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Messages - KitsuneOniko

Quote from: Touya no Miko on June 14, 2010, 01:15:39 PM
Quote from: otaku_duckie on June 13, 2010, 09:01:17 PM
That's awesome! (sad about no vid) but still hurray!!!! GO FANIME! Do u know the name of the dude that got his ass kicked? I wanna taught him next year!

His name is Chris(sorry don't know his last name).

Berania :) he is a good close friend of mine lol
Quote from: Touya no Miko on June 11, 2010, 10:59:16 PM
Okay, so interesting thing I heard from my college and Fanime buddy. One of my old college friends, who also happens to be a rover for Fanime, is now training officially for UFC as a fighter. He was given a match and guess who his opponent was?

One of the protesters.  And they recognized each other.

So while the protester guy is mouthing off on how his crew wants to get rid of Fanime, my other friend is just pumped to beat him (legally of course). I have yet to hear the outcome of the match.

Wearing flashy costumes makes you a sinner, yet beating the snot out of someone for sport is a-okay?

I don't remember learning this at my Church's Sunday school. Goes to show that some people don't really do things in the name of their faith, but for selfish personal reasons.

ahahaha oh you talkin bout my buddy Chris? Yeah while there is no video of the match I do have a written round by round report of the whole deal on my Facebook XD Epic~!
Lookin for other pics of this cosplay I did for a couple of days---->
Quote from: Knightfire on June 12, 2010, 12:02:46 PM
Quote from: KitsuneOniko on June 12, 2010, 11:36:46 AM
Looking for any and all photos taken of:

-Stage Zero and us staff :)
-Pics of Peter White cosplay from Sunday and Monday (lookin for the ones of me cosplayin him lol)
-Pics of my friends Meli and Taylor cosplaying as the red variant versions of Dizzy and Bridget from Guilty Gear
-Any pics of my pretty boy lil bro Max in his Basara cosplay

Having trouble finding pics of these things which is surprising cuz I know ALOT was taken of us!! Much appreciated if you guys can help me out~! ;D

thank you very much kind person :3 yep those are my best buds alright lol now if I could just find pics of the other ones I mentioned.... XD
Lookin for pics of me as Peter White from Sunday and Monday, of my lil pretty boy bro Max in his Basara cosplay, and my best friends Meli and Taylor as the red variant versions of Dizzy and Bridget from Guilty Gear ~!! I know a lot of pics were taken throughout the weekend of us and it's hard to believe that I can barely find any!! >.<;; (haha I also just realized we all had red colored cosplays)
Looking for any and all photos taken of:

-Stage Zero and us staff :)
-Pics of Peter White cosplay from Sunday and Monday (lookin for the ones of me cosplayin him lol)
-Pics of my friends Meli and Taylor cosplaying as the red variant versions of Dizzy and Bridget from Guilty Gear
-Any pics of my pretty boy lil bro Max in his Basara cosplay

Having trouble finding pics of these things which is surprising cuz I know ALOT was taken of us!! Much appreciated if you guys can help me out~! ;D
Quote from: jkwan512 on June 01, 2010, 12:53:52 AM
Quote from: HeeroYuy135 on June 01, 2010, 12:28:28 AM
I have 400+ pictures up

this was my first fanime event. i had a blast. i totally heart one of the staff girls at the main stage. shes a cutie.
at Stage Zero? Lol there are like four of us tho: me, Seanie, Jamie, and Diana :3
Quote from: ValeKress on June 03, 2010, 02:11:37 PM
Anyone manage to snap a photo of this guy? I haven't been able to find any pics of him yet...He was in a Cloud cosplay and a Visual Kei outfit.

Ey Oni of Stage Zero here lol I know him cuz he was also one of the Visual You model contestants we had on our stage for the fashion competition on Sunday at con :) for more pics n backstage pics u guys may have not seen, add me and the Visual You fan pg on Facebook~!
sadly i have to agree with u mikey... lol werent you kasumi n i talkin bout this when we were hangin out the other day? i've been around loooooong enough to see this kinda thing within the community... happens to even the best of us... not sayin stay away from everyone and everything but you do gotta be aware there will ALWAYS be biased ppl! Even in the simple form ("FMA FANS ARE SOOOO COOLER THAN NARUTARDS" OR "BLEACH PWNZ INUYASHA" Etc.... or even artists vs gamers vs otaku enthusiasts and so on)
They said pretty much what I was gonna say too lol... hmmm for humor sake should we do a few silly ones like "What happens in Fanime... STAYS in Fanime"? Plus from a lot of the complaints we've had this year bout those hug me/glomp me ppl n lines I think we need to revive our "glomp/hug control group" ;D
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: The hug line
June 03, 2009, 03:01:59 PM
Thanks for even more elaboration and insight of several points there B~! :D And btw it was awesome to always see you again this year and every year! ;D
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: The hug line
June 03, 2009, 02:58:17 PM
Quote from: Mr. Wendell on June 03, 2009, 12:44:08 AM
I'm indifferent towards the hug line.

However, if Fanime attendees made a Soul Train line, count me in!!!

lol you know we'd even bring that up on our stage Kuya! XD
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: The hug line
June 02, 2009, 03:37:57 PM
Some fellow staffers suggested I also post pretty much what I posted in the Convention feedback thread here so here ya go:

Quote from: KitsuneOniko on May 31, 2009, 03:36:00 PM
Another thing I have to agree with all of you is the signage soliciting and the hug me/glomp me lines and ppl... We want everyone to have a good fun time @ con but remember ppl that safety, consideration/respect is always a must despite! While most of the staff usually don't mind the every so often friendly joking signs, remember that the city of San Jose does...and depending on what the signage says, can be considered soliciting.

A lot of us staff were talking about signs over the years that @ first seemed harmless but did amount to a few union rules and safety issues being brought up... the "What would you do for Pocky?" signs were silly fun... until we had catgirls and catboys suddenly suggestively dancing ON TOP of con tables and equipment... I have to bring up this matter because the space and equipment we use @ con actually belongs to the convention hall management ppl... NOT US... so we are liable for any damage and accidents that may occur due to such incidents... so for your safety please if you must "dance" for Pocky, preferably on solid safe ground? lol Please respect their convention hall space and equipment... They are nice enough to let us use and rent it every year so we can have our wonderful convention ^^ That also being mentioned... please NEVER tape or use stickers for your signs up on any of the column posts and/or walls of the convention space because like I just said... that's the convention hall's property... as we say in the staff meetings... If it ain't your's and especially if it's not union approved... don't put tape or stick anything on it please!

Also on the topic of hugging and glomping... it's all good natured fun for most but remember to be RESPECTFUL about it too! Just because someone or a group of people also REFUSE to hug/glomp back doesn't mean you should be rude and insult them back... This con is meant to be a fun and comfortable environment for all who attend it. Tackle glomps were also a safety issue on many occassions... Need a remind some fellow con goers and fellow staffers of a few small incidents we've had throughout past years? Was talking with some of my friends who are also staff and we were reminded that one year a random otaku tackle glomped a Yuna cosplayer out of no where (no, they didn't know each other) which caught her off balance and her staff prop hit another group of people & cosplayers who just happen to be walking past at that same moment? A lot of our extremely dedicated cosplayers often carry heavy props and put A LOT of hard work into their costumes to proudly show off and share with us all every year and I am sure would be very upset if it were to get ruined in one blow by an infamous flying tackle glomp... Not just cosplayers but regular attendees also get bothered by inappropriate glompage... Now I know A LOT of people want to say that they got to hug/glomp a bunch of cute girls and guys during con but remember to be considerate of the "receiving" person and/or party... I get several complaints and concerns from many of my younger new staffers and friends that attend these cons (especially if it's their first time @ a con) that they feel uneasy about these kinds of things (especially because they're new to this high "hug/glomp" environment guys!). In fact... my friend Steph, whose 1st Fanime Con was this one was just walking around and trying to find me as she borrowed my sunglasses earlier that day, wanted to return them to me and right before she found me @ my stage, out of no where a "creepy fat" otaku came flying out and pretty much tackle glomped her from behind or the side from what I was told... Now she is a very cute asian girl and I know a lot of guys want to hug cute asian girls @ this con but please be mindful of how these things can be taken! Not only was she made uncomfortable but also my E3 sunglasses were broken/crushed in his "embrace"... NOT COOL... While she was a little more lenient and let this one slide... other people @ our con don't let things like that go as easily... in fact during another incident I had to step in because it involved some of my younger minor new staff we had to eventually call in the San Jose PD to ban this guy off the con site because he had made my staffers very uncomfortable to the point that the girls were nervous and near scared to tears. I know many glompers/huggers are quite persistent to get their glomp hugs but YOU DO NOT pursue the "target" if they are obviously not feeling comfortable.... This guy FOLLOWED my girls all the way to their hotel room and floor! He kept trying to talk to them and engage them in conversation when they obviously were busy and trying to walk away... what's more he then reached out to grab and held one of the girls, hugging/glomping her and wouldn't let go of her even after her repeated "please let me go"... Turns out later also he didn't even have a badge at all of any sorts, was telling ppl he was "press" when he wasn't and taking random shots of people throughout con (which he tried to show the girls too)... I am going to stress this:


I am not saying there is anything wrong with glomping and hugging... Heck, even us friends and staff like the occassional glomp n hug ^_^ BUT please be respectful and considerate... as much as possible, especially if you don't know the other person or persons, please ASK if it's alright with them ok? We want everyone to enjoy their time @ Fanime Con so in order for that we need to look out for each other and everyone around us too. Remember that Fanime is "By Fans, For Fans"... We can have our fun but be safe and mindful and remember that not everyone will respond to certain things the same way... you wouldn't want your con time ruined and cut short because someone made you feel violated or because you were accused of sexual harassment by another attendee(s) despite your good intention and good natured joking...
Even as Stage Zero host/staff I have to agree with everyone on the crowd control issue @ our stage... With each year n more and more programming @ our stage I've noticed a massive increase in the numbers of people we attract and who want to see the craziness we have to offer @ Stage Zero. Of course us @ Stage Zero always welcome the masses to come and enjoy the con with us but it has been becoming even slightly also a safety issue lately huh? I remember @ one point during the Lokisa Fashion show we hosted last year that we had to rope off the back because the walkway was becoming crowded and impassable, which is also a fire hazard should there be any mishaps and/or accidents to happen (knock on wood we've been very lucky that no such serious event has ever yet happened @ our beloved con). Just to let everyone know it hasn't gone unnoticed by us and our fellow con staffers and logistics and such... it's a constant work in progress and if you guys have also noticed while the stage has remained mainly in the same place, over the last few years we've been rotating it slightly/turning off center/changing view facings in different directions to try to see what works best for maxium use of spacing for our stage set up, equipment, and audience sitting space... if you guys have any other suggestions please send them over to Wendell NacNac or Sean Barber of our Stage Zero producing crew... it be much appreciated... tho also keep in mind we too are also under budget and convention space union rules and etiquette so not ever suggestion might be doable ^^;

Another thing I have to agree with all of you is the signage soliciting and the hug me/glomp me lines and ppl... We want everyone to have a good fun time @ con but remember ppl that safety, consideration/respect is always a must despite! While most of the staff usually don't mind the every so often friendly joking signs, remember that the city of San Jose does...and depending on what the signage says, can be considered soliciting.

A lot of us staff were talking about signs over the years that @ first seemed harmless but did amount to a few union rules and safety issues being brought up... the "What would you do for Pocky?" signs were silly fun... until we had catgirls and catboys suddenly suggestively dancing ON TOP of con tables and equipment... I have to bring up this matter because the space and equipment we use @ con actually belongs to the convention hall management ppl... NOT US... so we are liable for any damage and accidents that may occur due to such incidents... so for your safety please if you must "dance" for Pocky, preferably on solid safe ground? lol Please respect their convention hall space and equipment... They are nice enough to let us use and rent it every year so we can have our wonderful convention ^^ That also being mentioned... please NEVER tape or use stickers for your signs up on any of the column posts and/or walls of the convention space because like I just said... that's the convention hall's property... as we say in the staff meetings... If it ain't your's and especially if it's not union approved... don't put tape or stick anything on it please!

Also on the topic of hugging and glomping... it's all good natured fun for most but remember to be RESPECTFUL about it too! Just because someone or a group of people also REFUSE to hug/glomp back doesn't mean you should be rude and insult them back... This con is meant to be a fun and comfortable environment for all who attend it. Tackle glomps were also a safety issue on many occassions... Need a remind some fellow con goers and fellow staffers of a few small incidents we've had throughout past years? Was talking with some of my friends who are also staff and we were reminded that one year a random otaku tackle glomped a Yuna cosplayer out of no where (no, they didn't know each other) which caught her off balance and her staff prop hit another group of people & cosplayers who just happen to be walking past at that same moment? A lot of our extremely dedicated cosplayers often carry heavy props and put A LOT of hard work into their costumes to proudly show off and share with us all every year and I am sure would be very upset if it were to get ruined in one blow by an infamous flying tackle glomp... Not just cosplayers but regular attendees also get bothered by inappropriate glompage... Now I know A LOT of people want to say that they got to hug/glomp a bunch of cute girls and guys during con but remember to be considerate of the "receiving" person and/or party... I get several complaints and concerns from many of my younger new staffers and friends that attend these cons (especially if it's their first time @ a con) that they feel uneasy about these kinds of things (especially because they're new to this high "hug/glomp" environment guys!). In fact... my friend Steph, whose 1st Fanime Con was this one was just walking around and trying to find me as she borrowed my sunglasses earlier that day, wanted to return them to me and right before she found me @ my stage, out of no where a "creepy fat" otaku came flying out and pretty much tackle glomped her from behind or the side from what I was told... Now she is a very cute asian girl and I know a lot of guys want to hug cute asian girls @ this con but please be mindful of how these things can be taken! Not only was she made uncomfortable but also my E3 sunglasses were broken/crushed in his "embrace"... NOT COOL... While she was a little more lenient and let this one slide... other people @ our con don't let things like that go as easily... in fact during another incident I had to step in because it involved some of my younger minor new staff we had to eventually call in the San Jose PD to ban this guy off the con site because he had made my staffers very uncomfortable to the point that the girls were nervous and near scared to tears. I know many glompers/huggers are quite persistent to get their glomp hugs but YOU DO NOT pursue the "target" if they are obviously not feeling comfortable.... This guy FOLLOWED my girls all the way to their hotel room and floor! He kept trying to talk to them and engage them in conversation when they obviously were busy and trying to walk away... what's more he then reached out to grab and held one of the girls, hugging/glomping her and wouldn't let go of her even after her repeated "please let me go"... Turns out later also he didn't even have a badge at all of any sorts, was telling ppl he was "press" when he wasn't and taking random shots of people throughout con (which he tried to show the girls too)... I am going to stress this:


I am not saying there is anything wrong with glomping and hugging... Heck, even us friends and staff like the occassional glomp n hug ^_^ BUT please be respectful and considerate... as much as possible, especially if you don't know the other person or persons, please ASK if it's alright with them ok? We want everyone to enjoy their time @ Fanime Con so in order for that we need to look out for each other and everyone around us too. Remember that Fanime is "By Fans, For Fans"... We can have our fun but be safe and mindful and remember that not everyone will respond to certain things the same way... you wouldn't want your con time ruined and cut short because someone made you feel violated or because you were accused of sexual harassment by another attendee(s) despite your good intention and good natured joking...
Quote from: idontknow on May 31, 2009, 04:30:25 AM
Quote from: KitsuneOniko on May 30, 2009, 09:44:06 PM
Quote from: idontknow on May 25, 2009, 09:51:56 PM
Quote from: Tez Ryu on May 25, 2009, 09:32:50 PM
I REALLY dislike how our names are in bright white, large and on the top of the passes. Then our fan names were tiny and blue at the bottom? Does everyone really need to know your name? A bit of privacy would have been nice...

I got harassed a bit much (especially by this one really drunk guy) and I'd hate to think that anyone got away with my name...:/

i agree with the fan/real name on the badge thing. i mean, WHY even put a fan name if no one will notice it?? if you compare between the early and pre registration people, the fan name is more noticable on the early registration.

swap meet was good. although i would like to suggest someone to "enforce" spots. there was a big empty spot behind me so it would be easy just for someone to bring stuff, set it down, and start selling without letting fanimecon staff know.

not really a big deal but i think there should be more people "guarding" the artist alley. i left my artist alley booth early and left most of my stuff under the table. when i came back to get them there were 3 girls sitting at my table. i wasn't even at the end of the row and artist alley was still open. i really didn't mind them sitting there and if they stole something (they didn't, btw) i would of course blame myself for leaving it there. but it kind of showed me that the "only artists and/or their peers are allowed behind the table" policy isn't enforced.

at the stage zero today i thought one of the hosts wasn't really a "good" host. i'm sorry if you read this but this is what i think (feel free to bash me). i won't specifically say who but she kind of took things to the center and didn't really seem considerate about the people playing "jan ken pon". she wanted to use the players to demonstrate an example when they clearly didnt know how to play. when the other host said "no we should demonstrate it for them" she simply said "but it's funnier this way" or something like that. this is just one of the examples.

music selection at fanime ball. i already stated it in another post :P

i LOVE that there were so many kids and families this year. so many cute kid cosplays! (and no i'm not a pedo. haha)

so in general there were cons but they were for more "specific" things. i thought this fanimecon was a success :D

My apologies about that... this year @ Stage Zero, us original four hosts from the last 4-5 years were doin our best lol... we had A LOT of new on stage personalities being tried out this year. It's not their fault as they're new and were tryin out the ropes so to speak ^^; A lot of them aren't used to bein on stage  yet but hopefully they learned a lot and continue to grow with experience in with interacting with us original hosts/crew and the audience better :D

that's fine, hopefully her and any hosts auditioning for stage zero next year will improve :D i believe in you guys!! :D :D haha

Thanks ^^ After the craziness and seeming TONS of trial and error this past Fanime I think us OC Stage Zero hosts will probably be a lil more tougher with future try outs n what not... most anyone can just get up on stage n talk (or not XD) but it's the fact that CAN they entertain people? Are they exciting and engaging the masses? Are they able to work well and feed off of the original hosts like me and Wendell and Seanie AND our stage crew? Basically are they a crowd pleaser AND a team player? ^^
Quote from: G.S. LXVIII on May 31, 2009, 01:08:01 AM
Quote from: KitsuneOniko on May 30, 2009, 10:43:00 PM
Out of curiousity, can anyone who has pics of us Stage Zero ppl/staff pls send em my way? Also randomly during Saturday I believe it was a ton of ppl randomly shot pics of me taking care of my friend Mimi's bird Peanut... sounds random I know but wonderin if any of you guys got any pics of that too? It be much appreciated~! ^^ Every year it seems I am caught with somethin random... last year was that HUUUUGE Lunar moth that wouldn't leave me alone lol and this year it seems not it's a pet bird :D

lol thankies ^^ I snagged this photo already tho :D Lemme know if you see any others too? ;D Much appreciated!
Quote from: JTchinoy on May 31, 2009, 01:11:03 AM
Quote from: KitsuneOniko on May 30, 2009, 09:34:52 PM
Thank you Scott too for always being entertaining and for our random bouts of humor during the late night game shows... It always seem to be a hit and a crowd fav huh? ;D

JT: You wanna challenge me to Ninja? lol I think I will do a double layer cosplay then... remember my friend who was wearin the Master Cheif cosplay? I will ask if I can borrow that for the outter layer and then shed it like she did in Haliods later ;D
You're too short to wear richard's 1k outfit =O

Duuuude if you actually look I am slightly taller then him XDD
Out of curiousity, can anyone who has pics of us Stage Zero ppl/staff pls send em my way? Also randomly during Saturday I believe it was a ton of ppl randomly shot pics of me taking care of my friend Mimi's bird Peanut... sounds random I know but wonderin if any of you guys got any pics of that too? It be much appreciated~! ^^ Every year it seems I am caught with somethin random... last year was that HUUUUGE Lunar moth that wouldn't leave me alone lol and this year it seems not it's a pet bird :D
Quote from: idontknow on May 25, 2009, 09:51:56 PM
Quote from: Tez Ryu on May 25, 2009, 09:32:50 PM
I REALLY dislike how our names are in bright white, large and on the top of the passes. Then our fan names were tiny and blue at the bottom? Does everyone really need to know your name? A bit of privacy would have been nice...

I got harassed a bit much (especially by this one really drunk guy) and I'd hate to think that anyone got away with my name...:/

i agree with the fan/real name on the badge thing. i mean, WHY even put a fan name if no one will notice it?? if you compare between the early and pre registration people, the fan name is more noticable on the early registration.

swap meet was good. although i would like to suggest someone to "enforce" spots. there was a big empty spot behind me so it would be easy just for someone to bring stuff, set it down, and start selling without letting fanimecon staff know.

not really a big deal but i think there should be more people "guarding" the artist alley. i left my artist alley booth early and left most of my stuff under the table. when i came back to get them there were 3 girls sitting at my table. i wasn't even at the end of the row and artist alley was still open. i really didn't mind them sitting there and if they stole something (they didn't, btw) i would of course blame myself for leaving it there. but it kind of showed me that the "only artists and/or their peers are allowed behind the table" policy isn't enforced.

at the stage zero today i thought one of the hosts wasn't really a "good" host. i'm sorry if you read this but this is what i think (feel free to bash me). i won't specifically say who but she kind of took things to the center and didn't really seem considerate about the people playing "jan ken pon". she wanted to use the players to demonstrate an example when they clearly didnt know how to play. when the other host said "no we should demonstrate it for them" she simply said "but it's funnier this way" or something like that. this is just one of the examples.

music selection at fanime ball. i already stated it in another post :P

i LOVE that there were so many kids and families this year. so many cute kid cosplays! (and no i'm not a pedo. haha)

so in general there were cons but they were for more "specific" things. i thought this fanimecon was a success :D

My apologies about that... this year @ Stage Zero, us original four hosts from the last 4-5 years were doin our best lol... we had A LOT of new on stage personalities being tried out this year. It's not their fault as they're new and were tryin out the ropes so to speak ^^; A lot of them aren't used to bein on stage  yet but hopefully they learned a lot and continue to grow with experience in with interacting with us original hosts/crew and the audience better :D
Thank you Scott too for always being entertaining and for our random bouts of humor during the late night game shows... It always seem to be a hit and a crowd fav huh? ;D

JT: You wanna challenge me to Ninja? lol I think I will do a double layer cosplay then... remember my friend who was wearin the Master Cheif cosplay? I will ask if I can borrow that for the outter layer and then shed it like she did in Haliods later ;D