FanimeCon 2024 Forums

FanimeCon Events and Discussionmentarianism => General Convention Discussion => Topic started by: Niaro on December 19, 2007, 01:41:39 AM

Title: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Niaro on December 19, 2007, 01:41:39 AM
My first year here will be 2008. :'D Now all you experienced Fanime goers... what's the worst thing you heard of/seen?
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: K&K4ever on December 19, 2007, 08:27:02 AM
Walking around with no place to sit. That's about it for me.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Jerry on December 19, 2007, 08:50:27 AM
Not that that I'm going to go into any specific details...
but generally as a PSA announcement.

Please just be mindful of your surroundings and use common sense.  :)

Specific tips:
Dont carry large amounts of Cash unless necessary.
Some Dealers will take credit.

Be mindful of your stuff (important stuff ie laptops, portable devices, expensive stuff and fragile stuff)

Be mindful of people (stalkers, fanboy/girls, cameras from low/akward angles, and crazy tackle glompers)

Have your KEYS (room, car, and home so your not stuck someplace akward...)

DO NOT advertise your Hotel room in public (nuff said)

TAKE A SHOWER (Frebreeze and Axe/Tag DO NOT COUNT)

EAT - edible food goes into mouth (bite, chew, swallow, repeat if necessary)
DRINK RESPONSIBLY - (sip, be Hydrated with WATER, and if you cosume alcohol, please be 21+ and not make any scenes or keep in the room)

PLAY RESPONSIBLY - Enjoy to the Con and do so by following the rules and respect the wishes of others/Fanime/Convention Staff.

Time management/patience - Lines and waits are to be expected. PLease don't lose your cool, causing a situation may up end delaying you longer than necessary.

I'd Rather have a "BEST Things that happen @ Fanime" rather that seeing "Worst things that happen"

but thats just me.  :D
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Niaro on December 19, 2007, 01:22:01 PM
Thank you very much for the responses!

-laughs- I know, but always expect the worst, you know. Of course I'm not so negative. I'm definitely planning to have good fun! Thank you!
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: PyronIkari on December 19, 2007, 02:28:30 PM
For god's sakes... HAVE a hotel room or transportation back home/to a friends/SOMEWHERE.

A lot of idiots think going to fanime is a great idea, don't have a hotel room and expect to find a friend to crash with last minute without any money, or other such things, and end up sleeping in video rooms, hallways, and the such.

This is not smiled upon, so don't do it.

If you can't afford a hotel room, and you're traveling to the con, you shouldn't be going.

And not getting a hotel room, to save money, so you can spend it in the dealers room, is not a legitimate excuse to break the law and sleep in hallways/video rooms/etc.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Jerry on December 19, 2007, 03:04:09 PM

I actually agree with you on that one Mikey, but sometimes it happens more than you think.

but again folks, no fan boys/girls sleeping bumming it on the concourse. Please find legit shelter for the night.

And sleeping in the 24-hour video rooms is also a no-no.

Besides, they take advantage of sleepers in the Yaoi/Yuri/Hentai rooms and its NOT pretty.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: phoenixphire24 on December 19, 2007, 08:04:29 PM
Watch your money! I don't think that too many people get their things stolen, but with all the people around and shiny things to look at, it's very easy to misplace wallets/purses/etc. Then not only is your money gone, but you run the risk of angry roomies when they find out you can't pay your share of the hotel room.

Also, it's a con and you're supposed to have fun, but take care of yourself! Not only do you need to shower and sleep, but you need to eat and hydrate yourself too. There's nothing like getting sick to take the fun right out of a con. It's a good idea to pack some basic meds just in case.  :-\
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Niaro on December 20, 2007, 04:18:56 AM
O: Thank you for the tip. I'll keep them all in mind. ( Especially the wallet thing. Don't think I'll go hobo'ing in the game rooms anytime soon )
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Chewie on December 20, 2007, 09:59:29 AM
Quote from: Jerry on December 19, 2007, 08:50:27 AM
Not that that I'm going to go into any specific details...
but generally as a PSA announcement.

Please just be mindful of your surroundings and use common sense.  :)

Specific tips:
Dont carry large amounts of Cash unless necessary.
Some Dealers will take credit.

Be mindful of your stuff (important stuff ie laptops, portable devices, expensive stuff and fragile stuff)

Be mindful of people (stalkers, fanboy/girls, cameras from low/akward angles, and crazy tackle glompers)

Have your KEYS (room, car, and home so your not stuck someplace akward...)

DO NOT advertise your Hotel room in public (nuff said)

TAKE A SHOWER (Frebreeze and Axe/Tag DO NOT COUNT)

EAT - edible food goes into mouth (bite, chew, swallow, repeat if necessary)
DRINK RESPONSIBLY - (sip, be Hydrated with WATER, and if you cosume alcohol, please be 21+ and not make any scenes or keep in the room)

PLAY RESPONSIBLY - Enjoy to the Con and do so by following the rules and respect the wishes of others/Fanime/Convention Staff.

Time management/patience - Lines and waits are to be expected. PLease don't lose your cool, causing a situation may up end delaying you longer than necessary.

I'd Rather have a "BEST Things that happen @ Fanime" rather that seeing "Worst things that happen"

but thats just me.  :D

Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: localuvr on December 20, 2007, 03:16:32 PM
Quote from: Niaro on December 20, 2007, 04:18:56 AM
O:  Don't think I'll go hobo'ing in the game rooms anytime soon
Sure. That's what you say now. But when you get there, sometimes, it just ends up happening. I mean, I didn't do it (I have family close by who let me crash at theirs), but plenty of people end up doing it, and not noticing till later.

One other thing you might want to be aware of: if you cosplay, or wear a "GLOMP ME!" sign, you will most likely be glomped. possibly violently. So just be prepared (even though glomps are fun for me). And if you do cosplay, be ready for people to ask to take your picture, and random people coming up to you and stuff.

But all in all, Fanime is a REALLY cool place, and there's really cool people there. So just have fun.  :)
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: IamTetsuo on December 21, 2007, 01:08:04 AM
The worst thing that can happen at Fanime?

Obviously that would be not having a good time!  Make sure to follow all of the rules, and listen to the suggestions in this thread and in others across this board to ensure that nothing ruins a good con experience.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Glitch on December 21, 2007, 10:19:29 AM
Quote from: localuvr on December 20, 2007, 03:16:32 PM
Quote from: Niaro on December 20, 2007, 04:18:56 AM
O:  Don't think I'll go hobo'ing in the game rooms anytime soon
Sure. That's what you say now. But when you get there, sometimes, it just ends up happening. I mean, I didn't do it (I have family close by who let me crash at theirs), but plenty of people end up doing it, and not noticing till later.
Unless Niaro is that type of person, I really doubt it will happen to our friend here. That mostly happens because of very poor planning. No offense to you personally.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: localuvr on December 21, 2007, 04:43:55 PM
Quote from: Glitch on December 21, 2007, 10:19:29 AM
Quote from: localuvr on December 20, 2007, 03:16:32 PM
Quote from: Niaro on December 20, 2007, 04:18:56 AM
O:  Don't think I'll go hobo'ing in the game rooms anytime soon
Sure. That's what you say now. But when you get there, sometimes, it just ends up happening. I mean, I didn't do it (I have family close by who let me crash at theirs), but plenty of people end up doing it, and not noticing till later.
Unless Niaro is that type of person, I really doubt it will happen to our friend here. That mostly happens because of very poor planning. No offense to you personally.
That's okay, it's not offending to say that. I'm just saying that it happens. T.T it happened to a cousin of mine in a different con, and he thought that he'd planned everything out
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Reinna on December 22, 2007, 08:31:36 PM
If you cosplay, bring a sewing/repair kit, just in case a prop breaks/seams split/something tears/etc.etc.  It really sucks to have worked hard on a costume, only to have it die on you the day you get to wear it at the con.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Niaro on December 22, 2007, 11:46:43 PM
Ooh, understood. Got it for the sewing kit thing.

And yes, thank you. I'm not the type to inconvenience others by doing things I'm not suppose to. If I didn't plan right it'll be my fault but instead of sleeping somewhere I'd just call my father to pick me up. Of course I really don't know how people don't know if they'll stay or not. I mean it's like, you either got a place to sleep or don't. :'D;
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Jyunishinsho on December 23, 2007, 12:04:48 AM
Worst thing that can happen?


Let's hope that NEVER happens. :O
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: otakuya on December 23, 2007, 07:07:02 PM
Quote from: Jyunishinsho on December 23, 2007, 12:04:48 AM
Some very small panels and/or events may be expected (postponed more likely), but the entire con? NO!
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Shinsengumi on December 26, 2007, 01:47:48 PM
Quote from: K&K4ever on December 19, 2007, 08:27:02 AM
Walking around with no place to sit. That's about it for me.

Same goes to me.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: SadisticAion on December 26, 2007, 04:25:35 PM
Uhhh I say losing items bought from the dealers room and loosing cell phone... (which is not cool) I even lost my reg. Badge that evening... I got lucky because it was before I left....

And other than that.... I'd say... costume falls off body while parading around in it..
Title: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: sunrise-oasis on December 30, 2007, 12:40:11 AM

1) trip to fanime - Your the only one supplying for Gasoline and parking..that wil cost you 20 bucks plus 10.50 for the parking!!!!!!!!
2) Finding food:: sure the restuarants are nice but the place around fanime is nothing but bars and weird places...ESPECIALLY WHEN you cross a sectino next to jack in box and see a bunch of  (exploit message due to racism comments) and you feel like your going to get mugged. AND YES there are cops in that area patrolling.....and would beleive this was a Friday/saturday night)
3) cosplayers...
its bad enough to dress your best for cosplaying but my cosplaying outfit did not go well. the sewing mechine was falling apart and constant broken needles happen (its not that i press to hard its just something happening the way i handle with machineery), Also its saddens me that in the group...only 2 people are Very talented being a leader and 2 being pawns! (chess pieces). ANywya my wig did'nt look like how i wanted it *Leader was helping* my pawns are not doing anything *useless talents* and my Second leader (second talented artist) did his very best to fix my return all i did was cry... Cry because everyone is better than me...Regardless of age, sex gender....................

maybe its because i wanted to be the best i can be but in the end i blame myself to be the worst..... I guess in life i wanted to be like Pikmin link..... sincere strong and noble...... but comparing her to just..........nothing....!

hotel: its always best to have alot ofpeople you can trust on to pitch in for hotels!!! try not to feel sad or lonely your friends will be there to help you for comfort and epathy  ^ ^!!!!!!

BRING extra batteries because my camera dies alot of times.....
also chewie is right...

*Please just be mindful of your surroundings and use common sense*

I suggest to cosplay and join in some gatherings.. you can make new friends and feel relaxed....if you feel sad and rediculous i recommend to stay calm and be strong!

*btw im going to say this once =_= to everyone's response to this message
POST A NEGATIVE and i will beat you down with my cosplay outfit..........!!! you can blame me for Being poor but you canot blame me..for your solutions!!

Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Otaku_Princess on December 30, 2007, 01:06:11 AM
My friends went girl chasing and left me and my other friend behind.  In the end, it turned out awesome because the friend became like a brother to me. ^^
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Thisiskat on December 30, 2007, 12:09:50 PM
One guy last year was walking about with a sign saying his hotel room didn't come through. So I say always make sure that your reservation is concrete
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Tur713 on January 15, 2008, 04:35:19 PM
My violin got sat on and broken. :'(
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: localuvr on January 15, 2008, 04:45:03 PM
oh. I'm sorry. I owned a violin once, so I know how much that must have sucked
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Tur713 on January 15, 2008, 05:14:09 PM
Quote from: localuvr on January 15, 2008, 04:45:03 PM
oh. I'm sorry. I owned a violin once, so I know how much that must have sucked
Yeah, I got a more expensive violin afterwards to replace it, but my old one was the one I carried with me all through high school. There were so many times I wanted to play it while at the con, but I couldn't. Oh well, I've also got some cheap-o violins ('bout $50 each) that I'll be bringing next time to carry around and my good one will be reserved for Masquerade. ;)

Oh yeah! Also, last year, someone stole my sister's dolfie. It almost ruined the con for her.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: localuvr on January 18, 2008, 07:36:03 PM
omg! I'm so sorry for her! did you find out who stole it?
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: nachomonster on January 20, 2008, 11:56:12 AM
I believe the worse thing that could happen would be for your friend's to cause drama for you. Last year, my friend's treated me so badly I broke into tears and left the con. I was hoping to bunk with new people this year or maybe get my own hotel room, but I just don't have enough money. I plan to convince my dad to come with me as a "vacation" for him and the con for me though, so maybe this issue is solved.

And I triple that not finding anywhere to sit. :)
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Tur713 on January 20, 2008, 08:31:38 PM
Quote from: localuvr on January 18, 2008, 07:36:03 PM
omg! I'm so sorry for her! did you find out who stole it?
No, we never found it. She ended up buying a new one. I helped pitch in to help her get some hair for it and some onther things. We just pretend that it's the same doll reincarnated into a new body. (She gives her dolls personalities. It's more fun that way!)
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Mister_E on January 20, 2008, 08:47:26 PM
If both my Laughing Man masks are crushed, both my day time one and the rave on where I have a strobe light around the outside.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: sunrise-oasis on January 22, 2008, 09:12:26 AM
going to jinx this!!!

Dealers room will open VERY LATE.........
it happened last year....!!!!!
I don't even know why they open an hour late!!!
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: heeroyuy135 on January 22, 2008, 11:06:55 AM
I don't get any sleep, and I can't drive back home
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: narutofan17 on January 23, 2008, 09:09:26 AM
If your cosplaying, make sure if someone glomps you they don't destroy your costume in the process. Sleep is your friend. One year I was there I stayed up late, overslept and almost missed the Naruto Gathering. T_T. Also make sure you bring enough money. Your going to see things that you want. We don't want you to black out and when you come to be laying a pile of box sets and plushies with an empty wallet. XDDDDDDDDDDDD
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: dibbly on January 24, 2008, 06:35:23 PM
running into an ex when you broke up badly. that would suck.

(btw i ran into my ex, but it went OK... beside a little awkwardness we talked a little and treated each other with respect and kindness and all was well. i think we're still on good terms)

but yeah, drama throughout the con would suck.XP
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: AbsolutelyCursed on January 25, 2008, 12:26:41 AM
Passing out (almost happened to me a few years back). Make sure you drink enough fluids.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: iNSOMNiAC on January 25, 2008, 12:53:46 AM
Yeah, eating is a must. I don't think I've ever eaten a proper meal during any of my stays at Fanime; I would get by on candy and pocky.

You might not feel it during the con, but OH MY GOD. On the way home, all of the hunger and lack of sleep hit me like a baseball bat, and I felt horrible. Its not worth it to feel like that, if all it takes is eating a little more.

So yeah. Eat. xD
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: narutofan17 on January 25, 2008, 11:40:20 PM
Also when you get your badge and the schedule, make sure you plan out everything you want to see. This way you will be able to see everything that you want and won't miss anything.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: caskaslyrk on January 26, 2008, 05:15:17 PM
hmmm worst thing that can happen....get super SUPER drunk while in line for registration...then go see Pirates of the C. TOTALLY WASTED!  have uncontrollable hiccups for 2+ hrs during the movie, loose your badge...have to pay an additional $10 for a new one, then the next day not even remember seeing the opening credits....well at least I remember the drinks hahahaha  ;D
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: narutofan17 on January 28, 2008, 09:27:56 AM
Quote from: caskaslyrk on January 26, 2008, 05:15:17 PM
hmmm worst thing that can happen....get super SUPER drunk while in line for registration...then go see Pirates of the C. TOTALLY WASTED!  have uncontrollable hiccups for 2+ hrs during the movie, loose your badge...have to pay an additional $10 for a new one, then the next day not even remember seeing the opening credits....well at least I remember the drinks hahahaha  ;D
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: pockystix on January 29, 2008, 01:42:27 AM
Try not to use a whole lot of flammable material in your cosplay. If hotels in Vegas can catch fire, so can hotels near the SJCC...

BYOB - bring your own bottles (of water). Expensive beverages are expensive. If you're staying at a hotel, you can save a bunch of money by eating cup ramen most of the time, using the coffee maker for boiling.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: mistakim33 on January 29, 2008, 05:16:17 AM
Quote from: nachomonster on January 20, 2008, 11:56:12 AM
I believe the worse thing that could happen would be for your friend's to cause drama for you. Last year, my friend's treated me so badly I broke into tears and left the con. I was hoping to bunk with new people this year or maybe get my own hotel room, but I just don't have enough money. I plan to convince my dad to come with me as a "vacation" for him and the con for me though, so maybe this issue is solved.

And I triple that not finding anywhere to sit. :)

Something similar happened to me.

I went to Fanime early with a "friend" and got treated like shit until we went our separate ways. Due to rooms not being available, we couldn't get in Thursday night and had to wait till Friday morning. I was stuck with an asshole for a couple hours and wrecked my mood until I got some sleep.

Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: zoupzuop2 on January 30, 2008, 04:17:33 PM
The worst thing? Going to Fanime, paying entrance and registration...

Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Devi 1313 on January 30, 2008, 04:38:00 PM
Your pants could fall apart at a very awkward time (like in the middle of the Masq.)
Your roomie could stiff you for their share.
Your roomie could leave the room a mess and you almost break your toe on his suitcase in the middle of the night.

One of these didn't happen, but the other two did. Try and guess which one.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: caskaslyrk on January 30, 2008, 06:00:46 PM
Quote from: Nana on January 30, 2008, 04:38:00 PM
Your pants could fall apart at a very awkward time (like in the middle of the Masq.)
Your roomie could stiff you for their share.
Your roomie could leave the room a mess and you almost break your toe on his suitcase in the middle of the night.

One of these didn't happen, but the other two did. Try and guess which one.

I personally would believe THEY ALL
But realistically if your roomies stiffed you on their share of the room...then you would NOT have a roomie (cause they would be rooming with the walls of the hallway)...So I will guess that one did not happen...could be wrong...

Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Devi 1313 on January 30, 2008, 07:23:04 PM
Nope, I gave him until the last day to pay because I wanted to get the actual total and he was $20 short.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: talu-chan on January 30, 2008, 11:16:43 PM
This is my first Fanime as well.

So, this isn't something that happened at Fanime. The worst thing that I have ever seen at a con was when the registration line was 600 people deep and the people at registration had no idea what they were doing. Yeah it was their first con but still. So, I was about the 400th person in line and went up to see if they needed help. I ended up taking over and got everyone through in less than a hour and they didn't even know my name. I quess I can't really blame them. It was the first con they had ever put on and my mother has had me help her run registration for years at a con that herself, some of her firiends and I have put on for the last 12 years.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: FanFicGuru on January 31, 2008, 10:04:18 AM
Quote from: Nana on January 30, 2008, 07:23:04 PM
Nope, I gave him until the last day to pay because I wanted to get the actual total and he was $20 short.

Better than giving them until the last day to pay, and they all sneak out at the ass-crack of dawn on Monday because you're a heavy sleeper...without giving you a dime.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: caskaslyrk on January 31, 2008, 01:03:09 PM
Quote from: FanFicGuru on January 31, 2008, 10:04:18 AM
Quote from: Nana on January 30, 2008, 07:23:04 PM
Nope, I gave him until the last day to pay because I wanted to get the actual total and he was $20 short.

Better than giving them until the last day to pay, and they all sneak out at the ass-crack of dawn on Monday because you're a heavy sleeper...without giving you a dime.

:o Oh hell no!!!'s okay a few years back I gave these guys a ride to fanime since I would be going through LA anyways...I seriously almost had to hunt them down for gas money...then they wanted a ride back, told me to wait for them on Monday until 4pm when they would be ready to go...low and behold 5pm on Monday rolls around and they are nowhere to be found...I finally found them in the lobby and they so graciously said they no longer needed a ride  ::)  I was soooo pissed...I did not get back to San Diego until 1am... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: narutofan17 on January 31, 2008, 03:38:59 PM
Your roomate can take the only bed and make you sleep on the rollout bed even thought you way too tall for it =_=
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: halifaxmealine21 on January 31, 2008, 06:41:50 PM
Wow Some poeple have already touched on the subject of people sleeping in hallways and for 99.9% of them it means that they havnt taken a shower in 4 or so days and they stinky stink. Believe me you know who doesnt shower at fanime... So for all the people going to fanime please shower for the rest of our sakes!  :-\
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: iNSOMNiAC on January 31, 2008, 09:26:26 PM
Well, its certainly not the worst thing that CAN happen, but something that sucked?

The second day of Fanime, add two more people to the hotel room (making 11 people in one hotel room) who end up taking up the whole bed, are high out of their minds and leave a day early without paying their share.

I was forced to sleep (VERY) squished in between my friend's mom and my VERY tall friend because of it. And I'm a small girl... >.< It wasn't a comfortable night. But I am grateful for at least a place to sleep, considering some people had it worse off than me.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: dibbly on February 05, 2008, 07:22:35 PM
Quote from: halifaxmealine21 on January 31, 2008, 06:41:50 PM
Wow Some poeple have already touched on the subject of people sleeping in hallways and for 99.9% of them it means that they havnt taken a shower in 4 or so days and they stinky stink. Believe me you know who doesnt shower at fanime... So for all the people going to fanime please shower for the rest of our sakes!  :-\

i almost temped to offer my hotel shower to people who stink,....and its not like i don't trust them (i'd be lying if i said i did) but my main problem is to blatantly state that they stink THAT bad. 
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: halifaxmealine21 on February 06, 2008, 10:09:58 PM
Quote from: dibbly on February 05, 2008, 07:22:35 PM
Quote from: halifaxmealine21 on January 31, 2008, 06:41:50 PM
Wow Some poeple have already touched on the subject of people sleeping in hallways and for 99.9% of them it means that they havnt taken a shower in 4 or so days and they stinky stink. Believe me you know who doesnt shower at fanime... So for all the people going to fanime please shower for the rest of our sakes!  :-\

i almost temped to offer my hotel shower to people who stink,....and its not like i don't trust them (i'd be lying if i said i did) but my main problem is to blatantly state that they stink THAT bad. 

Oh yeah yeah.... I was going to but yeah... I was sharing my room with a bunch of friends who probably wouldnt have liked some strager taking a shower in our room... but if it was just me I would have... I was thinking of all the people who went to fanime haha =^.^=
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: SuppJorieeS2 on February 09, 2008, 10:15:05 AM
Wow, after reading all this I'm excitedd.

This is my first Fanime too.
And first con even!
BUT! I'll be there all four days, and I basically know what to expect now.

I'll definitely make sure to reserve a room.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: G.I.R on February 09, 2008, 01:14:09 PM
Quote from: zoupzuop2 on January 30, 2008, 04:17:33 PM
The worst thing? Going to Fanime, paying entrance and registration...

FTW!  ... or loose depending how you look at it.  ;D

For me it's already happened.  I'm not going to be able to go due to a medical problem.  :'(
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: error00004 on February 10, 2008, 10:32:07 PM
The RANDOM GLOMPING!!! and THE RANDOM KISSES!!! and the stalking ;___;
It's annoying >.<
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: dibbly on February 10, 2008, 10:43:17 PM
Quote from: error00004 on February 10, 2008, 10:32:07 PM
The RANDOM GLOMPING!!! and THE RANDOM KISSES!!! and the stalking ;___;
It's annoying >.<
serious, i wanna start a "JUST ASK" Movement. w/ friends is cool. but the recklessness needs to end.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: error00004 on February 10, 2008, 10:59:30 PM
Quote from: dibbly on February 10, 2008, 10:43:17 PM
Quote from: error00004 on February 10, 2008, 10:32:07 PM
The RANDOM GLOMPING!!! and THE RANDOM KISSES!!! and the stalking ;___;
It's annoying >.<
serious, i wanna start a "JUST ASK" Movement. w/ friends is cool. but the recklessness needs to end.
Yeah like when I was L this one girl chased me down the whole Hall just  to freakn kiss was NOT FUN!

then I got tackled to the ground by the other girl and I scraped my knee on the carpet and it hurt ><
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: ~~Loktera~~ on February 12, 2008, 10:27:01 AM
Signs getting b&'d

wait.. that already happened. O SHI-!
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: dibbly on February 19, 2008, 01:33:58 AM
Quote from: ~~Loktera~~ on February 12, 2008, 10:27:01 AM
Signs getting b&'d

wait.. that already happened. O SHI-!

I read that its not official, at least not yet. Actually, i haven't heard anything stating that it was official in the first place.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Long on February 21, 2008, 10:32:40 PM
Don't share a room with a random person you don't know, who ends up inviting apprehensive sounding women into your room when he thinks you're asleep, and then begins fapping when she leaves. Dx
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Runewitt on February 21, 2008, 10:54:12 PM
dont need to worry about that, Long.

how about all the rooms getting booked in February, before you know if you're 100% able to go or not?
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Tur713 on February 25, 2008, 01:34:37 PM
Quote from: Runewitt on February 21, 2008, 10:54:12 PM
dont need to worry about that, Long.

how about all the rooms getting booked in February, before you know if you're 100% able to go or not?
Ooh! That happened to me once!
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Moonblossom on February 25, 2008, 01:40:26 PM
Quote from: Tur713 on February 25, 2008, 01:34:37 PM
Quote from: Runewitt on February 21, 2008, 10:54:12 PM
dont need to worry about that, Long.

how about all the rooms getting booked in February, before you know if you're 100% able to go or not?
Ooh! That happened to me once!

I was worried about this so I booked my room before I was 100% positive I'd be able to go ~.~;; Thankfully it all looks like it's working out.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: SOawesomeness on February 25, 2008, 05:57:53 PM
OH. I KNOW. My safety pin holding the two sides of my cosplay's top pops off and I flash everyone. x.X
Someone glomp-tackle without my permission and my top pops off.
I walk around and my top pops off.
My top pop off.
I don't prepare my things right and my pants fall off.
I sit down without covering the sides of my thighs and my underwear is totally exposed.
>.> That'd be awkward. Especially when I would be working Reg. >.>

But uh, I'd really probably kill someone if I lost my poster that I have Lanzer and Vo sign. D:<

OMG that would suck. No room... o.0 Wow, I hope staff rooms are still going to be available.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Runewitt on February 25, 2008, 09:35:35 PM
Quote from: Chiri Kcrinh on February 25, 2008, 05:57:53 PM
OH. I KNOW. My safety pin holding the two sides of my cosplay's top pops off and I flash everyone. x.X
Someone glomp-tackle without my permission and my top pops off.
I walk around and my top pops off.
My top pop off.
I don't prepare my things right and my pants fall off.
I sit down without covering the sides of my thighs and my underwear is totally exposed.
>.> That'd be awkward. Especially when I would be working Reg. >.>

But uh, I'd really probably kill someone if I lost my poster that I have Lanzer and Vo sign. D:<

OMG that would suck. No room... o.0 Wow, I hope staff rooms are still going to be available.

you seem worried about your top.
may i suggest duct-tape?

actually, i have a room, i'm staying off-site but still really close at the ramada with someone else from the board.

bad thing to happen at fanime, running out of pie..damn, last i heard that wa already banned..
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: dibbly on February 25, 2008, 11:19:34 PM
Quote from: Chiri Kcrinh on February 25, 2008, 05:57:53 PM
OH. I KNOW. My safety pin holding the two sides of my cosplay's top pops off and I flash everyone. x.X
Someone glomp-tackle without my permission and my top pops off.
I walk around and my top pops off.
My top pop off.
I don't prepare my things right and my pants fall off.
I sit down without covering the sides of my thighs and my underwear is totally exposed.
>.> That'd be awkward. Especially when I would be working Reg. >.>

But uh, I'd really probably kill someone if I lost my poster that I have Lanzer and Vo sign. D:<

OMG that would suck. No room... o.0 Wow, I hope staff rooms are still going to be available.

i'll come w/ extra safety pins, maybe with velcro straps and a hand sewing machine
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: SOawesomeness on February 25, 2008, 11:24:16 PM
xD Thanks for your suggestions. I'm fairly confident that it'll hold.. but just in case, I'll hold it with two pins and have extra ones hidden around my cosplay. :3
OMG another one: Registration's servers crash and it can't be fixed for half an hour at around noon on Saturday. o.0
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: koella on February 26, 2008, 06:46:49 PM
-not being able to book a room =___=  This is my first time booking a room for Fanime and I really hope I get one
-getting glomped; thankfully, I've never had that happen to me at Fanime (and i hope it stays that way ^__^ )
-not having a place to sit for lunch;  I don't mind sitting on the floor too much in a circle with my friends, but a table and chair would be nice
-having my costume fall apart; that sorta happened to me before >.< it was not cool
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: punk_parfait on February 29, 2008, 01:25:45 PM
I suppose the worst that can happen is the convention center roof caves in on us all.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Mister_E on February 29, 2008, 06:17:02 PM
If I get Kanashibanai, and can't move out of my bed for hours.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Hanha on February 29, 2008, 10:32:23 PM
Suicide bombing
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Lar-Ki on February 29, 2008, 11:05:54 PM
WHEN PEOPLE STEP ON YOUR COSTUME! D8 That happened to me during Fanime 2006. I cosplayed as Peppita Rosetti from Star Ocean 3, and people kept kicking the sashes when in crowds... >n< it sucked.

Also, along the same lines, when your costume totally malfunctions. MAKE SURE YOU BRING A SEWING KIT, AND REPAIRING SUPPLIES~! That's number one priority. I have a huge box full of random supplies.

When buying alot in the dealers room, make sure you set your bulk back into your hotel room. Having to carry around huge bags of heavy things is such a big hassle. `A`AND it reduces the chance of your things being stolen.

It also sucks when people just want to glomp you.... especially the creepy ones..that are like.. twice your size... might want to stay away from those. XD
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: phoenixphire24 on March 01, 2008, 08:21:06 AM
Quote from: Lar-Ki on February 29, 2008, 11:05:54 PM

When buying alot in the dealers room, make sure you set your bulk back into your hotel room. Having to carry around huge bags of heavy things is such a big hassle. `A`AND it reduces the chance of your things being stolen.

It also helps to under pack or bring an extra bag. There's nothing like buying a whole bunch of stuff and then realizing you don't have any room left in your suitcase :/
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: halifaxmealine21 on March 19, 2008, 11:16:27 PM
Quote from: phoenixphire24 on March 01, 2008, 08:21:06 AM
Quote from: Lar-Ki on February 29, 2008, 11:05:54 PM

When buying alot in the dealers room, make sure you set your bulk back into your hotel room. Having to carry around huge bags of heavy things is such a big hassle. `A`AND it reduces the chance of your things being stolen.

It also helps to under pack or bring an extra bag. There's nothing like buying a whole bunch of stuff and then realizing you don't have any room left in your suitcase :/

Oh my goodness and make sure you have enough room in the car that you travel in to fanime especially when you have a lot of people stuffed into one suburban.. make sure you have enough for "SUPPLIES" you get from the dealers room mostly.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: chibibuie on March 23, 2008, 04:27:42 PM
God forbid, but it Can happen: ::) having an (ahem) *accident* and your costume is ruined for the convention.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, go ask your mom.:P
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Ari on March 23, 2008, 04:32:46 PM
Don't look away from your stuff for a second! A person from the forums backpack got stolen and it had their laptop and a lot of good stuff in it.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Sora on April 03, 2008, 04:46:20 PM
Being financially sad when attending a con (Fanime or any). With only money for food and hotel, it can be annoying.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: HuggalotXOmocha on April 08, 2008, 07:15:15 PM
a. For women, Going to Fanime on their period.
b. Hugging Sweaty people by the 2nd day.
c. Running out of underwear XD
d. Running out of money.
e. Running out of SHAMPOO/SOAP.
f. getting lost from your friends.
g. Getting your cosplay ripped or damaged
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Devi 1313 on April 09, 2008, 04:33:20 PM
Last year one of my really nice pairs of running socks got thrown away by Hilton housekeeping so I'd say stuff getting thrown away or forgotten or possibly my brand new EXPENSIVE camera getting busted or stolen.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: maeiounj39 on April 10, 2008, 04:38:47 PM
Umm getting kicked out. (unlikely for me though)
Having my nin shoes riped or some costume riped.
A staff that has to come talk to me. I don't like to get in trouble.
Geting dehydrated.
Forgetting your money (I did that once and my friend put a post it note as me for being forgetful)
On Hugglalot's comment letter a. except if its on my 2nd-3rd day.
You amv goes wrong and never get in on time.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Sora on April 20, 2008, 02:17:39 PM
Besides standing in line? Drama. Con drama. Sometimes being bored too.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Bawlsy on April 20, 2008, 04:47:14 PM
While it's never happened to me but a couple of my friend problems stalkers/fanboy/fangirls. If you are propositioned for sex, drugs, anything you are uncomfortable with and/or being followed constantly after asking the individual to stop please for your sake and for other people who might also be having troubles with this individual report it to security. They are super nice and they are at the con to help you. Because what's can ruin your experience is constantly having to see/come in contact with that person.

Eat FOOD! No candy or pocky but something with substance even if it is Jack In The Box. You'll feel better and you'll have energy to spend on what you want to do. Drink water. You do not want to get dehydrated and pass out, possibly hitting your head on something as you go down (location depending). There are con-attendants/volunteers/con-employees who are trained as EMT, nurse, etc. If they see that they must call 911 and you might taken from the con to the hospital. Not fun for anyone.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Knightfire on April 20, 2008, 11:21:59 PM
They say you learn something new everyday and this thread is no exception. Despite going to fanime for a good length of time (7 or 8 years... lost track), upon reading this thread, I learned some knew things and remind of things that were completely obvious. Example: Bringing an extra bag for the stuff you buy. I keep messing this one up. I'm gonna try to remember this year but knowing me, I'm gonna forget again.

My word of advice? Wear comfortable shoes for extended periods of walking. One of the worse feelings is sore feet. Take a couple minutes rest every hour or so, if you have to, take off the shoes to let your feet breathe. Do that part with few or no people immediately around you though. Seeing some of the footwear that the cosplayers wear looks extremely painful while walking in them for multiple hours on end.

Remember: comfort is your friend : )
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: darkstar on April 21, 2008, 12:11:06 AM
Quote from: Bawlsy on April 20, 2008, 04:47:14 PM
While it's never happened to me but a couple of my friend problems stalkers/fanboy/fangirls. If you are propositioned for sex, drugs, anything you are uncomfortable with and/or being followed constantly after asking the individual to stop please for your sake and for other people who might also be having troubles with this individual report it to security. They are super nice and they are at the con to help you. Because what's can ruin your experience is constantly having to see/come in contact with that person.


This is where the San Jose Police Dept. has to come in -- this and at least two other things which I and others have spread over this board.

What I said after last year was not in kidding:  They really need to put together an agreement with the SJPD for them to come in and police the con.  A lot of this stuff that I read about some of other people's experiences at Fanime with this kind of stuff just reinforces that the convention can't police itself.

The reason that I think they don't want to is that they don't want the authorities to know what really goes on in one of those things, or the authorities would feel the same way many people around cons I went to told me privately:  Not crazy about having them around.

And to Bawlsy's friend:  One time that happens -- 9 - 1 - 1.  You get his name, you get his badge number, you get him arrested.  Notify con security AFTER you call the police.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: otakuapprentice on April 21, 2008, 12:23:34 AM
Quote from: darkstar on April 21, 2008, 12:11:06 AM
Quote from: Bawlsy on April 20, 2008, 04:47:14 PM
While it's never happened to me but a couple of my friend problems stalkers/fanboy/fangirls. If you are propositioned for sex, drugs, anything you are uncomfortable with and/or being followed constantly after asking the individual to stop please for your sake and for other people who might also be having troubles with this individual report it to security. They are super nice and they are at the con to help you. Because what's can ruin your experience is constantly having to see/come in contact with that person.


This is where the San Jose Police Dept. has to come in -- this and at least two other things which I and others have spread over this board.

What I said after last year was not in kidding:  They really need to put together an agreement with the SJPD for them to come in and police the con.  A lot of this stuff that I read about some of other people's experiences at Fanime with this kind of stuff just reinforces that the convention can't police itself.

The reason that I think they don't want to is that they don't want the authorities to know what really goes on in one of those things, or the authorities would feel the same way many people around cons I went to told me privately:  Not crazy about having them around.

And to Bawlsy's friend:  One time that happens -- 9 - 1 - 1.  You get his name, you get his badge number, you get him arrested.  Notify con security AFTER you call the police.
they have police there patrolling, but you seem not to have seen them. y'know, the guys with the SJPD uniforms, carrying the batons and the pistols?

you didnt notice them? then you're blind.

that, and Rovers are around to help, so there is a presence of security at con.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Steve.Young on April 21, 2008, 07:40:09 AM
We will have more police officers around this year.

You do realize, that not all the police officers are in uniform.


Just a general FYI if you wanna do something stupid.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Jerry on April 21, 2008, 08:40:27 AM
We're here to enforce one basic policy:

to make sure ALL con goers have fun and respectively obey the rules of the Con as well as LAWS enforced by the local SJPD.

If you didnt ask or scream for help- then theres an issue there because we cant read minds nor anticipate all potential hazardous situations.

use common sense please. its really shouldnt by that hard.  :P
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Sora on April 21, 2008, 10:41:14 AM
Another thing that can be the worst to happen: getting stranded in post-Fanime with no ride home.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Jerry on April 21, 2008, 10:58:01 AM
Quote from: Edward Elric on April 21, 2008, 10:41:14 AM
Another thing that can be the worst to happen: getting stranded in post-Fanime with no ride home.

this actually happens ALOT MORE than you think.

again people. use common sense and plan accordingly.  :P
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Rette on April 21, 2008, 11:27:38 AM
I got a 24 hour flu last year. I warn you, if you're sick with a fever, do NOT take the high speed elevators. It's really unpleasant, and I nearly passed out when I tried.
But honestly, not even being stuck in my hotel room for a day and a half ruined my con experience. Fanime is just that awesome.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Bawlsy on April 21, 2008, 12:04:41 PM
Quote from: darkstar on April 21, 2008, 12:11:06 AM

This is where the San Jose Police Dept. has to come in -- this and at least two other things which I and others have spread over this board.

What I said after last year was not in kidding:  They really need to put together an agreement with the SJPD for them to come in and police the con.  A lot of this stuff that I read about some of other people's experiences at Fanime with this kind of stuff just reinforces that the convention can't police itself.

The reason that I think they don't want to is that they don't want the authorities to know what really goes on in one of those things, or the authorities would feel the same way many people around cons I went to told me privately:  Not crazy about having them around.

And to Bawlsy's friend:  One time that happens -- 9 - 1 - 1.  You get his name, you get his badge number, you get him arrested.  Notify con security AFTER you call the police.
Hmm I was never with them both times this happened but yes going to the police is a much better idea (obviously because they have more authority than the rovers). I don't recall seeing them but that's probably because I don't notice them among the cosplayers in uniforms. Thank you though for bringing that up.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: darkstar on April 23, 2008, 04:53:57 PM
Quote from: Jerry on April 21, 2008, 08:40:27 AM
We're here to enforce one basic policy:

to make sure ALL con goers have fun and respectively obey the rules of the Con as well as LAWS enforced by the local SJPD.

If you didnt ask or scream for help- then theres an issue there because we cant read minds nor anticipate all potential hazardous situations.

use common sense please. its really shouldnt by that hard.  :P

I mean, bascially, any observed violation of the law should be immediately reported to the police then -- no matter how minor.

You'd need a far higher police presence than you think, especially if some of the con conduct we've discussed is truly against the law.

Inappropriate glomping, for example, is a sexual assault in some jurisdictions.

I truly think that the con does not take the steps necessary to ensure its safety, and doesn't want to call out sufficiently to the cops, because, if it did, they'd no longer be allowed use of their site.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: KyraEnsui on April 23, 2008, 05:07:20 PM
Quote from: darkstar on April 23, 2008, 04:53:57 PM
Quote from: Jerry on April 21, 2008, 08:40:27 AM
We're here to enforce one basic policy:

to make sure ALL con goers have fun and respectively obey the rules of the Con as well as LAWS enforced by the local SJPD.

If you didnt ask or scream for help- then theres an issue there because we cant read minds nor anticipate all potential hazardous situations.

use common sense please. its really shouldnt by that hard.  :P

I mean, bascially, any observed violation of the law should be immediately reported to the police then -- no matter how minor.

You'd need a far higher police presence than you think, especially if some of the con conduct we've discussed is truly against the law.

Inappropriate glomping, for example, is a sexual assault in some jurisdictions.

I truly think that the con does not take the steps necessary to ensure its safety, and doesn't want to call out sufficiently to the cops, because, if it did, they'd no longer be allowed use of their site.

There's a reason why we the S.O.S (aka Rovers) on the premise of the convention to prevent and protect con-goers and keeps the con safe.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: darkstar on April 23, 2008, 05:17:43 PM
Nice try, but a lot of this (including when I almost threw a chair through a window last year) is far beyond anything short of people with badges, guns, etc.

As much as they've thrown the inappropriate glomping around here too, unless some of these guys are willing to get physical...
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: KyraEnsui on April 23, 2008, 05:31:51 PM
 ::) Honestly, what are you trying to say about how should Fanime or any other convention try to do? Certainly, you're trying to state some kind of point about it with arguments after arguments.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: darkstar on April 24, 2008, 02:41:51 AM
Quote from: KyraEnsui on April 23, 2008, 05:31:51 PM
::) Honestly, what are you trying to say about how should Fanime or any other convention try to do? Certainly, you're trying to state some kind of point about it with arguments after arguments.

I'm saying that larger cons can't police themselves.

Not with volunteers, at any rate.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: error00004 on April 24, 2008, 11:12:59 AM
I was Pyramid Head at Fanime last year and I entered the rave thing and some random person grabbed my shoulders and yelled Kongo line with Pyramid Head...I had no idea what the hell was happening since I couldn't really see.....not only that but it happened 4 times while i was in there...and all I wanted to to was dance with my friend ;0;

It was lame.
Then I left the rave and never entered again.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Devi 1313 on April 29, 2008, 03:34:58 PM
Running into my creepy ex-friend that I just recently cut off contact with. Man, I really hope I don't see him.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: OniCourseMusha on April 29, 2008, 07:44:10 PM
Last year for me, my schedule was fucked up and lost the flow due to people just bailing out on me and too much expetation.  I hope it doesn't happen again in the future.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Nick Zebra on April 30, 2008, 10:19:55 AM
ya know, after 7 years of attending, I would say the worst thing that can happen is your friend bailing on you and leaving you in San Jose with no money, and no phone. Honestly alot of drama occurs with people you find you can't spend more than 3 days with in a hotel room.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Kumar on April 30, 2008, 11:16:19 AM
Sorry Nick, but the worst one is having to leave friend (you) in San Jose, while an angry friend drives home and doesn't talk to me.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Yuu on April 30, 2008, 01:11:00 PM
   This is my first year too.

   I live in Seattle and the main con here is Sakuracon. It's run by a bunch of Nazis who INSIST that you can have an obscenely 'family friendly' ( aka christian friendly) convention and still have it be about anime. Im starting to hate them with a passion.

So I ask you, does any of that kind crap go down at Fanime?

Also, my roommate who is going to expo is complaining that " Fanime has banned EVERYTHING 4chan! I head that if you even mention it near a staff member they'll take your badge!"

Personally, I would LOVE for this to be true, but my guess is that she either heard this form the AX forums, or, 4chan. Can you guess clear this up?
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: FanFicGuru on April 30, 2008, 03:34:05 PM
Quote from: Yuu on April 30, 2008, 01:11:00 PM
   This is my first year too.

   I live in Seattle and the main con here is Sakuracon. It's run by a bunch of Nazis who INSIST that you can have an obscenely 'family friendly' ( aka christian friendly) convention and still have it be about anime. Im starting to hate them with a passion.

So I ask you, does any of that kind crap go down at Fanime?

Also, my roommate who is going to expo is complaining that " Fanime has banned EVERYTHING 4chan! I head that if you even mention it near a staff member they'll take your badge!"

Personally, I would LOVE for this to be true, but my guess is that she either heard this form the AX forums, or, 4chan. Can you guess clear this up?

This seems like a gross exaggeration. 4chan memes are likely to be heard all weekend, in fact I"m pretty sure that Mikey is running his panel "Damn you internets!" again this year, and a lot of their focus is on 4chan and other crazy internet trends and the people who are drawn to them.

Although Mikey's had some issues with some staff members, I highly doubt that anything 4chan is banned, and I find it even more doubtful that even "mentioning" 4chan will get your badge removed.

All in all? A bunch of baloney.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Yuu on April 30, 2008, 05:46:01 PM
Quote from: FanFicGuru on April 30, 2008, 03:34:05 PM
Quote from: Yuu on April 30, 2008, 01:11:00 PM
   This is my first year too.

   I live in Seattle and the main con here is Sakuracon. It's run by a bunch of Nazis who INSIST that you can have an obscenely 'family friendly' ( aka christian friendly) convention and still have it be about anime. Im starting to hate them with a passion.

So I ask you, does any of that kind crap go down at Fanime?

Also, my roommate who is going to expo is complaining that " Fanime has banned EVERYTHING 4chan! I head that if you even mention it near a staff member they'll take your badge!"

Personally, I would LOVE for this to be true, but my guess is that she either heard this form the AX forums, or, 4chan. Can you guess clear this up?

This seems like a gross exaggeration. 4chan memes are likely to be heard all weekend, in fact I"m pretty sure that Mikey is running his panel "Damn you internets!" again this year, and a lot of their focus is on 4chan and other crazy internet trends and the people who are drawn to them.

Although Mikey's had some issues with some staff members, I highly doubt that anything 4chan is banned, and I find it even more doubtful that even "mentioning" 4chan will get your badge removed.

All in all? A bunch of baloney.

Oi, I thought as much. I also thought she would have learned after her rumor about " AX banning cosplay except for in one tiny area"  ::)

I really wouldnt mind though. I hate 4 chan like they hate Scientolagy.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: sunrise-oasis on May 02, 2008, 09:35:22 AM
NOT having a table!!!< being placed at the FAR end instead of being assigned near the end, Arguements and banishments from the administrators, not having your money refunded because all sales are finals!...
Tables are full despite you DID SIGN up!..
your table is smaller than the one are in the front!!!!

Chairs are limited!!!!!

someone stealing your works

even if you offer candy they will be free grab freeloaders!!!!!!

it gets worse but i wont say it!!!!!........

reason i post this is because im already having ahuge difficult time with the artist alley already and right now im just having a not so brightful moment!!!!
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: narutofan17 on May 06, 2008, 03:18:59 PM
The thing that I see being a big issue is glomping. I hope not (it's an issue on the forum that litterally ran me away for a while XDDDDD).
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: blancoisma on May 08, 2008, 12:26:16 PM
I posted something a bit similar in a different thread, but what the hey. This may be just from personal experience, but please don't fight with your friends. Seriously, my first con back in '03 ended ugly. We were in the dealer's room and I wanted to buy some yaoi doujinshi because, well, I lacked any. I wasn't 18 at the time and so I had a friend buy it for me. It also happened to be a very nice, and quite rare doujin, which I also did not know it was at the time.

So, I go and sit down with other friends, when a second friend comes up to me and I show her what I had bought. Mind you, I just show it to her. She grabs it and says to me "Where did you find this?!!?!?!!" And I simply direct her towards where it was bought. So, she goes and looks and surprise, there's no second copy. Later on, as I'm sitting with friends she asks me if I would sell her the doujin, and I politely refuse. That's where it all went downhill. She yells at me, says she hates me, and storms off.

To make the story short ( well, it's long already, but I wont' bore you ) the entire time we were fighting because I wouldn't give her my doujin. In the end I sold it to her, but a month later I found out she twisted the entire story around as to make me the villain and I stopped talking to her for about half a year. We've reconciled since then, it's been years, but yeah, I suggest not to fight with your friends. Particularly over stupid things.

Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Nazaki on May 08, 2008, 09:56:11 PM
Well, this year what I'm fearing most is the heat xD I'm heat-sensitive at the best of times, and if this year is really hot - as May oft is - I'm very likely to turn into a puddle. A puddle of heat stroke. Velvet dresses don't mix well with California springs, unfortunately...
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Sygmus on May 08, 2008, 10:28:39 PM
Quote from: Nazaki on May 08, 2008, 09:56:11 PM
Well, this year what I'm fearing most is the heat xD I'm heat-sensitive at the best of times, and if this year is really hot - as May oft is - I'm very likely to turn into a puddle. A puddle of heat stroke. Velvet dresses don't mix well with California springs, unfortunately...

I hear that!  Last year I was Kankuro, and I was just baking.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: shinjiboy on May 09, 2008, 08:06:44 AM
Honestly, I really cannot predict the weather any more.  I've been living in San Jose for just about 2 decades, so all bets are off when it comes to how hot it'll really be. 

Worst thing that can happen?  I get hit by a car while rollerblading to the Air Gear meet on Sunday.  Haha...
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Oniko on May 09, 2008, 09:38:43 AM
I agree with the heat. I got people coming in asking me what they should dress for and all I can say is I dont know.  They ask how can I ot know I've lived here all my life.  Well thats just it, its been so weird lately.... 80 one day cold and windy the next.

Anyways one of the worst things is a costume getting ruined in my opinion.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Sora on May 09, 2008, 11:04:23 PM
Having not enough money. Last year, I was so financially sad it wasn't even funny. Got tempted by everything I saw in the dealer's room and couldn't buy a thing!  :'( >:(
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: error00004 on May 10, 2008, 10:07:23 AM
Quote from: narutofan17 on May 06, 2008, 03:18:59 PM
The thing that I see being a big issue is glomping. I hope not (it's an issue on the forum that litterally ran me away for a while XDDDDD).
Glomping might be the #1 issue.
people don't even ask and they just go ahead and do it.
I was L last yeah and 3 girls that I didn't even know were chasing me and one glomped me and I fell over D;
and I don't want that to happen this year Dx
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: SheikOfTwili on May 10, 2008, 05:50:37 PM
Quote from: Lar-Ki on February 29, 2008, 11:05:54 PM
WHEN PEOPLE STEP ON YOUR COSTUME! D8 That happened to me during Fanime 2006. I cosplayed as Peppita Rosetti from Star Ocean 3, and people kept kicking the sashes when in crowds... >n< it sucked.

Also, along the same lines, when your costume totally malfunctions. MAKE SURE YOU BRING A SEWING KIT, AND REPAIRING SUPPLIES~! That's number one priority. I have a huge box full of random supplies.

When buying alot in the dealers room, make sure you set your bulk back into your hotel room. Having to carry around huge bags of heavy things is such a big hassle. `A`AND it reduces the chance of your things being stolen.

It also sucks when people just want to glomp you.... especially the creepy ones..that are like.. twice your size... might want to stay away from those. XD

Ahh. I think the one thing that bugs me at cons is no matter WHAT costume you wear, there is always SOMETHING that bugs you throught the day on it. >_< Last year I went as Flonne and the arm sleeve/warmers kept falling down..and I kept having to adjust my gravity defying bow ontop of my head. I later on found pictures of me...with the bow bending back or to the side..and it looked laaame. T__T So yeah..uuughh..I'm bringing a small fix-it-kit..and tape. X_X Because uugghhh something always falls apart. I think I'll just use spirit gum for anything that needs to stick to my skin.. >O

Anyway n__n Besides that, I haven't really had anything--well...during AX 06 I had really bad anxiety and an anxiety attack, I couldn't was bad and ruined the whole day..(It was a saturday)

<3 I hope this year at Fanime is fun, it's my first time going to Fanime. I always go to AX but I decided to try this con out. It's only two hours away anyway ^^;
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: zoupzuop2 on May 10, 2008, 06:23:53 PM
Castration. :\
Then a giant meteor crashes into McEnery Convention Center, wiping San Jose off the map, Fanime first.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Jelly Soup on May 11, 2008, 07:21:25 PM
Quote from: zoupzuop2 on May 10, 2008, 06:23:53 PM
Castration. :\
Then a giant meteor crashes into McEnery Convention Center, wiping San Jose off the map, Fanime first.

If it must happen, let's hope those are two separate events.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Runewitt on May 11, 2008, 08:55:13 PM
finding out i have zero money. i'm trying to earn more, plus i've got a few things up on craigslist, bu having only enough money for the room and food, i dont like the sound of that.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Rei-Rei on May 12, 2008, 07:35:54 AM
Worst thing that can happen to me right now is I forget to cash the check and don't have money at all to go to Fanime.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Kaura117 on May 15, 2008, 10:29:12 PM
Worst thing I've seen, first-hand, was at a Fanime rave a few years back. Might've been at the old Santa Clara convention center, in fact. A girl dressed in ye olde gothic apparel, corset, tattered black skirt, and HUGE platform boots- you know the drill. Well, the platform boots did her in.

She was carried off by an ambulance, if memory serves me right. Not sure if it was just a really bad sprain or if something broke, but it really dampened the mood.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Jelly Soup on May 15, 2008, 10:48:23 PM
I remember, about two years ago, some moron bought one of those wooden swords and began swinging it around. Ended up clocking himself in the head...hard.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Truten on May 17, 2008, 06:25:01 PM
My Badtzumaru costume gets messed'd suck so bad. :(.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Kazuya Mitsubishi on May 18, 2008, 10:05:08 AM
Probably mentioned several times, but - hard work put into a costume, just to have it start falling apart.  :-X

Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Nick Zebra on May 18, 2008, 10:43:57 AM
Poor friends, with poor attitudes.
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: Inuyasha72187 on May 21, 2008, 08:26:38 AM
Quote from: PyronIkari on December 19, 2007, 02:28:30 PM
For god's sakes... HAVE a hotel room or transportation back home/to a friends/SOMEWHERE.

A lot of idiots think going to fanime is a great idea, don't have a hotel room and expect to find a friend to crash with last minute without any money, or other such things, and end up sleeping in video rooms, hallways, and the such.

This is not smiled upon, so don't do it.

If you can't afford a hotel room, and you're traveling to the con, you shouldn't be going.

And not getting a hotel room, to save money, so you can spend it in the dealers room, is not a legitimate excuse to break the law and sleep in hallways/video rooms/etc.

My friends and I have a room, but we do like to take naps at the cons as well. (Short day naps, noon'ish, for 2 or 3 hours.) Is that acceptable?
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: narutofan17 on May 21, 2008, 08:37:19 AM
This is the first year that my girl friend is going an I just hope now shit happens while I'm there. Just want to go and relax...and have fun of course. WOOOO HOOO!!!! Finished with finals!!!!
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: darkstar on May 21, 2008, 03:05:47 PM
Quote from: Inuyasha72187 on May 21, 2008, 08:26:38 AM
Quote from: PyronIkari on December 19, 2007, 02:28:30 PM
For god's sakes... HAVE a hotel room or transportation back home/to a friends/SOMEWHERE.

A lot of idiots think going to fanime is a great idea, don't have a hotel room and expect to find a friend to crash with last minute without any money, or other such things, and end up sleeping in video rooms, hallways, and the such.

This is not smiled upon, so don't do it.

If you can't afford a hotel room, and you're traveling to the con, you shouldn't be going.

And not getting a hotel room, to save money, so you can spend it in the dealers room, is not a legitimate excuse to break the law and sleep in hallways/video rooms/etc.

My friends and I have a room, but we do like to take naps at the cons as well. (Short day naps, noon'ish, for 2 or 3 hours.) Is that acceptable?

Better be careful, or they'll get you for that too.

Frankly, they better have cops there if I show up... And you can take that as a threat...
Title: Re: Worst thing that can happen at Fanime
Post by: quantbits on May 22, 2008, 01:00:43 AM
accidents involving my camera equipment.
(by "camera equipment", I don't mean a < $200 point and shoot.)

I'm very protective of my gear.  ;D

Being glomped because of a particular costume.
and the subsequent search for any crystal studs that fall off the costume.

Please stand 1 feet away from me this year, Mr. 300 pound fat guy. For the love of god.