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Anime Video Game Cosplay Geek Clearing House => Gaming => Topic started by: AnimeEmperor on November 23, 2006, 11:47:30 PM

Title: WoW Specs Question
Post by: AnimeEmperor on November 23, 2006, 11:47:30 PM
At long last I have finally set into motion a plan to get a new computer. The plan is codenamed: "Christmas Present".

Obviously i'm really only doing this to play WoW, since my current computer doesn't really have the muscle for it. Anyway, i've looked up the "Recommended" specs, but i'd also like to hear from players.

What are your computer specs and how well does the game run on those specs?

For now i'll be shopping around based on the recommended specs.
Title: WoW Specs Question
Post by: astroboy on December 26, 2006, 01:40:18 PM
Contrary to popular belief you do NOT have to have to sink $2K into a computer to play an online game. I'm still using a comp that I bought used for $500 two years ago. (CPU = 2.8 ghz, Video Card = crappy...not worth mentioning)

I don't have too much problems except when I go to Iron Forge and there's a gazillion other players there...then yes things do slow down and get real choppy, but other then that it works 99.9% of the time.
Title: WoW Specs Question
Post by: Shin Gouki on February 06, 2007, 11:06:40 AM
you don't even what to know what I have but I would build one so it can play wow and other game but you will get video lad on some of the good cards in  IF or ORG when there are alot of players
Title: WoW Specs Question
Post by: AnimeEmperor on February 06, 2007, 02:15:17 PM
Wow, computer broke and then the forums were down so I forgot about this. x.X

Well I actually already have a new computer and WoW, so i'm good. Got my mount over the weekend, so...yay.