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Messages - TheMBear

Cosplay question: the policy specifically mentions that all attendees must where shoes at all times, but what about sandals, more specifically waraji, the traditional Japanese woven sandals, for a Sanjuro cosplay?
Quote from: Aelia on May 16, 2013, 06:56:15 PMIf you are willing to change into the costume Thursday night, you can come down, get the prop tagged, and then go change. The tag remains valid throughout the weekend so long as you only carry the prop with an appropriate costume.

Thank you, that is much more helpful.
Quote from: AbsolutelyCursed on May 14, 2013, 02:43:18 PM
Quote from: TheMBear on May 14, 2013, 01:03:22 PM
Quick question on peace-bonding: if I am coming Thursday night to pick up badges for my party, but will not be appearing in full costume until Friday, is it still possible to get props peace-bonded while I'm there?

I have read the policy many times over, since this is my first time cosplaying and I don't want to screw things up for myself or be surprised. I am trying to follow the rules to the letter, but through a combination of inexperience on my part and an interpretable choice of words, some of the policies leave room for clarification. I assume that the line, "Props must remain with the costume which they were peace-bonded for," means that the relevant costume must be present to judge the context of the props at the time of peace-bonding, but that is not explicitly said, hence my prior question.

So, a simple "no" would have sufficed.
Quick question on peace-bonding: if I am coming Thursday night to pick up badges for my party, but will not be appearing in full costume until Friday, is it still possible to get props peace-bonded while I'm there?
Quote from: Aelia on March 31, 2013, 07:49:38 AM
By frowned upon I mean we've asked people with bandoleers to take them off in the past, due to them being too realistic and making the convention center staff uncomfortable.
Ok, I will keep that in mind when building them.

Thank you very much for the clarification and help.
Quote from: michibeloved on February 25, 2013, 01:03:57 PM
Anyone cosplaying from Borderlands?
I'll be going as Mad Moxxi.
Hopefully going as Salvador the Gunzerker...just trying to make sure that all the pieces in my costume are acceptable by Fanime's Prop and Costume Policy, etc.
Quote from: Aelia on March 28, 2013, 08:35:53 PM
While it doesn't mention ammo-belts and bandoleers, they are generally frowned upon due to some issues we've had in the past.

Honestly, if it takes a battery to fire, just demonstrably disable that and you should be fine.

Could you please define "frowned upon"? Frowned upon like "watch my step, don't do anything stupid, and I'll be fine" or frowned upon like I may be asked to take them off or leave? They'll be strapped to my torso in a harness fashion the whole time (not free floating in any way, shape, or form), so I'm not sure what damage I could even do. I just want to know what to expect since it's not expressly put forth in the policy.

Thank you for the help thus far; this is my first time putting together a costume so I'm trying to be as careful and specific as possible so I know that I will not be turned away, especially since it does involve prop weapons and such.
Quote from: Aelia on March 27, 2013, 09:18:23 PM
Quote from: TheMBear on March 23, 2013, 11:19:56 PM

Regarding the policy on Nerf guns and their inoperable nature, there are several models of blasters that require batteries to operate a motor that fires the darts. No batteries, no motor, no firing. Is this sufficient to fulfill the requirement that they be incapable of firing, or is further surgery required?

I'm planning on cosplaying as the Gunserker from Borderlands 2, and I know about the requirements on not looking like a realistic firearm and at the very least having the florescent orange tip unpainted (pics to follow to make sure they will be ok), I mainly want to know if merely leaving the batteries out of the models I'm carrying that require them to fire darts is sufficient, or if I will have to further disable it.

Because it is so simple to just put batteries in, our policy that they must be further disabled.

If I take out internal parts in order to preserve the outer appearance, still disabling it from ever firing, how do I demonstrate this to get peace-bonded? Do I have to test it in front of them, or do I have to remove triggers and cocking mechanisms to make it more outwardly apparent?

On a related note, your policy does not mention bandoleers, bullet belts, or other forms of prop munitions.

Here is a picture showing off the Gunzerker's ammo harnesses, and my prop versions will be made of PVC and wood with paint and colored electrical tape covering. Is this allowed?

Regarding the policy on Nerf guns and their inoperable nature, there are several models of blasters that require batteries to operate a motor that fires the darts. No batteries, no motor, no firing. Is this sufficient to fulfill the requirement that they be incapable of firing, or is further surgery required?

I'm planning on cosplaying as the Gunserker from Borderlands 2, and I know about the requirements on not looking like a realistic firearm and at the very least having the florescent orange tip unpainted (pics to follow to make sure they will be ok), I mainly want to know if merely leaving the batteries out of the models I'm carrying that require them to fire darts is sufficient, or if I will have to further disable it.