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Messages - Heichou-Mcnugget

Hello! If anyone is interested in auditioning and joining an Osomatsu-san Q&A panel, you're in luck! The panel request has already been accepted.

Day: Friday
Time: 6 PM - 7 PM
Panel Length: 1 Hour
Panel Room 4
Age Restriction: 16+ Panel


NOTE: If we are really unable to find an Osomatsu, I will be willing to trade my spot as Jyushi to take Osomatsu's spot. This is only being offered because Osomatsu is crucial to the panel and Jyushimatsu cosplayers are much easier to find.

Osomatsu: -OPEN-
Karamatsu: Michaela
Choromatsu: JJ
Ichimatsu: Kal (co-host)
Jyushimatsu: Kai (me, the host!)
Todomatsu: Co
Totoko: -OPEN-

Optional (not needed, but would be nice to have) Characters:

Iyami: -OPEN-
Dayon: -OPEN-
Nya-chan: -OPEN-
Hatabou: -OPEN-
Dekapan: -OPEN-
Homura/Home-run Girl: -OPEN-
Chibita: -OPEN-
If you would like to audition, please fill out this form (you can still audition as backups for characters we have already accepted!:

Out of respect for all of the fans, please stray away from BLmatsu while acting in our panel. We also ask that the audience does not ask any BLmatsu related questions. Brotherly love is alright, but we do not want to advocate shipping incest, as many people find it offensive.


1. Common sense, but please respect each other as both panelists and people.
2. Cursing is allowed, but please do not curse excessively. (too much can get annoying sometimes!)
3. Try to stay away from shipping, especially BLmatsu. Canon shipping is fine! (ex. Jyushimatsu and Homura)
4. Have fun!
Feel free to email me with any concerns: [email protected]
aaa I cosplay Nishinoya but me joining really depends on when this panel would be, as I am already in two others. I also have a friend who cosplays Hinata that might me interested (but they are also in the two other panels).
Our Papyrus has already been accepted but you can still audition as an understudy for Papyrus! We've already had some people that had to drop out of the panel so auditions for all characters (except Mettaton) are open still!
Most people I have casted have been contacted, but I haven't sent out any emails to people who haven't been accepted yet. (I've already had some people drop out for other panels that had intersecting times with this one, so there is still a chance that other people who haven't been contacted will have the chance to participate). I'll email all of those who auditioned when it gets a bit closer to Fanime.
Auditions are still open! Anyone can audition as long as you fit the qualifications mentioned above.
Hi, this is an update! This panel has been accepted for Saturday, from 11 AM to 1 PM in panel room 3.

Character spots still available:
-Temmie (not extremely necessary but we wouldn't mind having a Temmie)   

Feel free to audition as characters already taken as well for back up people/understudies if you want to!

To audition:
-Please be at least 14 years of age
-Have some experience in a panel (this is preferred, but not mandatory)
-Have a fairly large amount of knowledge on the neutral, pacifist, and genocide routes of the game

You can find an audition form here:

I'll eventually request a photo of your completed cosplay, but that won't be anytime soon. If you have any questions or concerns, you can write them into the audition form as well!

To all of those who have already auditioned, thank you very much!