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Messages - yggdrasilsys

Come on, let's hear em.

Shout out to all those Princess Mononokes. Maybe I was too into my cosplay but I had like a small crush on you all  ;)
Fanime is over and reality sucks, I miss hanging around cosplaying as my favorite anime/game character in a crowded convention where everyone is doing the same and all is friendly. What is there to do that can satisfy in the same way
shout out to the ezreal awesome dude!!
is it as crowded and lively as the other days? it's hard to imagine it is since well.. it's monday. I've been deciding whether to go or not tomorrow
I was so lost and did not know what was going on and left :( is there another one coming up?
I will be going as Mafia Graves, see you guys there!!
I live around San Jose and I pass by downtown often. Yesterday I drove by the convention center, saw the fanime banners still on the street lights, and shed a tear.
how do you guys generally define "creeper"? I was balling up my courage to take a photo of various cosplayers and I may have think I have weirded them out in some way.
I've been to fanime for 3 years now and at all times I always see people without any badges or membership inside the dealers hall/theater/art panel/game room. I also heard my friend say that membership isn't even required at all unless I'm attending the ball/masquerade and stuff like that. Is this true? I'm not sure because i never really attended the ball and stuff.
When I enter the rooms, there's not even anyone to check if you have membership.