
I should be tagging along with PacificPikachu dressed as Hinata, so you can put me down. If all goes well I should also be dragging a Shino along with me, but that's only if he gets me the materials soon enough for me to get the costume together for him...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: PacificPikachu on October 31, 2006, 09:06:17 PM
Quote from: "Shenanigan"I should be tagging along with PacificPikachu dressed as Hinata, so you can put me down. If all goes well I should also be dragging a Shino along with me, but that's only if he gets me the materials soon enough for me to get the costume together for him...

*Waves* Wonderful! Can't wait to see you there! We'll have to get together all of Team Eight and run around causing chaos. :D

Maybe I will have to set aside time outside the gathering to wear the Akamaru costume... I'm going to be spending most of my cosplay time in the Teto (from Nausicaa) costume that I'm just about to start, but I'll have to find some time in my schedule to wear Akamaru for a little while, too.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yukari Kaiba on November 01, 2006, 10:40:00 AM
ive decided that ill be going as Haku, so you can take me off the undecided list ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on November 01, 2006, 11:12:33 PM
QuoteMaybe I will have to set aside time outside the gathering to wear the Akamaru costume... I'm going to be spending most of my cosplay time in the Teto (from Nausicaa) costume that I'm just about to start, but I'll have to find some time in my schedule to wear Akamaru for a little while, too.

OMG, were you the big Akamaru last year? *stare* I'm the Hinata who was hugging you in the Team 8 shot at the gathering! And met you again at AOD. ^-^; Woot. I wanna join the Team 8 rampage... lol I'm planning to cosplay time-skip Hinata this year. Woot. x3
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: PacificPikachu on November 01, 2006, 11:22:17 PM
Quote from: "Yunri-Chan"
QuoteMaybe I will have to set aside time outside the gathering to wear the Akamaru costume... I'm going to be spending most of my cosplay time in the Teto (from Nausicaa) costume that I'm just about to start, but I'll have to find some time in my schedule to wear Akamaru for a little while, too.

OMG, were you the big Akamaru last year? *stare* I'm the Hinata who was hugging you in the Team 8 shot at the gathering! And met you again at AOD. ^-^; Woot. I wanna join the Team 8 rampage... lol I'm planning to cosplay time-skip Hinata this year. Woot. x3

I most certainly was! Yay, it'll be fun to see you again! :D Please do join the rampage--it'll be beautiful! Looking forward to seeing your new costume, too~! I love Hinata's time-skip outfit.

Oh, and you have seen this picture of us, right?


That's actually probably my favorite picture of my costume, in large part because it makes it so much cuter with you hugging me. :3 Makes it seem kind of like something that would happen in canon, in a way.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on November 02, 2006, 10:09:30 PM
Behold, I am not dead!!! *gaspola!!!*

...and the list has been updated. Yes.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: The_Merchant on November 07, 2006, 10:04:06 AM
Quote from: "Lunapokema"Yosh! I'll be back again for the '07 con as Yaoi!Naruto. (With so many Naruto cosplayers you have to make youself somewhat unique) Ugh. ;; I'm so bummed right now cause I missed the Yaoi-con. I got the dates all screwed up. I thought it started on the 28th and it just ended yesterday (22nd)!! QQ ::sobs:: So I wasted money on the registration and hotel. >< Someone comfort me... But I hope to make up for this error by coming to fanime again and hopefully attending Anime Expo for first time. So I hope to see you all there. ^^ Do you think any of the ninja's will climb trees again?

Damn that sucks you couldn't make it to Yaoi con.  It was my first one actually and I had a blast but you're going to your first AX?  Awesome, you'll have a lot of fun and probably not get any sleep XD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: luckyends on November 16, 2006, 07:30:53 PM
ummm hey im gona be cosplaying as 2 naruto characters well that is if i get them done tell me if you want kotetsu hagane or shino ive got kotetsu done and shinos almost there ^_^
but ya sry kotetsus a secondary character or is that good that im doing him?
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Otaking007 on November 16, 2006, 09:08:37 PM
I'm going to try and pull off Jiraiya. I have most of the costume done already, however I'm having trouble making a wig. Could anyone give any suggestions?
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on November 16, 2006, 10:16:12 PM
Quote from: "luckyends"ummm hey im gona be cosplaying as 2 naruto characters well that is if i get them done tell me if you want kotetsu hagane or shino ive got kotetsu done and shinos almost there ^_^
but ya sry kotetsus a secondary character or is that good that im doing him?

Which one are you planning on wearing to the gathering?
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: luckyends on November 17, 2006, 06:37:44 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"
Quote from: "luckyends"ummm hey im gona be cosplaying as 2 naruto characters well that is if i get them done tell me if you want kotetsu hagane or shino ive got kotetsu done and shinos almost there ^_^
but ya sry kotetsus a secondary character or is that good that im doing him?

Which one are you planning on wearing to the gathering?
probably kotetsu since you probably wont have him...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on November 17, 2006, 10:30:13 PM
w00t list updated
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: rock_lee_stalker_*stalks* on November 21, 2006, 09:51:13 AM
mmm... mabeh i shud go as Rock Lee discuised as tobi!!!! or juzz rock lee.. i donnno!!! ><!!!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: rock_lee_stalker_*stalks* on November 21, 2006, 09:52:46 AM
OR I CAN GO AS BOTH IF I GO BOTH DAYS!!.. hmmm.. the first day lee.. the last day tobi.... :D
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: rock_lee_stalker_*stalks* on November 21, 2006, 10:11:44 AM
I am going as yondaime.  I can't log on at the moment so rock_lee_stalker_*stalks* is posting for me.   But I am definitely going as yondaime
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on November 22, 2006, 04:55:52 PM
Quote from: "rock_lee_stalker_*stalks*"I am going as yondaime.  I can't log on at the moment so rock_lee_stalker_*stalks* is posting for me.   But I am definitely going as yondaime

What's your forum username? I can put you down as Yondaime, but I need to know your username ^^" Thanks~

-----------------Last Update: December 17, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Anbu- Syxx

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- BunofGovt, Samansa-chan (SNJ)
Gaara- Krysta
Haku- di3m05, Yukari Kaiba
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby, Shenanigan
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- Hellangel (Anbu), sadistic-otaku
Jiraiya- Otaking007
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak, Tiger
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kisame- fr33lanc3r
Kotetsu- luckyends
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi)
Rock Lee- Moogleborg
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, Hellangel's brother (chibi)
TenTen- ilikeolive
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: ilikeolive on December 03, 2006, 11:41:21 PM
i was thinking of doing Tenten. :wink:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: missing_kunoichi on December 08, 2006, 12:00:01 PM ask where is the cosplay at...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on December 08, 2006, 11:52:40 PM
Quote from: "missing_kunoichi" ask where is the cosplay at...

usually we meet outside the convention center, where the fountains are ^__^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: missing_kunoichi on December 09, 2006, 12:19:33 PM
i right now im kinda stupid... :shock:
Title: naruto group '07
Post by: iSasuNaru on December 14, 2006, 04:06:02 PM
um...ima newb when it comes to fanime ^.^ but i was just wondering about this whole group going as temari, and im mainly lookin for people to be with in a photoshoot or something. my friend's goin as ino, but it looks like you already got one. @.@
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: SuperKawaiiNeko on December 14, 2006, 04:23:25 PM
Its cool to have more than one of a character in a group, you know. Just look at characters like Hinata and Sasuke, who both already have three each (and Im sure will grow as we get closer to con time) XD

Also, about the location....if Im not mistaken this group is to take place at the convention itself? Which would mean that it will probably all go down in or near the San Jose Convention Center Jose. Convention location, dates, events and information can be easily accessed on the main website, and more should be added the closer we get to con. In case you forgot, the website is
Title: :D
Post by: Samansa-chan on December 15, 2006, 04:43:38 AM
I'm still going to be an Akatsuki member.  :twisted:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: iSasuNaru on December 15, 2006, 06:04:05 PM
soooo...we're still not sure about the exact time of the meeting ma-dood? eh...cant complain. its not for another 160 days...TOO LONG! heh. cant wait! so i guess ill be stalking all of these experienced fanime people cause i have no idea what im doing. ^.^ whoot! i'll find some random sasuke and follow him around all day. YAY! mmk.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on December 16, 2006, 02:31:22 PM
Are there going to be any female Gaara crossplayers? I just think Gaara crossplayers are totally the smex. o.o;
Title: Change of plans
Post by: Samansa-chan on December 17, 2006, 05:39:08 AM
Instead of being an Akatuski member, I'm going to have to be SNJ chouji so I can arrange time to wear all of my costumes without overdoing it. Please change that for me please ^_^ Thanks!
Title: Re: Change of plans
Post by: hellangel on December 17, 2006, 01:08:07 PM
Quote from: "Samansa-chan"Instead of being an Akatuski member, I'm going to have to be SNJ chouji so I can arrange time to wear all of my costumes without overdoing it. Please change that for me please ^_^ Thanks!

Updated =]
Title: Re: Change of plans
Post by: Samansa-chan on December 17, 2006, 03:27:27 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"
Quote from: "Samansa-chan"Instead of being an Akatuski member, I'm going to have to be SNJ chouji so I can arrange time to wear all of my costumes without overdoing it. Please change that for me please ^_^ Thanks!

Updated =]

Thanks ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: YuffieK on December 18, 2006, 07:39:04 PM
Okay, I will definitly attend this gathering!
It's just that...
I don't know if I should wear my SnJ Rock Lee or my byakugan!Hinata :/
I know my friend will be Kiba and I have some more Naruto-cosplaying friends but they don't have accounts on here ^^";
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on December 25, 2006, 12:25:05 PM
Quote from: "YuffieK"I don't know if I should wear my SnJ Rock Lee or my byakugan!Hinata :/

Currently we have 3 Hinata and 1 Rock Lee on the list, if that helps you any.

Quote from: "YuffieK"I know my friend will be Kiba and I have some more Naruto-cosplaying friends but they don't have accounts on here ^^";

No problem. You can list their characters here anyway, and I'll add them to the list ^__^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on December 26, 2006, 10:45:30 PM
Oh, the girl who is posting under rock_lee_stalker_*stalks* is a friend of mine; her username is Hoshiko-hime. :]

&& I've decided that I'm going to be attending as time-skip Hinata instead of normal Hinata, btw. :3
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Krysta on December 27, 2006, 02:36:26 PM
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"Are there going to be any female Gaara crossplayers? I just think Gaara crossplayers are totally the smex. o.o;
>< a female gaara crossplayer @_@
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on December 27, 2006, 10:22:47 PM
Quote from: "Krysta"
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"Are there going to be any female Gaara crossplayers? I just think Gaara crossplayers are totally the smex. o.o;
>< a female gaara crossplayer @_@
*Bows on one knee* Then I pledge myself to thee. If you have ever need of my services, you have but to ask ^_^

Not a creepy stalker, just a HUGE fan. @.@
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Krysta on December 29, 2006, 12:02:21 AM
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"
Quote from: "Krysta"
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"Are there going to be any female Gaara crossplayers? I just think Gaara crossplayers are totally the smex. o.o;
>< a female gaara crossplayer @_@
*Bows on one knee* Then I pledge myself to thee. If you have ever need of my services, you have but to ask ^_^

Not a creepy stalker, just a HUGE fan. @.@

Im honored ^.^ HeHe =)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on December 29, 2006, 02:45:42 AM
Sweet! I just...don't want to sound like...a crazed stalker. Not to mention with my attention span I'd get bored >.>;;

But you can top the other Gaara have your own minion  :twisted:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: YuffieK on December 29, 2006, 05:42:34 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"
Currently we have 3 Hinata and 1 Rock Lee on the list, if that helps you any.

hmm... uh, I'll let you know as it gets closer to the con *nods* :3

Quote from: "hellangel"
No problem. You can list their characters here anyway, and I'll add them to the list ^__^
Okay, so I have 1 Kiba, 1 Sexy no jutsu Gaara, 1 Sexy no jutsu Kakashi (maybe) and I think that's it for now... ^^';
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on December 30, 2006, 03:00:34 PM

----------------Last Update: February 9, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: TBA
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Anbu- Syxx

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- BunofGovt, Samansa-chan (SNJ)
Gaara- Krysta, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Haku- di3m05, Yukari Kaiba, AkiraOmega
Hiashi- MisakiFan41
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby, Shenanigan
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- sadistic-otaku
Jiraiya- Otaking007
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak, Tiger, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba, YuffieK's friend
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kisame- fr33lanc3rs
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi), Defective naruto (Time Skip)
Rock Lee- Moogleborg
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair)
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke
Temari- luckyends
TenTen- ilikeolive
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza, Yukari Kaiba's sister

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
YuffieK- Hinata or SNJ Rock Lee
Ren_Zhao- Sasuke or Naruto
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: AkiraOmega on January 01, 2007, 02:38:11 AM
Oh Oh ill join.  Ill be Haku or someone.  I just gotta see if i wanna make something new or recycle
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: MisakiFan41 on February 06, 2007, 12:33:05 AM
Hey everybody this is BART Boy, just letting you all know I've decided to officially run this Gathering on behalf of! =D

This will be my first time now running this gathering so I'm hoping to do a good job of it, wish me luck!

now put me down as Hiashi Hyuga because I will be cosplaying as him!

>3 that means all those Hinatas must be nice to daddy!! MUWAHAHHAA

I'd like to ask for a time of meeting because I have to make this post on as well. the sooner a time schedule has been arranged the better.

thank you.


PS: To prevent conflicts with the Kingdom Hearts gathering, I'd like to ask if its ok to meet up at 1:00PM? Because if we have our gathering early before the KH, it gives us extra room to work with and a chance to get out and change.

Is everybody ok with this? =D
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ren_Zhao on February 06, 2007, 09:59:10 PM
I'm going to be either Chunnin exam/black!Sasuke or timeskip!Naruto or the first Naruto. I'm still deciding. XD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Defective naruto on February 07, 2007, 09:49:03 AM
well well well if isnt bart boy..............>) hehe.....

but being new here at the fanime forums and seeing hundred upon hundreds of cosplayers I wont be as active as in the other forum that I am in *coughSACANIMEFORUMS*cough wow wonder where that came from ^^* but yea i be there for naruto gathering as Time skip naruto since its coming out next week. ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on February 07, 2007, 07:00:56 PM
lol Naruto-san... xDD;

So is the 1:00 gathering thing official then? :3
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sharingannosasuke on February 08, 2007, 08:32:47 PM
dang it dang it dang it..

i forgot that my sister is graduating from high school this year..
and her graduation is on the day of the gathering at 1:00...

i'm sorry, i might not be able to go the the gathering but see you around on sunday or monday guys!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BunofGovt on February 08, 2007, 08:47:27 PM
The gathering's for Saturday at 1:00pm?  hopefully I'll be there to take some pics but it doesn't look like my Chouji outfit is going to be ready in time (YES I know we are still over 3 months away but I am working on 3 other outfits (none for myself) plus my amv submission.  My office keeps sending me away on business again   :? )

I guess I could go back to drinking coffee and stay up until midnights ha!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yukari Kaiba on February 08, 2007, 09:08:41 PM
ive already been put on the list, but i got my sister to cosplay as Zabuza with me (yay i wont be a lonely Haku XD), so you can add her too if you like :D
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: luckyends on February 09, 2007, 03:14:07 PM
yay im mantemari to the rescue ^_^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on February 09, 2007, 11:21:31 PM
many updates. yay.

so, do we want to make the 1 pm time official? but, that would leave out sharingannosasuke...;__;
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: luckyends on February 10, 2007, 08:29:29 AM
i duno ill be there all day so 1 works or when ever lets just pic a time
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BSaphire on February 10, 2007, 05:01:11 PM
Hey there Naruto peeps! ^^)
Sounds like things are well underway with the planning. :P
Since I know Naruto, Bleach, FF, and Jump were the biggest gatherings last year I am double checking the day and time with you guys from what I have read. I am going to list you as 1 pm for the gathering and the MP is the Fountains in Front. If this is incorrect or needs to be changed please let me know.
Bartboy if you would please confirm this with me so that I can remove Naruto from the "Confirm" list and take the ? off 1 pm that would be great. Then all will be right with the world ^^)

BTW.... How many Naruto cospeeps will be attending the Sunday @ 1PM "Jump" gathering this year? There was suppose to be like 10 last year and I think 3 showed up? You are all invited to come and represent the Naruto series ^^)

Title: <-- Rhi here for those who know me. ^^;
Post by: Irukasensei21 on February 10, 2007, 05:58:04 PM
Just jumping on here quickly to give a marginal update so people know I'm going.  

I usually/ always do Orochimaru as my trademark, so count on at least one appearance of that costume, no idea which version yet.

Also Cosplaying For sure: Deidara and Kisame, with Darkenedwings [my usual Sasuke] as Sasori and Itachi.

Possibly: Yamato, if I ever get the free time to work on it before the con, and if that falls through, a potential return of Kimimaro.

See you all there!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on February 11, 2007, 12:20:44 AM
goodness. which character(s) should I put you (and your friend?) down as for the meeting?

for now, I'm gonna put our meeting down as 1 PM at the fountains. So, yeah, it's official. ish.

Also- my brother and I won't be attending (at least, not in-cosplay), as my brother has decided to forgo Naruto cosplay this year (*GASP*OLA!) in order to cosplay other outfits full-time. But we might show up anyway, for photos ^__~ (And I'm still doing the list, so NYAH)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: luckyends on February 11, 2007, 08:18:26 AM
oh whoops i forgot to say irvington high school's underground cosplay orgonization will be atendind that means my friends will be going here are there list
naruto (timejump)
just label these people under IHS UG
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Defective naruto on February 11, 2007, 09:23:14 AM
Quote from: "BSaphire"Hey there Naruto peeps! ^^)
Sounds like things are well underway with the planning. :P
Since I know Naruto, Bleach, FF, and Jump were the biggest gatherings last year I am double checking the day and time with you guys from what I have read. I am going to list you as 1 pm for the gathering and the MP is the Fountains in Front. If this is incorrect or needs to be changed please let me know.
Bartboy if you would please confirm this with me so that I can remove Naruto from the "Confirm" list and take the ? off 1 pm that would be great. Then all will be right with the world ^^)

BTW.... How many Naruto cospeeps will be attending the Sunday @ 1PM "Jump" gathering this year? There was suppose to be like 10 last year and I think 3 showed up? You are all invited to come and represent the Naruto series ^^)


huh really? hmm well if I got nothing to do that day I might pop by with my fellow ninjas to represent naruto. ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BSaphire on February 11, 2007, 09:46:26 AM
Quote from: "hellangel"But we might show up anyway, for photos ^__~ (And I'm still doing the list, so NYAH)
Sorry hellangel ~_~ I forgot who was running what when I mentioned BartBoy. If your running the list then let me know when it's all a GO!
Just want to make sure the Naruto Peeps get a good time and it helps other gatherings so that they can plan around you ^^)

Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: MisakiFan41 on February 11, 2007, 10:46:44 PM
Quote from: "BSaphire"
Quote from: "hellangel"But we might show up anyway, for photos ^__~ (And I'm still doing the list, so NYAH)
Sorry hellangel ~_~ I forgot who was running what when I mentioned BartBoy. If your running the list then let me know when it's all a GO!
Just want to make sure the Naruto Peeps get a good time and it helps other gatherings so that they can plan around you ^^)


hellangel is taking care of the list for this forum not me ^^;;;

I'm taking care of the forum's list lol

reason why I'm asking for a early meet up is because with the release of KH2 and falling on a saturday and seeing how huge it was at AX, its about to become apart of the big gatherings now. that's why i'll be running this gathering (on behalf of of course) and making my attempts at trying something new. hope it helps out =D

wish all the coordinators who are running this gathering the best of luck!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on February 12, 2007, 07:36:39 PM
Ohh, this is just a random comment, but I'd like to note that there's also going to be a Sexy no Jutsu gathering run by YuffieK, and you may want to keep that in mind. I'm pretty sure it'll be going on a couple hours before the Naruto gathering so yeah. :]
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on February 13, 2007, 11:51:40 PM
Update. Yay.

Any agreement on time, yet?

----------------Last Update: February 24, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: 1 PM
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Anbu- Syxx

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- BunofGovt, Samansa-chan (SNJ), Zekke
Gaara- Krysta, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Haku- di3m05, Yukari Kaiba, AkiraOmega
Hiashi- MisakiFan41
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby, Shenanigan, IHS UG
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- sadistic-otaku
Jiraiya- Otaking007
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak, Tiger, YuffieK's friend (SNJ), IHS UG
Kankuro- IHS UG
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba, YuffieK's friend, IHS UG
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kisame- fr33lanc3rs
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi), Defective naruto (Time Jump), IHS UG (Time Jump)
Neji- IHS UG
Rock Lee- Moogleborg, YuffieK (SnJ)
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair), IHS UG
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, jimmycosplay
Temari- luckyends
TenTen- ilikeolive, IHS UG
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- DemonLordZabuza, Yukari Kaiba's sister

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
YuffieK- Hinata or SNJ Rock Lee
Ren_Zhao- Sasuke or Naruto
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: MisakiFan41 on February 14, 2007, 02:46:11 PM
Quote from: "Yunri-Chan"Ohh, this is just a random comment, but I'd like to note that there's also going to be a Sexy no Jutsu gathering run by YuffieK, and you may want to keep that in mind. I'm pretty sure it'll be going on a couple hours before the Naruto gathering so yeah. :]

i'm pretty sure Yuffie will be taking care of that gathering, unless they invade this gathering with a passion..

someone better bring the tissues XD

I've started the voting for 1:00PM on saturday, I'll end it on the 23rd with the final results, the same should go here as well.

everybody cool with that?
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on February 14, 2007, 09:33:15 PM
Hello everyone!!! Man its good to be back.

ok after a not so well done cosplay last year, Im going to hopefully cosplay this year as Chouji. Yea, I found out a while ago that Im pretty much a clone or Dopplerganger of him, so hopefully it'll go better this year. ^_^

Samansa!! hey, long time no chat, sweet SNJ Chouji, this'll be way better than last years cosplay  :)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on February 14, 2007, 11:23:33 PM
I'll just copy/paste what I typed at C.Com. xD

Would it be possible to have it at 2 PM, actually? x_x; I mean, I'm totally fine with 1, it just might be easier for me personally to have it at two because the SnJ gathering is going to be before this, and although there hasn't been a set time for that, it'd be great if there could be a longer break between these two. ^^'

If we can only get 1 PM though I'm still completely okay with it though. :]
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: MisakiFan41 on February 14, 2007, 11:42:19 PM
Quote from: "Yunri-Chan"I'll just copy/paste what I typed at C.Com. xD

Would it be possible to have it at 2 PM, actually? x_x; I mean, I'm totally fine with 1, it just might be easier for me personally to have it at two because the SnJ gathering is going to be before this, and although there hasn't been a set time for that, it'd be great if there could be a longer break between these two. ^^'

If we can only get 1 PM though I'm still completely okay with it though. :]

It all depends on what people vote on, remember there's more people that desire 1 and or 2 as well as the host of the other gathering running it to the groups desire as well.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sharingannosasuke on February 15, 2007, 04:08:35 PM
tear.. thanks for your support hellangel..
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: jimmycosplay on February 19, 2007, 12:00:59 PM
i should be going as sasuke. and i dont mind which ever time.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on February 19, 2007, 05:02:37 PM
Anyone seen a custom Chouji Headband? I remember seeing a site with one, but I cant rememeber what the site name was  :evil:  :cry:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: YuffieK on February 19, 2007, 10:21:33 PM
Yeah, I'm running the SnJ gathering, and 1 is okay, but I'd prefer if this gathering was at 2 *nods*
but if it's more convenient for people at 1 than I have no problem with that ^^

our SnJ gathering is looking to be around... 12-ish *nods*
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Defective naruto on February 22, 2007, 02:50:45 PM
hmm can seem to find my post on here........wonder why *glares at bart boy* anyways yep looks like everybody will be there to this gathering. I alrady said who I am going to be so I dont want to annoy everyone who I am going to be and what not. but yea cant wait.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: YuffieK on February 23, 2007, 11:39:17 AM
How does 1:30 for this gathering sound to you guys? :3

Oh, and hellangel, I'ma be SnJ Rock Lee for this~ <3
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: MisakiFan41 on February 23, 2007, 11:17:39 PM
Alright, the deadline has been reached, the time for this gathering will be at 1:00PM at the front of the convention center. The votes from here & fanime's forums have been accounted for. I apologize for any inconvenience this may be for other cosplayers and other gahtering heads, take the time now to time your gatherings accordingly. Please note this is going to be a "HUGE" gathering and there will be no possibility of changing the time from this point on.

For the KH gathering attendees who are going to the KH gathering, gathering ends at 2:00, 2:30 being the latest. Thank you.

Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on February 24, 2007, 03:28:56 PM

All SnJ Gathering people: are you planning on going to the Naruto Gathering as SnJ characters? If so, I think the 1 PM time should work fine. (BTW, BART, have you told BSaphire of the decided time? Just checking ^__^)

If not... then maybe 2 PM is better.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Samansa-chan on February 24, 2007, 11:57:13 PM
Quote from: "Zekke"Hello everyone!!! Man its good to be back.

ok after a not so well done cosplay last year, Im going to hopefully cosplay this year as Chouji. Yea, I found out a while ago that Im pretty much a clone or Dopplerganger of him, so hopefully it'll go better this year. ^_^

Samansa!! hey, long time no chat, sweet SNJ Chouji, this'll be way better than last years cosplay  :)

Hell yeah! Last year was my first so it's not suprising that I was just wandering around being all shy. Hopefully this year i'll get to do more things. WHOO. Hey, Should I bring you another cookie?  :D
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on February 25, 2007, 02:26:20 PM
Quote from: "Samansa-chan"
Quote from: "Zekke"Hello everyone!!! Man its good to be back.

ok after a not so well done cosplay last year, Im going to hopefully cosplay this year as Chouji. Yea, I found out a while ago that Im pretty much a clone or Dopplerganger of him, so hopefully it'll go better this year. ^_^

Samansa!! hey, long time no chat, sweet SNJ Chouji, this'll be way better than last years cosplay  :)

Hell yeah! Last year was my first so it's not suprising that I was just wandering around being all shy. Hopefully this year i'll get to do more things. WHOO. Hey, Should I bring you another cookie?  :D

:lol:  only if I give you more advice like last time when I told you about ninja shoes... lol this years model should be a lot better than last.
Title: My Naruto cosplay
Post by: Amelia Seyruun on February 25, 2007, 03:19:27 PM
I'll be going as Tenten this year!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: MisakiFan41 on February 25, 2007, 07:12:32 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"updated.

All SnJ Gathering people: are you planning on going to the Naruto Gathering as SnJ characters? If so, I think the 1 PM time should work fine. (BTW, BART, have you told BSaphire of the decided time? Just checking ^__^)

If not... then maybe 2 PM is better.

I already submitted the time for 1:00PM on saturday to her, she'll update as soon as she gets back online.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: luckyends on February 25, 2007, 08:13:51 PM
i finished my temari costume today ^_^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on February 25, 2007, 08:46:05 PM
HA!!! found the perfect Chouji headband, its all custom too. Ah ha!!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: YuffieK on February 27, 2007, 09:04:08 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"updated.

All SnJ Gathering people: are you planning on going to the Naruto Gathering as SnJ characters? If so, I think the 1 PM time should work fine. (BTW, BART, have you told BSaphire of the decided time? Just checking ^__^)

If not... then maybe 2 PM is better.

Yeah, I'm just gonna move up the SnJ gathering to 11
('cause we're gonna go get lunch during the gathering) :3
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Samansa-chan on March 01, 2007, 03:00:12 AM
Quote from: "Zekke"
Quote from: "Samansa-chan"
Quote from: "Zekke"Hello everyone!!! Man its good to be back.

ok after a not so well done cosplay last year, Im going to hopefully cosplay this year as Chouji. Yea, I found out a while ago that Im pretty much a clone or Dopplerganger of him, so hopefully it'll go better this year. ^_^

Samansa!! hey, long time no chat, sweet SNJ Chouji, this'll be way better than last years cosplay  :)

Hell yeah! Last year was my first so it's not suprising that I was just wandering around being all shy. Hopefully this year i'll get to do more things. WHOO. Hey, Should I bring you another cookie?  :D

:lol:  only if I give you more advice like last time when I told you about ninja shoes... lol this years model should be a lot better than last.

Yep, yep, that's true. I'm going to wear two costumes, one is being comissioned and the other i'm making myself. Hopefully i'll be able to wear one under the other? No, no, I'd die of heat stroke. As for the ninja shoes, I'm going by the advice you gave me last year, except with a staple gun hopefully They'll work better than the ones I tried making already.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: DemonLordZabuza on March 01, 2007, 07:59:53 PM
So I have sadly say that I will not be cosplaying as Zabuza this year...I maybe see you guys next time
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on March 04, 2007, 08:55:53 PM
Quote from: "Samansa-chan"
Quote from: "Zekke"
Quote from: "Samansa-chan"
Quote from: "Zekke"Hello everyone!!! Man its good to be back.

ok after a not so well done cosplay last year, Im going to hopefully cosplay this year as Chouji. Yea, I found out a while ago that Im pretty much a clone or Dopplerganger of him, so hopefully it'll go better this year. ^_^

Samansa!! hey, long time no chat, sweet SNJ Chouji, this'll be way better than last years cosplay  :)

Hell yeah! Last year was my first so it's not suprising that I was just wandering around being all shy. Hopefully this year i'll get to do more things. WHOO. Hey, Should I bring you another cookie?  :D

:lol:  only if I give you more advice like last time when I told you about ninja shoes... lol this years model should be a lot better than last.

Yep, yep, that's true. I'm going to wear two costumes, one is being comissioned and the other i'm making myself. Hopefully i'll be able to wear one under the other? No, no, I'd die of heat stroke. As for the ninja shoes, I'm going by the advice you gave me last year, except with a staple gun hopefully They'll work better than the ones I tried making already.

lol, Im improving on my design. I need those kind of sandals that have the straps around them then going with my original design, Ninja Sandal 2.0  :lol:

Does anyone know of something I can make chouji-like hair out of?? I dunno if I can grow my hair out long enough in time >_< I have this material in mind I just can think of its name, I need something that can stick up like his, anyone have any suggestions?  Samansa-chan is lucky... she has long hair... :?

And we'll miss you Zabuza  :cry:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Samansa-chan on March 05, 2007, 01:32:01 PM
Quote from: "Zekke"
Quote from: "Samansa-chan"
Quote from: "Zekke"
Quote from: "Samansa-chan"
Quote from: "Zekke"Hello everyone!!! Man its good to be back.

ok after a not so well done cosplay last year, Im going to hopefully cosplay this year as Chouji. Yea, I found out a while ago that Im pretty much a clone or Dopplerganger of him, so hopefully it'll go better this year. ^_^

Samansa!! hey, long time no chat, sweet SNJ Chouji, this'll be way better than last years cosplay  :)

Hell yeah! Last year was my first so it's not suprising that I was just wandering around being all shy. Hopefully this year i'll get to do more things. WHOO. Hey, Should I bring you another cookie?  :D

:lol:  only if I give you more advice like last time when I told you about ninja shoes... lol this years model should be a lot better than last.

Yep, yep, that's true. I'm going to wear two costumes, one is being comissioned and the other i'm making myself. Hopefully i'll be able to wear one under the other? No, no, I'd die of heat stroke. As for the ninja shoes, I'm going by the advice you gave me last year, except with a staple gun hopefully They'll work better than the ones I tried making already.

lol, Im improving on my design. I need those kind of sandals that have the straps around them then going with my original design, Ninja Sandal 2.0  :lol:

Does anyone know of something I can make chouji-like hair out of?? I dunno if I can grow my hair out long enough in time >_< I have this material in mind I just can think of its name, I need something that can stick up like his, anyone have any suggestions?  Samansa-chan is lucky... she has long hair... :?

And we'll miss you Zabuza  :cry:

Yeah, We'll miss ya.

My hair isn't that long, It's like two inches. xD Hmm...I'm thinking that maybe you could buy some long faux fur and dye it, either that or buy a wig. (If you're short on cash for buying a wig maybe my dad would be nice enough to chip in?)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on March 07, 2007, 01:08:56 PM
----------------Last Update: March 16, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: 1 PM
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot


Anbu- Syxx

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- BunofGovt, Samansa-chan (SNJ), Zekke
Gaara- Krysta, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Haku- di3m05, Yukari Kaiba, AkiraOmega
Hiashi- MisakiFan41
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby, Shenanigan, IHS UG, Girlycard
Ino- serajwl
Itachi- sadistic-otaku
Jiraiya- Otaking007
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak, Tiger, YuffieK's friend (SNJ), IHS UG
Kankuro- IHS UG, Sygmus
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba, YuffieK's friend, IHS UG, jimmycosplay
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kisame- fr33lanc3rs
Kurenai- Imari-chan
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi), Defective naruto (Time Jump), IHS UG (Time Jump)
Neji- IHS UG
Rock Lee- Moogleborg, YuffieK (SnJ)
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair), IHS UG
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, jimmycosplay
Temari- luckyends
TenTen- ilikeolive, IHS UG
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- Yukari Kaiba's sister

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
YuffieK- Hinata or SNJ Rock Lee
Ren_Zhao- Sasuke or Naruto
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on March 07, 2007, 09:10:12 PM
Quote from: "Samansa-chan"
Quote from: "Zekke"
Quote from: "Samansa-chan"
Quote from: "Zekke"
Quote from: "Samansa-chan"
Quote from: "Zekke"Hello everyone!!! Man its good to be back.

ok after a not so well done cosplay last year, Im going to hopefully cosplay this year as Chouji. Yea, I found out a while ago that Im pretty much a clone or Dopplerganger of him, so hopefully it'll go better this year. ^_^

Samansa!! hey, long time no chat, sweet SNJ Chouji, this'll be way better than last years cosplay  :)

Hell yeah! Last year was my first so it's not suprising that I was just wandering around being all shy. Hopefully this year i'll get to do more things. WHOO. Hey, Should I bring you another cookie?  :D

:lol:  only if I give you more advice like last time when I told you about ninja shoes... lol this years model should be a lot better than last.

Yep, yep, that's true. I'm going to wear two costumes, one is being comissioned and the other i'm making myself. Hopefully i'll be able to wear one under the other? No, no, I'd die of heat stroke. As for the ninja shoes, I'm going by the advice you gave me last year, except with a staple gun hopefully They'll work better than the ones I tried making already.

lol, Im improving on my design. I need those kind of sandals that have the straps around them then going with my original design, Ninja Sandal 2.0  :lol:

Does anyone know of something I can make chouji-like hair out of?? I dunno if I can grow my hair out long enough in time >_< I have this material in mind I just can think of its name, I need something that can stick up like his, anyone have any suggestions?  Samansa-chan is lucky... she has long hair... :?

And we'll miss you Zabuza  :cry:

Yeah, We'll miss ya.

My hair isn't that long, It's like two inches. xD Hmm...I'm thinking that maybe you could buy some long faux fur and dye it, either that or buy a wig. (If you're short on cash for buying a wig maybe my dad would be nice enough to chip in?)

^_^ I was thinking of buying a wig, but does the fake hair do what needs to be done? Namely stick up and out with some hair spray and gel or something (never needed to do this before with a wig) Has anyone done it with a wig before? No no no, I cant take your money, its very generous but I wouldnt feel right XD I can take your cookies, but not your money. thank you tho.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on March 07, 2007, 09:13:05 PM
yeah, there's a lot of things you can do with a wig that you can't/shouldn't do with real hair~

(like style with Elmer's glue <-- did this when designing hair/makeup for CATS)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Sygmus on March 08, 2007, 09:50:57 AM
I'm going to be Kankuro (his first look, concerning the face paint).  I still have quite a bit of work to do though.  Does anyone know of a tutorial for making the hat?

I'm looking forward to the gathering!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on March 09, 2007, 10:07:35 PM
Anyone know any good wig sites or anything?
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yukari Kaiba on March 10, 2007, 11:31:47 AM

hope that helps ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on March 12, 2007, 09:52:27 PM
Meh, looks like I'll just have to go with my own hair. It should be long enough by May. All I got to worry about now is where to find an over shirt with no front pocket... hmmm.

I had an Interesting thought it came to me when I was playing a Naruto:CoN2 with a friend. You know how if you pick the same character the pallet swaps for different costumes? Well I had an idea for Alternate Universe Naruto Cosplay. Yea where you dress up as someone and them put thim in a different village. Like if I was gonna be AU Chouji, I could put him in the Sand Village, instead of having a teal over shirt it would be beige/brown with  a Sand Headband and the black sandals like Gaara/Kankuro and some other minor changes. Hmm maybe one day I should be regular chouji and another day Sand Chouji.... hmmm...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: The_Merchant on March 12, 2007, 10:27:29 PM
Haven't been on here in a while so figured I'd post and thanks for the add to the list ^_^

The version of Sasori I'll be doing I know will proably be a challenge.  The hair (corn rows from the looks of the pic I have) is the biggest, second being the gauntlet (I may go without if I can't get it completed in time), and finally on the last note I'm putting the backpiece I'm making on the backburner and will go with something to produce the illusion of the stuff he carries (that whole expanded look).  I have the coat and sandals but does anyone have any shots of him where I can see his feet or know if he wears the white stirrup pieces around his sandals?  And any other reference pics of him would be greatly appreciated ^_^

I'll keep in touch and I can;t wait to see this year's gathering Woot! XD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Samansa-chan on March 15, 2007, 10:23:39 PM
Well, due to the time difference, we'll be arriving at fanime on saturday, most likely. That being, I'll have to cut out the SNJ gathering and just go to the Naruto gathering. I'd be going to both gatherings as the same thing anyway.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Imari-chan on March 15, 2007, 11:15:16 PM
I'll be coming as Kurenai. :o My friend got me to go with him to the Naruto gathering. XD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on March 15, 2007, 11:21:47 PM
Yayy! *glomp*
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: jimmycosplay on March 16, 2007, 04:02:55 PM
and i might be going as kiba or time jump sasuke. most likely kiba though :]
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on March 16, 2007, 09:53:19 PM
Quote from: "jimmycosplay"and i might be going as kiba or time jump sasuke. most likely kiba though :]

hrm...I'll put you down as Kiba for now, then. tell me if that changes ^__~
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: MisakiFan41 on March 16, 2007, 10:39:06 PM
OK guys, the Pre-Naruto Gathering hosted by Darkened Wings and Orochimaru will be having their Ninja Twsiter game!

Also if you guys have extra twiser mats, please bring them!! So we can get 4 mats and one huge game going!!! It'll be off the hook!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Otaking007 on March 17, 2007, 11:26:49 PM
Sounds like a recipe for a very good time~!  :)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Ayanami Rei First Child on March 27, 2007, 03:24:58 AM
I can't believe there's no Orochimaru on the list!!  :cry:  :cry:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Kintaka on March 27, 2007, 09:37:12 AM
I'll be either Kurenai or Shizune, it depends on my friend, if she is redoing her Tsunade outfit.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Itamiko on March 27, 2007, 12:43:08 PM
Hey all - I might not be going as Sakura this year. I'm in the process of making a new costume (Midna from TP like it says in my siggy). If it doesn't work out, then I'll be going. I'll probably go one day as Sakura anyway, though >_>
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on March 27, 2007, 07:14:59 PM
I regret to say that I doubt that I'll be cosplaying this year. I never give myself enough time to do a good job and I dont want to half-ass job on this. So next year I'll either be going as Chouji or Alternate Universe Sand Village Chouji.

So I'll try to go see the gathering and get some pics and I'll join you next year. Sorry Samasa-chan  :cry:  :cry:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on March 28, 2007, 04:46:11 PM
Itamiko, I'm leaving you as Sakura for now.

----------------Last Update: April 28, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: 1 PM
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot

The is a list of FanimeBoard Members


Anbu- Syxx

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- BunofGovt, Samansa-chan (SNJ)
Gaara- Krysta, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Haku- di3m05, Yukari Kaiba, AkiraOmega
Hiashi- MisakiFan41
Hidan- lycan510
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby, Shenanigan, IHS UG, Girlycard
Ino- serajwl
Iruka- Syl (SnJ)
Itachi- sadistic-otaku, kuroi
Jiraiya- Otaking007
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak (young), Tiger, YuffieK's friend (SNJ), IHS UG
Kankuro- IHS UG, Sygmus
Kazekage- Blue Impulse
Kiba- NaV, Kiba, YuffieK's friend, IHS UG, jimmycosplay
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kisame- fr33lanc3rs
Kurenai- Imari-chan
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Meizu- Fishcooler (elder)
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi), Defective naruto (Time Jump), IHS UG (Time Jump)
Neji- IHS UG
Obito- sheikfreak's brother
Rock Lee- Moogleborg, YuffieK (SnJ)
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair), IHS UG
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, jimmycosplay,
Rhomega_rei (Time Jump)
Shizune- Sushi
Temari- luckyends, SelenDragon (Time Jump)
TenTen- ilikeolive, IHS UG
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- Yukari Kaiba's sister

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
YuffieK- Hinata or SnJ Rock Lee
Ren_Zhao- Sasuke or Naruto
Kintaka- Kurenai or Shizune
She-she- TenTen or SnJ Rock Lee
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Sushi on April 04, 2007, 05:03:56 PM
I'm cosplaying as Shizune! Just not in her usual black attire.




:wink: this is also my first time cosplaying haha.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Samansa-chan on April 10, 2007, 11:38:14 AM
Quote from: "Zekke"I regret to say that I doubt that I'll be cosplaying this year. I never give myself enough time to do a good job and I dont want to half-ass job on this. So next year I'll either be going as Chouji or Alternate Universe Sand Village Chouji.

So I'll try to go see the gathering and get some pics and I'll join you next year. Sorry Samasa-chan  :cry:  :cry:

Ahhhh, No worries. I regret to say that I, too, cannot go! I was so hyped up about going and then my dad put off booking the rooms, so we can't get there as early as I'd like. It just proves too many complications. As much as i'd like to go, I can't. I wish you all good luck, and i'll see you next year! (Though while I may not be cosplaying Naruto, Look for an Omashu guard roaming around from Avatar the last airbender!)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: lycan510 on April 12, 2007, 01:17:29 PM
ill be there as Hidan
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: SelenDragon on April 14, 2007, 08:17:58 PM

Most of my additions are a little skewed.. hahah

ME - Temari 2nd outfit or Time-skip

She-she - SNJ Rock Lee or TenTen

Fishcooler - Demon Brother Meizu (older bro)

Syl - SNJ Iruka

Yeah... they can't be bothered to create a forum account.. Bleh. Haha..
Title: Behold your Jiraiya
Post by: Otaking007 on April 17, 2007, 07:44:10 PM
I know the face markings arent perfect, and the background (aka my room) sucks. However if anyone wants to make any comments or suggestions please let me know.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on April 17, 2007, 08:57:19 PM
Holy hell, thats cool.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sheikfreak on April 18, 2007, 01:48:18 AM
I have an adult Kakashi costume, but I'll going to be the 12-yr-old version of him at the gathering along with my brother as Obito. Anyone have suggestions for Obito-kun's ear thingies? We thought about using a pair of headphones, but I can't find any  :( It's too bad the gathering got moved to Saturday. My Rin-cosplayer friend can only make it on Sunday  :cry:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: kuroi on April 19, 2007, 11:42:35 AM
I'll be there as Itachi, as well as SnJ Itachi for some period of time (for at least the SnJ gathering, and it's probably my outfit for the B&W ball as well; four cosplay outfits + 3 days= messed up scheduling), so sign me up!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on April 25, 2007, 02:19:56 PM
I go to Scandinavia for a month, so of course now I have to make a billion and one additions to the list =___= haha. In short: updated! yay!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: MisakiFan41 on April 25, 2007, 03:56:37 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"I go to Scandinavia for a month, so of course now I have to make a billion and one additions to the list =___= haha. In short: updated! yay!

first post? or another post coming soon? here's the updated list from if it'll help ease the pain of updating the list ^^;;; Members

BART Boy - Hiashi Hyuga
Yunri-chan - Time Jump Hinata Hyuga
Shinobi Yukari & Sister - Haku & Zabuza
Meanlilkitty - Ino
inuashley - Itachi
YuffieK SnJ Rock Lee or Hinata
Raven_Roth - SnJ Gaara
supersora's - Kiba
J Ryoga - Sasuke
jimmycosplay - Kiba
Infernoman - Iruka
maggifan - Sasuke
mlarad - Time Jump Temari
Tenshiryuu - Time Jump Shikamaru
kuroneko - Kyuubi
doragon - Shukaku
Imari-chan - Kurenia
DefectiveNaruto - Time Jump Naruto
akyn - Neji
narutosan17 - Jiraiya
Matsuki - SnJ Naruto
Tamakaro - ANBU Member
emo_avenger - Sasuke
DarkenedWings - Time Jump Sasuke
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: luckyends on April 25, 2007, 04:08:59 PM
man temari is ready 2 rape ^_^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on April 26, 2007, 08:24:07 PM
Quote from: "MisakiFan41"first post? or another post coming soon? here's the updated list from if it'll help ease the pain of updating the list^^;;;

as always, post on the first page as well as the post on the last page.

Eragh. I don't have people listed, though...I'd imagine that a lot of them may already be on this forum anyway ^^"
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Rhomega_rei on April 27, 2007, 12:16:49 PM
A Naruto Gathering!? awsome i'm going as timeskip sasuke .
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on April 28, 2007, 05:46:10 PM
Quote from: "Rhomega_rei"A Naruto Gathering!? awsome i'm going as timeskip sasuke .

Welcome! You've been added to the board list ^__^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BunofGovt on April 29, 2007, 02:59:28 PM
Dang, I'm going to have to drop out of my Chouji cosplay.  I have to help out  someone else with another cosplay and work on my amv submission so I'm not going to have time to work on Chouji.  I'll save him for next year.  But I am planning on being at the gathering to take pics!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Otaking007 on April 29, 2007, 08:57:27 PM
Quote from: "BunofGovt"Dang, I'm going to have to drop out of my Chouji cosplay.  I have to help out  someone else with another cosplay and work on my amv submission so I'm not going to have time to work on Chouji.  I'll save him for next year.  But I am planning on being at the gathering to take pics!

We'll see you there man!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on April 29, 2007, 09:09:25 PM
----------------Last Update: May 9, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: 1 PM
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot

The is a list of FanimeBoard Members


Anbu- Syxx

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- Samansa-chan (SNJ)
Gaara- Krysta, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Haku- di3m05, Yukari Kaiba, AkiraOmega
Hiashi- MisakiFan41
Hidan- lycan510
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby, Shenanigan, IHS UG, Girlycard
Ino- serajwl
Iruka- Syl (SnJ)
Itachi- sadistic-otaku, kuroi
Jiraiya- Otaking007, narutofan17
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak (young), Tiger, YuffieK's friend (SNJ), IHS UG
Kankuro- IHS UG, Sygmus
Kiba- NaV, Kiba, YuffieK's friend, IHS UG, jimmycosplay
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kisame- fr33lanc3rs
Kurenai- Imari-chan
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Meizu- Fishcooler (elder)
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi), Defective naruto (Time Jump), IHS UG (Time Jump)
Neji- IHS UG
Obito- sheikfreak's brother
Rock Lee- Moogleborg, YuffieK (SnJ)
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair), IHS UG
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, jimmycosplay,
Rhomega_rei (Time Jump)
Shizune- Sushi
Temari- luckyends, SelenDragon (Time Jump)
TenTen- ilikeolive, IHS UG
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- Yukari Kaiba's sister, dasutin26 (Anbu)

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
YuffieK- Hinata or SnJ Rock Lee
Ren_Zhao- Sasuke or Naruto
Kintaka- Kurenai or Shizune
She-she- TenTen or SnJ Rock Lee
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: narutofan17 on May 03, 2007, 08:52:10 AM
Hey! I'll be there. I'm planning on going as Jiraiya. Woooooo!!!!!! Can't wait!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: dasutin26 on May 04, 2007, 06:08:53 PM
im going as ANbu zabuza!!!!

YAy!!!.. i mean.. ::cough cough:: yay ((deep scary voice))
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on May 08, 2007, 10:42:20 PM
Actually guys... I decided to withdraw. it's been fun hostin' the gathering for hte past 2 years, but I really just don't have the time to pull off some crazy costume in 16 days :\

I would go as Dosu, but I just really didn't feel like it, thanks for supporting, and i'll probably just make a page or something for the next year, I look forward to seeing you all again in 16 days!... 15 technically

oh ya... I like... have a myspace ;D

I dunno, add me if you want? lawl
Title: Re: Behold your Jiraiya
Post by: narutofan17 on May 09, 2007, 11:32:26 AM
Quote from: "Otaking007"(
I know the face markings arent perfect, and the background (aka my room) sucks. However if anyone wants to make any comments or suggestions please let me know.
Dude, where did you get the geta shoes from. Thes the only thing that I'm missing. T_T
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: senritsu on May 09, 2007, 12:52:02 PM
oi... you might have a genma or ebisu depending on wether i feel like putting in my contacts
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on May 09, 2007, 10:51:59 PM
I dunno if i'll host or not, for sure i'm not coming in cosplay, just too much to lug around and it gets hot :(

I will definetly be there though, thanks for supporting for da' past 2 years, if you want i'll do... stuff again next year... lol

P.S. If you like TNS, you'll wanna be around. No hints.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: MisakiFan41 on May 09, 2007, 10:56:22 PM
Quote from: "Blue Impulse"I dunno if i'll host or not, for sure i'm not coming in cosplay, just too much to lug around and it gets hot :(

I will definetly be there though, thanks for supporting for da' past 2 years, if you want i'll do... stuff again next year... lol

P.S. If you like TNS, you'll wanna be around. No hints.

your looking at the new host this year...heh heh heh

and now I present you all with the agenda plan for this year's gathering!

Gathering Agenda

12:15pm - Pre-Naruto Gathering Party, Twister.
1:00 - Gathering Starts - Introduction
1:05 - Group Shot
1:20 - Individual Character Groups - Will be spread across the fountain area.
1:30 - Team Group Shots - Spread across the fountain area.
1:40 - Scene & Battle Shots
1:50 - Villages - Spread across the fountain area.
2:00 - End of Gathering
*Times are estimated and are not guranteed.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: narutofan17 on May 10, 2007, 01:37:16 AM
Quote from: "MisakiFan41"
Quote from: "Blue Impulse"I dunno if i'll host or not, for sure i'm not coming in cosplay, just too much to lug around and it gets hot :(

I will definetly be there though, thanks for supporting for da' past 2 years, if you want i'll do... stuff again next year... lol

P.S. If you like TNS, you'll wanna be around. No hints.

your looking at the new host this year...heh heh heh

and now I present you all with the agenda plan for this year's gathering!

Gathering Agenda

12:15pm - Pre-Naruto Gathering Party, Twister.
1:00 - Gathering Starts - Introduction
1:05 - Group Shot
1:20 - Individual Character Groups - Will be spread across the fountain area.
1:30 - Team Group Shots - Spread across the fountain area.
1:40 - Scene & Battle Shots
1:50 - Villages - Spread across the fountain area.
2:00 - End of Gathering
*Times are estimated and are not guranteed.
*cries* Its so beautiful! T_T (
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on May 10, 2007, 06:30:15 AM
Quote from: "MisakiFan41"
Quote from: "Blue Impulse"I dunno if i'll host or not, for sure i'm not coming in cosplay, just too much to lug around and it gets hot :(

I will definetly be there though, thanks for supporting for da' past 2 years, if you want i'll do... stuff again next year... lol

P.S. If you like TNS, you'll wanna be around. No hints.

your looking at the new host this year...heh heh heh

and now I present you all with the agenda plan for this year's gathering!

Gathering Agenda

12:15pm - Pre-Naruto Gathering Party, Twister.
1:00 - Gathering Starts - Introduction
1:05 - Group Shot
1:20 - Individual Character Groups - Will be spread across the fountain area.
1:30 - Team Group Shots - Spread across the fountain area.
1:40 - Scene & Battle Shots
1:50 - Villages - Spread across the fountain area.
2:00 - End of Gathering
*Times are estimated and are not guranteed.

Whatever, saves me some time anyway, guess i'm not showin up after all.
More video games for me lol
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sheikfreak on May 14, 2007, 03:41:34 PM
:?:  I'm thinking about getting a sharingan at Fanime for my Kakashi costume. Has anyone bought the contacts there who can tell me a bit about them? Do you need a prescription like you do if you buy contacts online, or do they just give them to you? I hope they're comfortable too...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Asa-Taiyo on May 15, 2007, 08:34:25 PM
I'm going as pre-timeskip Naruto!

I looked at the list and I saw yaoi after some of the names... That means your willing to do yaoi shots, right?

I'm willing to do yaoi shots as well!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Asa-Taiyo on May 15, 2007, 08:34:51 PM
I'm going as pre-timeskip Naruto!

I looked at the list and I saw yaoi after some of the names... That means your willing to do yaoi shots, right?

I'm willing to do yaoi shots as well!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Swizzlstik Cosplay on May 16, 2007, 02:21:17 AM
Very nice! Can't wait for the gathering this year. I'll be going as ANBU Kakashi again. Fixed the costume a little bit, got better coloring hair spray, and I finally got my own Icha Icha Paradise book.

See you at the twister game....muahaha
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Swizzlstik Cosplay on May 16, 2007, 02:21:33 AM
Very nice! Can't wait for the gathering this year. I'll be going as ANBU Kakashi again. Fixed the costume a little bit, got better coloring hair spray, and I finally got my own Icha Icha Paradise book.

See you at the twister game....muahaha
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Swizzlstik Cosplay on May 16, 2007, 02:22:36 AM
Very nice! Can't wait for the gathering this year. I'll be going as ANBU Kakashi again. Fixed the costume a little bit, got better coloring hair spray, and I finally got my own Icha Icha Paradise book.

See you at the twister game....muahaha
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Swizzlstik Cosplay on May 16, 2007, 02:26:44 AM
Quote from: "sheikfreak":?:  I'm thinking about getting a sharingan at Fanime for my Kakashi costume. Has anyone bought the contacts there who can tell me a bit about them? Do you need a prescription like you do if you buy contacts online, or do they just give them to you? I hope they're comfortable too...

I've got a sharingan, too, and I know just the place to get it!

I know it looks pricy, but believe me, it's the cheapest place I could find. If you need a prescription, then you can arrange for it through the web site, but if you don't, all the better. Just order it and put in your specifications, and HOPEFULLY it'll come in by Fanime. They're pretty good about timing and such, though.

As for the comfort level.....yeah, let's just say it takes a few times to get used to...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Leviathan on May 16, 2007, 07:35:57 PM
Got my shoes fixed. So count me in as Orochimaru.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Swizzlstik Cosplay on May 17, 2007, 11:14:57 PM
Sorry about the multiple post thing. The forum said it didn't post, so I tried a couple different things, three to be precise seeing as that's how many posts there are, and it SEEMED as though none of them worked. However, that was OBVIOUSLY not the case, and multi-posted...and I tried to figure out how to delete the extra messages, let's just say the FAQ section may address the issue, but they don't answer the question. Is it just me, or does that seem kind of oxymoronic?

again, my apologies. Twas not intentional
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: fr33lanc3r on May 18, 2007, 04:00:01 AM
change my kisame into kakuzu, my kisame sword is  brokeded at the handle :(. 7 days till the con and i havent finished handsewing shoes (looks bad),spats,mask/headband for kakuzu @_@
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: senritsu on May 18, 2007, 11:01:46 AM
i'm not done with half of my costumes...
ebisu complete with jounen vest is done though
i gotta fix his shoes
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: nekokazzie on May 18, 2007, 11:57:19 AM
We, the akatsuki, will be joining in on this gathering....expect maybe sasori and kakuzu...we dunno if we're raising them from the dead or not...

(8 person cosplay is hard to manage...hopefully one of us doesn't die from the stress....mainly me  :?   )
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: narutofan17 on May 18, 2007, 01:47:09 PM
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on May 18, 2007, 10:55:31 PM
Updated like WOAH.

----------------Last Update: May 22, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: 1 PM
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot

The is a list of FanimeBoard Members


Anbu- Syxx, Yukari Kaiba
Akatsuki- nekokazzie's group (most of them. Because Heulangel's too lazy to list them all separately =P)

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- Samansa-chan (SNJ)
Ebisu- senritsu
Gaara- Krysta, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Haku- di3m05, AkiraOmega
Hiashi- MisakiFan41
Hidan- lycan510
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby, Shenanigan, IHS UG, Girlycard
Ino- serajwl
Iruka- Syl (SnJ)
Itachi- sadistic-otaku, kuroi, Inuashley
Jiraiya- Otaking007, narutofan17
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak (young), Tiger, YuffieK's friend (SNJ), IHS UG, *Sesshie's* Nina (Anbu)
Kakuzu- fr33lanc3r
Kankuro- IHS UG, Sygmus
Kiba- NaV, Kiba, YuffieK's friend, IHS UG, jimmycosplay
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kurenai- Imari-chan
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Meizu- Fishcooler (elder)
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi), Defective naruto (Time Jump), IHS UG (Time Jump), Asa-Taiyo, Garnetstar (Time Jump)
Neji- IHS UG
Obito- sheikfreak's brother
Orochimaru- Leviathan
Rock Lee- Moogleborg, YuffieK (SnJ)
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair), IHS UG
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, jimmycosplay,
Rhomega_rei (Time Jump)
Shizune- Sushi, Kintaka
Temari- luckyends, SelenDragon (Time Jump)
TenTen- ilikeolive, IHS UG
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- dasutin26 (Anbu)

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
YuffieK- Hinata or SnJ Rock Lee
Ren_Zhao- Sasuke or Naruto
She-she- TenTen or SnJ Rock Lee
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Inuashley on May 18, 2007, 11:31:20 PM
I'm already on the list, but i'm in as Itachi ^^
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Garnetstar on May 19, 2007, 05:40:22 PM
I'll try to make it for the gathering as well ^^ I'll be going as Naruto after the time skip.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Swizzlstik Cosplay on May 20, 2007, 08:47:02 PM
Quote from: "hellangel"Updated like WOAH.

----------------Last Update: May 18, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: 1 PM
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot

The is a list of FanimeBoard Members


Anbu- Syxx
Akatsuki- nekokazzie's group (ALL of them. Because Heulangel's too lazy to list them all separately =P)

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- Samansa-chan (SNJ)
Ebisu- senritsu
Gaara- Krysta, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Haku- di3m05, Yukari Kaiba, AkiraOmega
Hiashi- MisakiFan41
Hidan- lycan510
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby, Shenanigan, IHS UG, Girlycard
Ino- serajwl
Iruka- Syl (SnJ)
Itachi- sadistic-otaku, kuroi, Inuashley
Jiraiya- Otaking007, narutofan17
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak (young), Tiger, YuffieK's friend (SNJ), IHS UG, *Sesshie's* Nina (Anbu)
Kakuzu- fr33lanc3r
Kankuro- IHS UG, Sygmus
Kiba- NaV, Kiba, YuffieK's friend, IHS UG, jimmycosplay
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kurenai- Imari-chan
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Meizu- Fishcooler (elder)
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi), Defective naruto (Time Jump), IHS UG (Time Jump), Asa-Taiyo, Garnetstar (Time Jump)
Neji- IHS UG
Obito- sheikfreak's brother
Orochimaru- Leviathan
Rock Lee- Moogleborg, YuffieK (SnJ)
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair), IHS UG
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, jimmycosplay,
Rhomega_rei (Time Jump)
Shizune- Sushi
Temari- luckyends, SelenDragon (Time Jump)
TenTen- ilikeolive, IHS UG
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- Yukari Kaiba's sister, dasutin26 (Anbu)

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
YuffieK- Hinata or SnJ Rock Lee
Ren_Zhao- Sasuke or Naruto
Kintaka- Kurenai or Shizune
She-she- TenTen or SnJ Rock Lee

Whoa! And these are only the people who bother with the forum. I don't even want to think about all the people who AREN'T on the forum. And don't get me started with all the 12-year-old newbie Naru-tards....*headache*
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: luckyends on May 20, 2007, 08:55:35 PM
there needs to be atleast one shikamaru i need to find one for pics if any one knows if ones going please PM me or somthing
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on May 20, 2007, 10:20:53 PM
2 Years ago was way bigger, we had like... 100+ at least lol..
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on May 20, 2007, 10:38:38 PM
Quote from: "Blue Impulse"2 Years ago was way bigger, we had like... 100+ at least lol..

remember the last count was about 200? that year hella rocked XD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yukari Kaiba on May 21, 2007, 09:41:27 AM
quick change to me and my sister's status - she's not able to come to the con anymore D: and my Haku cosplay is not finished, so instead of Haku im going to be wearing my generic ANBU cosplay
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: MisakiFan41 on May 21, 2007, 08:33:06 PM
Alright sports fans! I have here a map of the fountain area (thank you google) with locations of where each individual gatherings will take place and noted the Entire Gathering Photo! Photographers!!! Be ready for instructions for the entire gathering pic!


1: Naruto
2: Sasuke
3: Sakura
4: Hinata
5: Neji
6: Kiba
7: Rock Lee
8: Gaara
9: Temari
10: Tsunade
11: Kakashi
12: Itachi
13: Tenten
14: Sai
15: Anbu
16: Shino

- Please note, locations are bound to change based on amount of cosplayers! This is only guide of the area for people who will be instructed on where to go. I hope this helps! Thank you! This will also work for other photos that have appeared on the agenda, more info will be given at the gathering!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on May 21, 2007, 08:47:44 PM
um. wow.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on May 22, 2007, 06:27:59 AM
Now just get everyone who isn't in the gathering to not stand around in there... lawl.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on May 22, 2007, 06:42:35 AM
Now just get everyone who isn't in the gathering to not stand around in there... lawl.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Kintaka on May 22, 2007, 08:58:53 AM
Nice, a location guide.  Also I've officially decided that I'm going as Shizune not Kurenai for the gathering.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: nekokazzie on May 22, 2007, 11:24:25 AM
Sadly, Zetsu has starved to death and deidara blew himself those guys aren't showing up( actually, the didn't get their robes-.-). so yeah, current roster minus those guys^^;...and maybe kakuzu too( darn those masks  :? )
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on May 22, 2007, 03:31:51 PM
Quote from: "nekokazzie"Sadly, Zetsu has starved to death and deidara blew himself those guys aren't showing up( actually, the didn't get their robes-.-). so yeah, current roster minus those guys^^;...and maybe kakuzu too( darn those masks  :? )

haha, okay. when are the funerals? XD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Itamiko on May 23, 2007, 09:41:38 AM
Hey guys... I'm sorry but I'm not going as Sakura this year...  :cry:
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Sushi on May 23, 2007, 01:54:45 PM
Hey, I was going to be cosplay Shizune but I won't be able to make it to fanime anymore  :(
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on May 23, 2007, 05:26:45 PM
----------------Last Update: May 24, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: 1 PM
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot

The is a list of FanimeBoard Members


Anbu- Syxx, Yukari Kaiba
Akatsuki- nekokazzie's group (most of them. Because Heulangel's too lazy to list them all separately =P)

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- Samansa-chan (SNJ)
Ebisu- senritsu
Gaara- Krysta, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Haku- di3m05, AkiraOmega
Hiashi- MisakiFan41
Hidan- lycan510
Hinata- Yunri-Chan (Time Jump), Ruby, Shenanigan, IHS UG, Girlycard
Ino- serajwl
Iruka- Syl (SnJ)
Itachi- sadistic-otaku, kuroi, Inuashley
Jiraiya- Otaking007, narutofan17
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak (young), Tiger, YuffieK's friend (SNJ), IHS UG, *Sesshie's* Nina (Anbu)
Kakuzu- fr33lanc3r
Kankuro- IHS UG, Sygmus
Kiba- NaV, Kiba, YuffieK's friend, IHS UG, jimmycosplay
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kurenai- Imari-chan
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Meizu- Fishcooler (elder)
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi), Defective naruto (Time Jump), IHS UG (Time Jump), Asa-Taiyo, Garnetstar (Time Jump), Yunri-Chan (chibi)
Neji- IHS UG
Obito- sheikfreak's brother
Orochimaru- Leviathan
Rock Lee- Moogleborg, YuffieK (SnJ)
Sakura- IHS UG
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, jimmycosplay,
Rhomega_rei (Time Jump)
Shizune- Kintaka
Temari- luckyends, SelenDragon (Time Jump)
TenTen- ilikeolive, IHS UG
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- dasutin26 (Anbu)

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
YuffieK- Hinata or SnJ Rock Lee
Ren_Zhao- Sasuke or Naruto
She-she- TenTen or SnJ Rock Lee
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Asa-Taiyo on May 23, 2007, 06:11:57 PM
I'm very excited!! Only a few more days to go!!

I've had my Naruto costume ready for the longest time! ... It makes me wonder if it'll be too boring... ^^;
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on May 23, 2007, 11:26:19 PM
*squeal* One more day... one more dayyy.... *___*

Mkay, I already posted this on the C.Com board but I'll restate it here; my friend Hoshiko-hime isn't sure whether she'll be cosplaying for this gathering yet, but her little brother will be doing little Naruto for sure. x3 Since she only has an account on C.Com, you can put him under 'Yunri-chan's friend' or something if need be.

Btw, you can also add ‘time-jump’ to my name (I’m under ‘Hinata’), since I noticed you did that with other characters too. :3
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Inuashley on May 24, 2007, 12:17:13 AM
Yay! Now it's officially Day 0 of Fanime! XD Too bad I have to sleep first XDD See everyone at the gathering!
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on May 24, 2007, 07:00:27 AM
I'll be in the game room.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: senritsu on May 24, 2007, 08:23:59 AM
i'll definately be at the gathering
just... without regulation ninja shoes... they fell apart and i dont have time to fix em
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: nekokazzie on May 24, 2007, 10:10:24 AM
We sprinkled some water on Zetsu... I think he's revived enough to I'm hoping it's safe to include him as well( please don't let me be wrong-.- )
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Garnetstar on May 29, 2007, 04:39:51 PM
Does anyone have any pictures from the gathering by chance? =)
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on May 30, 2007, 05:31:10 PM
Alrightie, I took a few photos; you can see them here ( if you scroll down a bit. I cosplayed time-jump Hinata (, so if you have any photos of me, feel free to send them my way. :]
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Takumi_Amari on May 30, 2007, 07:40:14 PM
It was a pretty good gathering. <3
I didn't know where the heck to go cause there wasn't an appointed spot for Orchimaru and gang.
Anyone here cosplay a Kimmimaro? I saw them Saturday night, but I couldn't go up and hugs them. T.T

By the way, I was the short Orochimaru. <3
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Takumi_Amari on May 30, 2007, 07:45:26 PM
Quote from: "jess3zor"undecided if ill choose another character other then kabuto. Ill just improve the costume i already have, including the hair....


Did I see you? o.O I ran into like three Kabutos. I was the short Orochimaru.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Blue Impulse on May 31, 2007, 06:50:53 AM
Who had fun? :P I played Puzzle Fighter XD
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: DoomGirlMeg on June 01, 2007, 04:52:38 AM
I was a Hinata...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: DoomGirlMeg on June 01, 2007, 04:52:59 AM
I was a Hinata...
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Otaking007 on June 01, 2007, 09:27:35 AM
I was a Jiraiya~! XD I had a blast! Expect to see me again next year.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: hellangel on August 20, 2007, 01:45:53 AM
so...who wants to lead the one for next year?

my brother and i will be showing up again, if scheduling works out. again, he'll be chibi-sasuke. i'll be anbu itachi, though.
Title: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on August 21, 2007, 10:43:16 PM
Ok, im totally pulling to be chouji in '08.
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: luckyends on October 22, 2007, 05:48:50 PM
who wants to see man temari again in 08? cause my friends are forcing me im just curiouse what you think
oh and if you cant remember wich one was me i was the one with the blue fan as aposed to white
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: luluuxduplica1223 on October 22, 2007, 07:51:16 PM
Hi!I'm going to be Tenten all days unless I get more costumes!So put me down as Tenten,please!I might not be there though,Too much to do!= ^.^ = My friend might be Neji,too.But theres a very small chance of that.I'll possibly be holding a Neji plush toy the rest the days!If your being anyone from team Gai(Guy),I'll possibly get a picture with you!
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Tabbychan on October 23, 2007, 07:07:49 AM
Hello then_n I will be Temari this year...-looks at luckyends- xD YAY! Man temari!!!!
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: luckyends on October 23, 2007, 03:05:44 PM
hey do you remember me?
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: narutofan17 on October 30, 2007, 09:26:39 AM
Sooooooon....Jiraiya will be reborn again.....even more pervert then before. XD
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Zekke on November 05, 2007, 10:42:54 PM
 :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BrightHeart76 on November 06, 2007, 05:22:41 PM
I'm doing Tsunade this year.  Should be fun to be a part of a gathering.
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sonyatheunicorn on November 13, 2007, 02:36:48 PM
Hopefully im the only hinata at fanime 08 or at least less than 5 Hinata's at fanime

ill be going all the days so yeah

i just wanna feel original even though im not

Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: KHfan-boy on November 15, 2007, 01:12:30 AM
I'll be going as deidara, but I have a strange idea, I don't want to start a rompous here, but I had this gathering idea of Org XIII against The Akatsuki, but, its just an idea. someone told me to pulicize it more, so, here it is
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BrightHeart76 on November 15, 2007, 06:12:15 PM
Hate to rain on your parade.  But my sister is doing Hinata too. At least you'll have company!   :D
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: sonyatheunicorn on November 16, 2007, 08:24:29 AM
Quote from: BrightHeart76 on November 15, 2007, 06:12:15 PM
Hate to rain on your parade.  But my sister is doing Hinata too. At least you'll have company!   :D

XD i see
are you guys going the full days?
or just specific ones?
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BrightHeart76 on November 16, 2007, 04:52:00 PM
I don't know her schedule.  She'll at least be there during the day of the gathering, from there probably just when she feels like cosplaying.
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: dasutin26 on November 20, 2007, 10:29:40 AM
For NAruto im going as SAi!!! (>___<)v
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BrightHeart76 on November 24, 2007, 06:39:02 PM
Guys, we should probably start discussing time and place.  They'll start assigning the spots in about a month and we need to be organized or we'll wind up at a bad time / place. 

By the way, who's in charge this year?  We're still working off the 2007 list far as I can tell, should we start a new thread for 2008?

I know I'm being a pest, sorry.  Let's make this a really great gathering!!!
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: kat-hime on November 24, 2007, 10:59:43 PM
Well, since there are 2 Hinatas
I think it's only fair to say that I'm going to be cosplaying as Hinata^^
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Kage_pirateninja_wolf on December 03, 2007, 05:13:00 AM
I'll be cosplaying as Naruto like I did in '07 which was just what a few months ago. It was fun. My friends and I are going as
Hopefully the other two can make it.
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: Baker!-! on December 24, 2007, 10:21:38 AM
im neji for two days so ya HI KAT-HIME

My mom aka lunawillow is going to be Kurenai
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: BrightHeart76 on December 24, 2007, 04:47:42 PM
If you want to be included on the Gathering list for 2008, please go to this thread,8418.0.html

We don't have a lot of people listed yet, but I think it's because most people posted on this thread for last years gathering.  Looking forward to a fun gathering in 2008!   ;D
Title: Re: Naruto Cosplay -- 2007!
Post by: localuvr on December 25, 2007, 09:09:53 PM
This year, I'll be Haku! And, I'm gonna help my friends with their Naruto cosplays. Especially my red head friend with her Gaara cosplay. T.T so much work, so little time.