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Messages - Throwfox

Quote from: LordKefka on February 10, 2011, 01:44:32 AM
If it makes you feel any better the world's gonna end in less than a year anyway. You're pain ( along with everyone else) will go away~


Sombody has problems... ah haha, just kidding -backs away-

Feeling pretty Lame huh? Bacon thing posted by otakuya should of made you happy already.

So I don't need to put any effort into this, yay!
Serious Business / Re: why NOT to go to fanime!
February 10, 2011, 07:06:17 PM
um- Furry? okay- that was kinda funny XD I'm just a fan of sonic and I like to draw


I do have a problem with leashes and collars with spikes or no spikes-

My problem is because the people I see wearing these things arn't wearing them for a cosplay, it's kinda clear by the way they act that
they are into Bondage.  BUt hey, to those people out there who are wearing those things for fun and not for bondage-have fun :3

Ya- I'm aware of all the things that go on in conventions(well, as far as I am able to understand) like the hentai and yaoi things, And the times i've gone to cons I've chosen to ignore and pass those types of things.

So come on people, it's OKAY that I have ONE dislike, right? wow, Hyenas are out there! oop-wait-is that a furry ref.?
(jk about that hyena thing)

I don't mean to come off as ....well, however you may think that is negative-
I was just curious if anybody else felt the same way as I did about seeing the Bondage thing in a ANIME CONVENTION.

I can understand that yes, for the most part alot of people going to these gatherings are into some type of Negative thing. but for the most part it's ANIME related- so when they go to the ANIME con, they may dress/act/talk/etc etc etc like a certain negative ANIME character-

Hey, I understand that- I ignore it,

it's just- What does Bondage have to do with ANIME cons?
...(sure theres, those hentais but you know what I mean)

But in the end- just in case anybody was wondering- I've decided not to go-
SHould I expose myself to cross-dressers and yaoi things JUST so I can have a good time?
the times I've gone , yes- I did ignore that And focused on me having fun.
But I would like to think that my choice now is that of a good thing.
In the end- how can being around those things(EVEN though I'm ignoring it) be healthy for me?

So yeah-
Maybe I am a stick in the mud-
but at least for myself,I feel that I am making the right choice.

So put that on in your juice box and suck on it!

(to those trolls out there)

Serious Business / Re: why NOT to go to fanime!
February 07, 2011, 04:51:07 PM
That's just the one thing at cons that really gets to me and ruins it in a way-

it's just so lame- In the end I don't think I will be going to anymore cons-
and believe me, I would love to- graaa
Serious Business / why NOT to go to fanime!
February 07, 2011, 04:06:12 PM
I would be going this year but now I've decided agaist it because-


I've noticed that these past times i've gone to fanime Leashes and collars have gotten rather popular-

If you have a collar for your cosplay then ya, go for it but what i mean is that the people who wear the leashes and things as if they are a type of bondage-
So what, If I'm wearing leather,spikes and chains that means i'm into bondage?
no way! I really hate how today that's what spikes and things are associated with-
So i'm not going due to the pervs-

(I'm still going to cosplay of course though, just not at dork..)

does anybody else know what I mean?
Gaming / Re: Favorite Video Game OST?
January 19, 2011, 11:03:29 PM
I listen to...

Wild Arms (the very first one)
anything and everything Sonic the hedgehog
Resident Evil (all of them)

And some more I can't think of at the moment-
I'm surprised this doesn't have that many replys, people should be ashamed!

Video game music is AWESOME!

also Castlevania SOTN does have a great ost but the game has a really disturbing boss in it so I stopped playing it and listening to the music XD
Gaming / SuperSmashBrosBRAWL!
January 19, 2011, 10:58:47 PM
Great game! Who are you best at and who are you worst at?

I myself always play as sonic,falco,link,metaKnight-

what's your fav stages and have you unlocked EVERYTHING?

and etc..etc...etc..!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: (WTS) SONIC THE HEDGEHOG stuff
January 19, 2011, 10:53:29 PM
@lordkefka if you mean buy the "wts" thing-I've added it now. w00t |3
Buy/Sell/Trade / (WTS) SONIC THE HEDGEHOG stuff
January 19, 2011, 12:20:09 PM
 That's right folks! I'm getting rid of EVERYTHING HEDGEHOG-RELATED!!

I've been a fan since 2006 so I've got a couple of things to sell -

Items include-
plushies (ALL Sizes)
Video Games (wii-gamecube-ps3 etc!)
knick-knacks! (head gear-keychains etc!)
Posters! (these will be added for freeeee!)


Interested? Email me at [email protected] and/or send me a message!  My youtube account is throwfox66 where I will post my video of sonic stuff!

and now you might be asking- "if your such a fan of sonic why get rid of your stuff? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!?"

Simple my friendly(and not so friendly) Otakus!
I'm ending that chapter of my life!
No longer will I be so obsessed!

but seriously-I USE to be a fan girl-Now I'm just a fan-but I do want to get rid of my sonic things-as much as it pains me-

Fanime 09was my very first con so that was exciting, I got a ton of stuff-
fanime 10 was very disgruntling, I went with some people and we all cosplayed bleach characters-But they were all acting imature so it felt like i was babysitting!
and now fanime 11..I'm cosplaying as Scourge the hedgehog-This should be fun!
I think if it did exist then when you went to class you would have to be in cosplay--

  oh yeah- Cosplay FTW!!!
General Anime Chat / SUMMER WARS
January 19, 2011, 11:32:47 AM
I can't be the only one whos super impatient and can't wait to see Summer wars (check out the youtube trailer for it)

  anybody else excited?  (also-have you seen the girl who leapt through time?) 
For some reason Crunchyroll doesn't work for me- I signed up and everything but I can't seem to watch ANything!

And it says that they have Neko-ramen , do you know if they do or not?
General Anime Chat / Re: To Watch Or not To Watch?
January 19, 2011, 11:25:21 AM
I'd also say watch it on your own time-

You could miss out on alot of things if you spend your time watching something-

ya gotta spend time everywhere!  I myself will be spending most of it playing DDR
General Anime Chat / Why is MARIO awesome??!
January 19, 2011, 11:20:52 AM
I hope this is in the right posting area---

So! I'm a fan of the blue hedgehog- not so much the plumber-

I've only played the very insanley old mario games---can anybody tell me what makes mario so awesome?

(aside from his hat and moustache )
hahaha, funny -

XD alright, Hopefully there will be a sonic cosplayer other then myself there!

I saw a girl dressed as sonic fanime 09 --

Thanks for the info, guys!  I am prepared now! 

If all else fails i shall get a "glomp me and DIE" pin :3

hopefully it won't come to that! If anybody has anymore info they can share, please do!
I hate to seem rude  but I do not like to be hugged!  Is there any way to avoid a hug?

Cause come on,Some of these otakus are perverts....

Names Throwfox!
Just wondering If there will be any other sonic the hedgehog cosplayers going to fanime 2011?

If I do end up going I will be cosplaying as Scourge the hedgehog -

Any SONIC THE HEDGEHOG cosplayers going?

I doesn't matter to me to organize a group or not-

But I'm planning on going as Scourge the hedgehog From the Sonic Comics*Archie series

If so EMAIL ME! [email protected]
