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Messages - Gaurrer

I am the Disco nin BEWARE *spirit fingers* woowooowoo
  Dance the night away
 ones soul is consumed by the power of the music
 Disco lights
 blinding lights that stun the oppenent and their will to move
 Disco inferno
 The stunning moves of my dance serves as a distraction as I sneak an explosive under them, adding another pretty light to the decorations
I remember you, my friends and I thought that was an awsome cosplay.
same my head like re-set after fanime and I'm all excited for the next one ^_^
wooo!!!!! I'm going to be a moogle every year I go *thumbs up*
(didn't want to re make a similar topic if there was one already made about fanimes bad arsenalness. so I spammed this one ^.^)

OMFG it was the most awsome thing I have ever done.. EVER. I'd give up my birthday and christmas to go there every year. I cosplayed as a moogle with its mouth way open. a happy moogle I was ^_^ Its been like a day since i got back and I'm already excited/planning for next years. oh and if anyone has pics of me can you send it to my e-mail or pm me and i'll give you an alternate if the first one didn't work. i didn't bring a camera T.T.
ooh ooh I was a moogle. there was noone there when I checked it out after cooling off from the heat of my costume. I didn't think that any would show because I saw maybe four other people throughout the whole con that were dressed as moogles. it was saddening but oh well there is always next year. oh and I was told people thought I was a chick in the moogle outfit.... i dont have a girlish I?
Quote from: "sharsachan"
Quote from: "AnimeEmperor"I thought every person who just walked around to music was waisting our time for their own ego's (unless their costume really required attention, such as Nightmare). I just think masquerade should be more of a performance only.

you realize that the masquerade is seperated into two categorys, right? performance and craftsmanship. many of the craftmanship contestants do a simple walk on to show off their costumes because its a requirement of the competition rules. they are all pre-judged during the days before the masquerade and the stage is simply to present it to the audience for most of them. they are not wasting anyone's time, simply following the rules of the contest they entered.

every con i've ever been to has people who do skits for performance awards and people who do walk ons for craftmanship awards.  

if you find that a waste of your time, perhaps you shouldn't go to the competition anymore.

I do agree with that person though, i think they should like have the first half the walk ons and the second the performance or the other way around. that way if people wanted to come see performances, no walk on to bug them. they come to see craftmanship, they see the beuty in it. then again it could get boring watching walk ons and good to throw them here and there. I donno I'm still n00bish to fanime 0.-
the masquerade was fun, it was my first year of fanime and it was loads of fun  ^_^. I was in the moogle costume that did the "wii are ninjas" skit, pretty fun stuff. everyone else did awsome jobs on the skits and costumes. I mean seriously those were the best i've ever seen!!!
General Convention Discussion / raves at fanime?
April 24, 2006, 09:09:43 PM
^_^ sounds real fun. This is my first year and all so I am excited to the extream XD I think I'm going to go every year hearing all about its greatness from my pal sera. You might see me in my giant moogle outfit with a little label thing that says gaurrer.
General Convention Discussion / Fanime '07 Promises
April 23, 2006, 01:06:09 AM
I promise I wont be a total newb  :D
General Convention Discussion / raves at fanime?
April 23, 2006, 12:52:26 AM
when are the dances? everyday?