FanimeCon 2024 Forums

FanimeCon Events and Discussionmentarianism => Live Programming and Events => Topic started by: Kazuko on June 18, 2006, 11:52:23 PM

Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Kazuko on June 18, 2006, 11:52:23 PM
I denno if this could be made possible ^^ but how about some purikura booths for fanime 07 it would be great for like instant con memories and it would be cute :3 its just a suggestion though <--its a better explanation of what purikura is for thoes who dont understand what it is.
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: scyper15 on June 19, 2006, 12:33:18 AM
...OMG! That would be so awesome Kazuko!! (But please don't make them expensiveee >.>)
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: ~~Loktera~~ on June 19, 2006, 01:28:16 AM
*Ahem* Let me be the first to say...

This is the greatest idea ever...

Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Sunara Ishi on June 19, 2006, 05:41:46 AM
I want as well. XD
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Spiritsnare on June 19, 2006, 07:03:18 AM
You Know Kazuko Is Desperate To Kill When... #61: She personally requests purikura at Fanime eleven months prior so that it'll have the support of everyone and they won't have a reason not to.

All joking aside, we do need one or two at Fanime. XD
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: gmontem on June 19, 2006, 08:24:57 AM
Those purikuras are going to smell of fanboy funk in no time.
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: scyper15 on June 19, 2006, 09:01:05 AM
Quote from: "gmontem"Those purikuras are going to smell of fanboy funk in no time.

Oh shit. You're right. D: But but but... PuriKura's are so cool. T^T
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Sunara Ishi on June 19, 2006, 10:54:49 AM
Quote from: "scyper15"
Quote from: "gmontem"Those purikuras are going to smell of fanboy funk in no time.

Oh shit. You're right. D: But but but... PuriKura's are so cool. T^T

Kazuko! We're hitting them early once they implement them! Before the fanboy funk...
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Tony on June 19, 2006, 01:38:11 PM
Good idea!

Step 1: Do a little research.
Step 2: Start a pool with the staff - how many naughty couples will Rovers catch?
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Spiritsnare on June 19, 2006, 01:49:46 PM
Quote from: "Tony"Good idea!

Step 1: Do a little research.
Step 2: Start a pool with the staff - how many naughty couples will Rovers catch?
Step 3: ?????
Step 4: PROFIT!

I'm sorry.
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: zoupzuop2 on June 19, 2006, 02:22:15 PM
Quote from: "gmontem"Those purikuras are going to smell of fanboy funk in no time.
Fanimaids with febreeze FTW.
More proof that we need TEAMS of fanimaids, not just Minagi-Chan.
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Nina Star 9 on June 19, 2006, 02:42:40 PM
heh. in comes musii to burst kazi-chan's bubble~~ :D:D:D

sorry about that. ._.

i have heard this sugesstion before, not sure where. maybe the main issue with having such booths at cons is time. you can spend a very long time in one of those booths, and even if they limit the time to only a few minutes, think of how long you will be waiting, even if there is  a fairly short line of only 5-6 people ahead of you. plus, there would probably be really high demand for the things, so prepare for very long lines. and even if time was limited to only a couple minutes per person, then there will be probably quite a few angry people who got harassed for staying too long, people that refuse to leave, and people that do not get enough time, especially if they have difficult costumes.

besides, the things are huge and would take a lot to get them in and out, though DDR machines are not too easy, either. :P (and yes, i have helped take down a DDR machine before. :P) besides, where are you going to find a supplier of the booths?

plus, there would have to be constant monitoring of them, as there would be lots of vandalism and as tony said, naughty couples, even naughty single people.

i think it would only work if very stripped-down, smaller versions were brought in, as the larger ones with lots of features are going ot have a lot of people spending a lot of time in them.

though it does sound very fun. <3

(heehee. kazi-chan needs to take lessons from me on how to make evil plans. ^.~)
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: lolitadesu on June 24, 2006, 10:57:14 PM
I really like this idea! I would definitely love to take purikura!
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: uzutake on June 25, 2006, 08:08:38 PM
This would be so much fun! Way better then an average photobooth! But as some users have already posted, there're many downfalls to this idea. TTATT

I wonder if it'll ever happen...we all hope.
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Emerge on June 26, 2006, 01:51:45 AM
Quote from: "gmontem"Those purikuras are going to smell of fanboy funk in no time.

solution: pine tree air fresheners. i'm brilliant.

if this thing does end up coming, i wonder how long it'll take for those sticker sheets to be bye-bye...
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Mango Bunny on July 06, 2006, 07:34:30 PM

I would die and use it ten thousand times. Well, not in tht order maybe. But you get the idea.

I love purikura. I've only done it 4 times though. I WANT MORE. (Fill my walls with it?)

Seriously though, it would be great if it could work.
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Kazuko on July 20, 2006, 07:55:58 PM
O: yeah, based on what i read so far it would be freeking sweet if it could work but i thought of suggestions incase things go bad x:

x: well the curtains in the purikura booths arent so large, the main one when you enter..its tiny so rovers can see whats going on (belive me XD people saw the funny faces my friends and I made in japantown)

x: also i guess you can have like two for starters and then see how it goes from there
Title: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Minagi-chan on August 02, 2006, 04:27:03 PM
Ah!  Purikura Fanime would be such a great idea!
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Niaro on December 17, 2007, 12:43:25 PM
There should be a Purikura from a supplier that does the basics: Take a certain set of good photos, give frame... I'm not so sure about stickers or writing though. I've waited 3 hours for my crazy cousin and her friend to gtfo the purikura shop. I honestly do not want to have another experience like that.
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: LadyKaren on December 18, 2007, 12:48:10 PM
Quote from: Niaro on December 17, 2007, 12:43:25 PM
There should be a Purikura from a supplier that does the basics: Take a certain set of good photos, give frame... I'm not so sure about stickers or writing though. I've waited 3 hours for my crazy cousin and her friend to gtfo the purikura shop. I honestly do not want to have another experience like that.

:P Thread Necro.
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Niaro on December 18, 2007, 12:55:52 PM
^^; Oh, sorry. I didn't realize how old the post was. ;; I apologize.
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: LadyKaren on December 18, 2007, 07:32:03 PM
Quote from: Niaro on December 18, 2007, 12:55:52 PM
^^; Oh, sorry. I didn't realize how old the post was. ;; I apologize.

:P it's not a bad thing.
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: vineboy33 on January 25, 2008, 09:03:37 PM
yes please ^_^ ;D
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Tur713 on January 29, 2008, 02:00:54 AM
Yay! I support this necroed idea!
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: holyonekt on February 20, 2009, 04:02:56 PM
i actually think this is a good idea, alot of people would die in happiness if they can have alest one sticker picture, lol drama crazed people atleast, so any update on having this for 2009 at all????
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on February 21, 2009, 01:07:51 PM
Aah, I love purikura; you should go to the shops in Japan, Taiwan, Korea etc; one time I went to this two story shop that had staff escorts and decorator people, it was beyond anything I see in the States. Though Asians (in Asia) usually outgrow the purikura stage by high school, I can see why it's so popular over here, especially amongst anime fans.

With that being said, remember that you'd have to find a place to actually get the machines. The only actual shop I know of around here is PikaPika in San Fran J-town; and yes, though bringing in & setting up those booths is possible, you'd have to plan all of that out. Though it takes away the fun of being in the sparkly atmosphere of a booth, I think it's more realistic to set up a "purikura-like" booth, ie with a photographer/automatic camera in a curtained stall and then have one of those notebook computers with Photoshop for decoration.

Don't get me wrong, I love doing purikura with my friends both here and overseas -- but at the moment, I don't think it's realistically plausible when the Fanime staff have so many other plans in mind for 2009.
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: holyonekt on February 21, 2009, 03:51:54 PM
i see, well it was just a nice sugeestion, you also have have a point with fanime closing in maybe its to much hard work for the staffers , anyways if by some miricle this does happen it would be a fun moment that people can look back on( or in their wallets)
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: chifunii on March 25, 2009, 07:09:38 PM
I think, if this is possible, that it may be the greatest idea ever.
However, I do agree it will smell of fanboy funk in no time.
But...It'd be so great to have a memory of Fanime 2009...

It might not happen though[?] since Fanime is less than 2 months away...(OMG!)
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: bahamutknightzero on March 26, 2009, 07:37:10 AM
I would say its an interesting idea on paper, but as the people have said, the fanboy funk issue (among other things) makes it rather unlikely to happen. If there a bunch of precautions or way to keep things organized and placed in a controlled area with some people keeping an eye out, it could be feasible and could be worth considering for the future.
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Sunara Ishi on March 26, 2009, 04:03:24 PM
A purikura rover? One that will act similar to a club rover and turn away people that smell bad; telling them come back after they take a bath? And enforce time limits for people to be in the booth so nothing funky happens?
Or maybe a rover just to watch the line and an additional person that watches the booth?

It could also be sectioned off at a certain time daily and someone given the dirty job of cleaning and disinfecting it. Especially if something does happen.

Just throwing ideas into the mix.
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: bahamutknightzero on March 27, 2009, 07:35:24 AM
Quote from: Sunara Ishi on March 26, 2009, 04:03:24 PM
A purikura rover? One that will act similar to a club rover and turn away people that smell bad; telling them come back after they take a bath? And enforce time limits for people to be in the booth so nothing funky happens?
Or maybe a rover just to watch the line and an additional person that watches the booth?

It could also be sectioned off at a certain time daily and someone given the dirty job of cleaning and disinfecting it. Especially if something does happen.

Just throwing ideas into the mix.

Something kind of like that, but it could also be like a complete staff/non-rover set up, kind of like those photo places that you see inside malls.
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: ewu on April 28, 2009, 03:10:22 PM

Quote from: mellypants

I come bearing good news!
I'm posting for my forum-phobic friend who works at PikaPika, the purikura place, in San Francisco's Japantown.

This year PikaPika will be at Fanime in the Artist Alley for your purikura enjoyment! They'll be bringing two machines, Fuvi and a new machine Himeryu. Some things to note:
- There will be a PikaPika employee present at all times. They'll be able to help you work the machines, so don't be afraid if you've never used one before or can't read japanese.
- The machines DO have basic english instructions as well.
- No food or drink in the machines please.
- Bring plenty of dollar bills.
- The machines will be there Saturday and Sunday for sure, details are still being worked out for the other days, I'll get back to you all when information is available.

If you have any questions, let me know and I'll pass them on to my friend to be answered as soon as possible.

Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: JTchinoy on April 28, 2009, 03:36:56 PM
how much will it be?  $6 as usual?
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Nina Star 9 on April 28, 2009, 09:47:46 PM
That's pretty cool. I've never done purikura (there aren't any machines anywhere near me), so I'm glad that there will be people there to help me, but I think I will give it a shot. :D
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Yunri-Chan on April 28, 2009, 10:19:52 PM
YES. I hope it won't be too crowded!

^ haha, I've taken more purikura than I can count. I'd rather not think about all that money I've spent...
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: konataFTW on April 28, 2009, 11:37:37 PM
yayyyy PuriKara <3 I take em everytime I get a glimpse of a machine :D
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: donnathedead on April 30, 2009, 01:13:35 PM
Quote from: ewu on April 28, 2009, 03:10:22 PM

Quote from: mellypants

I come bearing good news!
I'm posting for my forum-phobic friend who works at PikaPika, the purikura place, in San Francisco's Japantown.

This year PikaPika will be at Fanime in the Artist Alley for your purikura enjoyment! They'll be bringing two machines, Fuvi and a new machine Himeryu. Some things to note:
- There will be a PikaPika employee present at all times. They'll be able to help you work the machines, so don't be afraid if you've never used one before or can't read japanese.
- The machines DO have basic english instructions as well.
- No food or drink in the machines please.
- Bring plenty of dollar bills.
- The machines will be there Saturday and Sunday for sure, details are still being worked out for the other days, I'll get back to you all when information is available.

If you have any questions, let me know and I'll pass them on to my friend to be answered as soon as possible.

AHH! Seriously? Excited!!!! But $6? It was only 400Y in Tokyo... :[
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: holyonekt on May 02, 2009, 03:23:56 PM
haha glad that fanimecon accept this hehe well glad my really small post help people bring this topic back, u guys rock!
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: abcbadcat on May 06, 2009, 12:33:31 AM
Hahaha I have heard about these

Heck it's Fanime, I'll give it a shot :D
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: JTchinoy on May 06, 2009, 01:18:29 AM
Quote from: donnathedead on April 30, 2009, 01:13:35 PM
Quote from: ewu on April 28, 2009, 03:10:22 PM

Quote from: mellypants

I come bearing good news!
I'm posting for my forum-phobic friend who works at PikaPika, the purikura place, in San Francisco's Japantown.

This year PikaPika will be at Fanime in the Artist Alley for your purikura enjoyment! They'll be bringing two machines, Fuvi and a new machine Himeryu. Some things to note:
- There will be a PikaPika employee present at all times. They'll be able to help you work the machines, so don't be afraid if you've never used one before or can't read japanese.
- The machines DO have basic english instructions as well.
- No food or drink in the machines please.
- Bring plenty of dollar bills.
- The machines will be there Saturday and Sunday for sure, details are still being worked out for the other days, I'll get back to you all when information is available.

If you have any questions, let me know and I'll pass them on to my friend to be answered as soon as possible.

AHH! Seriously? Excited!!!! But $6? It was only 400Y in Tokyo... :[
If they're taking the mitsuwa machines that are now in that one mall, they're $6 in the mall.  I can't imagine them being any cheaper now that they're being rented.
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Super Sheba on May 06, 2009, 05:06:52 PM
I can't wait.  Thanks for bringing this to fruition.  I will be taking purikura with my friends I'm going to the con with, and maybe some people I'm going to meet at con. :3
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: puyo_pop on May 07, 2009, 09:28:20 AM
Quote from: ewu on April 28, 2009, 03:10:22 PM

Quote from: mellypants

I come bearing good news!
I'm posting for my forum-phobic friend who works at PikaPika, the purikura place, in San Francisco's Japantown.

This year PikaPika will be at Fanime in the Artist Alley for your purikura enjoyment! They'll be bringing two machines, Fuvi and a new machine Himeryu. Some things to note:
- There will be a PikaPika employee present at all times. They'll be able to help you work the machines, so don't be afraid if you've never used one before or can't read japanese.
- The machines DO have basic english instructions as well.
- No food or drink in the machines please.
- Bring plenty of dollar bills.
- The machines will be there Saturday and Sunday for sure, details are still being worked out for the other days, I'll get back to you all when information is available.

If you have any questions, let me know and I'll pass them on to my friend to be answered as soon as possible.

but how are they gonna regulate it?  is there gonna be a line and time limit?  the last time i was at pikapika and my friends and i did purikura we sat and decorate the pix for nearly half an hour.  but i doubt we'd be able to do that at fanime unless there's like nobody there
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: JTchinoy on May 07, 2009, 11:59:41 PM
If they leave it how it normally is, it's unlimited time until someone else puts their money in the machine.  I think then you're put on a 10 minute timer.
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Yukari Kaiba on May 26, 2009, 02:25:14 PM
I just want to say how awesome it was that Purikura finally made it to Fanime this year - my friends and I had so much fun doing the photos in our costumes. We loved the new machine (so many fun backrounds and stamps to choose from!). My friends and I are actually hanging out in Japantown this friday before one heads back down to SoCal for the summer, so we're excited to play with the new machine again (and the guy actually told us they're getting another new machine on wednesday). So glad to hear that they plan on coming back again next year!
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: fma4theworld on May 27, 2009, 09:34:05 PM
Ohayo minnasan~

i didn't go the the purikura booths cause i heard they were really expensive! i heard they were like 10$ for a picture, i know i can get like 6$ in the mall! can you guys make them cheaper next year?
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: bebop on May 30, 2009, 11:09:49 PM
I went in there. There were two of them, one was $7 and the other was $10. My friend and I went for the $10 because we heard it had better stuff.

It was pretty cool. I liked all the backgrounds and the effects that the PURIKURA had. Amazing technology it has. I was impressed. I really was.
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: Haruka on June 18, 2009, 03:40:00 PM
Purikura must come back next year!  It was great being able to get 8 people into a sticker photo!  Must have more!
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: lyricaldanichan on June 21, 2009, 01:32:52 PM
That is how much it usually cost for those machines. The price wasn't raised. Which mall has this? I heard Valco/Cupertino Square had them and they were apparently expensive too.

This is pretty cool that we had it this year, hope they come back again!

Quote from: fma4theworld on May 27, 2009, 09:34:05 PM
Ohayo minnasan~

i didn't go the the purikura booths cause i heard they were really expensive! i heard they were like 10$ for a picture, i know i can get like 6$ in the mall! can you guys make them cheaper next year?
Title: Re: Purikura at fanime :3!
Post by: extensiveillusion on June 22, 2009, 12:50:08 AM
That's not expensive. It's worth it in my opinion. I'm going in one of those again next year also.