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Messages - ComposerLOST

Hey everyone! The form to make the gathering official has to be turned in by the 14th, so please let me know if you are interested in attending!
Thanks for the reply, Maro!

The attendee list has been updated!
Hey everyone! There hasn't been an organized TWEWY gathering at Fanime in a number of years, and seeing that this year is the 10th anniversary of the game (time does fly, huh?), I thought it would be a shame if there wasn't one! I've seen TWEWY cosplayers around every year, and I myself still cosplay Neku, so hopefully there'll be some interest in this.

I'm aiming for a fairly low-key type of gathering, just hanging out and taking pictures and such, but I'm not opposed if people want to try for something fancier. It's all up for discussion at this point! (I'm waiting to submit an official gathering form until I can gauge attendance and stuff.)

Just a note: I'm a pretty organized person, but this is my first time attempting to host a gathering, so please bear with me while I figure it all out!

Please let me know if you're interested in attending, what dates/times are good for you, and if/who you will cosplaying!


Date: TBD

Time: TBD

Meeting Place: TBD

Location: TBD

ComposerLOST (Neku)
Marodynamic (Joshua)

Other Attendees:
LocalEsper [Tumblr]

Legal Statement:
There may be group photos taken during this event. If you do not wish to be photographed, please step aside while the photos are being taken. By remaining with the group while photos are being taken, you give your consent to be photographed.
Is there going to be a game this year? We didn't hear from the Conductor last year either so I'm assuming not...  :-\

I was thinking about planning a small TWEWY gathering (just a get together or lunch or something) if the game isn't happening this year, but I don't wanna butt in if it is. If anybody has any info, please reply!
Crossing my fingers again for this year! I'll be cosplaying Neku again.

You teased us with promises of a fancy game this year, so I'm looking forward to hearing what you have planned. Any news from our dearest Composer?
Damn it not again! I'm never going to get to play this game, am I? This was the biggest thing I was looking forward to; I was excited trying to get everything done for the con but now I'm just feeling depressed.  :'(

Couldn't we at least do an informal gathering?
Who is our Composer? I don't think they were ever properly introduced.

I'd be happy to drop pretty much any of my plans for this so just pick a time. :P I just can't do Friday, or Monday evening/night.

I'm thinking Sunday evening/night would be best? It's not normally a terribly busy time for most people. We could do our game, take some pics, and maybe go get a byte to eat together or something. Opinions/other suggestions?

@DaKree - Any chance you could spare some time on Sunday night?

Also, a friend of mine will be attending! Please add her to the tally! (she's not cosplaying)
I RSVP'd. Hopefully I'll be able to attend but I won't know for sure until they post the official events calendar.

Good idea to do this though!
So do we still need to get five more people to hit 15 or is our illustrious Composer satisfied yet? I've been trying to get more people to come but sadly I don't know many TWEWY cosplayers. I'll be really depressed as I'm sure we all will be if this doesn't happen.

Since I'm trying to be optimistic, do we have any ideas for a day/time? As I mentioned, I'd prefer any day but Friday since I'll be driving up that day and I don't know when I'll be arriving (it seems I'm not the only one in this boat).

Also, @ruby19_4 - I assume you've played TWEWY since you've wandered in here? They run a Reaper's Game every year for the TWEWY gathering. Basically, they issue missions through Twitter and you have to solve them and then the final mission is to find the location of the gathering.
We need to get more people then! D:

And as for days, can we do any day but Friday?
I swear by the Composer that even if I have to fly there on a giant Mr. Mew I will attend this time! I'll be cosplaying Neku once more.

Any ideas what day we'll be playing our game?
I was also wondering this. More specifically, will it be open to all on Friday as well? I'm getting there after registration closes on Friday, so I won't have my badge on time. >.<
Video Programming / Re:Play-Girls ID Check...
May 23, 2012, 03:15:56 PM
Hi there. I want to see Re:Play-Girls at Fanime, and I was wondering what type of ID is required to get in. I just turned 17, and the only ID I have that has my birth date on it is my driver's permit (which doesn't have a picture). Would that work in conjunction with my con badge as ID?
You know, if they don't release a pdf or some similar digital schedule, we could always make our own, using guidebook or something else. It wouldn't be too hard. (I still do like having a physical schedule though.) That's actually what I do for all the cons I attend.
I live in Sonoma... I'm sure there are more people from around here attending than you think. (It's a lot easier for people around here to get to Fanime than people that are far away, so I'd think that there must be quite a few people from the local counties.)
I remember 2010 was about two hours plus gathering time.

I think Friday could work; I had a slight change of plans, so I think my latest arrival time is around 9PM... Could we do the gathering at 9:30 or 10, or is that too late for everyone? I don't want to screw everyone else up.

Also; I'm cosplaying Neku, not Joshua. :P
I won't be arriving on Friday until around 10 PM... :/
Quote from: TheUnforgiven on March 10, 2012, 01:40:33 PM
I plan to cosplay as Neku for the Game. I'm excited! :D (Hopefully I'll get to participate in the whole thing, because last time I arrived late >.<)

I would vote for Saturday still or maybe Sunday, since I and most people will be getting ready to leave Monday, and people will still be arriving on Friday. I think around 3 PM would be a good time.
I plan to cosplay as Neku for the Game. I'm excited! :D (Hopefully I'll get to participate in the whole thing, because last time I arrived late >.<)

I would vote for Saturday still or maybe Sunday, since I and most people will be getting ready to leave Monday. I think around 3 PM would be a good time.