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Anime Video Game Cosplay Geek Clearing House => General Anime Chat => Topic started by: SpazMegami on July 15, 2003, 12:57:44 AM

Title: Who was your first?
Post by: SpazMegami on July 15, 2003, 12:57:44 AM
:shock: Don't EVEN try to think I meant it that way! :evil:

Anyway, who was you first bishounen/bishoujo crush?  Considering I have my own harem of bishounen, I thought that looking back at the first was interesting.  Mine had been Van of Escaflowne...I LOVE winged bishounen! *drool* He's still part of my harem, but not my main one.  Which leads to my next question: who is your current crush?  Mine is the bishie-god, Suzaku-seikun of Fushigi Yuugi! XD Yet another winged bishie!  He's been my fav for years and I haven't yet found one that could replace him...of course, it doesn't help that Watase-sensei drew that one pic of him where he was wearing nothing...but his damn wing was covering the wrong part! :x I so wish I could reach in and move it! *nosebleed* :mrgreen:
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Tendai on July 15, 2003, 01:14:30 AM
*dies laughing* If only you could have seen my face when I saw this topic title XD

First was Kudou Yohji of Weiss Kreuz.  Nooo question about that.  And he remains in my harem, one of the few anime boys who does among a sea of Jrockers XD He's sexy both in attitude and looks with a sprinkling of bishie angst thrown in, and he obviously has a good way with the ladies ~.^  Mrrr..currently capturing my interest is the yummy Count D of Petshop of Horrors.  Mysterious.  Sexy.  Likes candy.  I appreciate all of those things!  No doubt he'll be standing beside Yohji soon in the Tendai Harem Lineup.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: MayneNeko on July 15, 2003, 06:19:26 AM
Well, my first time was 10 years ago....oh opps.

Anyhow   :oops:  

*sigh* humm first crush was Tux Mask from Sailor Moon.  My current is Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi.

Number Order:
1. Tamahome
2. Kyo (Fruit Baskets)
3. Vash (Trigun)
4. Tux Mask
5. Dark Snider sp? (Bastard!!)
Title: Re: Who was your first?
Post by: Mew on July 15, 2003, 10:35:30 AM
Quote from: "SpazMegami"Anyway, who was you first bishounen/bishoujo crush?
Mmm.... Bishounen are yummy. =d
I, unlike some other people, didn't give the topic too much thought. =P I somehow knew it was gonna ask who our first bishounen/bishoujo crush was. *is psychic!!* Ph33r meh!

Anyway, mine was/is Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi. Rawr. =d Fushigi Yuugi was my first "real" anime and Tamahome has a very special place because he was my first Midorikawa role. Of course, back when I first watched it, I didn't know who the heck Midorikawa sama was. I didn't even know what seiyuu were! (Wow... And look at me now. ^^;) I actually first watched FY dubbed before getting it subbed. I first heard Midorikawa sama on my first CD ever, the FY OVA2 LOVE BALLADES mini album. (Though I didn't know who was who since I hadn't seen the subbed ver yet.)

Right now, Tamahome is still at the top of my list. He gets rivaled by Hashiba Sora (Kuu chan~ XD) from Sukisho!, but since Sukisho! is a game, I can say that Tamahome is my fave anime chara, and Sora is my fave game chara. ^_^ It all works out in the end.

Bwehehee~ Talking about bishounen is fun!
*dreamy sigh* Tamahome... <3
*looks at avatar* Kuu chan mo rabu rabu de~su!

PS My fave color is blue because it was more or less Tamahome's hair color. o_O Of course I now also like blue because it's pretty. ^^;

PPS If you're wondering about Sora's nick (actually, it's just what Sunao (Nao kun!) calls him sometimes), Kuu chan, it's because the kanji for "sora" can also be read as "kuu."
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Jessa_chan on July 15, 2003, 02:34:49 PM
I'm not going to go into how I had a crush on Ash from Pokemon (>_O I was 9!)....
So my first REAL bishie crush was....
Gren from Cowboy Bebop. ^_^;; Then it matured on to people like Harry McDougal from Outlaw Star, Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi, Kaworu from Evangelion, ect.
:shock:  And I just looked up at that list and realised that 3 out of those 5 guys are gay. ^___^;; I think i have a thing for yaoi-ness
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Tsubasa on July 15, 2003, 04:22:32 PM
My first crush, eh?  For me, it was Lina Inverse of Slayers.  Cute and firey.  You need some spice in your life now, don't you? ^_-  As for current, there's always the constant favorite Nakoruru, but in recent stuff I've been watching, I gotta say Ninomai Kisaragi of Happy Lesson.  I've been watching Happy Lesson Advance (the tone's so different.  I liked the sillier tone of the first series). ^_^  I also currently have something of an obsession with Bridget from Guilty Gear XX, but I don't really have a crush on him.  I just think he's really cute.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: CloudStrife546 on July 15, 2003, 04:30:32 PM
Naru from love hina.  and it still lives...
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: RyuHayabusa on July 15, 2003, 06:06:10 PM
I'm reading the Love Hina manga and so far, I gotta say Motoko Aoyoma..god, she is so feisty but at the same time cute..specially in that maid outfit lol

but anyhow, my 1st crush Bishoujo crush was Setsuna Meioh/Sailor Saturn from Sailor Moon..she looks like a Latina to mean and how she moves, how she has fashion and is mysterious.. god, I was attracted to  her for a long while lol
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Faye Valentine on July 15, 2003, 07:38:10 PM first...*blushes* Duo from Gundam Wing. I was SO obsessed with him...then it developed into Nuriko and Hotohori from Fushigi Yugi, Count D from Pet Shop of Horrors, Shigure and Ayame from Fruits Basket, Tsuzuki from Yami no Matsuei, Kira and Lucifer from Angel Sanctuary, Touga from Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Lantis from MKR (lol!), Kakyo and Sybaru from X...and right now I'm gasming (at this exact moment I'm watching ep. 62) of the boys from HIKARU NO GO!!! EEEE!! I'm SO IN LOVE with Waya, Isumi, Mitani, Kaga...Hikaru's gotten pretty cute, Saiki's hot, Touya's cute but DUDE he needs a lesson from Waya in fashion...*drools*
Now--shoujo crushes...hmmm...well honestly my first ever shoujo crush was Faye. lol!! Then Kanoe...(*drools*)heheheh...then Juri from Utena...
*looks up at list*
I need to make a giant list. And I think I just will. I'll have it up tomorrow. ^.^; hehe...I reeeeeally need a life...
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Suspicious on July 15, 2003, 08:55:27 PM
So far only three guys posted here >.>

My first is uhhh... *scratches head*  Well, the first anime that got me REALLY INTO anime was Tenchi Muyo, but I wouldn't exactly try to date any of those girls (especially since I don't have Tenchi/Keitaro like invincibility) o.O

Current crush would be Hana-chan from Fruits Basket or Kasumi from Hand Maid May.  If they existed, I'd run up and drag them away and keep them forever ^^  I also like Chloe from Noir, but I think I would get killed being around her >.>
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Cloudzero on July 16, 2003, 01:44:11 AM
Hmm... First I guess was Amy (in Japanese, isn't it supposed to be Eimi?), but then, that was when anime and cartoons were the same to me. Hmm... the one Bishoujo I liked when I got into Anime was Ayanami Rei (actually, she's why I got into anime as an otaku in the first place! :oops: )
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Babbit_Chan on July 16, 2003, 01:52:24 AM
Mine was Ranma. He was (well, almost) my age, tough, strong *melts*, and the fact that he had multiple fiancees didn't faze me at all. I still had a chance  :D
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: ChibiSerenaChan on July 16, 2003, 11:24:39 PM
teehee my firsts!! in order and how it moved from one to another XD

1) Sage from Ronin Warriors (i think that was before sailor moon.. or was it after >O_o< forgot my first bishi crush)
2) Darien!! from sailor moon!! XD
3) Ryoga in Ranma
4) Trunks in DBZ
5) Tamahome and Tasuki from Fushigi Yugi

and now my current ones from most to least... yeah i like more then one teehee

1) Eiji Kikumaru From Prince of Tennis (ahh he's so so waaiiii!!!! XD)
2) Kyo-kun!! Fruits basket >^.^<
2) Tasuki from fushigi yugi all the way!! all the way!!!  bwuahahaha!!!!

okie yeah teehee those are my crush... kweee!!! eiji-kun!! nyan! *drools*
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: fuzzyfaery on July 21, 2003, 11:02:48 PM
it was either belldandy from ah my goddess or ryoko from tenchi muyo
i cant remember which i saw first

but belldandy cause well shes just awesomeness

ryoko is a bit different
but in the opening on cartoon network there was this one side view of her when she looked very sad
when i saw that i was like. well yeah.

well the last "real" anime i watched was chobits back in '02
so chii~
yeah i even made a little slogan

theres only one girl for me
and her name is chii
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Pimpstress Rei on July 22, 2003, 05:42:21 PM
Roll Kran from Dangaio (I was like 10 at the time) then it was Tamahome, now it's Yuki from Fruits Basket. Why doesn't anyone like Yuki!?
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Haruka on July 22, 2003, 06:48:37 PM
Hotohori-sama from Fushigi.  ::sigh::  You never forget the first...or his voice actor.
Title: Re: Who was your first?
Post by: TG SID on July 22, 2003, 11:26:27 PM
Quote from: "SpazMegami":shock: Don't EVEN try to think I meant it that way! :evil:


I guess my first crush would be on Ukyou from Ranma.  I always thought she was cute.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: garfield on July 23, 2003, 11:44:26 AM
LA Blue Girl
..oh wait.. that's my first hentai...
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: DragonChaser on July 26, 2003, 12:56:32 PM
Duo from Gundam Wing... ^_^ Then I made friends with outside-of-cartoon-network anime and it was Zelgadiss from The Slayers ^^
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Tama on July 29, 2003, 09:56:17 PM
My first?  Wait I'm trying to remember............ Well the first real anime was Sailor Moon but... Darien ...dork.... mutter.... so then I watched... and... but was that before or after?......  
I think it was Chichiri.  
I'm pretty sure. I still have a crush on all Seki- sama's characters though. :oops: But then there's Subaru he wasn't far behind.  Hmmm...
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: the_Pink_Panther24 on July 29, 2003, 10:37:09 PM
then ~ sailor mars. she had spunk. and i liked spunk

now ~ hyat from excel saga. i NEVER get tired of "hail lord ilpa-"*FAINT*
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: DayDreamerNessa on July 30, 2003, 04:41:04 PM
I would probably say it was tai from digimon, i don't know why it must have been the hair lol  :roll:  

As of right now i still really like Vash, why?? he's sweet cute and when he does the LOVE AND PEACE pose he just gets even cuter to me :D
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: the_Pink_Panther24 on July 30, 2003, 06:01:26 PM
Quote from: "DayDreamerNessa"I would probably say it was tai from digimon, i don't know why it must have been the hair lol  :roll:  

As of right now i still really like Vash, why?? he's sweet cute and when he does the LOVE AND PEACE pose he just gets even cuter to me :D

this may sound odd....veyr odd.

but if i were gay. vash would be my honey buny.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: DayDreamerNessa on July 30, 2003, 06:21:17 PM
OMG ru a yaoi fan too!!!!! :D  :twisted: and vash too thats a good choice lol

Oh what the world of anime has done to my mind... But i think i like it :twisted:
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Jessa_chan on July 31, 2003, 11:13:40 AM
Quotethis may sound odd....veyr odd.

but if i were gay. vash would be my honey buny.

Really? I prefer Knives over Vash...
*grins*  Gotta love psychos!
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: DayDreamerNessa on July 31, 2003, 12:28:08 PM
No way its Vash all the way!!! :D  although knives is cute i still prefer vash
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: the_Pink_Panther24 on July 31, 2003, 12:44:53 PM
hmmm....although wolfwood's looking pretty.....

NO NO NO NO NO *slaps himself* NAUGHTY WATANABE!!!!

*hits himself again for no reason*
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: DayDreamerNessa on July 31, 2003, 12:48:57 PM
that reminded me of something i was going to cosplay wolfwood, but when i really thought about it, i was saying to myself hmmmm

walk around Carrying a cross
Walk around eating donuts!
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Suspicious on July 31, 2003, 01:15:34 PM
Well, if we're going into the realm of yaoi... hmm...

I would probably drag Tsukasa away ^^ despite a lot of people not liking him.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: DayDreamerNessa on July 31, 2003, 01:19:24 PM
u know i do like tsukasa too, i don't know why he just has something i like, i don't know what but i just do :?  :wink:
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Jessa_chan on August 01, 2003, 09:56:19 AM
QuoteNO NO NO NO NO *slaps himself* NAUGHTY WATANABE!!!!
@_@ No more Excel Saga for you!!
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: KimaLucifer on August 01, 2003, 12:02:24 PM
I know I'm prolly going all the way back to the first page but:

First Anime char crush thingie? Um.....I guess mine was a video game guy.

Video Game guy: Jyou kyu tenshi from Baroque

But Anime...not'm so sorry for saying this, I know the anime sucked, but it would be Kaze from FFU. I only like the character, not the story....completley anyways...
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: otakuya on August 02, 2003, 05:20:10 PM
<welcome back, kima *glomp!*>

Mine were:
Ayeka from Tenchi Muyo (...don't ask, she's just cute)
Ukyo from Ranma 1/2 (the cute fiancee)
Belldandy from Oh My Goddess (which guy doesn't)
Naru from Love Hina (I'm a Keitaro-type of guy)

Aoi Sakuraba from Ai Yori Aoshi  (I only wish I was as lucky and destined as Kaoru.....*gloomy sigh*.....) :cry:
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Tsubasa on August 03, 2003, 09:02:29 AM
QuoteBelldandy from Oh My Goddess (which guy doesn't)

What I want to ask is: do most guys like Belldandy or similar girls?  I can understand in Japan, considering how the culture covets domestic women, but honestly speaking, I don't care much for the Yamato Nadeshiko type.  Much too boring for my tastes.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: KimaLucifer on August 03, 2003, 01:44:16 PM
Um....I can start a whole thing about Beldandy is not a Nadeshiko-type person.

Oh. And the fact Japan has more guys that like teenybopper females.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: CloudStrife546 on August 03, 2003, 05:23:42 PM
Quote from: "Tsubasa"
QuoteBelldandy from Oh My Goddess (which guy doesn't)

What I want to ask is: do most guys like Belldandy or similar girls?  I can understand in Japan, considering how the culture covets domestic women, but honestly speaking, I don't care much for the Yamato Nadeshiko type.  Much too boring for my tastes.

i dunno, i guess im in the minority w/ u here tsubasa.  belldandy is cute, pretty, etc.  but her personality is too bland for me.  im more of a narusegewa kinda-guy.  :D
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Tsubasa on August 03, 2003, 08:39:34 PM
QuoteUm....I can start a whole thing about Beldandy is not a Nadeshiko-type person.

I'm sure you can, however, it is fairly obvious that Belldandy's character model was the Yamato Nadeshiko.  Any deviations would be mere nitpicking.

QuoteOh. And the fact Japan has more guys that like teenybopper females.

I don't doubt you're right, however, this is a rather recent development in Japanese society.  Through tradition and cultural influences, the image of the Yamato Nadeshiko has been elevated to the position of the ideal wife.  While recent tastes in modern Japanese society may dictate otherwise, there is always the lingering beliefs.  Tradition is hard to break.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: otakuya on August 04, 2003, 06:54:52 PM
Quote from: "CloudStrife546"
Quote from: "Tsubasa"
QuoteBelldandy from Oh My Goddess (which guy doesn't)

What I want to ask is: do most guys like Belldandy or similar girls?  I can understand in Japan, considering how the culture covets domestic women, but honestly speaking, I don't care much for the Yamato Nadeshiko type.  Much too boring for my tastes.

i dunno, i guess im in the minority w/ u here tsubasa.  belldandy is cute, pretty, etc.  but her personality is too bland for me.  im more of a narusegewa kinda-guy.  :D

I like Belldandy's personality. At least you know she loves you (.....or Keiichi, in this case....I'm not Keiichi.... :cry: ).
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: ChibiSerenaChan on August 05, 2003, 11:20:34 PM
whoa there's some facts >^_^<;;;

eheh i still went ga ga over darien/mamoru before teehee and sage from ronin warriors eheh wwooowww

belldandy is pretty!! but wow she seems so nice >O_o< interesting when she gets jealous!! eheh
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Foxwolfe on August 10, 2003, 08:25:39 PM
Can you say... Tuxedo Melvin @_@, omgzorz so dreamy :D
Title: anime firsts
Post by: TenchiBoy2001 on August 12, 2003, 03:50:13 PM
okay so heres a list:
Theres more. I just cant remember names right now. :oops:
I'll make another reply when I can remember.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Hououji Fuu on August 13, 2003, 03:33:53 PM
In order (first to newest):

Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi ((We're married, ladies, so back off ^_~ XD))
Kurama ((and any of his forms XD)) from Yu Yu Hakushou
Kojiro (James) from Pocket Monsters
Ferio from Magic Knights Rayearth

...and I still love them all to death. Nuriko still comes first though... then Ferio, then Kurama and Kojiro tie. ^_^V

Not that you all really care. ^_^;
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: bubblehead on August 14, 2003, 11:01:13 AM
well my first would be Yukito/Yue from CCS
I saw the dub and liked yue but not yukito, and then i read the manga. *sigh* yukito is so cute in the manga. *floats*
now i like tamahome and tasuki from FY. i can't decide which one i like better. I think tamahome is a little cuter but tasuki makes me laugh. ohhh the dilemma!
there are so many cute guys in that show! it's incredible! i mean even nakago is cute but he's such a jerk :x
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Jessa_chan on August 14, 2003, 01:01:21 PM
I agree, Fushigi Yuugi has so many bishies, it's hard to choose *likes Nuriko best though*
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: SpazMegami on August 14, 2003, 01:03:53 PM
Quote from: "bubblehead"now i like tamahome and tasuki from FY. i can't decide which one i like better. I think tamahome is a little cuter but tasuki makes me laugh. ohhh the dilemma!
there are so many cute guys in that show! it's incredible! i mean even nakago is cute but he's such a jerk :x

My poor Ayuru-chan...a jerk?  Well, considering what he's been through I think his actions are to be expected.  And most of the guys from Fushigi are in my harem...I just like the way Watase draws them! XD *sits in her Suzaku-seikun shrine*  I am the new miko, I am the new miko...I wish he'd listen to me sometimes...
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Kurokai on August 14, 2003, 06:46:52 PM
First: Vegeta from DBZ (XD;;...*recalls him in the pink shirt*)
Current: Vash from Trigun (*unstoppable drooling*) o_o
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Faye Valentine on August 14, 2003, 07:09:19 PM
Quote from: "SpazMegami"
*sits in her Suzaku-seikun shrine*  

<<uncontrollable drooling>>
Holy bejeebus! He is so flippin' gorgeous...oooooooh baaaby.
If only there we more of him in the series. *sigh*
Spaz, would you send me that half-naked picture of him you always talk about? I need something new to drool over. ^_^
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Glitch on August 15, 2003, 01:37:11 AM
the first anime girl I had an unhealthy fixation over was kiyone from tenchi muyo.then to fam from ruin it's a tie between shinobu from love hina and mizuho from onegia teacher.which would make an interesting mud wrestling match. ^,,,,^
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Tama on August 31, 2003, 11:37:22 AM
Crushes are healthy and natural... If yours isn't I don't wanna know why. :wink:
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Frozen Emotion on August 31, 2003, 10:16:22 PM
tuxedo mask...of course >:D....but then after awhile Heero came into my life..who can't love a hot guy in spandex ..and trowa...*drools*
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: platinum edge on September 01, 2003, 01:29:50 AM
Well, since all the other regulars have answered this question, I might as well.  My first was Kim Young from the Robotech series (she was the black haired one in the control room of the SDF-1.)  She hung around two other control personel (Vanessa Leeds, brown hair w/glasses, not to be confused with Lisa Hayes; and Sammie Porter the young, naive one)  I then moved on to Kiyone from Tenchi Muyo . . . now currently fixated on Tatiana Vissler (Last Exile), Mai (Kanon), and Makoto (Love Hina).
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: SpazMegami on September 06, 2003, 06:25:51 AM
:shock: *sits silently in shock*  ...I can now die obsession with everything Suzaku-related, and the 4 gods for that matter, has merged with my search for a larger bishounen harem.  Normally, people could say that Fushigi Yuugi has many bishies, which I agree with and most are in my harem, but it doesn't have all 4 of the human-formed gods at bishies...but I've found one that does!  Saint Beast has all four looking cute enough to fight over and a storyline that can sends fangirls like me into writing many yaoi fanfics...easily.  XD  I have a feeling I won't be able to sleep for quite a while happiness cannot be expressed through words...I GOT TO HAVE IT!   XD *drools a river*
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: ChibiSerenaChan on September 07, 2003, 12:39:52 PM
eheheh lookie at all those bishies that people like!! XD
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: mstingray on September 14, 2003, 10:10:58 PM
1st bishi crush eh?

well...whoever was wrapped up in tentacles at the time....i dunno names  :twisted:  :lol: does that count  :lol:
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: frumpy on September 15, 2003, 05:39:50 PM
Man, you guys are all anime babies!

My first crush was Keith from Voltron waaaay back in the mid-'80s.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Jessa_chan on September 15, 2003, 08:30:50 PM
I wasnt even born then! I have an excuse!
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: ChibiSerenaChan on September 16, 2003, 10:12:21 PM
kweee i gotta love bishies!! lol
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: SpazMegami on September 16, 2003, 11:07:22 PM
Quote from: "Jessa_chan"I wasnt even born then! I have an excuse! I was at the age when all boys had cooties!  

Well, some still do....^_^
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: SuperKawaiiNeko on September 17, 2003, 07:14:42 AM
*sniff* Do -I- have cooties? =(

Ive always liked girls. I just wouldnt ever admit it to anyone when I was little XD
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: MeliCat on September 18, 2003, 02:11:00 PM
:roll:  My anime crushes are Mai Shiranui from KOF and Rabi-en-Rose from DiGi Charat. What can I say, I have a thing for hot, busty girls with some battle skill (just like me, lol). A bishie... my fav. is probably Nuriko (the Ultimate Bishie). There's cute ones in the Japanese manga I have called "Wild Vanilla" but I can't read it and have no idea what the names are!

Title: Who was your first?
Post by: SuperKawaiiNeko on September 19, 2003, 12:32:56 AM

The world would be such a better place if people would just LISTEN to me
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: MeliCat on September 19, 2003, 10:33:02 AM
*falls over* Who doesn't like hot busty girls, bi,straight, gay or other wise? They're just so cute!

Title: Who was your first?
Post by: RyuHayabusa on September 19, 2003, 12:17:00 PM
Quote from: "MeliCat"*falls over* Who doesn't like hot busty girls, bi,straight, gay or other wise? They're just so cute!


hehehe...I have to agree with that one. I also like hot busty girls..that can kick ass and look good doing it :D.
Title: what do you think?
Post by: Saffy on September 20, 2003, 11:07:18 PM
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Tsubasa on September 21, 2003, 10:01:52 AM
Quote from: "MeliCat"*falls over* Who doesn't like hot busty girls, bi,straight, gay or other wise? They're just so cute!

I am quite straight and don't particuarily have a preference for hot busty girls.  Actually, I like my bishoujo on the less busty side.  Suppose you may attribute that to my pedophilistic tendencies. XD
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: ChibiSerenaChan on September 21, 2003, 01:09:02 PM
whats with the busty talk now >>_<< big busty girls scare me once in a while cause its just like whoa! their huge!! but hey most anime's have em like that anyways!! XP but it makes em all look so perty!!

come on talk about hot muscular anime guys.. muscles.. *drools* ::oh please not too bulk is not what i had in my mind::
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: AnimeLP on September 30, 2003, 03:41:32 PM
I have too many, but my ultimate 3 are Hotohori, Nuriko, and Sesshomaru!!!
Title: what do you think?
Post by: Saffy on October 08, 2003, 01:52:45 PM
i got a goodsized wallscroll of hotaru tomoe at a birthday party once... i think i'll put it up some time...

i like the wild characters, like haruhara haruko and excel...

Gotensfr1, if you ever see this, 1) URUSAI BAKA and 2) SHINDEKUDASAI!

Title: Re: what do you think?
Post by: RyuHayabusa on October 09, 2003, 11:18:19 AM
Quote from: "Saffy"i got a goodsized wallscroll of hotaru tomoe at a birthday party once... i think i'll put it up some time...

ooohhh me want to see!  :D
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: swordofthebezerk on October 12, 2003, 08:17:47 PM
geeze when i first saw that i was like hey alright i'm not a the only one who loves anime characters ok here goes
my first crush had to be like all of the sailor senshi but of course i was like 8 when i first saw them on saturday morning. Then i saw Neon Genesis Evangelion and i saw Rei and ever since then i have been madly in love with her, but she has been having some serious competition from Shinobu with her innocence and that cabbit shirt. Plus I love Motoko because she can be so incredibly un-lady-like and still incredibly kawaii!!!!! and i think that maid outfit she has worn made me go crazy... damn i love the girls at the Hinata Inn
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Tama on December 01, 2003, 08:28:09 PM
What about when you were really chibi?  When I was VERY young I liked Jase and the Wheeled Warriors he was probably my First.  But I was like 4 and I don't even remember what he looks like!  Now I hardly ever think of him... And I have a harem.  Does that make me a bishii slut? :cry:

Warning: Do NOT watch the last episode of Weiss Kreus Gluhen!!!
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: KinFreon on December 02, 2003, 03:34:33 AM
Two words...

"Sailor Jupiter"

Title: im at school! XD
Post by: Saffy on December 02, 2003, 10:54:53 AM
*censored on demand for the greater good of the public*

heh c.o.d.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: astroboy on December 02, 2003, 02:25:43 PM
Minmay from Robotech.  8)
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: KimaLucifer on December 02, 2003, 04:24:13 PM
:O People and their Super Bishoujyo people persons.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: KinFreon on December 02, 2003, 08:51:04 PM
I remember when I told my last girlfriend how I liked Yurika from "Nadesico" at some point years ago. She told me, "Oh, you just like her cuz she's got big boobs!"

Of course the girlfriend was quite stacked herself. Hmmmm... ^.^
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: RyuHayabusa on December 02, 2003, 09:56:33 PM
Kin: you got lucky on that one lol XD
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Mangamazoku on December 05, 2003, 11:53:19 AM
hmmm, first bishie crush...i'd have to say Quatre from Gundam Wing, then Nuriko from Fushigi Yuugi, after than, the flood gates opened and I have a harem now! :lol: currently Hisoku and Watari from Yami no Matsuei head the list, close in second with Yuki and Hiro from Gravitation, and then as always, my Nuriko-chan ^_~ I have a thing for my sweet transvestite.  :D Most of my bishies could fall into Yaoi pairings too easily...and do! yaoi fangirl? moi?~_^
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Arthos on October 16, 2004, 02:14:29 PM
So many cute anime girls:

Tatiana Vissler - Last Exile, Silvanna's flight commander.
Motoko Aoyama - Love Hina, the kendo girl.
Tsuruko Aoyama - Love Hina, Motoko's sister.
Erika - Daimos, the Brahman princess.
Jamie Robinson - Voltes V, the only girl in the Voltes V Team.
Title: Tatiana Vissler
Post by: Arthos on October 16, 2004, 02:55:20 PM
Tatiana (saikou!)
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: MeliCat on November 14, 2004, 06:02:26 PM
Hmm... I didn't really have any crushes when I first started watching anime, I was too young and didn't understand the japanese I guess. The first I can remember was Tasuki from Fushigi Yuugi, I love guys that are a handful! ^.~ I also remember liking Mai Shiranui... I love girls with MORE than a handful. These days my favorite guy is Sano from Hana Kimi (Cute, talented and grumpy ^^)  and my favorite girl is...still Mai (Imagine that, lol).

Title: Who was your first?
Post by: shyguy_2357 on November 15, 2004, 10:37:23 PM
I have to admit...

I was a sucker for asian Amazon women...

so naturally  Shampoo from the Ranma 1/2 series was my first anime Goddess I worshiped ^_^

of course she isnt my last either...  :roll:
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Bliss & Goodbye on November 15, 2004, 11:35:02 PM
First crush? My god... uh... my memory is pretty horrible here but I'd have to say Kanako from Love Hina. There just something about her I like.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Evangelion Xgouki on November 29, 2004, 10:54:12 PM
Well, this is an easy question to answer:

The great Asuka Langley Sohryu!!  :D  :D  :oops:

And she still is my fav, with Cagalli Yula Athha coming in a very close second.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Shinsengumi on November 30, 2004, 01:03:33 AM
My first crush was Chun Li from Street Fighter and Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury or King of Fighters. theres more but I think it's about it for me  8)  for now.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Izukio on December 08, 2004, 05:05:03 PM
Kaoru from Evangelion and Hiei from Yu yu hakusho tied.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: ChiefWoodchuck on December 10, 2004, 02:47:04 AM
My first anime crush was probably Kiyone from Tenchi Muyo.  There was something about her character that I just liked for reasons that I may never understand.  Even though it's been six years since I first watched Tenchi Muyo I still feel kinda bad for her even though she's a fictional character.  Is that normal?  Anyways, I would have to say that my current anime crush is Kojima Kirie from Girls Bravo.  Not sure why I like this girl either, I just know that I do.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Lustful_Shiki on February 10, 2005, 08:07:02 PM
QuoteSo many cute anime girls:

Shiki <3- Samurai Spirits
Devilot- Cyberbots
Sohma- RG Veda
Kendappa-Oh- RG Veda
Kiyone- Tnechi Muyo
Skuld- Ah! Megami Sama! (haha cradle robber :P)
Chun Li- StreetFighter
Ibuki- SF3
Juli- SFZ3
Mutsumi- Love Hina
Motoko- Love Hina
The "Presence" Girl- Robot Carnival
Mirai- Moldiver  ...Just a few of my favs :P
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Croquet on February 11, 2005, 10:06:41 PM
Well, since one of my first animes was DBZ, I thought the kid Trunks was an awfully cute boy. I also held a special place in my heart for his dad, Vegeta.
But currently my harem consists of many, including:

Hotohori from FY (gotta love the long hair)
Nuriko from FY (again, not only long hair, but WOMEN'S CLOTHES!)
Chichiri from FY (love that guy!)
Yuki from fruits basket
Hiro from fruits basket (swear i'm not a pedaphile)
Momiji from fruits basket (cutest boy in the WORLD!)
Chrno from Chrno Crusade (in non-demon form, again with the long hair)
Mad Prince Seeu from Planet Ladder (can't get enough of the freakin' hair!)
Gold from Planet Ladder (know he's a doll, but who cares?)
Mamimi fom FLCL (she's so hot she makes it on the list)

the list goes on and on, but this only scratches the surface!!
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: Jyunishinsho on February 14, 2005, 11:10:13 AM
Crushes, huh...

To begin: Dizzy-chan from GG. Hands down, no questions asked. She, to me, is the ultimate cuteness.

then the list (not in order)
Motoko from Love Hina
Ukyou from Ranma
Kula Diamond from KOF
Akira from Rival Schools
Reiko from Comic Party
Hibiki from CVS2
I-no from GG
Angel from KOF
Uranus from Bloody Roar
The shy girl with purple hair in Negima
Yakumo from School Rumble
KOSMOS from Xenosaga

-Can anyone see my preferences in females?
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: firegoddessnerys on March 02, 2005, 06:01:00 PM
Easily, my first crush was Malachite (or Kunzite if you prefer the original Japanese) from Sailor Moon. I loved him WAY too much...and wanted to be Zoycite. That was before I knew she was a guy, lol.
Title: Who was your first?
Post by: kikuye_chan on March 04, 2005, 04:06:46 PM
my first. . . .Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha. . . man, I was so obsessed with him.