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Messages - Kris10chan

I may or may not make it on Friday now :/ I have school for some reason, but most likely my sister and I will make it. If not there will be a Fifth running around the con for the weekend.
I'll be cosplaying as Shuuya Kano!
My sister is going as Celes! I haven't decided who I'll go as yet
Oh, I can't remember if I told you, but my little sister is going as Fifth
I know I'm early... buuuuuuuuuuutttttt I'll be going as Shinku!
My sister may go as Gaara partially transformed into Shukaku (or she'll just be Gaara) and I hopefully will be Naruto with his demon fox cloak. Tis my goal to somehow make the demon fox cloak
I'm going as Eren! Hopefully, if I finish in time. I'm working on his outfit now!
Okay! Put me down as Akise! I shall actually make his jacket this time! It was super fun, getting those strange looks from people and all!
Now, I kinda want to remake Akise's costume! I got my sewing machine back so yay! I'll possibly go as him again! I wonder who those awesome people were? ;)
Yeah, I'm going!
dannnggg I'm still in school on Thursday! I highly doubt that my parents would let me get out of school early too  :(
I am pretty much free that whole weekend, except I have one gathering, and they are still pending on the date and time. Really any time works for me
I shall be there! I think... Probably... Yay!
Hey, I plan on going as Oz this year!