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Anime Video Game Cosplay Geek Clearing House => General Anime Chat => Topic started by: Yoshi31 on May 27, 2003, 01:01:31 AM

Title: Anyone watch Onegai Teacher?
Post by: Yoshi31 on May 27, 2003, 01:01:31 AM
i finished it a few days ago and you know i feel all wierd inside now. like i want to get married and settle down and stuff :oops:  i have no clue why
Title: Anyone watch Onegai Teacher?
Post by: fuzzyfaery on May 28, 2003, 08:34:21 AM
i saw the first few eps when it was it was being fansubbed

i always got a craving for pocky afterwards.

i also wonder why

Title: Anyone watch Onegai Teacher?
Post by: Mew on May 28, 2003, 04:30:10 PM
I finished watching Onegai Teacher over the weekend. ^_~ Now I am hooked on music by I've Sound. Unfortunately they do music mostly for H games so I have to go search those types of sites to find song samples/short versions. >_>;; The music is too cool! KOTOKO is one of my faves out of I've.

Ah yes, about Onetei itself. Hoshi sama sounds adorable as Kei. I really pity him at times. ^^; Iwata sama is cute as Hyosuke as well. I think the series is good, but they start to have too many suggestive stuff later in the series and definitely in the OVA. (I guess Kei's not that shy. LoL!)

Overall a good series though.
Title: Anyone watch Onegai Teacher?
Post by: Tsubasa on May 28, 2003, 04:46:54 PM
Personally, I thought Onegai Teacher wasn't that spectacular.  I suppose you could say I think it is mediocre.  There are only three particuarily notable things about the series: Ichigo (gotta love the "emotionless" ones ^_^), the fact that Minami Omi plays a role, and the opening by I'VE Sound.  Otherwise, I thought the plot was your standard shounen-romance fair.  I don't think it stands out too much.

What's surprising though, is the fact that I'VE Sound actually did do the opening theme.  Yes, they do do mostly erogame themes and that does make their stuff harder to find, but I've got a fair number of songs myself.  Not like my online buddy who has 200+ I'VE MP3s though. ^_^;  Personally, I really like MAKO; "bite on the bullet."  I need not say more. ^_^  Although, I gotta say, I think Ayana's my favorite.  Last Regrets is by far my favorite I'VE song.  It's so friggin' beautiful.
Title: Anyone watch Onegai Teacher?
Post by: fuzzyfaery on May 28, 2003, 10:06:36 PM
omg thats by ive?

that song is t3h ownage.

i was hooked on that song even before finish kanon.
Title: Anyone watch Onegai Teacher?
Post by: Mew on May 29, 2003, 06:00:22 PM
Quote from: "Tsubasa"What's surprising though, is the fact that I'VE Sound actually did do the opening theme.  ...  Although, I gotta say, I think Ayana's my favorite.  Last Regrets is by far my favorite I'VE song.  It's so friggin' beautiful.

Kawada Mami, the artist of the ED, is also part of I've Sound. ^^ And yeah, Last Regrets is a great song. I just listened to a male version of it. Umm... Ayana's is better. ^^; I've had this for a while but never listened to it.
Title: Anyone watch Onegai Teacher?
Post by: Suspicious on May 31, 2003, 10:05:21 AM
I absolutely loved Onegai Teacher, I watched it like a year ago or something.  I almost cry every time I see a box of pocky now ~.~
Title: Anyone watch Onegai Teacher?
Post by: junknown on June 20, 2003, 11:53:16 PM
i also watched it a long time ago.. i only remember liking the little yellow guy. i didn't really dig any other character or the story line for that matter. not really my taste in anime..:?
Title: Anyone watch Onegai Teacher?
Post by: CloudStrife546 on June 23, 2003, 03:31:53 PM
i agree w. tsubasa.
Title: Anyone watch Onegai Teacher?
Post by: Ali on June 27, 2003, 09:14:19 PM
I'm curious... I haven't seen Onegai yet, so I was wondering if it really comes recommended, or if I should invest in a different series instead.

(Oh, and Cloud... thanks for the signature. I was brand new to Fanime and was really wondering where that "chair" thing came from. Thanks for clearing it up!)