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Messages - Rufus Shinra

I cosplayed as Rufus in Advent Children, so I guess I'll do that again. But I also made a costume of Vincent and I thought I'd add a Lucrecia to my group from DoC too, so there's another FF7. We also had Seph and a couple of Turks but I don't know if the people are coming this year, so... yeah. Is there going to be a Gathering this next Fanime for FF7??? Any one know? It was totally awesome! To those who knew about it and showed up on time anyways. I totally wowed when the REAL Cloud Strife showed up (ok, he wasn't real but he could've been, he looked so cool and had the sword down perfect!) I just about fell over trying to get my camera out. Anyone else see him? He was going around with a Kadaj who had Mother in the box and a Sephiroth who looked real good too.
Dealers Room / re: swap meet
December 24, 2006, 11:19:35 AM
Quote from: "RyuHayabusa"
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"
Quote from: "Edward Elric"When will the Swap Meet be this year?
I heard that it'll be Friday and Saturday....but last year it was only on Saturday so.....^^;;

to both of you guys, the answer is here:

This site wasn't working when I checked. ~`~  Well, anyway, do you have to have a booth, table, or whatever, or can you just bring a couple items you want to trade? I have Sephy with a broken sword (10in resin statue) and an unopened Vincent, same size. They're too cool to just off load to anyone.
Ideas and Suggestions / 2007 idea
October 22, 2006, 09:22:42 AM
Quote from: "damatte"You mean there's been others? 0_o I thought forums automatically restrict those kind of things

Yeah, well, when I asked the a staff member about it I was informed that they're doing their best to keep them out but that when we see one, we should just ignore it. They do disappear pretty fast most of the time but if you're concerned, you could always notify the staff.
Ideas and Suggestions / 2007 idea
October 20, 2006, 08:05:16 AM
Quote from: "damatte"How rude! What the heck is up with that?!  :evil:

I agree! Looks like one of those porno things I've seen on other threads. Just ignore it.  ~`~
Quote from: "koella"I have to agree.  I remember past Fanime Con conventions where there were (if I reall correctly, which I might not) 2 dealership rooms that were nearly all full.  2006's con I think turned one of those rooms into the game room, and the one dealership room was half empty.  I'm not asking for the staff to go ballistic trying to find dealers,  but if that's not possible at least there should be decorations around.  As stated above, a lot of fan involvement such as fanart and things around the walls would make it a lot better.
Also the artist's room seemed also very empty.  I prefered it outside in the main area which was left empty except for a stage.  For me it was more enjoyable to glance at artists' tables as I walked from one room to another.
Overall I had to say I didn't enjoy 2006's con as well as the previous years.  I didn't get that feeling of activeness and enthusiasm as I usually did.

Oh, and I also wonder wanted to know why the convention was moved to the San Jose convention center from the Santa Clara one.

I agree the 2006 Fanime Con was a bit more empty than last year's, but the space will surely fill up in the next years. And I really enjoyed the location of the hotels attached to the Fanime Con. I used a wheelchair and it was way easier to go directly from the hotel floor to the convention so I've got no problems there! ^-^  I am hoping that more artists will be able to fill the Artist's Alley though. It seemed rather sadly empty.
Quote from: "MainStageTech"Just chiming in, hugs are great. ^^ I come to staff Fanime to help put on a good show, and it's really nice to feel appreciated. ^^

I live out-of-state in the middle of nowhere in a hyperreligious community where are hugs are hard to come by. >.<; Basically my time in the bay area is my chance to be with people who are a bit more like me -- especially at Fanime.

So if you come to the main theater to watch masq or something and see the guy with the long hair slaving away, feel free to come up and hug me. ^^  It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, the human contact and affection is appreciated.


1. If it's 5 minutes before (or god forbid 5 minute after) the time a show is supposed to start and I look like I'm about to scream, it's probably because I'm fixing a last minute problem and need to concentrate. ^^;

2. As others said, please don't glomp if you are smelly.  ^^; )

To be honest I think society has gotten so paranoid and scared recently that the lack of hugs is a serious problem. We live in a culture of fear now that the media spreads with hysteria for its own advertising dollar benefit.

People are so scared of eachother, but in truth crime has gone way down since the 70's. If people were more open back then, we can at least be that open now. =)

(My sis just started college and I'm amazed -- they lock the doors to her dorm 24/7, and the BATHROOMS INSIDE THE DORM are locked 24/7 too... All in the name of "security". It's stupid and really hurts the sociability of the dorm -- people hide in their rooms, rather than leaving their doors open to talk to people.)

Anyway! Hugs == win. ^^

I agree. I love hugs and picture taking and sharing ideas, dreams and stuff. It's really great that we can go to places like Fanime to let loose and enjoy the company of other like-minded people. And I'm surprised at all the kids around here who don't seem to get any of that, even in their own homes! Yeah, I'm a parent, but I'm a kid too and we all like attention. So hugs from me to every one of you and I'll see you at the next Fanime!
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"Yeah explaining why is important. Like on Saturday me and friends were standing on chairs to get people's attention for us getting them free hugs. On Sunday however....staff people were like "Dude you totally can't be doing that!" No one explained to us that those chairs have been known to collapse suddenly >.< They were just like "Follow what we say because we are staff!"

Or an even better idea....throw parties for returning staff people who have like 0-1 complaints or something. I dunno. I mean I don't think it's fair that someone who gets high complaints gets the same privledges as someone with a spotless record...

Good point!
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"I've thought about becoming a staff type member, but I dunno if I'd enjoy it. I THOUGHT I'd enjoy working there, but that bombed out. I missed the freedom I had at the first con.

Well there weren't too many bad ones, and some were a lot nicer then others. Seriously thing you guys should remind staff is to tell people WHY they're doing things. That simple thing can help out a lot, and make them look less like an athoritarian, and more like someone who's just doing their job.

I didn't know that all of your staff is volunteer, that's interesting. Although I can see how it'd be a lot harder to make the perfect staff team ^^;

Here! here!! I absolutely agree about staff explaining why they're doing things. I have to admit as a con-goer I get so caught up in the moment that I forget the rules and need to be reminded. If done courteously, it's not a problem. If done with an authoritarian attitude, it can make things very unpleasant.

Also, since I haven't said it before, three cheers for the hard working volunteer staff! I can't thank you guys enough for taking on a job even I would think twice about. I hope there are some perks for doing it. Maybe we con-goers could put on a party for the staffers? Probably a silly idea but I'd kinda like to see something like that happen, you know?
Quote from: "astroboy"
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"....
I think the problem with staff is they forget...anime cons are NOT like sci-fi cons and other stuff. We're a crazier and stranger bunch.
hmm some people may disagree. I heard that the SWAT team was called into BayCon once. I'm not sure if that was true but it sure makes for good story telling.  :D

Besides sci fi cons have Klingons! How can anything be more rowdy then a bunch of Klingons.  :wink:

Yow! Did the Klingons start a fight? You know how they are, all fight and no fun.  :)  But I do believe the anime fans are more varied and therefore WAY stranger! That's why I love anime. There's so many different characters to dress up as while the Trekkies only have a few. But I digress. I think we need to treat the staff with courtesy and I think they need to do the same for us.
Quote from: "Sucrose"Er, I think it's been posted in a thread or two already, but his AIM username is Jordangaz, if you want to talk to him. (Far as I know, he's cool with it being circulated.)

Double thanks!
Quote from: "Barnes"Spambots. Just ignore them. Don't post in their topics.

No problem there! Thanks.
General Convention Discussion / RE: Porn on Fanime???
August 14, 2006, 09:49:14 AM
Why do I keep seeing porn listed on this website? That's not what it's about! Can you guys please cut these diseased people off???
Quote from: "swordman85"Sadly no, I don't have any info or pics of him.  I would actually like to drop him a line too but sorry I can't help you.

Oh well, maybe next Fanime Con, right? I'm sure he'll show up again.
^-^ And maybe in some new costumes! I just have to remember to get his contact info. Maybe I should just put a post-it note on my forehead??? I keep forgetting otherwise. lol
I thought I was a pretty dedicated otaku, but I was embarrassed to learn that I didn't know most of the guests who came this year! I would love to meet the guests and get their autographs, but only after I learn a little more about them so I don't look too stupid. lol
Quote from: "MPLe"Thanks for the feedback everyone. I would say that the staff has been busy reading the posts but I'm sure that you've seen them post (even if you only read one page!).

Next year, the FanimeCon staff promise bigger and better things. All excuses aside, keep all of the positive comments coming. Just please don't assume that:

A) Fanime has a million extra dollars lying around.
B) Your opinions and such are fact. It's ok to give us your opinions, but please keep it PG.

Notes for current and future attendees:

1) Fanime management always pays attention to what happens before, during, and after the convention. There are staffers (like myself :P) that work year-round. Ask anyone that has emailed registration@fanime (there's a 1/5 chance that I answered your email personally) or my email (milton@fanime). If you have a suggestion, post it in the suggestions forum or in threads like these. This is how we get events and ideas like Stage Zero, a bigger e-gaming and arcade room, more dealers, etc.

2) If you have a problem, ask a staff member for help. If that staff member is being rude to you, get his badge number. For all staff and attendees, the badge number is a four digit alphanumeric digit on the left side of the badge (if it's laminated) or on the bottom left (if it's not laminated). The number was put there so reports of harassment (and etc.) could be reported without having to remember a person's full name.


Ok, now to answer concerns that relate to any department that I handle (as I don't want to step on the other two division head's toes and answer their questions):

- Schedules: As PimpstressRei (Department Head - Publications) said, schedules will be in a bigger font next year (huge compared to this year ;)). Fluffy died and we had no back-up plan. DOH! Bad planning on my behalf. Jason (Division Head - Programming) already promised that we would have schedules two weeks before Fanime '07. If he doesn't stick to his words, I will have a public grilling on Stage Zero. Oh wait, he has ultimate say on what happens at Stage Zero... so uhh... I'll "try" to have one. Hopefully, we won't have to think about that at all.

- Registration: We are adding on two booths next year. I believe that we will be at our limit of booths in the registration area. Two booths equals four more staffers able to take registration. Hopefully, this will short the lines down to an even more respectable level. This year, we shortened the lines down by at least two hours from Fanime '05. No excuses, just facts. If you have any suggestions on how to get the lines down even further, please post here or email registration@fanime

Just so you guys know, if you ever have a suggestion for staff, you could always reply to this thread, make a thread on the "suggestions" board, or email them (their email address is always

Enjoy! =)

I know this is probably a dumb question, but I'll ask anyway. Have you thought of making a factory type line like at the AX? You know, the first booth takes the con-goer's money, next prints out the badges, next hands out the goody bags with stuff in them, etc.???
Quote from: "astroboy"
Quote from: "Rufus Shinra"...
Anyway, how does staff decide whether to keep gun type weapons in the holster or allow them outside?
*disclaimer - I am NOT qualified to give official announcements*

QuoteCarrying a weapon
All weapon pieces that are carried, either in hand or on/in a costume must be approved by appropriate convention personnel. Anything that looks like a real firearm or could hurt someone by accident (dulled metal swords, etc) can not be hand carried or slung over the shoulder. It must be able to be put into a holster or scabbard and peace bonded there.

Yeah. Read that. Thanks for the reminder though. Guess the best way to find out is take my weapon next year and ask, huh? But it really is hard to go through all the trouble to make it look as authentic as possible only to find out you can't even take it out of the holster.TT_TT
Quote from: "astroboy"
Quote from: "Shinsengumi"...
I think it is him, cause yeah I had my two bokkens approved by con ops and this guy just been rude to me even if I told him that I use them for posing but still he strapped them to my belt.

Since when is strapping a prop to a person's belt considered standard practice? There's an obvious inconsistency here. This can only be done to a person wearing a belt and also only with certain props.

There are few things that damages the credibility of a rule more then a lack of consistency. Personally I doubt such a rule existed. :wink:

If it is was me I'd firmly but politely say:
"I disagree with you. Lets both go to con ops NOW and get this situation resolved. I'll accept whatever decision management makes."
yeah the classic - I want to talk to your manager routine

BTW if the people at the top of the food chain...(errr chain of command) rules against're out of luck. If the security staff rejects your request to talk to management then just be a good sport and yield.

I heard a similar strap to the belt story: (you'll love this)

The cosplayer in question was a staffer
Want to guess what dept. this staffer worked for?
---- The cosplay/masquerade department!
Want to guess what position this staffer was?
---- One of the masquerade judges!

Anyways the masquerade judge didn't want to make a big deal so he decided to return his prop to his room.

Contrary to popular belief, staffers actually rarely go on "power trips". A lapse in judgement is much more common.  I should know. :wink:

I have a question about props, if it's not too much trouble? As Rufus, I have a pistol that doesn't really look like one (I've tried to make it look as much like the one on Advent Children as I could) but maybe from a distance it might? I don't know. Anyway, how does staff decide whether to keep gun type weapons in the holster or allow them outside? Does ANY handheld weapon get the same treatment? I wasn't sure when I read the description for Fanime 2006???
Quote from: "Tony"I dunno about starbucks, exactly. As a business owner, I would milk the opportunity--why not?--and stay open 24 hours for major events, fanime included.

But speaking as a waiter, hell if I'm going to serve coffee all day. No extra hours coming from me!

Whatever the case, they have a reason, and I'm sure it's a good one. Let's just keep reminding them, and perhaps they will extend their hours.

True about being a business owner and I understand a waiter not waiting any longer than necessary, but what I don't understand is why Starbucks would post times to be open and as a business not be able to keep those hours as any true business should? Maybe employees were sick??? Don't know, just know that it was irksome.

If their hours were changed for the Fanime, I would hope, as professionals, that they would post the new hours so there wouldn't be lines of impatient customers waiting outside. Sorry about griping. I'm actually not even a coffee drinker. I just got tired of burgers and wanted muffins or breakfast scones for a change. ^-^
Quote from: "Tony"I'm of two minds. They definitely should not have been doing that, and they definitely needed to be stopped. But they shouldn't have been made to cry, either.

It's not just the money; there's real liability issues. We can ease up (and I think we should), but turning a blind eye is a huge no-no, and offering them a booth is a near impossibility. When we can't get starbucks to stay open a little longer so that they can get stinking rich off of our members, there's little hope for reason...

I know this is a bit of a change of subject, but what's with Starbucks anyway? They weren't open at the times they posted the entire time I stayed there! I did walk to McDonalds but it wasn't very good fare either and I couldn't find anything else affordable within a reasonable walking distance. ~`~
Quote from: "Shinsengumi"
Quote from: "Glitch"I think I recognize him.He might be the same guy who my friend has had problems with.He had his weapon approved by con ops,then this guy nags at him that the sword should be fastened to his belt.Instead of explaining to my friend why this confusion happened,this staff member just goes on a speech about how he wrote the rules and how he enforces them.Ego trip indeed.

I think it is him, cause yeah I had my two bokkens approved by con ops and this guy just been rude to me even if I told him that I use them for posing but still he strapped them to my belt. I was pissed that day. Who is this guy? hopefully he doesn't show up again next year.

I hear you! I just wish that there was a place we could pull out our weapons (which we worked SOOO hard on!) and pose for pictures without getting in trouble by staff!! Waaah! Where's the fun in wearing our cool weapons strapped down where no one can see them? We might as well stop cosplaying! Isn't there something we can do about that? Anybody got any ideas???