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Messages - singarequiem

Saturday and Sunday? I'll probably be there with my little group on Sunday :3
I hope this happens! I'm not cosplaying from Kuragehime, but if you end up having a gathering then I'll definately try to stop by and take pictures :3
I will be there as Gumi Happy Synthesizer along with a couple of my friends [Luka and Kaito Happy Synthesizer, I don't know if they have forum accounts ...]~!
My friend [username Conchita] and I cosplaying Black and White Mokonas, but our own special Kigurumi version~! Just so long as all goes as planned :3

Also I vote for Sunday. It fits with all the other costumes I'm doing.
Wow took me long enough to get on here xD
I'm going to be doing Listen! Mio on Saturday. Of course I may not have the red tights for Listen [they're my friend's tights and i haven't been able to get a hold of her] so if that's the case i'll be doing Don't Say Lazy Mio.
I may bring Strawberries >w<